(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Evd open Generic open Term open Sign open Environ open Reduction open Typing open Proof_trees open Typeops open Coqast open Declare type refiner_error = | BadType of constr * constr * constr | OccurMeta of constr | CannotApply of constr * constr | CannotUnify of constr * constr | CannotGeneralize of typed_type signature * constr | NotWellTyped of constr | BadTacticArgs of string * tactic_arg list exception RefinerError of refiner_error let error_cannot_unify k (m,n) = raise (RefinerError (CannotUnify (m,n))) let conv_leq_goal env sigma arg ty conclty = if not (is_conv_leq env sigma ty conclty) then raise (RefinerError (BadType (arg,ty,conclty))) let rec mk_refgoals sigma goal goalacc conclty trm = let env = goal.evar_env in match trm with | DOP0(Meta mv) -> if occur_meta conclty then error "Cannot refine to conclusions with meta-variables"; let ctxt = out_some goal.evar_info in (mk_goal ctxt env (nf_betaiota env sigma conclty))::goalacc, conclty | DOP2(Cast,t,ty) -> let _ = type_of env sigma ty in conv_leq_goal env sigma trm ty conclty; mk_refgoals sigma goal goalacc ty t | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> let (acc',hdty) = mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc (array_hd cl) in let (acc'',conclty') = mk_arggoals sigma goal acc' hdty (array_list_of_tl cl) in let _ = conv_leq_goal env sigma trm conclty' conclty in (acc'',conclty') | DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc -> let (_,p,c,lf) = destCase mc in let (acc',lbrty,conclty') = mk_casegoals sigma goal goalacc p c in let acc'' = array_fold_left2 (fun lacc ty fi -> fst (mk_refgoals sigma goal lacc ty fi)) acc' lbrty lf in let _ = conv_leq_goal env sigma trm conclty' conclty in (acc'',conclty') | t -> if occur_meta t then raise (RefinerError (OccurMeta t)); let t'ty = type_of env sigma t in conv_leq_goal env sigma t t'ty conclty; (goalacc,t'ty) (* Same as mkREFGOALS but without knowing te type of the term. Therefore, * Metas should be casted. *) and mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc trm = let env = goal.evar_env in match trm with | DOP2(Cast,DOP0(Meta mv),ty) -> let _ = type_of env sigma ty in let ctxt = out_some goal.evar_info in (mk_goal ctxt env (nf_betaiota env sigma ty))::goalacc,ty | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> let (acc',hdty) = mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc (array_hd cl) in mk_arggoals sigma goal acc' hdty (array_list_of_tl cl) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc -> let (_,p,c,lf) = destCase mc in let (acc',lbrty,conclty') = mk_casegoals sigma goal goalacc p c in let acc'' = array_fold_left2 (fun lacc ty fi -> fst (mk_refgoals sigma goal lacc ty fi)) acc' lbrty lf in (acc'',conclty') | t -> goalacc, type_of env sigma t and mk_arggoals sigma goal goalacc funty = function | [] -> goalacc,funty | harg::tlargs -> let env = goal.evar_env in (match whd_betadeltaiota env sigma funty with | DOP2(Prod,c1,b) -> let (acc',hargty) = mk_refgoals sigma goal goalacc c1 harg in mk_arggoals sigma goal acc' (sAPP b harg) tlargs | t -> raise (RefinerError (CannotApply (t,harg)))) and mk_casegoals sigma goal goalacc p c = let env = goal.evar_env in let (acc',ct) = mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc c in let (acc'',pt) = mk_hdgoals sigma goal acc' p in let (_,lbrty,conclty) = type_case_branches env sigma ct pt p c in (acc'',lbrty,conclty) (* Will only be used on terms given to the Refine rule which have meta varaibles only in Application and Case *) let collect_meta_variables c = let rec collrec acc = function | DOP0(Meta mv) -> mv::acc | DOP2(Cast,c,t) -> collrec