(* $Id$ *) open Util open Names open Term open Sign open Evd open Stamps open Environ open Typing type bindOcc = | Dep of identifier | NoDep of int | Com type 'a substitution = (bindOcc * 'a) list type tactic_arg = | Command of Coqast.t | Constr of constr | Identifier of identifier | Integer of int | Clause of identifier list | Bindings of Coqast.t substitution | Cbindings of constr substitution | Quoted_string of string | Tacexp of Coqast.t | Redexp of string * Coqast.t list | Fixexp of identifier * int * Coqast.t | Cofixexp of identifier * Coqast.t | Letpatterns of int list option * (identifier * int list) list | Intropattern of intro_pattern and intro_pattern = | IdPat of identifier | DisjPat of intro_pattern list | ConjPat of intro_pattern list | ListPat of intro_pattern list and tactic_expression = string * tactic_arg list type pf_status = Complete_proof | Incomplete_proof type prim_rule_name = | Intro | Intro_after | Intro_replacing | Fix | Cofix | Refine | Convert_concl | Convert_hyp | Thin | Move of bool type prim_rule = { name : prim_rule_name; hypspecs : identifier list; newids : identifier list; params : Coqast.t list; terms : constr list } type local_constraints = Intset.t type proof_tree = { status : pf_status; goal : goal; ref : (rule * proof_tree list) option; subproof : proof_tree option } and goal = ctxtty evar_info and rule = | Prim of prim_rule | Tactic of tactic_expression | Context of ctxtty | Local_constraints of local_constraints and ctxtty = { pgm : constr option; mimick : proof_tree option; lc : local_constraints } type evar_declarations = ctxtty evar_map let is_bind = function | Bindings _ -> true | _ -> false let lc_toList lc = Intset.elements lc (* Functions on goals *) let mk_goal ctxt env cl = { evar_env = env; evar_concl = cl; evar_body = Evar_empty; evar_info = Some ctxt } (* Functions on the information associated with existential variables *) let mt_ctxt lc = { pgm = None; mimick = None; lc = lc } let get_ctxt gl = out_some gl.evar_info let get_pgm gl = (out_some gl.evar_info).pgm let set_pgm pgm ctxt = { ctxt with pgm = pgm } let get_mimick gl = (out_some gl.evar_info).mimick let set_mimick mimick ctxt = { mimick = mimick; pgm = ctxt.pgm; lc = ctxt.lc } let get_lc gl = (out_some gl.evar_info).lc (* Functions on proof trees *) let ref_of_proof pf = match pf.ref with | None -> failwith "rule_of_proof" | Some r -> r let rule_of_proof pf = let (r,_) = ref_of_proof pf in r let children_of_proof pf = let (_,cl) = ref_of_proof pf in cl let goal_of_proof pf = pf.goal let subproof_of_proof pf = match pf.subproof with | None -> failwith "subproof_of_proof" | Some pf -> pf let status_of_proof pf = pf.status let is_complete_proof pf = pf.status = Complete_proof let is_leaf_proof pf = (pf.ref = None) let is_tactic_proof pf = (pf.subproof <> None) (*******************************************************************) (* Constraints for existential variables *) (*******************************************************************) (* A local constraint is just a set of section_paths *) (* recall : type local_constraints = Intset.t *) (* A global constraint is a mappings of existential variables with some extra information for the program and mimick tactics. *) type global_constraints = evar_declarations timestamped (* A readable constraint is a global constraint plus a focus set of existential variables and a signature. *) type evar_recordty = { focus : local_constraints; env : env; decls : evar_declarations } and readable_constraints = evar_recordty timestamped (* Functions on readable constraints *) let mt_evcty lc gc = ts_mk { focus = lc; env = empty_env; decls = gc } let evc_of_evds evds gl = ts_mk { focus = (get_lc gl); env = gl.evar_env; decls = evds } let rc_of_gc gc gl = evc_of_evds (ts_it gc) gl let rc_add evc (k,v) = ts_mod (fun evc -> { focus = (Intset.add k evc.focus); env = evc.env; decls = Evd.add evc.decls k v }) evc let get_env evc = (ts_it evc).env let get_focus evc = (ts_it evc).focus let get_decls evc = (ts_it evc).decls let get_gc evc = (ts_mk (ts_it