(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (Name (Id.of_string "x"), dom, codom) | Name _ -> res exception Find_at of int (* rend le numero du constructeur correspondant au tag [tag], [cst] = true si c'est un constructeur constant *) let invert_tag cst tag reloc_tbl = try for j = 0 to Array.length reloc_tbl - 1 do let tagj,arity = reloc_tbl.(j) in let no_arity = Int.equal arity 0 in if Int.equal tag tagj && (cst && no_arity || not (cst || no_arity)) then raise (Find_at j) else () done;raise Not_found with Find_at j -> (j+1) (* Argggg, ces constructeurs de ... qui commencent a 1*) let find_rectype_a env c = Inductiveops.find_mrectype_vect env Evd.empty c (* Instantiate inductives and parameters in constructor type *) let type_constructor mind mib u typ params = let s = ind_subst mind mib u in let ctyp = substl s typ in let ctyp = subst_instance_constr u ctyp in let ndecls = Context.Rel.length mib.mind_params_ctxt in if Int.equal ndecls 0 then ctyp else let _,ctyp = decompose_prod_n_assum ndecls ctyp in substl (List.rev (adjust_subst_to_rel_context mib.mind_params_ctxt (Array.to_list params))) ctyp let construct_of_constr const env tag typ = let ((mind,_ as ind), u) as indu, allargs = find_rectype_a env typ in (* spiwack : here be a branch for specific decompilation handled by retroknowledge *) try if const then ((retroknowledge Retroknowledge.get_vm_decompile_constant_info env (mkIndU indu) tag), typ) (*spiwack: this may need to be changed in case there are parameters in the type which may cause a constant value to have an arity. (type_constructor seems to be all about parameters actually) but it shouldn't really matter since constant values don't use their ctyp in the rest of the code.*) else raise Not_found (* No retroknowledge function (yet) for block decompilation *) with Not_found -> let mib,mip = lookup_mind_specif env ind in let nparams = mib.mind_nparams in let i = invert_tag const tag mip.mind_reloc_tbl in let params = Array.sub allargs 0 nparams in let ctyp = type_constructor mind mib u (mip.mind_nf_lc.(i-1)) params in (mkApp(mkConstructUi(indu,i), params), ctyp) let construct_of_constr_const env tag typ = fst (construct_of_constr true env tag typ) let construct_of_constr_block = construct_of_constr false let type_of_ind env (ind, u) = type_of_inductive env (Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind, u) let build_branches_type env (mind,_ as _ind) mib mip u params dep p = let rtbl = mip.mind_reloc_tbl in (* [build_one_branch i cty] construit le type de la ieme branche (commence a 0) et les lambda correspondant aux realargs *) let build_one_branch i cty = let typi = type_constructor mind mib u cty params in let decl,indapp = Reductionops.splay_prod env Evd.empty typi in let decl_with_letin,_ = decompose_prod_assum typi in let ((ind,u),cargs) = find_rectype_a env indapp in let nparams = Array.length params in let carity = snd (rtbl.(i)) in let crealargs = Array.sub cargs nparams (Array.length cargs - nparams) in let codom = let ndecl = List.length decl in let papp = mkApp(lift ndecl p,crealargs) in if dep then let cstr = ith_constructor_of_inductive ind (i+1) in let relargs = Array.init carity (fun i -> mkRel (carity-i)) in let params = Array.map (lift ndecl) params in let dep_cstr = mkApp(mkApp(mkConstructU (cstr,u),params),relargs) in mkApp(papp,[|dep_cstr|]) else papp in decl, decl_with_letin, codom in Array.mapi build_one_branch mip.mind_nf_lc let build_case_type dep p realargs c = if dep then mkApp(mkApp(p, realargs), [|c|]) else mkApp(p, realargs) (* La fonction de normalisation *) let rec nf_val