(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* int (* [exist_to_meta] generates new metavariables for each existential and performs the replacement in the given constr *) val exist_to_meta : Evd.evar_map -> Pretyping.open_constr -> ((int * types) list * constr) (* The Type of Constructions clausale environments. *) type 'a freelisted = { rebus : 'a; freemetas : Intset.t } type clbinding = | Cltyp of constr freelisted | Clval of constr freelisted * constr freelisted type 'a clausenv = { templval : constr freelisted; templtyp : constr freelisted; namenv : identifier Intmap.t; env : clbinding Intmap.t; hook : 'a } type wc = named_context sigma (* for a better reading of the following *) (* [templval] is the template which we are trying to fill out. * [templtyp] is its type. * [namenv] is a mapping from metavar numbers to names, for * use in instanciating metavars by name. * [env] is the mapping from metavar numbers to their types * and values. * [hook] is the pointer to the current walking context, for * integrating existential vars and metavars. *) val collect_metas : constr -> int list val mk_clenv : 'a -> constr -> 'a clausenv val mk_clenv_from : 'a -> constr * constr -> 'a clausenv val mk_clenv_from_n : 'a -> int option -> constr * constr -> 'a clausenv val mk_clenv_rename_from : wc -> constr * constr -> wc clausenv val mk_clenv_rename_from_n : wc -> int option -> constr * constr -> wc clausenv val mk_clenv_hnf_constr_type_of : wc -> constr -> wc clausenv val mk_clenv_type_of : wc -> constr -> wc clausenv val subst_clenv : (substitution -> 'a -> 'a) -> substitution -> 'a clausenv -> 'a clausenv val connect_clenv : wc -> 'a clausenv -> wc clausenv val clenv_change_head : constr * constr -> 'a clausenv -> 'a clausenv val clenv_assign : int -> constr -> 'a clausenv -> 'a clausenv val clenv_instance_term : wc clausenv -> constr -> constr val clenv_pose : name * int * constr -> 'a clausenv -> 'a clausenv val clenv_template : 'a clausenv -> constr freelisted val clenv_template_type : 'a clausenv -> constr freelisted val clenv_instance_type : wc clausenv -> int -> constr val clenv_instance_template : wc clausenv -> constr val clenv_instance_template_type : wc clausenv -> constr val clenv_type_of : wc clausenv -> constr -> constr val clenv_fchain : int -> 'a clausenv -> wc clausenv -> wc clausenv val clenv_bchain : int -> 'a clausenv -> wc clausenv -> wc clausenv (* Unification with clenv *) type arg_bindings = (int * constr) list val unify_0 : Reductionops.conv_pb -> wc -> constr -> constr -> (int * constr) list * (constr * constr) list val clenv_unify : bool -> Reductionops.conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> wc clausenv -> wc clausenv val clenv_match_args : constr Rawterm.explicit_substitution -> wc clausenv -> wc clausenv val clenv_constrain_with_bindings : arg_bindings -> wc clausenv -> wc clausenv (* Bindings *) val clenv_independent : wc clausenv -> int list val clenv_missing : 'a clausenv -> int list val clenv_constrain_missing_args : (* Used in user contrib Lannion *) constr list -> wc clausenv -> wc clausenv (* val clenv_constrain_dep_args : constr list -> wc clausenv -> wc clausenv *) val clenv_lookup_name : 'a clausenv -> identifier -> int val clenv_unique_resolver : bool -> wc clausenv -> goal sigma -> wc clausenv val make_clenv_binding_apply : wc -> int -> constr * constr -> types Rawterm.substitution -> wc clausenv val make_clenv_binding : wc -> constr * constr -> types Rawterm.substitution -> wc clausenv (* Tactics *) val unify : constr -> tactic val clenv_refine : (wc -> tactic) -> wc clausenv -> tactic val res_pf : (wc -> tactic) -> wc clausenv -> tactic val res_pf_cast : (wc -> tactic) -> wc clausenv -> tactic val elim_res_pf : (wc -> tactic) -> wc clausenv -> tactic val e_res_pf : (wc -> tactic) -> wc clausenv -> tactic val elim_res_pf_THEN_i : (wc -> tactic) -> wc clausenv -> (wc clausenv -> tactic array) -> tactic (* Pretty-print *) val pr_clenv : 'a clausenv -> Pp.std_ppcmds (* Exported for debugging *) val unify_to_subterm : wc clausenv -> constr * constr -> wc clausenv * constr val unify_to_subterm_list : bool -> wc clausenv -> constr list -> constr -> wc clausenv * constr list val clenv_typed_unify : Reductionops.conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> wc clausenv -> wc clausenv (*i This should be in another module i*) (* [abstract_list_all env sigma t c l] *) (* abstracts the terms in l over c to get a term of type t *) val abstract_list_all : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr -> constr -> constr list -> constr