(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* "()" | SsSingl (_,id) -> "("^Id.to_string id^")" | SsCompl e -> "-" ^ aux e^"" | SsUnion(e1,e2) -> "("^aux e1 ^" + "^ aux e2^")" | SsSubstr(e1,e2) -> "("^aux e1 ^" - "^ aux e2^")" | SsFwdClose e -> "("^aux e^")*" in aux e let known_names = Summary.ref [] ~name:"proofusing-nameset" let in_nameset = let open Libobject in declare_object { (default_object "proofusing-nameset") with cache_function = (fun (_,x) -> known_names := x :: !known_names); classify_function = (fun _ -> Dispose); discharge_function = (fun _ -> None) } let rec close_fwd e s = let s' = List.fold_left (fun s decl -> let vb = match decl with | LocalAssum _ -> Id.Set.empty | LocalDef (_,b,_) -> global_vars_set e b in let vty = global_vars_set e (NamedDecl.get_type decl) in let vbty = Id.Set.union vb vty in if Id.Set.exists (fun v -> Id.Set.mem v s) vbty then Id.Set.add (NamedDecl.get_id decl) (Id.Set.union s vbty) else s) s (named_context e) in if Id.Set.equal s s' then s else close_fwd e s' ;; let rec process_expr env e ty = let rec aux = function | SsEmpty -> Id.Set.empty | SsSingl (_,id) -> set_of_id env ty id | SsUnion(e1,e2) -> Id.Set.union (aux e1) (aux e2) | SsSubstr(e1,e2) -> Id.Set.diff (aux e1) (aux e2) | SsCompl e -> Id.Set.diff (full_set env) (aux e) | SsFwdClose e -> close_fwd env (aux e) in aux e and set_of_id env ty id = if Id.to_string id = "Type" then List.fold_left (fun acc ty -> Id.Set.union (global_vars_set env ty) acc) Id.Set.empty ty else if Id.to_string id = "All" then List.fold_right Id.Set.add (List.map NamedDecl.get_id (named_context env)) Id.Set.empty else if CList.mem_assoc_f Id.equal id !known_names then process_expr env (CList.assoc_f Id.equal id !known_names) [] else Id.Set.singleton id and full_set env = List.fold_right Id.Set.add (List.map NamedDecl.get_id (named_context env)) Id.Set.empty let process_expr env e ty = let ty_expr = SsSingl(Loc.ghost, Id.of_string "Type") in let v_ty = process_expr env ty_expr ty in let s = Id.Set.union v_ty (process_expr env e ty) in Id.Set.elements s let name_set id expr = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_nameset (id,expr)) let minimize_hyps env ids = let rec aux ids = let ids' = Id.Set.fold (fun id alive -> let impl_by_id = Id.Set.remove id (really_needed env (Id.Set.singleton id)) in if Id.Set.is_empty impl_by_id then alive else Id.Set.diff alive impl_by_id) ids ids in if Id.Set.equal ids ids' then ids else aux ids' in aux ids let remove_ids_and_lets env s ids = let not_ids id = not (Id.Set.mem id ids) in let no_body id = named_body id env = None in let deps id = really_needed env (Id.Set.singleton id) in (Id.Set.filter (fun id -> not_ids id && (no_body id || Id.Set.exists not_ids (Id.Set.filter no_body (deps id)))) s) let suggest_Proof_using name env vars ids_typ context_ids = let module S = Id.Set in let open Pp in let print x = prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds x) in let pr_set parens s = let wrap ppcmds = if parens && S.cardinal s > 1 then str "(" ++ ppcmds ++ str ")" else ppcmds in wrap (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str" ") Id.print (S.elements s)) in let used = S.union vars ids_typ in let needed = minimize_hyps env (remove_ids_and_lets env used ids_typ) in let all_needed = really_needed env needed in let all = List.fold_right S.add context_ids S.empty in let fwd_typ = close_fwd env ids_typ in if !Flags.debug then begin print (str "All " ++ pr_set false all); print (str "Type " ++ pr_set false ids_typ); print (str "needed " ++ pr_set false needed); print (str "all_needed " ++ pr_set false all_needed); print (str "Type* " ++ pr_set false fwd_typ); end; let valid_exprs = ref [] in let valid e = valid_exprs := e :: !valid_exprs in if S.is_empty needed then valid (str "Type"); if S.equal all_needed fwd_typ then valid (str "Type*"); if S.equal all all_needed then valid(str "All"); valid (pr_set false needed); Feedback.msg_info ( str"The proof of "++ str name ++ spc() ++ str "should start with one of the following commands:"++spc()++ v 0 ( prlist_with_sep cut (fun x->str"Proof using " ++x++ str". ") !valid_exprs)); string_of_ppcmds (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str";") (fun x->x) !valid_exprs) ;; let value = ref false let _ = Goptions.declare_bool_option { Goptions.optsync = true; Goptions.optdepr = false; Goptions.optname = "suggest Proof using"; Goptions.optkey = ["Suggest";"Proof";"Using"]; Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !value); Goptions.optwrite = (fun b -> value := b; if b then Term_typing.set_suggest_proof_using suggest_Proof_using else Term_typing.set_suggest_proof_using (fun _ _ _ _ _ -> "") ) } let value = ref None let _ = Goptions.declare_stringopt_option { Goptions.optsync = true; Goptions.optdepr = false; Goptions.optname = "default value for Proof using"; Goptions.optkey = ["Default";"Proof";"Using"]; Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !value); Goptions.optwrite = (fun b -> value := b;) } let get_default_proof_using () = !value