(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Loc.tag Univ.Level.prop | GSet -> Loc.tag Univ.Level.set | GType None | GType (Some (_, Anonymous)) -> user_err ~hdr:"interp_constraint" (str "Cannot declare constraints on anonymous universes") | GType (Some (loc, Name id)) -> try loc, Evd.universe_of_name evd (Id.to_string id) with Not_found -> user_err ?loc ~hdr:"interp_constraint" (str "Undeclared universe " ++ pr_id id) in let interp (evd,cstrs) (u, d, u') = let lloc, ul = u_of_id u and rloc, u'l = u_of_id u' in let cstr = (ul,d,u'l) in let cstrs' = Univ.Constraint.add cstr cstrs in try let evd = Evd.add_constraints evd (Univ.Constraint.singleton cstr) in evd, cstrs' with Univ.UniverseInconsistency e -> user_err ~hdr:"interp_constraint" (str "Universe inconsistency" (* TODO *)) in List.fold_left interp (evd,Univ.Constraint.empty) cstrs let interp_univ_decl env decl = let open Misctypes in let pl = decl.univdecl_instance in let evd = Evd.from_ctx (Evd.make_evar_universe_context env (Some pl)) in let evd, cstrs = interp_univ_constraints env evd decl.univdecl_constraints in let decl = { univdecl_instance = pl; univdecl_extensible_instance = decl.univdecl_extensible_instance; univdecl_constraints = cstrs; univdecl_extensible_constraints = decl.univdecl_extensible_constraints } in evd, decl let interp_univ_decl_opt env l = match l with | None -> Evd.from_env env, default_univ_decl | Some decl -> interp_univ_decl env decl