(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* c | _ -> Errors.anomaly "Some goal is marked as 'cleared' but is uninstantiated" in let (e,_) = Term.destEvar v in let g' = { g with content = e } in advance sigma g' else match evi.Evd.evar_body with | Evd.Evar_defined _ -> None | _ -> Some g (*** Goal tactics ***) (* Goal tactics are [subgoal sensitive]-s *) type subgoals = { subgoals: goal list } (* type of the base elements of the goal API.*) (* it has an extra evar_info with respect to what would be expected, it is supposed to be the evar_info of the goal in the evar_map. The idea is that it is computed by the [run] function as an optimisation, since it will generaly not change during the evaluation. *) type 'a sensitive = Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map ref -> goal -> Evd.evar_info -> 'a (* evaluates a goal sensitive value in a given goal (knowing the current evar_map). *) (* the evar_info corresponding to the goal is computed at once as an optimisation (it shouldn't change during the evaluation). *) let eval t env defs gl = let info = content defs gl in let env = Environ.reset_with_named_context (Evd.evar_hyps info) env in let rdefs = ref defs in let r = t env rdefs gl info in ( r , !rdefs ) (* monadic bind on sensitive expressions *) let bind e f env rdefs goal info = f (e env rdefs goal info) env rdefs goal info (* monadic return on sensitive expressions *) let return v _ _ _ _ = v (* interpretation of "open" constr *) (* spiwack: it is a wrapper around [Constrintern.interp_open_constr]. In an ideal world, this could/should be the other way round. As of now, though, it seems at least quite useful to build tactics. *) let interp_constr cexpr env rdefs _ _ = let (defs,c) = Constrintern.interp_open_constr !rdefs env cexpr in rdefs := defs ; c (* Type of constr with holes used by refine. *) (* The list of evars doesn't necessarily contain all the evars in the constr, only those the constr has introduced. *) (* The variables in [myevars] are supposed to be stored in decreasing order. Breaking this invariant might cause many things to go wrong. *) type refinable = { me: constr; my_evars: Evd.evar list } module Refinable = struct type t = refinable type handle = Evd.evar list ref let make t env rdefs gl info = let r = ref [] in let me = t r env rdefs gl info in { me = me; my_evars = !r } let make_with t env rdefs gl info = let r = ref [] in let (me,side) = t r env rdefs gl info in { me = me ; my_evars = !r } , side let mkEvar handle env typ _ rdefs _ _ = let ev = Evarutil.e_new_evar rdefs env typ in let (e,_) = Term.destEvar ev in handle := e::!handle; ev (* [with_type c typ] constrains term [c] to have type [typ]. *) let with_type t typ env rdefs _ _ = (* spiwack: this function assumes that no evars can be created during this sort of coercion. If it is not the case it could produce bugs. We would need to add a handle and add the new evars to it. *) let my_type = Retyping.get_type_of env !rdefs t in let j = Environ.make_judge t my_type in let (new_defs,j') = Coercion.inh_conv_coerce_to (Pp.dummy_loc) env !rdefs j typ in rdefs := new_defs; j'.Environ.uj_val (* spiwack: it is not very fine grain since it solves all typeclasses holes, not only those containing the current goal, or a given term. But it seems to fit our needs so far. *) let resolve_typeclasses ?with_goals ?split ?(fail=false) () env rdefs _ _ = rdefs:=Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ?with_goals ?split ~fail env !rdefs; () (* a pessimistic (i.e : there won't be many positive answers) filter over evar_maps, acting only on undefined evars *) let evar_map_filter_undefined f evm = Evd.fold_undefined (fun ev evi r -> if f ev evi then Evd.add r ev evi else r) evm Evd.empty (* Union, sorted in decreasing order, of two lists of evars in decreasing order. *) let rec fusion l1 l2 = match l1 , l2 with | [] , _ -> l2 | _ , [] -> l1 | a::l1 , b::_ when a>b -> a::(fusion l1 l2) | a::l1 , b::l2 when a=b -> a::(fusion l1 l2) | _ , b::l2 -> b::(fusion l1 l2) let update_handle handle init_defs post_defs = (* [delta_evars] holds the evars that have been introduced by this refinement (but not immediatly solved) *) (* spiwack: this is the hackish part, don't know how to do any better though. *) let delta_evars = evar_map_filter_undefined (fun ev _ -> not (Evd.mem init_defs ev)) post_defs in (* [delta_evars] in the shape of