(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Environ open Evd open Names open Stamps open Term open Util (*i*) (* This module defines the structure of proof tree and the tactic type. So, it is used by [Proof_tree] and [Refiner] *) type bindOcc = | Dep of identifier | NoDep of int | Com type 'a substitution = (bindOcc * 'a) list type pf_status = | Complete_proof | Incomplete_proof type prim_rule_name = | Intro | Intro_after | Intro_replacing | Fix | Cofix | Refine | Convert_concl | Convert_hyp | Thin | Move of bool type prim_rule = { name : prim_rule_name; hypspecs : identifier list; newids : identifier list; params : Coqast.t list; terms : constr list } type local_constraints = Intset.t type ctxtty = { pgm : constr option; lc : local_constraints } type evar_declarations = ctxtty evar_map (* A global constraint is a mappings of existential variables with some extra information for the program tactic *) type global_constraints = evar_declarations timestamped (* Signature useful to define the tactic type *) type 'a sigma = { it : 'a ; sigma : global_constraints } (*s Proof trees. [ref] = [None] if the goal has still to be proved, and [Some (r,l)] if the rule [r] was applied to the goal and gave [l] as subproofs to be completed. [subproof] = [(Some p)] if [ref = (Some(Tactic t,l))]; [p] is then the proof that the goal can be proven if the goals in [l] are solved. *) type proof_tree = { status : pf_status; goal : goal; ref : (rule * proof_tree list) option; subproof : proof_tree option } and rule = | Prim of prim_rule | Tactic of tactic_expression | Context of ctxtty | Local_constraints of local_constraints and goal = ctxtty evar_info and tactic = goal sigma -> (goal list sigma * validation) and validation = (proof_tree list -> proof_tree) and tactic_arg = | Command of Coqast.t | Constr of constr | OpenConstr of ((int * constr) list * constr) (* constr with holes *) | Constr_context of constr | Identifier of identifier | Integer of int | Clause of identifier list | Bindings of Coqast.t substitution | Cbindings of constr substitution | Quoted_string of string | Tacexp of Coqast.t | Tac of tactic | Redexp of Tacred.red_expr | Fixexp of identifier * int * Coqast.t | Cofixexp of identifier * Coqast.t | Letpatterns of (int list option * (identifier * int list) list) | Intropattern of intro_pattern and intro_pattern = | IdPat of identifier | DisjPat of intro_pattern list | ConjPat of intro_pattern list | ListPat of intro_pattern list and tactic_expression = string * tactic_arg list