(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* constr) -> clausenv -> clausenv (** subject of clenv (instantiated) *) val clenv_value : clausenv -> constr (** type of clenv (instantiated) *) val clenv_type : clausenv -> types (** substitute resolved metas *) val clenv_nf_meta : clausenv -> constr -> constr (** type of a meta in clenv context *) val clenv_meta_type : clausenv -> metavariable -> types val mk_clenv_from : Goal.goal sigma -> constr * types -> clausenv val mk_clenv_from_n : Goal.goal sigma -> int option -> constr * types -> clausenv val mk_clenv_type_of : Goal.goal sigma -> constr -> clausenv val mk_clenv_from_env : env -> evar_map -> int option -> constr * types -> clausenv (** Refresh the universes in a clenv *) val refresh_undefined_univs : clausenv -> clausenv * Univ.universe_level_subst (** {6 linking of clenvs } *) val connect_clenv : Goal.goal sigma -> clausenv -> clausenv val clenv_fchain : ?flags:unify_flags -> metavariable -> clausenv -> clausenv -> clausenv (** {6 Unification with clenvs } *) (** Unifies two terms in a clenv. The boolean is [allow_K] (see [Unification]) *) val clenv_unify : ?flags:unify_flags -> conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> clausenv -> clausenv (** unifies the concl of the goal with the type of the clenv *) val clenv_unique_resolver : ?flags:unify_flags -> clausenv -> Goal.goal sigma -> clausenv val clenv_dependent : clausenv -> metavariable list val clenv_pose_metas_as_evars : clausenv -> metavariable list -> clausenv (** {6 Bindings } *) type arg_bindings = constr explicit_bindings (** bindings where the key is the position in the template of the clenv (dependent or not). Positions can be negative meaning to start from the rightmost argument of the template. *) val clenv_independent : clausenv -> metavariable list val clenv_missing : clausenv -> metavariable list (** for the purpose of inversion tactics *) exception NoSuchBinding val clenv_constrain_last_binding : constr -> clausenv -> clausenv val clenv_unify_meta_types : ?flags:unify_flags -> clausenv -> clausenv (** start with a clenv to refine with a given term with bindings *) (** the arity of the lemma is fixed the optional int tells how many prods of the lemma have to be used use all of them if None *) val make_clenv_binding_env_apply : env -> evar_map -> int option -> constr * constr -> constr bindings -> clausenv val make_clenv_binding_apply : env -> evar_map -> int option -> constr * constr -> constr bindings -> clausenv val make_clenv_binding_env : env -> evar_map -> constr * constr -> constr bindings -> clausenv val make_clenv_binding : env -> evar_map -> constr * constr -> constr bindings -> clausenv (** if the clause is a product, add an extra meta for this product *) exception NotExtensibleClause val clenv_push_prod : clausenv -> clausenv (** {6 Pretty-print (debug only) } *) val pr_clenv : clausenv -> Pp.std_ppcmds (** {6 Evar version} *) type hole = { hole_evar : constr; hole_type : types; hole_deps : bool; (** Dependent in hypotheses then in conclusion *) hole_name : Name.t; } type clause = { cl_holes : hole list; cl_concl : types; } val make_evar_clause : env -> evar_map -> int option -> types -> (evar_map * clause) (** An evar version of {!make_clenv_binding}. Given a type [t], [evar_environments env sigma n t bl] tries to eliminate at most [n] products of the type [t] by filling it with evars. It returns the resulting type together with the list of holes generated. Assumes that [t] is well-typed in the environment. *) val solve_evar_clause : env -> evar_map -> bool -> clause -> constr bindings -> evar_map (** [solve_evar_clause env sigma hyps cl bl] tries to solve the holes contained in [cl] according to the [bl] argument. Assumes that [bl] are well-typed in the environment. The boolean [hyps] is a compatibility flag that allows to consider arguments to be dependent only when they appear in hypotheses and not in the conclusion. *)