acc c | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> Array.fold_left collrec acc cl | DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc -> let (_,p,c,lf) = destCase mc in Array.fold_left collrec (collrec (collrec acc p) c) lf | _ -> acc in List.rev(collrec [] c) let new_meta_variables = let rec newrec = function | DOP0(Meta _) -> DOP0(Meta (new_meta())) | DOP2(Cast,c,t) -> DOP2(Cast, newrec c, t) | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> DOPN(AppL, Array.map newrec cl) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc -> let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase mc in mkMutCaseA ci (newrec p) (newrec c) (Array.map newrec lf) | x -> x in newrec let mk_assumption env sigma c = execute_type env sigma c let sign_before id = let rec aux = function | [],[] -> error "no such hypothesis" | sign -> if fst(hd_sign sign) = id then tl_sign sign else aux (tl_sign sign) in aux let error_use_instantiate () = errorlabstrm "Logic.prim_refiner" [< 'sTR"cannot intro when there are open metavars in the domain type"; 'sPC; 'sTR"- use Instantiate" >] (* Auxiliary functions for primitive MOVE tactic * * [move_after with_dep toleft (left,(hfrom,typfrom),right) hto] moves * hyp [hfrom] just after the hyp [hto] which belongs to the hyps on the * left side [left] of the full signature if [toleft=true] or to the hyps * on the right side [right] if [toleft=false]. * If [with_dep] then dependent hypotheses are moved accordingly. *) let split_sign hfrom hto l = let rec splitrec left toleft = function | [] -> error ("No such hypothesis : " ^ (string_of_id hfrom)) | (hyp,typ) as h :: right -> if hyp = hfrom then (left,right,typ,toleft) else splitrec (h::left) (toleft or (hyp = hto)) right in splitrec [] false l let move_after with_dep toleft (left,htfrom,right) hto = let test_dep (hyp,typ) (hyp2,typ2) = if toleft then occur_var hyp2 typ.body else occur_var hyp typ2.body in let rec moverec first middle = function | [] -> error ("No such hypothesis : " ^ (string_of_id hto)) | (hyp,typ) as ht :: right -> let (first',middle') = if List.exists (test_dep ht) middle then if with_dep & (hyp <> hto) then (first, (hyp,typ)::middle) else error ("Cannot move "^(string_of_id (fst htfrom))^" after " ^(string_of_id hto) ^(if toleft then ": it occurs in " else ": it depends on ") ^(string_of_id hyp)) else ((hyp,typ)::first, middle) in if hyp = hto then (List.rev first')@(List.rev middle')@right else moverec first' middle' right in if toleft then List.rev_append (moverec [] [htfrom] left) right else List.rev_append left (moverec [] [htfrom] right) (* Primitive tactics are handled here *) let prim_refiner r sigma goal = let env = goal.evar_env in let sign = var_context env in let cl = goal.evar_concl in let info = out_some goal.evar_info in match r with | { name = Intro; newids = [id] } -> if mem_sign sign id then error "New variable is already declared"; (match strip_outer_cast cl with | DOP2(Prod,c1,b) -> if occur_meta c1 then error_use_instantiate(); let a = mk_assumption env sigma c1 and v = VAR id in let sg = mk_goal info (push_var (id,a) env) (sAPP b v) in [sg] | _ -> error "Introduction needs a product") | { name = Intro_after; newids = [id]; hypspecs = [whereid] } -> if mem_sign sign id then error "New variable is already declared"; (match strip_outer_cast cl with | DOP2(Prod,c1,b) -> if occur_meta c1 then error_use_instantiate(); if not (List.for_all (mem_sign (sign_prefix whereid sign)) (global_vars c1)) then error "Can't introduce at that location: free variable conflict"; let a = mk_assumption env sigma c1 and v = VAR id in let env' = change_hyps (add_sign_after whereid (id,a)) env in let sg = mk_goal