(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit ; reset : unit -> unit } (** Registers a new proof mode which can then be adressed by name in [set_default_proof_mode]. One mode is already registered - the standard mode - named "No", It corresponds to Coq default setting are they are set when coqtop starts. *) val register_proof_mode : proof_mode -> unit val there_are_pending_proofs : unit -> bool val check_no_pending_proof : unit -> unit val get_current_proof_name : unit -> Names.Id.t val get_all_proof_names : unit -> Names.Id.t list val discard : Names.Id.t Loc.located -> unit val discard_current : unit -> unit val discard_all : unit -> unit (** [set_proof_mode] sets the proof mode to be used after it's called. It is typically called by the Proof Mode command. *) val set_proof_mode : string -> unit exception NoCurrentProof val give_me_the_proof : unit -> Proof.proof (** @raise NoCurrentProof when outside proof mode. *) val compact_the_proof : unit -> unit (** When a proof is closed, it is reified into a [proof_object], where [id] is the name of the proof, [entries] the list of the proof terms (in a form suitable for definitions). Together with the [terminator] function which takes a [proof_object] together with a [proof_end] (i.e. an proof ending command) and registers the appropriate values. *) type lemma_possible_guards = int list list type proof_universes = Evd.evar_universe_context type proof_object = { id : Names.Id.t; entries : Entries.definition_entry list; persistence : Decl_kinds.goal_kind; universes: proof_universes; (* constraints : Univ.constraints; *) (** guards : lemma_possible_guards; *) } type proof_ending = | Admitted of Names.Id.t * Decl_kinds.goal_kind * Entries.parameter_entry * proof_universes | Proved of Vernacexpr.opacity_flag * (Vernacexpr.lident * Decl_kinds.theorem_kind option) option * proof_object type proof_terminator = proof_ending -> unit type closed_proof = proof_object * proof_terminator (** [start_proof id str goals terminator] starts a proof of name [id] with goals [goals] (a list of pairs of environment and conclusion); [str] describes what kind of theorem/definition this is (spiwack: for potential printing, I believe is used only by closing commands and the xml plugin); [terminator] is used at the end of the proof to close the proof. *) val start_proof : Evd.evar_map -> Names.Id.t -> Decl_kinds.goal_kind -> (Environ.env * Term.types) list -> proof_terminator -> unit (** Like [start_proof] except that there may be dependencies between initial goals. *) val start_dependent_proof : Names.Id.t -> Decl_kinds.goal_kind -> Proofview.telescope -> proof_terminator -> unit (* Takes a function to add to the exceptions data relative to the state in which the proof was built *) val close_proof : keep_body_ucst_separate:bool -> Future.fix_exn -> closed_proof (* Intermediate step necessary to delegate the future. * Both access the current proof state. The former is supposed to be * chained with a computation that completed the proof *) type closed_proof_output = (Term.constr * Declareops.side_effects) list * Evd.evar_universe_context (* If allow_partial is set (default no) then an incomplete proof * is allowed (no error), and a warn is given if the proof is complete. *) val return_proof : ?allow_partial:bool -> unit -> closed_proof_output val close_future_proof : feedback_id:Stateid.t -> closed_proof_output Future.computation -> closed_proof (** Gets the current terminator without checking that the proof has been completed. Useful for the likes of [Admitted]. *) val get_terminator : unit -> proof_terminator val set_terminator : proof_terminator -> unit exception NoSuchProof val get_open_goals : unit -> int (** Runs a tactic on the current proof. Raises [NoCurrentProof] is there is no current proof. The return boolean is set to [false] if an unsafe tactic has been used. *) val with_current_proof : (unit Proofview.tactic -> Proof.proof -> Proof.proof*'a) -> 'a val simple_with_current_proof : (unit Proofview.tactic -> Proof.proof -> Proof.proof) -> unit (** Sets the tactic to be used when a tactic line is closed with [...] *) val set_endline_tactic : Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr -> unit val set_interp_tac : (Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr -> unit Proofview.tactic) -> unit (** Sets the section variables assumed by the proof, returns its closure * (w.r.t. type dependencies and let-ins covered by it) + a list of * ids to be cleared *) val set_used_variables : Names.Id.t list -> Context.section_context * (Loc.t * Names.Id.t) list val get_used_variables : unit -> Context.section_context option (**********************************************************) (* *) (* Proof modes *) (* *) (**********************************************************) val activate_proof_mode : string -> unit val disactivate_proof_mode : string -> unit (**********************************************************) (* *) (* Bullets *) (* *) (**********************************************************) module Bullet : sig type t = Vernacexpr.bullet (** A [behavior] is the data of a put function which is called when a bullet prefixes a tactic, a suggest function suggesting the right bullet to use on a given proof, together with a name to identify the behavior. *) type behavior = { name : string; put : Proof.proof -> t -> Proof.proof; suggest: Proof.proof -> string option } (** A registered behavior can then be accessed in Coq through the command [Set Bullet Behavior "name"]. Two modes are registered originally: * "Strict Subproofs": - If this bullet follows another one of its kind, defocuses then focuses (which fails if the focused subproof is not complete). - If it is the first bullet of its kind, then focuses a new subproof. * "None": bullets don't do anything *) val register_behavior : behavior -> unit (** Handles focusing/defocusing with bullets: *) val put : Proof.proof -> t -> Proof.proof val suggest : Proof.proof -> string option end (**********************************************************) (* *) (* Default goal selector *) (* *) (**********************************************************) val get_default_goal_selector : unit -> Vernacexpr.goal_selector module V82 : sig val get_current_initial_conclusions : unit -> Names.Id.t *(Term.types list * Decl_kinds.goal_kind) end type state val freeze : marshallable:[`Yes | `No | `Shallow] -> state val unfreeze : state -> unit val proof_of_state : state -> Proof.proof val copy_terminators : src:state -> tgt:state -> state