evc).decls) let remap evc (k,v) = ts_mod (fun evc -> { focus = evc.focus; env = evc.env; decls = Evd.add evc.decls k v }) evc let lc_exists f lc = Intset.fold (fun e b -> (f e) or b) lc false (* [mentions sigma sp loc] is true exactly when [loc] is defined, and [sp] is * on [loc]'s access list, or an evar on [loc]'s access list mentions [sp]. *) let rec mentions sigma sp loc = let loc_evd = Evd.map (ts_it sigma).decls loc in match loc_evd.evar_body with | Evar_defined _ -> (Intset.mem sp (get_lc loc_evd) or lc_exists (mentions sigma sp) (get_lc loc_evd)) | _ -> false (* ACCESSIBLE SIGMA SP LOC is true exactly when SP is on LOC's access list, * or there exists a LOC' on LOC's access list such that * MENTIONS SIGMA SP LOC' is true. *) let rec accessible sigma sp loc = let loc_evd = Evd.map (ts_it sigma).decls loc in lc_exists (fun loc' -> sp = loc' or mentions sigma sp loc') (get_lc loc_evd) (* [ctxt_access sigma sp] is true when SIGMA is accessing a current * accessibility list ACCL, and SP is either on ACCL, or is mentioned * in the body of one of the ACCL. *) let ctxt_access sigma sp = lc_exists (fun sp' -> sp' = sp or mentions sigma sp sp') (ts_it sigma).focus let pf_lookup_name_as_renamed hyps ccl s = Detyping.lookup_name_as_renamed (gLOB hyps) ccl s let pf_lookup_index_as_renamed ccl n = Detyping.lookup_index_as_renamed ccl n (*********************************************************************) (* Pretty printing functions *) (*********************************************************************) open Pp open Printer (* Il faudrait parametrer toutes les pr_term, term_env, etc. par la strategie de renommage choisie pour Termast (en particulier, il faudrait pouvoir etre sur que lookup_as_renamed qui est utilisé par Intros Until fonctionne exactement comme on affiche le but avec term_env *) let pf_lookup_name_as_renamed hyps ccl s = Detyping.lookup_name_as_renamed (gLOB hyps) ccl s let pf_lookup_index_as_renamed ccl n = Detyping.lookup_index_as_renamed ccl n let pr_idl idl = prlist_with_sep pr_spc print_id idl let pr_goal g = let sign = context g.evar_env in let penv = pr_env_opt sign in let pc = prterm_env_at_top sign g.evar_concl in [< 'sTR" "; hV 0 [< penv; 'fNL; 'sTR (emacs_str (String.make 1 (Char.chr 253))) ; 'sTR "============================"; 'fNL ; 'sTR" " ; pc>]; 'fNL>] let pr_concl n g = let pc = prterm_env_at_top (context g.evar_env) g.evar_concl in [< 'sTR (emacs_str (String.make 1 (Char.chr 253))) ; 'sTR "subgoal ";'iNT n;'sTR " is:";'cUT;'sTR" " ; pc >] (* print the subgoals but write Subtree proved! even in case some existential variables remain unsolved, pr_subgoals_existential is a safer version of pr_subgoals *) let pr_subgoals = function | [] -> [< 'sTR"Subtree proved!" ; 'fNL >] | [g] -> let pg = pr_goal g in v 0 [< 'sTR ("1 "^"subgoal");'cUT; pg >] | g1::rest -> let rec pr_rec n = function | [] -> [< >] | g::rest -> let pg = pr_concl n g in let prest = pr_rec (n+1) rest in [< 'cUT; pg; prest >] in let pg1 = pr_goal g1 in let pgr = pr_rec 2 rest in v 0 [< 'iNT(List.length rest+1) ; 'sTR" subgoals" ;'cUT; pg1; pgr >] let pr_subgoal n = let rec prrec p = function | [] -> error "No such goal" | g::rest -> if p = 1 then let pg = pr_goal g in v 0 [< 'sTR "subgoal ";'iNT n;'sTR " is:"; 'cUT; pg >] else prrec (p-1) rest in prrec n let pr_pgm ctxt = match ctxt.pgm with | None -> [< >] | Some pgm -> let ppgm = fprterm pgm in [< 'sTR"Realizer " ; ppgm >] let pr_ctxt ctxt = let pc = pr_pgm ctxt in [< 'sTR"[" ; pc; 'sTR"]" >] let pr_seq evd = let env = evd.evar_env and cl = evd.evar_concl and info = match evd.evar_info with | Some i -> i | None -> anomaly "pr_seq : info = None" in let hyps = var_context env in let sign = List.rev (list_of_sign hyps) in let pc = pr_ctxt info in let pdcl = prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun (id,ty) -> hOV 0 [< print_id id; 'sTR" : ";prterm (body_of_type ty) >]) sign in let pcl = prterm_env_at_top (gLOB hyps) cl in hOV 0 [< pc; pdcl ; 'sPC ; hOV 0 [< 'sTR"|- " ; pcl >] >] let prgl gl = let plc = pr_idl (List.map id_of_existential (lc_toList (get_lc gl))) in let pgl = pr_seq gl in [< 'sTR"[[" ; plc; 'sTR"]" ; pgl ; 'sTR"]" ; 'sPC >] let pr_evgl gl = let plc = pr_idl (List.map id_of_existential (lc_toList (get_lc gl))) in let phyps = pr_idl (ids_of_sign (var_context gl.evar_env)) in let pc = prterm gl.evar_concl in hOV 0 [< 'sTR"[[" ; plc; 'sTR"] " ; phyps; 'sPC; 'sTR"|- " ; pc; 'sTR"]" >] let pr_evgl_sign gl = let plc = pr_idl (List.map id_of_existential (lc_toList (get_lc gl))) in let ps = pr_sign (var_context gl.evar_env) in let pc = prterm gl.evar_concl in hOV 0 [< 'sTR"[[" ; plc ; 'sTR"] " ; ps; 'sPC; 'sTR"|- " ; pc; 'sTR"]" >] (* evd.evgoal.lc seems to be printed twice *) let pr_decl evd = let pevgl = pr_evgl evd in let pb = match evd.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> [< 'fNL >] | Evar_defined c -> let pc = prterm c in [< 'sTR" => " ; pc; 'fNL >] in h 0 [< pevgl; pb >] let pr_evd evd = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (fun (ev,evd) -> let pe = pr_decl evd in h 0 [< print_id (id_of_existential ev) ; 'sTR"==" ; pe >]) (Evd.to_list evd) let pr_decls decls = pr_evd (ts_it decls) let pr_focus accl = pr_idl (List.map id_of_existential (lc_toList accl)) let pr_evc evc = let stamp = ts_stamp evc in let evc = ts_it evc in let pe = pr_evd evc.decls in [< 'sTR"#" ; 'iNT stamp ; 'sTR"[" ; pr_focus evc.focus ; 'sTR"]=" ; pe >] let pr_evars = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (fun (ev,evd) -> let pegl = pr_evgl_sign evd in [< print_id (id_of_existential ev); 'sTR " : "; pegl >]) (* Print an enumerated list of existential variables *) let rec pr_evars_int i = function | [] -> [< >] | (ev,evd)::rest -> let pegl = pr_evgl_sign evd in let pei = pr_evars_int (i+1) rest in [< (hOV 0 [< 'sTR "Existential "; 'iNT i; 'sTR " ="; 'sPC; print_id (id_of_existential ev) ; 'sTR " : "; pegl >]); 'fNL ; pei >] let pr_subgoals_existential sigma = function | [] -> let exl = Evd.non_instantiated sigma in if exl = [] then [< 'sTR"Subtree proved!" ; 'fNL >] else let pei = pr_evars_int 1 exl in [< 'sTR "No more subgoals but non-instantiated existential "; 'sTR "variables :" ;'fNL; (hOV 0 pei) >] | [g] -> let pg = pr_goal g in v 0 [< 'sTR ("1 "^"subgoal");'cUT; pg >] | g1::rest -> let rec pr_rec n = function | [] -> [< >] | g::rest -> let pc = pr_concl n g in let prest = pr_rec (n+1) rest in [< 'cUT; pc; prest >] in let pg1 = pr_goal g1 in let prest = pr_rec 2 rest in v 0 [< 'iNT(List.length rest+1) ; 'sTR" subgoals" ;'cUT; pg1; prest; 'fNL >] open Ast open Termast open Pretty let ast_of_cvt_bind f = function | (NoDep n,c) -> ope ("BINDING", [(num n); ope ("COMMAND",[(f c)])]) | (Dep id,c) -> ope ("BINDING", [nvar (string_of_id id); ope ("COMMAND",[(f c)])]) | (Com,c) -> ope ("BINDING", [ope ("COMMAND",[(f c)])]) let rec ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern = function | IdPat id -> nvar (string_of_id id) | DisjPat l -> ope ("DISJPATTERN", (List.map ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern l)) | ConjPat l -> ope ("CONJPATTERN", (List.map ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern l)) | ListPat l -> ope ("LISTPATTERN", (List.map ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern l)) let ast_of_cvt_arg = function | Identifier id -> nvar (string_of_id id) | Quoted_string s -> str s | Integer n -> num n | Command c -> ope ("COMMAND",[c]) | Constr c -> ope ("COMMAND",[ast_of_constr false (assumptions_for_print []) c]) | Clause idl -> ope ("CLAUSE", List.map (compose nvar string_of_id) idl) | Bindings bl -> ope ("BINDINGS", List.map (ast_of_cvt_bind (fun x -> x)) bl) | Cbindings bl -> ope ("BINDINGS", List.map (ast_of_cvt_bind (ast_of_constr false (assumptions_for_print []))) bl) | Tacexp ast -> ope ("TACTIC",[ast]) | Redexp (s,args) -> ope ("REDEXP", [ope(s,args)]) | Fixexp (id,n,c) -> ope ("FIXEXP",[(nvar (string_of_id id)); (num n); ope ("COMMAND",[c])]) | Cofixexp (id,c) -> ope ("COFIXEXP",[(nvar (string_of_id id)); (ope ("COMMAND",[c]))]) | Intropattern p -> ast_of_cvt_intro_pattern p | Letpatterns _ -> failwith "TODO: ast_of_cvt_arg: Letpatterns"