env v t = nf_whd env (whd_val v) t and nf_vtype env v = nf_val env v crazy_type and nf_whd env whd typ = match whd with | Vsort s -> mkSort s | Vprod p -> let dom = nf_vtype env (dom p) in let name = Name (Id.of_string "x") in let vc = body_of_vfun (nb_rel env) (codom p) in let codom = nf_vtype (push_rel (LocalAssum (name,dom)) env) vc in mkProd(name,dom,codom) | Vfun f -> nf_fun env f typ | Vfix(f,None) -> nf_fix env f | Vfix(f,Some vargs) -> fst (nf_fix_app env f vargs) | Vcofix(cf,_,None) -> nf_cofix env cf | Vcofix(cf,_,Some vargs) -> let cfd = nf_cofix env cf in let i,(_,ta,_) = destCoFix cfd in let t = ta.(i) in let _, args = nf_args env vargs t in mkApp(cfd,args) | Vconstr_const n -> construct_of_constr_const env n typ | Vconstr_block b -> let tag = btag b in let (tag,ofs) = if tag = Cbytecodes.last_variant_tag then match whd_val (bfield b 0) with | Vconstr_const tag -> (tag+Cbytecodes.last_variant_tag, 1) | _ -> assert false else (tag, 0) in let capp,ctyp = construct_of_constr_block env tag typ in let args = nf_bargs env b ofs ctyp in mkApp(capp,args) | Vatom_stk(Aid idkey, stk) -> constr_type_of_idkey env idkey stk | Vatom_stk(Aind ((mi,i) as ind), stk) -> let mib = Environ.lookup_mind mi env in let nb_univs = if mib.mind_polymorphic then Univ.UContext.size mib.mind_universes else 0 in let mk u = let pind = (ind, u) in (mkIndU pind, type_of_ind env pind) in nf_univ_args ~nb_univs mk env stk | Vatom_stk(Atype u, stk) -> assert false | Vuniv_level lvl -> assert false and nf_univ_args ~nb_univs mk env stk = let u = if Int.equal nb_univs 0 then Univ.Instance.empty else match stk with | Zapp args :: _ -> let inst = Array.init nb_univs (fun i -> Vm.uni_lvl_val (arg args i)) in Univ.Instance.of_array inst | _ -> assert false in let (t,ty) = mk u in nf_stk ~from:nb_univs env t ty stk and constr_type_of_idkey env (idkey : Vars.id_key) stk = match idkey with | ConstKey cst -> let cbody = Environ.lookup_constant cst env in let nb_univs = if cbody.const_polymorphic then Univ.UContext.size cbody.const_universes else 0 in let mk u = let pcst = (cst, u) in (mkConstU pcst, Typeops.type_of_constant_in env pcst) in nf_univ_args ~nb_univs mk env stk | VarKey id -> let open Context.Named.Declaration in let ty = get_type (lookup_named id env) in nf_stk env (mkVar id) ty stk | RelKey i -> let n = (nb_rel env - i) in let ty = get_type (lookup_rel n env) in nf_stk env (mkRel n) (lift n ty) stk and nf_stk ?from:(from=0) env c t stk = match stk with | [] -> c | Zapp vargs :: stk -> if nargs vargs >= from then let t, args = nf_args ~from:from env vargs t in nf_stk env (mkApp(c,args)) t stk else let rest = from - nargs vargs in nf_stk ~from:rest env c t stk | Zfix (f,vargs) :: stk -> assert (from = 0) ; let fa, typ = nf_fix_app env f vargs in let _,_,codom = decompose_prod env typ in nf_stk env (mkApp(fa,[|c|])) (subst1 c codom) stk | Zswitch sw :: stk -> assert (from = 0) ; let ((mind,_ as ind), u), allargs = find_rectype_a env t in let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in let nparams = mib.mind_nparams in let params,realargs = Util.Array.chop nparams allargs in let pT = hnf_prod_applist env (type_of_ind env (ind,u)) (Array.to_list params) in let pT = whd_betadeltaiota env pT in let dep, p = nf_predicate env (ind,u) mip params (type_of_switch sw) pT in (* Calcul du type des branches *) let btypes = build_branches_type env ind mib mip u params dep p in (* calcul des branches *) let bsw = branch_of_switch (nb_rel env) sw in let mkbranch i (n,v) = let decl,decl_with_letin,codom = btypes.(i) in let b = nf_val (Termops.push_rels_assum decl env) v codom in Termops.