(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* bool (** [check_no_pending_proofs ()] fails if there is still some proof in progress *) val check_no_pending_proofs : unit -> unit (** {6 ... } *) (** [delete_proof name] deletes proof of name [name] or fails if no proof has this name *) val delete_proof : Id.t located -> unit (** [delete_current_proof ()] deletes current focused proof or fails if no proof is focused *) val delete_current_proof : unit -> unit (** [delete_all_proofs ()] deletes all open proofs if any *) val delete_all_proofs : unit -> unit (** {6 ... } *) (** [start_proof s str env t hook tac] starts a proof of name [s] and conclusion [t]; [hook] is optionally a function to be applied at proof end (e.g. to declare the built constructions as a coercion or a setoid morphism); init_tac is possibly a tactic to systematically apply at initialization time (e.g. to start the proof of mutually dependent theorems) *) type lemma_possible_guards = Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards type universe_binders = Id.t Loc.located list val start_proof : Id.t -> ?pl:universe_binders -> goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map -> named_context_val -> constr -> ?init_tac:unit Proofview.tactic -> Proof_global.proof_terminator -> unit (** {6 ... } *) (** [cook_proof opacity] turns the current proof (assumed completed) into a constant with its name, kind and possible hook (see [start_proof]); it fails if there is no current proof of if it is not completed; it also tells if the guardness condition has to be inferred. *) val cook_this_proof : Proof_global.proof_object -> (Id.t * (Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry * Proof_global.proof_universes * goal_kind)) val cook_proof : unit -> (Id.t * (Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry * Proof_global.proof_universes * goal_kind)) (** {6 ... } *) (** [get_pftreestate ()] returns the current focused pending proof. @raise NoCurrentProof if there is no pending proof. *) val get_pftreestate : unit -> Proof.proof (** [get_goal_context n] returns the context of the [n]th subgoal of the current focused proof or raises a [UserError] if there is no focused proof or if there is no more subgoals *) val get_goal_context : int -> Evd.evar_map * env (** [get_current_goal_context ()] works as [get_goal_context 1] *) val get_current_goal_context : unit -> Evd.evar_map * env (** [get_current_context ()] returns the context of the current focused goal. If there is no focused goal but there is a proof in progress, it returns the corresponding evar_map. If there is no pending proof then it returns the current global environment and empty evar_map. *) val get_current_context : unit -> Evd.evar_map * env (** [current_proof_statement] *) val current_proof_statement : unit -> Id.t * goal_kind * types (** {6 ... } *) (** [get_current_proof_name ()] return the name of the current focused proof or failed if no proof is focused *) val get_current_proof_name : unit -> Id.t (** [get_all_proof_names ()] returns the list of all pending proof names. The first name is the current proof, the other names may come in any order. *) val get_all_proof_names : unit -> Id.t list (** {6 ... } *) (** [set_end_tac tac] applies tactic [tac] to all subgoal generate by [solve] *) val set_end_tac : Genarg.glob_generic_argument -> unit (** {6 ... } *) (** [set_used_variables l] declares that section variables [l] will be used in the proof *) val set_used_variables : Id.t list -> Context.Named.t * (Loc.t * Names.Id.t) list val get_used_variables : unit -> Context.Named.t option (** {6 Universe binders } *) val get_universe_binders : unit -> universe_binders option (** {6 ... } *) (** [solve (SelectNth n) tac] applies tactic [tac] to the [n]th subgoal of the current focused proof or raises a [UserError] if no proof is focused or if there is no [n]th subgoal. [solve SelectAll tac] applies [tac] to all subgoals. *) val solve : ?with_end_tac:unit Proofview.tactic -> Vernacexpr.goal_selector -> int option -> unit Proofview.tactic -> Proof.proof -> Proof.proof*bool (** [by tac] applies tactic [tac] to the 1st subgoal of the current focused proof or raises a UserError if there is no focused proof or if there is no more subgoals. Returns [false] if an unsafe tactic has been used. *) val by : unit Proofview.tactic -> bool (** [instantiate_nth_evar_com n c] instantiate the [n]th undefined existential variable of the current focused proof by [c] or raises a UserError if no proof is focused or if there is no such [n]th existential variable *) val instantiate_nth_evar_com : int -> Constrexpr.constr_expr -> unit (** [build_by_tactic typ tac] returns a term of type [typ] by calling [tac]. The return boolean, if [false] indicates the use of an unsafe tactic. *) val build_constant_by_tactic : Id.t -> Evd.evar_universe_context -> named_context_val -> ?goal_kind:goal_kind -> types -> unit Proofview.tactic -> Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry * bool * Evd.evar_universe_context val build_by_tactic : ?side_eff:bool -> env -> Evd.evar_universe_context -> ?poly:polymorphic -> types -> unit Proofview.tactic -> constr * bool * Evd.evar_universe_context val refine_by_tactic : env -> Evd.evar_map -> types -> unit Proofview.tactic -> constr * Evd.evar_map (** A variant of the above function that handles open terms as well. Caveat: all effects are purged in the returned term at the end, but other evars solved by side-effects are NOT purged, so that unexpected failures may occur. Ideally all code using this function should be rewritten in the monad. *) (** Declare the default tactic to fill implicit arguments *) val declare_implicit_tactic : unit Proofview.tactic -> unit (** To remove the default tactic *) val clear_implicit_tactic : unit -> unit (* Raise Exit if cannot solve *) val solve_by_implicit_tactic : unit -> (env -> Evd.evar_map -> Evd.evar -> Evd.evar_map * constr) option