(*********************************************************************** v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team goal list sigma type prim_rule = | Intro of identifier | Cut of bool * bool * identifier * types | FixRule of identifier * int * (identifier * int * constr) list * int | Cofix of identifier * (identifier * constr) list * int | Refine of constr | Convert_concl of types * cast_kind | Convert_hyp of named_declaration | Thin of identifier list | ThinBody of identifier list | Move of bool * identifier * identifier move_location | Order of identifier list | Rename of identifier * identifier | Change_evars (** The type [goal sigma] is the type of subgoal. It has the following form {v it = \{ evar_concl = [the conclusion of the subgoal] evar_hyps = [the hypotheses of the subgoal] evar_body = Evar_Empty; evar_info = \{ pgm : [The Realizer pgm if any] lc : [Set of evar num occurring in subgoal] \}\} sigma = \{ stamp = [an int chardacterizing the ed field, for quick compare] ed : [A set of existential variables depending in the subgoal] number of first evar, it = \{ evar_concl = [the type of first evar] evar_hyps = [the context of the evar] evar_body = [the body of the Evar if any] evar_info = \{ pgm : [Useless ??] lc : [Set of evars occurring in the type of evar] \} \}; ... number of last evar, it = \{ evar_concl = [the type of evar] evar_hyps = [the context of the evar] evar_body = [the body of the Evar if any] evar_info = \{ pgm : [Useless ??] lc : [Set of evars occurring in the type of evar] \} \} \} v} *) (** {6 ... } *) (** Proof trees. [ref] = [None] if the goal has still to be proved, and [Some (r,l)] if the rule [r] was applied to the goal and gave [l] as subproofs to be completed. if [ref = (Some(Nested(Tactic t,p),l))] then [p] is the proof that the goal can be proven if the goals in [l] are solved. *) type proof_tree = { open_subgoals : int; goal : goal; ref : (rule * proof_tree list) option } and rule = | Prim of prim_rule | Nested of compound_rule * proof_tree | Decl_proof of bool | Daimon and compound_rule= (** the boolean of Tactic tells if the default tactic is used *) | Tactic of tactic_expr * bool and tactic_expr = (constr, constr_pattern, evaluable_global_reference, inductive, ltac_constant, identifier, glob_tactic_expr, tlevel) Tacexpr.gen_tactic_expr and atomic_tactic_expr = (constr, constr_pattern, evaluable_global_reference, inductive, ltac_constant, identifier, glob_tactic_expr, tlevel) Tacexpr.gen_atomic_tactic_expr and tactic_arg = (constr, constr_pattern, evaluable_global_reference, inductive, ltac_constant, identifier, glob_tactic_expr, tlevel) Tacexpr.gen_tactic_arg type ltac_call_kind = | LtacNotationCall of string | LtacNameCall of ltac_constant | LtacAtomCall of glob_atomic_tactic_expr * atomic_tactic_expr option ref | LtacVarCall of identifier * glob_tactic_expr | LtacConstrInterp of rawconstr * ((identifier * constr) list * (identifier * identifier option) list) type ltac_trace = (int * loc * ltac_call_kind) list exception LtacLocated of (int * ltac_call_kind * ltac_trace * loc) * exn val abstract_tactic_box : atomic_tactic_expr option ref ref