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_from_no_LetIn b decl_with_letin in let branchs = Array.mapi mkbranch bsw in let tcase = build_case_type dep p realargs c in let ci = case_info sw in nf_stk env (mkCase(ci, p, c, branchs)) tcase stk | Zproj p :: stk -> assert (from = 0) ; let p' = Projection.make p true in let ty = Inductiveops.type_of_projection_knowing_arg env Evd.empty p' c t in nf_stk env (mkProj(p',c)) ty stk and nf_predicate env ind mip params v pT = match whd_val v, kind_of_term pT with | Vfun f, Prod _ -> let k = nb_rel env in let vb = body_of_vfun k f in let name,dom,codom = decompose_prod env pT in let dep,body = nf_predicate (push_rel (LocalAssum (name,dom)) env) ind mip params vb codom in dep, mkLambda(name,dom,body) | Vfun f, _ -> let k = nb_rel env in let vb = body_of_vfun k f in let name = Name (Id.of_string "c") in let n = mip.mind_nrealargs in let rargs = Array.init n (fun i -> mkRel (n-i)) in let params = if Int.equal n 0 then params else Array.map (lift n) params in let dom = mkApp(mkIndU ind,Array.append params rargs) in let body = nf_vtype (push_rel (LocalAssum (name,dom)) env) vb in true, mkLambda(name,dom,body) | _, _ -> false, nf_val env v crazy_type and nf_args env vargs ?from:(f=0) t = let t = ref t in let len = nargs vargs - f in let args = Array.init len (fun i -> let _,dom,codom = decompose_prod env !t in let c = nf_val env (arg vargs (f+i)) dom in t := subst1 c codom; c) in !t,args and nf_bargs env b ofs t = let t = ref t in let len = bsize b - ofs in let args = Array.init len (fun i -> let _,dom,codom = decompose_prod env !t in let c = nf_val env (bfield b (i+ofs)) dom in t := subst1 c codom; c) in args and nf_fun env f typ = let k = nb_rel env in let vb = body_of_vfun k f in let name,dom,codom = try decompose_prod env typ with DestKO -> (* 27/2/13: Turned this into an anomaly *) Errors.anomaly (Pp.strbrk "Returned a functional value in a type not recognized as a product type.") in let body = nf_val (push_rel (LocalAssum (name,dom)) env) vb codom in mkLambda(name,dom,body) and nf_fix env f = let init = current_fix f in let rec_args = rec_args f in let k = nb_rel env in let vb, vt = reduce_fix k f in let ndef = Array.length vt in let ft = Array.map (fun v -> nf_val env v crazy_type) vt in let name = Array.init ndef (fun _ -> (Name (Id.of_string "Ffix"))) in (* Third argument of the tuple is ignored by push_rec_types *) let env = push_rec_types (name,ft,ft) env in (* We lift here because the types of arguments (in tt) will be evaluated in an environment where the fixpoints have been pushed *) let norm_vb v t = nf_fun env v (lift ndef t) in let fb = Util.Array.map2 norm_vb vb ft in mkFix ((rec_args,init),(name,ft,fb)) and nf_fix_app env f vargs = let fd = nf_fix env f in let (_,i),(_,ta,_) = destFix fd in let t = ta.(i) in let t, args = nf_args env vargs t in mkApp(fd,args),t and nf_cofix env cf = let init = current_cofix cf in let k = nb_rel env in let vb,vt = reduce_cofix k cf in let ndef = Array.length vt in let cft = Array.map (fun v -> nf_val env v crazy_type) vt in let name = Array.init ndef (fun _ -> (Name (Id.of_string "Fcofix"))) in let env = push_rec_types (name,cft,cft) env in let cfb = Util.Array.map2 (fun v t -> nf_val env v t) vb cft in mkCoFix (init,(name,cft,cfb)) let cbv_vm env c t = let v = Vconv.val_of_constr env c in nf_val env v t let vm_infer_conv ?(pb=Reduction.CUMUL) env sigma t1 t2 = Reductionops.infer_conv_gen (fun pb ~l2r sigma ts -> Vconv.vm_conv_gen pb) ~catch_incon:true ~pb env sigma t1 t2 let _ = Reductionops.set_vm_infer_conv vm_infer_conv