info env' (sAPP b v) in [sg] | _ -> error "Introduction needs a product") | { name = Intro_replacing; newids = []; hypspecs = [id] } -> (match strip_outer_cast cl with | DOP2(Prod,c1,b) -> if occur_meta c1 then error_use_instantiate(); if not (List.for_all (mem_sign (tl_sign (sign_prefix id sign))) (global_vars c1)) or List.exists (fun t -> occur_var id t.body) (vals_of_sign sign) then error "Can't introduce at that location: free variable conflict"; let a = mk_assumption env sigma c1 and v = VAR id in let env' = change_hyps (add_sign_replacing id (id,a)) env in let sg = mk_goal info env' (sAPP b v) in [sg] | _ -> error "Introduction needs a product") | { name = Fix; hypspecs = []; terms = []; newids = [f]; params = [Num(_,n)] } -> let rec check_ind k cl = match whd_castapp cl with | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(_,b)) -> if k = 1 then (try find_minductype env sigma c1 with Induc -> error "cannot do a fixpoint on a non inductive type") else check_ind (k-1) b | _ -> error "not enough products" in let _ = check_ind n cl in if mem_sign sign f then error "name already used in the environment"; let a = mk_assumption env sigma cl in let sg = mk_goal info (push_var (f,a) env) cl in [sg] | { name = Fix; hypspecs = []; terms = lar; newids = lf; params = ln } -> let rec check_ind k cl = match whd_castapp cl with | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(_,b)) -> if k = 1 then (try find_minductype env sigma c1 with Induc -> error "cannot do a fixpoint on a non inductive type") else check_ind (k-1) b | _ -> error "not enough products" in let n = (match ln with (Num(_,n))::_ -> n | _ -> assert false) in let (sp,_,_) = destMutInd (fst (check_ind n cl)) in let rec mk_sign sign = function | (ar::lar'),(f::lf'),((Num(_,n))::ln')-> let (sp',_,_) = destMutInd (fst (check_ind n ar)) in if not (sp=sp') then error ("fixpoints should be on the same " ^ "mutual inductive declaration"); if mem_sign sign f then error "name already used in the environment"; let a = mk_assumption env sigma ar in mk_sign (add_sign (f,a) sign) (lar',lf',ln') | ([],[],[]) -> List.map (mk_goal info env) (cl::lar) | _ -> error "not the right number of arguments" in mk_sign sign (cl::lar,lf,ln) | { name = Cofix; hypspecs = []; terms = lar; newids = lf; params = [] } -> let rec check_is_coind cl = match (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma (whd_castapp cl)) with | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(_,b)) -> check_is_coind b | b -> (try let _ = find_mcoinductype env sigma b in true with Induc -> error ("All methods must construct elements " ^ "in coinductive types")) in let _ = List.for_all check_is_coind (cl::lar) in let rec mk_sign sign = function | (ar::lar'),(f::lf') -> if mem_sign sign f then error "name already used in the environment"; let a = mk_assumption env sigma ar in mk_sign (add_sign (f,a) sign) (lar',lf') | ([],[]) -> List.map (mk_goal info env) (cl::lar) | _ -> error "not the right number of arguments" in mk_sign sign (cl::lar,lf) | { name = Refine; terms = [c] } -> let c = new_meta_variables c in let (sgl,cl') = mk_refgoals sigma goal [] cl c in let sgl = List.rev sgl in sgl | { name = Convert_concl; terms = [cl'] } -> let cl'ty = type_of env sigma cl' in if is_conv_leq env sigma cl' cl then let sg = mk_goal info env (DOP2(Cast,cl',cl'ty)) in [sg] else error "convert-concl rule passed non-converting term" | { name = Convert_hyp; hypspecs = [id]; terms = [ty'] } -> (* Faut-il garder la sorte d'origine ou celle du converti ?? *) let env' = change_hyps (sign_before id) env in let tj = execute_type env' sigma ty' in if is_conv env sigma ty' (snd(lookup_sign id sign)).body then let