(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* anomaly ("unknown meta ?"^Nameops.string_of_meta mv) in meta_instance evd ty let constant_type_knowing_parameters env cst jl = let paramstyp = Array.map (fun j -> j.uj_type) jl in type_of_constant_knowing_parameters env (constant_type env cst) paramstyp let inductive_type_knowing_parameters env ind jl = let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in let paramstyp = Array.map (fun j -> j.uj_type) jl in Inductive.type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env mip paramstyp let e_type_judgment env evdref j = match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env !evdref j.uj_type) with | Sort s -> {utj_val = j.uj_val; utj_type = s } | Evar ev -> let (evd,s) = Evarutil.define_evar_as_sort !evdref ev in evdref := evd; { utj_val = j.uj_val; utj_type = s } | _ -> error_not_type env j let e_judge_of_apply env evdref funj argjv = let rec apply_rec n typ = function | [] -> { uj_val = mkApp (j_val funj, Array.map j_val argjv); uj_type = typ } | hj::restjl -> match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env !evdref typ) with | Prod (_,c1,c2) -> if Evarconv.e_cumul env evdref hj.uj_type c1 then apply_rec (n+1) (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) restjl else error_cant_apply_bad_type env (n,c1, hj.uj_type) funj argjv | Evar ev -> let (evd',t) = Evarutil.define_evar_as_product !evdref ev in evdref := evd'; let (_,_,c2) = destProd t in apply_rec (n+1) (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) restjl | _ -> error_cant_apply_not_functional env funj argjv in apply_rec 1 funj.uj_type (Array.to_list argjv) let e_check_branch_types env evdref ind cj (lfj,explft) = if Array.length lfj <> Array.length explft then error_number_branches env cj (Array.length explft); for i = 0 to Array.length explft - 1 do if not (Evarconv.e_cumul env evdref lfj.(i).uj_type explft.(i)) then error_ill_formed_branch env cj.uj_val (ind,i+1) lfj.(i).uj_type explft.(i) done let max_sort l = if List.mem InType l then InType else if List.mem InSet l then InSet else InProp let e_is_correct_arity env evdref c pj ind specif params = let arsign = make_arity_signature env true (make_ind_family (ind,params)) in let allowed_sorts = elim_sorts specif in let error () = error_elim_arity env ind allowed_sorts c pj None in let rec srec env pt ar = let pt' = whd_betadeltaiota env !evdref pt in match kind_of_term pt', ar with | Prod (na1,a1,t), (_,None,a1')::ar' -> if not (Evarconv.e_cumul env evdref a1 a1') then error (); srec (push_rel (na1,None,a1) env) t ar' | Sort s, [] -> if not (List.mem (family_of_sort s) allowed_sorts) then error () | Evar (ev,_), [] -> let s = Termops.new_sort_in_family (max_sort allowed_sorts) in evdref := Evd.define ev (mkSort s) !evdref | _, (_,Some _,_ as d)::ar' -> srec (push_rel d env) (lift 1 pt') ar' | _ -> error () in srec env pj.uj_type (List.rev arsign) let e_type_case_branches env evdref (ind,largs) pj c = let specif = lookup_mind_specif env ind in let nparams = inductive_params specif in let (params,realargs) = List.chop nparams largs in let p = pj.uj_val in let univ = e_is_correct_arity env evdref c pj ind specif params in let lc = build_branches_type ind specif params p in let n = (snd specif).Declarations.mind_nrealargs_ctxt in let ty = whd_betaiota !evdref (Reduction.betazeta_appvect (n+1) p (Array.of_list (realargs@[c]))) in (lc, ty, univ) let e_judge_of_case env evdref ci pj cj lfj = let indspec = try find_mrectype env !evdref cj.uj_type with Not_found -> error_case_not_inductive env cj in let _ = check_case_info env (fst indspec) ci in let (bty,rslty,univ) = e_type_case_branches env evdref indspec pj cj.uj_val in e_check_branch_types env evdref (fst indspec) cj (lfj,bty); { uj_val = mkCase (ci, pj.uj_val, cj.uj_val, Array.map j_val lfj); uj_type = rslty } let check_allowed_sort env sigma ind c p = let pj = Retyping.get_judgment_of env sigma p in let ksort = family_of_sort (sort_of_arity env sigma pj.uj_type) in let specif = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let sorts = elim_sorts specif in if not (List.exists ((=) ksort) sorts) then let s = inductive_sort_family (snd specif) in error_elim_arity env ind sorts c pj (Some(ksort,s,error_elim_explain ksort s)) let e_judge_of_cast env evdref cj k tj = let expected_type = tj.utj_val in