(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* match init_tac with | None -> p,true | Some tac -> Proof.run_tactic env tac p)) let cook_this_proof p = match p with | { Proof_global.id;entries=[constr];persistence;universes } -> (id,(constr,universes,persistence)) | _ -> Errors.anomaly ~label:"Pfedit.cook_proof" (Pp.str "more than one proof term.") let cook_proof () = cook_this_proof (fst (Proof_global.close_proof (fun x -> x))) let get_pftreestate () = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () let set_end_tac tac = Proof_global.set_endline_tactic tac let set_used_variables l = Proof_global.set_used_variables l let get_used_variables () = Proof_global.get_used_variables () exception NoSuchGoal let _ = Errors.register_handler begin function | NoSuchGoal -> Errors.error "No such goal." | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled end let get_nth_V82_goal i = let p = Proof_global.give_me_the_proof () in let { it=goals ; sigma = sigma; } = Proof.V82.subgoals p in try { it=(List.nth goals (i-1)) ; sigma=sigma; } with Failure _ -> raise NoSuchGoal let get_goal_context_gen i = try let { it=goal ; sigma=sigma; } = get_nth_V82_goal i in (sigma, Refiner.pf_env { it=goal ; sigma=sigma; }) with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> Errors.error "No focused proof." let get_goal_context i = try get_goal_context_gen i with NoSuchGoal -> Errors.error "No such goal." let get_current_goal_context () = try get_goal_context_gen 1 with NoSuchGoal -> (* spiwack: returning empty evar_map, since if there is no goal, under focus, there is no accessible evar either *) (Evd.empty, Global.env ()) let current_proof_statement () = match Proof_global.V82.get_current_initial_conclusions () with | (id,([concl],strength)) -> id,strength,concl | _ -> Errors.anomaly ~label:"Pfedit.current_proof_statement" (Pp.str "more than one statement") let solve ?with_end_tac gi tac pr = try let tac = match with_end_tac with | None -> tac | Some etac -> Proofview.tclTHEN tac etac in let tac = match gi with | Vernacexpr.SelectNth i -> Proofview.tclFOCUS i i tac | Vernacexpr.SelectAll -> tac | Vernacexpr.SelectAllParallel -> Errors.anomaly(str"SelectAllParallel not handled by Stm") in Proof.run_tactic (Global.env ()) tac pr with | Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> Errors.error "No focused proof" | Proofview.IndexOutOfRange -> match gi with | Vernacexpr.SelectNth i -> let msg = str "No such goal: " ++ int i ++ str "." in Errors.errorlabstrm "" msg | _ -> assert false let by tac = Proof_global.with_current_proof (fun _ -> solve (Vernacexpr.SelectNth 1) tac) let instantiate_nth_evar_com n com = Proof_global.simple_with_current_proof (fun _ p -> Proof.V82.instantiate_evar n com p) (**********************************************************************) (* Shortcut to build a term using tactics *) open Decl_kinds let next = let n = ref 0 in fun () -> incr n; !n let build_constant_by_tactic id ctx sign ?(goal_kind = Global, false, Proof Theorem) typ tac = start_proof id goal_kind ctx sign typ (fun _ -> ()); try let status = by tac in let _,(const,univs,_) = cook_proof () in delete_current_proof (); const, status, univs with reraise -> let reraise = Errors.push reraise in delete_current_proof (); raise reraise let build_by_tactic env ctx ?(poly=false) typ tac = let id = Id.of_string ("temporary_proof"^string_of_int (next())) in let sign = val_of_named_context (named_context env) in let gk = Global, poly, Proof Theorem in let ce, status, univs = build_constant_by_tactic id ctx sign ~goal_kind:gk typ tac in let ce = Term_typing.handle_side_effects env ce in let (cb, ctx), se = Future.force ce.const_entry_body in assert(Declareops.side_effects_is_empty se); assert(Univ.ContextSet.is_empty ctx); cb, status, univs (**********************************************************************) (* Support for resolution of evars in tactic interpretation, including resolution by application of tactics *) let implicit_tactic = ref None let declare_implicit_tactic tac = implicit_tactic := Some tac let clear_implicit_tactic () = implicit_tactic := None let solve_by_implicit_tactic env sigma evk = let evi = Evd.find_undefined sigma evk in match (!implicit_tactic, snd (evar_source evk sigma)) with | Some tac, (Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg _ | Evar_kinds.QuestionMark _) when Context.named_context_equal (Environ.named_context_of_val evi.evar_hyps) (Environ.named_context env) -> let tac = Proofview.tclTHEN tac (Proofview.tclEXTEND [] (Proofview.tclZERO (Errors.UserError ("",Pp.str"Proof is not complete."))) []) in (try let (ans, _, _) = build_by_tactic env (Evd.evar_universe_context sigma) evi.evar_concl tac in ans with e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> raise Exit) | _ -> raise Exit