a list of [evar]-s*) let delta_list = List.map fst (Evd.to_list delta_evars) in (* The variables in [myevars] are supposed to be stored in decreasing order. Breaking this invariant might cause many things to go wrong. *) handle := fusion delta_list !handle; delta_evars (* [constr_of_raw] is a pretyping function. The [check_type] argument asks whether the term should have the same type as the conclusion. [resolve_classes] is a flag on pretyping functions which, if set to true, calls the typeclass resolver. The principal argument is a [glob_constr] which is then pretyped in the context of a term, the remaining evars are registered to the handle. It is the main component of the toplevel refine tactic.*) (* spiwack: it is not entirely satisfactory to have this function here. Plus it is a bit hackish. However it does not seem possible to move it out until pretyping is defined as some proof procedure. *) let constr_of_raw handle check_type resolve_classes rawc env rdefs gl info = (* We need to keep trace of what [rdefs] was originally*) let init_defs = !rdefs in (* if [check_type] is true, then creates a type constraint for the proof-to-be *) let tycon = Pretyping.OfType (Option.init check_type (Evd.evar_concl info)) in (* call to [understand_tcc_evars] returns a constr with undefined evars these evars will be our new goals *) let open_constr = Pretyping.understand_tcc_evars ~resolve_classes rdefs env tycon rawc in ignore(update_handle handle init_defs !rdefs); open_constr let constr_of_open_constr handle check_type (evars, c) env rdefs gl info = let delta = update_handle handle !rdefs evars in rdefs := Evd.fold (fun ev evi evd -> Evd.add evd ev evi) delta !rdefs; if check_type then with_type c (Evd.evar_concl (content !rdefs gl)) env rdefs gl info else c end (* [refine t] takes a refinable term and use it as a partial proof for current goal. *) let refine step env rdefs gl info = (* subgoals to return *) (* The evars in [my_evars] are stored in reverse order. It is expectingly better however to display the goal in increasing order. *) rdefs := Evarconv.consider_remaining_unif_problems env !rdefs ; let subgoals = List.map (descendent gl) (List.rev step.my_evars) in (* creates the new [evar_map] by defining the evar of the current goal as being [refine_step]. *) let new_defs = Evd.define gl.content (step.me) !rdefs in rdefs := new_defs; (* Filtering the [subgoals] for uninstanciated (=unsolved) goals. *) let subgoals = Option.List.flatten (List.map (advance !rdefs) subgoals) in { subgoals = subgoals } (*** Cleaning goals ***) let clear ids env rdefs gl info = let hyps = Evd.evar_hyps info in let concl = Evd.evar_concl info in let (hyps,concl) = Evarutil.clear_hyps_in_evi rdefs hyps concl ids in let cleared_env = Environ.reset_with_named_context hyps env in let cleared_concl = Evarutil.e_new_evar rdefs cleared_env concl in let (cleared_evar,_) = Term.destEvar cleared_concl in let cleared_goal = descendent gl cleared_evar in rdefs := Evd.define gl.content cleared_concl !rdefs; { subgoals = [cleared_goal] } let wrap_apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on sign id f g = try Environ.apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on sign id f g with Environ.Hyp_not_found -> Errors.error "No such assumption" let check_typability env sigma c = let _ = Typing.type_of env sigma c in () let recheck_typability (what,id) env sigma t = try check_typability env sigma t with _ -> let s = match what with | None -> "the conclusion" | Some id -> "hypothesis "^(Names.string_of_id id) in Errors.error ("The correctness of "^s^" relies on the body of "^(Names.string_of_id id)) let remove_hyp_body env sigma id = let sign = wrap_apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on (Environ.named_context_val env) id (fun (_,c,t) _ -> match c with | None -> Errors.error ((Names.string_of_id id)^" is not a local definition") | Some c ->(id,None,t)) (fun (id',c,t as d) sign -> ( begin let env = Environ.reset_with_named_context sign env in match c with | None -> recheck_typability (Some id',id) env sigma t | Some b -> let b' = mkCast (b,DEFAULTcast, t) in recheck_typability (Some id',id) env sigma b' end;d)) in Environ.reset_with_named_context sign env let clear_body idents env rdefs gl info = let info = content !rdefs gl in let full_env = Environ.reset_with_named_context (Evd.evar_hyps info) env in let aux env id = let