if not (Evarconv.e_cumul env evdref cj.uj_type expected_type) then error_actual_type env cj expected_type; { uj_val = mkCast (cj.uj_val, k, expected_type); uj_type = expected_type } (* The typing machine without information, without universes but with existential variables. *) (* cstr must be in n.f. w.r.t. evars and execute returns a judgement where both the term and type are in n.f. *) let rec execute env evdref cstr = match kind_of_term cstr with | Meta n -> { uj_val = cstr; uj_type = meta_type !evdref n } | Evar ev -> let ty = Evd.existential_type !evdref ev in let jty = execute env evdref (whd_evar !evdref ty) in let jty = assumption_of_judgment env jty in { uj_val = cstr; uj_type = jty } | Rel n -> judge_of_relative env n | Var id -> judge_of_variable env id | Const c -> make_judge cstr (rename_type_of_constant env c) | Ind ind -> make_judge cstr (rename_type_of_inductive env ind) | Construct cstruct -> make_judge cstr (rename_type_of_constructor env cstruct) | Case (ci,p,c,lf) -> let cj = execute env evdref c in let pj = execute env evdref p in let lfj = execute_array env evdref lf in e_judge_of_case env evdref ci pj cj lfj | Fix ((vn,i as vni),recdef) -> let (_,tys,_ as recdef') = execute_recdef env evdref recdef in let fix = (vni,recdef') in check_fix env fix; make_judge (mkFix fix) tys.(i) | CoFix (i,recdef) -> let (_,tys,_ as recdef') = execute_recdef env evdref recdef in let cofix = (i,recdef') in check_cofix env cofix; make_judge (mkCoFix cofix) tys.(i) | Sort (Prop c) -> judge_of_prop_contents c | Sort (Type u) -> judge_of_type u | App (f,args) -> let jl = execute_array env evdref args in let j = match kind_of_term f with | Ind ind -> (* Sort-polymorphism of inductive types *) make_judge f (inductive_type_knowing_parameters env ind (jv_nf_evar !evdref jl)) | Const cst -> (* Sort-polymorphism of inductive types *) make_judge f (constant_type_knowing_parameters env cst (jv_nf_evar !evdref jl)) | _ -> execute env evdref f in e_judge_of_apply env evdref j jl | Lambda (name,c1,c2) -> let j = execute env evdref c1 in let var = e_type_judgment env evdref j in let env1 = push_rel (name,None,var.utj_val) env in let j' = execute env1 evdref c2 in judge_of_abstraction env1 name var j' | Prod (name,c1,c2) -> let j = execute env evdref c1 in let varj = e_type_judgment env evdref j in let env1 = push_rel (name,None,varj.utj_val) env in let j' = execute env1 evdref c2 in let varj' = e_type_judgment env1 evdref j' in judge_of_product env name varj varj' | LetIn (name,c1,c2,c3) -> let j1 = execute env evdref c1 in let j2 = execute env evdref c2 in let j2 = e_type_judgment env evdref j2 in let _ = judge_of_cast env j1 DEFAULTcast j2 in let env1 = push_rel (name,Some j1.uj_val,j2.utj_val) env in let j3 = execute env1 evdref c3 in judge_of_letin env name j1 j2 j3 | Cast (c,k,t) -> let cj = execute env evdref c in let tj = execute env evdref t in let tj = e_type_judgment env evdref tj in e_judge_of_cast env evdref cj k tj and execute_recdef env evdref (names,lar,vdef) = let larj = execute_array env evdref lar in let lara = Array.map (assumption_of_judgment env) larj in let env1 = push_rec_types (names,lara,vdef) env in let vdefj = execute_array env1 evdref vdef in let vdefv = Array.map j_val vdefj in let _ = type_fixpoint env1 names lara vdefj in (names,lara,vdefv) and execute_array env evdref = Array.map (execute env evdref) let check env evd c t = let evdref = ref evd in let j = execute env evdref c in if not (Evarconv.e_cumul env evdref j.uj_type t) then error_actual_type env j (nf_evar evd t) (* Type of a constr *) let type_of env evd c = let j = execute env (ref evd) c in (* We are outside the kernel: we take fresh universes *) (* to avoid tactics and co to refresh universes themselves *) Termops.refresh_universes j.uj_type (* Sort of a type *) let sort_of env evd c = let evdref = ref evd in let j = execute env evdref c in let a = e_type_judgment env evdref j in a.utj_type (* Try to solve the existential variables by typing *) let e_type_of env evd c = let evdref = ref evd in let j = execute env evdref c in (* side-effect on evdref *) !evdref, Termops.refresh_universes j.uj_type let solve_evars env evd c = let evdref = ref evd in let c = (execute env evdref c).uj_val in (* side-effect on evdref *) !evdref, nf_evar !evdref c let _ = Evarconv.set_solve_evars solve_evars