env' = change_hyps (modify_sign id tj) env in [mk_goal info env' cl] else error "convert-hyp rule passed non-converting term" | { name = Thin; hypspecs = ids } -> let rec remove_pair s = function | ([],[]) -> error ((string_of_id s) ^ " is not among the assumptions.") | sign -> let (s',ty),tlsign = uncons_sign sign in if s = s' then tlsign else if occur_var s ty.body then error ((string_of_id s) ^ " is used in the hypothesis " ^ (string_of_id s')) else add_sign (s',ty) (remove_pair s tlsign) in let clear_aux sign s = if occur_var s cl then error ((string_of_id s) ^ " is used in the conclusion."); remove_pair s sign in let env' = change_hyps (fun sign -> List.fold_left clear_aux sign ids) env in let sg = mk_goal info env' cl in [sg] | { name = Move withdep; hypspecs = ids } -> let (hfrom,hto) = match ids with [h1;h2] ->(h1,h2)| _ -> anomaly "prim_refiner:MOVE" in let hyps = list_of_sign sign in let (left,right,typfrom,toleft) = split_sign hfrom hto hyps in let hyps' = move_after withdep toleft (left,(hfrom,typfrom),right) hto in let env' = change_hyps (fun _ -> make_sign hyps') env in [mk_goal info env' cl] | _ -> anomaly "prim_refiner: Unrecognized primitive rule" let abst_value c = let env = Global.env () in Environ.abst_value env c let extract_constr = let rec crec vl = function | VAR str -> (try (match lookup_id str vl with | GLOBNAME (id,_) -> VAR id | RELNAME (n,_) -> Rel n) with Not_found -> (try global_reference CCI str with Not_found -> error ((string_of_id str)^" not declared"))) | (Rel _) as val_0 -> val_0 | DOP2(Lambda,c1,DLAM(na,c2)) -> let u1 = crec vl c1 in DOP2(Lambda,u1,DLAM(na,crec (add_rel (Anonymous,u1) vl) c2)) | DOPN(Term.Fix (x_0,x_1),cl) -> let listar = Array.sub cl 0 ((Array.length cl) -1) and def = array_last cl in let newar = Array.map (crec vl) listar in let newenv = Array.fold_left (fun env ar -> add_rel (Anonymous,ar) env) vl newar in let newdef = under_dlams (crec newenv) def in DOPN(Term.Fix (x_0,x_1),Array.append newar [|newdef|]) | DOPN(CoFix par,cl) -> let listar = Array.sub cl 0 ((Array.length cl) -1) and def = array_last cl in let newar = Array.map (crec vl) listar in let newenv = Array.fold_left (fun env ar -> add_rel (Anonymous,ar) env) vl newar in let newdef = under_dlams (crec newenv) def in DOPN(CoFix par,Array.append newar [|newdef|]) | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(na,c2)) -> let u1 = crec vl c1 in DOP2(Prod,u1,DLAM(na,crec (add_rel (Anonymous,u1) vl) c2)) | DOP2(Cast,c,t) -> DOP2(Cast,crec vl c,crec vl t) | DOPN(Abst _,_) as val_0 -> crec vl (abst_value val_0) | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map (crec vl) cl) | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map (crec vl) cl) | DOP0 _ as c -> c | _ -> anomaly "extract_constr : term not matched" in crec let prim_extractor subfun vl pft = let cl = pft.goal.evar_concl in match pft with | { ref = Some (Prim { name = Intro; newids = [id] }, [spf]) } -> (match strip_outer_cast cl with | DOP2(Prod,ty,b) -> let cty = extract_constr vl ty in let na = Name id in DOP2(Lambda,cty,DLAM(na,subfun (add_rel (na,cty) vl) spf)) | _ -> error "incomplete proof!") | { ref = Some (Prim { name = Intro_after; newids = [id]}, [spf]) } -> (match strip_outer_cast cl with | DOP2(Prod,ty,b) -> let cty = extract_constr vl ty in let na = Name id in DOP2(Lambda,cty,DLAM(na,subfun (add_rel (na,cty) vl) spf)) | _ -> error "incomplete proof!") | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Intro_replacing;hypspecs=[id]},[spf]) } -> (match strip_outer_cast cl with | DOP2(Prod,ty,b) -> let cty = extract_constr vl ty in let na = Name id in DOP2(Lambda,cty,DLAM(na,subfun (add_rel (na,cty) vl) spf)) | _ -> error "incomplete proof!") | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Fix;newids=[f];params=[Num(_,n)]},[spf]) } -> let cty = extract_constr vl cl in let na = Name f in DOPN(Term.Fix([|n-1|],0), [| cty ; DLAMV(na,[|subfun (add_rel (na,cty) vl) spf|])|]) | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Fix;newids=lf;terms=lar;params=ln},spfl) } -> let lcty = List.map (extract_constr vl) (cl::lar) in let vn = Array.of_list (List.map (function Num(_,n) -> n-1 | _ -> anomaly "mutual_fix_refiner") ln) in let lna = List.map (fun f -> Name f) lf in let newvl = List.fold_left2 (fun sign na ar -> (add_rel (na,ar) sign)) vl lna lcty in let lfix =Array.map (subfun newvl) (Array.of_list spfl) in DOPN(Term.Fix(vn,0), Array.of_list (lcty@[put_DLAMSV (List.rev lna) lfix])) | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Cofix;newids=lf;terms=lar},spfl) } -> let lcty = List.map (extract_constr vl) (cl::lar) in let lna = List.map (fun f -> Name f) lf in let newvl = List.fold_left2 (fun sign na ar -> (add_rel (na,ar) sign)) vl lna lcty in let lfix =Array.map (subfun newvl) (Array.of_list spfl) in DOPN(CoFix(0),Array.of_list (lcty@[put_DLAMSV (List.rev lna) lfix])) | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Refine;terms=[c]},spfl) } -> let mvl = collect_meta_variables c in let metamap = List.combine mvl (List.map (subfun vl) spfl) in let cc = extract_constr vl c in plain_instance metamap cc | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Convert_concl;terms=[c]},[pf])} -> subfun vl pf | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Convert_hyp;hypspecs=[id];terms=[c]},[pf])} -> subfun vl pf | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Thin;hypspecs=ids},[pf])} -> subfun vl pf | {ref=Some(Prim{name=Move _;hypspecs=ids},[pf])} -> subfun vl pf | {ref=Some(Prim _,_)} -> error "prim_extractor handed unrecognizable primitive proof" | {ref=None} -> error "prim_extractor handed incomplete proof" | _ -> anomaly "prim_extractor" (*** let prim_extractor = Profile.profile3 "prim_extractor" prim_extractor let prim_refiner = Profile.profile3 "prim_refiner" prim_refiner ***) (* Pretty-printer *) open Printer let pr_prim_rule = function | {name=Intro;newids=[id]} -> [< 'sTR"Intro " ; print_id id >] | {name=Intro_after;newids=[id]} -> [< 'sTR"intro after " ; print_id id >] | {name=Intro_replacing;newids=[id]} -> [< 'sTR"intro replacing " ; print_id id >] | {name=Fix;newids=[f];params=[Num(_,n)]} -> [< 'sTR"Fix "; print_id f; 'sTR"/"; 'iNT n>] | {name=Fix;newids=(f::lf);params=(Num(_,n))::ln;terms=lar} -> let rec print_mut = function (f::lf),((Num(_,n))::ln),(ar::lar) -> [< print_id f; 'sTR"/"; 'iNT n; 'sTR" : "; prterm ar; print_mut (lf,ln,lar)>] | _ -> [<>] in [< 'sTR"Fix "; print_id f; 'sTR"/"; 'iNT n; 'sTR" with "; print_mut (lf,ln,lar) >] | {name=Cofix;newids=[f];terms=[]} -> [< 'sTR"Cofix "; print_id f >] | {name=Cofix;newids=(f::lf);terms=lar} -> let rec print_mut = function (f::lf),(ar::lar) -> [< print_id f; 'sTR" : "; prterm ar; print_mut (lf,lar)>] | _ -> [<>] in [< 'sTR"Cofix "; print_id f; 'sTR" with "; print_mut (lf,lar) >] | {name=Refine;terms=[c]} -> [< 'sTR(if occur_meta c then "Refine " else "Exact ") ; prterm c >] | {name=Convert_concl;terms=[c]} -> [< 'sTR"Change " ; prterm c >] | {name=Convert_hyp;hypspecs=[id];terms=[c]} -> [< 'sTR"Change " ; prterm c ; 'sPC ; 'sTR"in " ; print_id id >] | {name=Thin;hypspecs=ids} -> [< 'sTR"Clear " ; prlist_with_sep pr_spc print_id ids >] | {name=Move withdep;hypspecs=[id1;id2]} -> [< 'sTR (if withdep then "Dependent " else ""); 'sTR"Move " ; print_id id1; 'sTR " after "; print_id id2 >] | _ -> anomaly "pr_prim_rule: Unrecognized primitive rule"