env' = remove_hyp_body env !rdefs id in recheck_typability (None,id) env' !rdefs (Evd.evar_concl info); env' in let new_env = List.fold_left aux full_env idents in let concl = Evd.evar_concl info in let (defs',new_constr) = Evarutil.new_evar !rdefs new_env concl in let (new_evar,_) = destEvar new_constr in let new_goal = descendent gl new_evar in rdefs := Evd.define gl.content new_constr defs'; { subgoals = [new_goal] } (*** Sensitive primitives ***) (* [concl] is the conclusion of the current goal *) let concl _ _ _ info = Evd.evar_concl info (* [hyps] is the [named_context_val] representing the hypotheses of the current goal *) let hyps _ _ _ info = Evd.evar_hyps info (* [env] is the current [Environ.env] containing both the environment in which the proof is ran, and the goal hypotheses *) let env env _ _ _ = env (* [defs] is the [Evd.evar_map] at the current evaluation point *) let defs _ rdefs _ _ = !rdefs (* Cf mli for more detailed comment. [null], [plus], [here] and [here_list] use internal exception [UndefinedHere] to communicate whether or not the value is defined in the particular context. *) exception UndefinedHere (* no handler: this should never be allowed to reach toplevel *) let null _ _ _ _ = raise UndefinedHere let plus s1 s2 env rdefs goal info = try s1 env rdefs goal info with UndefinedHere -> s2 env rdefs goal info (* Equality of two goals *) let equal { content = e1 } { content = e2 } = e1 = e2 let here goal value _ _ goal' _ = if equal goal goal' then value else raise UndefinedHere (* arnaud: voir à la passer dans Util ? *) let rec list_mem_with eq x = function | y::_ when eq x y -> true | _::l -> list_mem_with eq x l | [] -> false let here_list goals value _ _ goal' _ = if list_mem_with equal goal' goals then value else raise UndefinedHere (*** Conversion in goals ***) let convert_hyp check (id,b,bt as d) env rdefs gl info = let sigma = !rdefs in (* This function substitutes the new type and body definitions in the appropriate variable when used with {!Environ.apply_hyps}. *) let replace_function = (fun _ (_,c,ct) _ -> if check && not (Reductionops.is_conv env sigma bt ct) then Errors.error ("Incorrect change of the type of "^(Names.string_of_id id)); if check && not (Option.Misc.compare (Reductionops.is_conv env sigma) b c) then Errors.error ("Incorrect change of the body of "^(Names.string_of_id id)); d) in (* Modified named context. *) let new_hyps = Environ.apply_to_hyp (hyps env rdefs gl info) id replace_function in let new_env = Environ.reset_with_named_context new_hyps env in let new_constr = Evarutil.e_new_evar rdefs new_env (concl env rdefs gl info) in let (new_evar,_) = Term.destEvar new_constr in let new_goal = descendent gl new_evar in rdefs := Evd.define gl.content new_constr !rdefs; { subgoals = [new_goal] } let convert_concl check cl' env rdefs gl info = let sigma = !rdefs in let cl = concl env rdefs gl info in check_typability env sigma cl'; if (not check) || Reductionops.is_conv_leq env sigma cl' cl then let new_constr = Evarutil.e_new_evar rdefs env cl' in let (new_evar,_) = Term.destEvar new_constr in let new_goal = descendent gl new_evar in rdefs := Evd.define gl.content new_constr !rdefs; { subgoals = [new_goal] } else Errors.error "convert-concl rule passed non-converting term" (*** Bureaucracy in hypotheses ***) (* Renames a hypothesis. *) let rename_hyp_sign id1 id2 sign = Environ.apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on sign id1 (fun (_,b,t) _ -> (id2,b,t)) (fun d _ -> map_named_declaration (replace_vars [id1,mkVar id2]) d) let rename_hyp id1 id2 env rdefs gl info = let hyps = hyps env rdefs gl info in if id1 <> id2 && List.mem id2 (Termops.ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context_of_val hyps)) then Errors.error ((Names.string_of_id id2)^" is already used."); let new_hyps = rename_hyp_sign id1 id2 hyps in let new_env = Environ.reset_with_named_context new_hyps env in let new_concl = Term.replace_vars [id1,mkVar id2] (concl env rdefs gl info) in let new_subproof = Evarutil.e_new_evar rdefs new_env new_concl in let new_subproof = Term.replace_vars [id2,mkVar id1] new_subproof in let (new_evar,_) = Term.destEvar new_subproof in let new_goal = descendent gl new_evar in rdefs := Evd.define gl.content new_subproof !rdefs; { subgoals = [new_goal] } (*** Additional functions ***) (* emulates List.map for functions of type [Evd.evar_map -> 'a -> 'b * Evd.evar_map] on lists of type 'a, by propagating new evar_map to next definition. *) (*This sort of construction actually works with any monad (here the State monade in Haskell). There is a generic construction in Haskell called mapM. *) let rec list_map f l s = match l with | [] -> ([],s) | a::l -> let (a,s) = f s a in let (l,s) = list_map f l s in (a::l,s) (* Layer to implement v8.2 tactic engine ontop of the new architecture. Types are different from what they used to be due to a change of the internal types. *) module V82 = struct (* Old style env primitive *) let env evars gl = let evi = content evars gl in Evd.evar_env evi (* For printing *) let unfiltered_env evars gl = let evi = content evars gl in Evd.evar_unfiltered_env evi (* Old style hyps primitive *) let hyps evars gl = let evi = content evars gl in evi.Evd.evar_hyps (* Access to ".evar_concl" *) let concl evars gl = let evi = content evars gl in evi.Evd.evar_concl (* Access to ".evar_extra" *) let extra evars gl = let evi = content evars gl in evi.Evd.evar_extra (* Old style filtered_context primitive *) let filtered_context evars gl = let evi = content evars gl in Evd.evar_filtered_context evi (* Old style mk_goal primitive *) let mk_goal evars hyps concl extra = let evk = Evarutil.new_untyped_evar () in let evi = { Evd.evar_hyps = hyps; Evd.evar_concl = concl; Evd.evar_filter = List.map (fun _ -> true) (Environ.named_context_of_val hyps); Evd.evar_body = Evd.Evar_empty; Evd.evar_source = (Pp.dummy_loc,Evd.GoalEvar); Evd.evar_candidates = None; Evd.evar_extra = extra } in let evi = Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi in let evars = Evd.add evars evk evi in let ids = List.map Util.pi1 (Environ.named_context_of_val hyps) in let inst = Array.of_list (List.map mkVar ids) in let ev = Term.mkEvar (evk,inst) in (build evk, ev, evars) (* Equality function on goals *) let equal evars gl1 gl2 = let evi1 = content evars gl1 in let evi2 = content evars gl2 in Evd.eq_evar_info evi1 evi2 (* Creates a dummy [goal sigma] for use in auto *) let dummy_goal = (* This goal seems to be marshalled somewhere. Therefore it cannot be marked unresolvable for typeclasses, as non-empty Store.t-s happen to have functional content. *) let evi = Evd.make_evar Environ.empty_named_context_val Term.mkProp in let evk = Evarutil.new_untyped_evar () in let sigma = Evd.add Evd.empty evk evi in { Evd.it = build evk ; Evd.sigma = sigma } (* Makes a goal out of an evar *) let build = build (* Instantiates a goal with an open term *) let partial_solution sigma { content=evk } c = Evd.define evk c sigma (* Parts of the progress tactical *) let same_goal evars1 gl1 evars2 gl2 = let evi1 = content evars1 gl1 in let evi2 = content evars2 gl2 in Term.eq_constr evi1.Evd.evar_concl evi2.Evd.evar_concl && Environ.eq_named_context_val evi1.Evd.evar_hyps evi2.Evd.evar_hyps let weak_progress glss gls = match glss.Evd.it with | [ g ] -> not (same_goal glss.Evd.sigma g gls.Evd.sigma gls.Evd.it) | _ -> true let progress glss gls = weak_progress glss gls (* spiwack: progress normally goes like this: (Evd.progress_evar_map gls.Evd.sigma glss.Evd.sigma) || (weak_progress glss gls) This is immensly slow in the current implementation. Maybe we could reimplement progress_evar_map with restricted folds like "fold_undefined", with a good implementation of them. *) (* Used for congruence closure *) let new_goal_with sigma gl new_hyps = let evi = content sigma gl in let new_evi = { evi with Evd.evar_hyps = new_hyps } in let new_evi = Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable new_evi in let evk = Evarutil.new_untyped_evar () in let new_sigma = Evd.add Evd.empty evk new_evi in { Evd.it = build evk ; sigma = new_sigma } (* Used by the compatibility layer and typeclasses *) let nf_evar sigma gl = let evi = content sigma gl in let evi = Evarutil.nf_evar_info sigma evi in let sigma = Evd.add sigma gl.content evi in (gl,sigma) (* Goal represented as a type, doesn't take into account section variables *) let abstract_type sigma gl = let (gl,sigma) = nf_evar sigma gl in let env = env sigma gl in let genv = Global.env () in let is_proof_var decl = try ignore (Environ.lookup_named (Util.pi1 decl) genv); false with Not_found -> true in Environ.fold_named_context_reverse (fun t decl -> if is_proof_var decl then mkNamedProd_or_LetIn decl t else t ) ~init:(concl sigma gl) env end