(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Term open Proof_type open Libobject open Library open Coqast open Pcoq open Ast (* The data stored in the table *) type macro_data = { mac_args : string list; mac_body : Ast.act } (* Summary and Object declaration *) type t = macro_data Stringmap.t type frozen_t = macro_data Stringmap.t let mactab = ref Stringmap.empty let lookup id = Stringmap.find id !mactab let _ = let init () = mactab := Stringmap.empty in let freeze () = !mactab in let unfreeze fs = mactab := fs in Summary.declare_summary "tactic-macro" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init } let (inMD,outMD) = let add (na,md) = mactab := Stringmap.add na md !mactab in let cache_md (_,(na,md)) = add (na,md) in let specification_md x = x in declare_object ("TACTIC-MACRO-DATA", { cache_function = cache_md; load_function = (fun _ -> ()); open_function = (fun _ -> ()); specification_function = specification_md }) let add_macro_hint na (ids,body) = if Stringmap.mem na !mactab then errorlabstrm "add_macro_hint" [< 'sTR "There is already a Tactic Macro named "; 'sTR na >]; let _ = Lib.add_leaf (id_of_string na) OBJ (inMD(na,{mac_args = ids; mac_body = body})) in () let macro_expand macro_loc macro argcoms = let md = try lookup macro with Not_found -> user_err_loc(macro_loc,"macro_expand", [< 'sTR"Tactic macro ";'sTR macro; 'sPC; 'sTR"not defined" >]) in let transform = List.map (function | Command c -> c | _ -> user_err_loc(macro_loc,"macro_expand", [<'sTR "The arguments of a tactic macro"; 'sPC; 'sTR"must be terms">])) in let argcoms = transform argcoms in if List.length argcoms <> List.length md.mac_args then user_err_loc (macro_loc,"macro_expand", [< 'sTR "Tactic macro "; 'sTR macro; 'sPC; 'sTR "applied to the wrong number of arguments:"; 'sPC; 'iNT (List.length argcoms) ; 'sTR" instead of "; 'iNT (List.length md.mac_args) >]); let astb = List.map2 (fun id argcom -> (id, Vast argcom)) md.mac_args argcoms in match Ast.eval_act macro_loc astb md.mac_body with | Vast ast -> ast | _ -> anomaly "expand_macro : eval_act did not return a Vast"