(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* let cb = Global.lookup_constant c in if cb.const_polymorphic then Univ.UContext.instance cb.const_universes else Univ.Instance.empty | IndRef c -> let mib,oib = Global.lookup_inductive c in if mib.mind_polymorphic then Univ.UContext.instance mib.mind_universes else Univ.Instance.empty | _ -> Univ.Instance.empty in Array.fold_left2 (fun subst u u' -> Univ.LMap.add u u' subst) Univ.LMap.empty (Univ.Instance.to_array u) (Univ.Instance.to_array u') in let subst_ctx = Context.Rel.map (subst_univs_level_constr subst) in { cl with cl_context = fst cl.cl_context, subst_ctx (snd cl.cl_context); cl_props = subst_ctx cl.cl_props}, u' let class_info c = try Refmap.find c !classes with Not_found -> not_a_class (Global.env()) (EConstr.of_constr (printable_constr_of_global c)) let global_class_of_constr env sigma c = try let gr, u = Termops.global_of_constr sigma c in class_info gr, u with Not_found -> not_a_class env c let dest_class_app env sigma c = let cl, args = EConstr.decompose_app sigma c in global_class_of_constr env sigma cl, (List.map EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr args) let dest_class_arity env sigma c = let open EConstr in let rels, c = decompose_prod_assum sigma c in rels, dest_class_app env sigma c let class_of_constr sigma c = try Some (dest_class_arity (Global.env ()) sigma c) with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> None let is_class_constr sigma c = try let gr, u = Termops.global_of_constr sigma c in Refmap.mem gr !classes with Not_found -> false let rec is_class_type evd c = let c, _ = Termops.decompose_app_vect evd c in match EConstr.kind evd c with | Prod (_, _, t) -> is_class_type evd t | Cast (t, _, _) -> is_class_type evd t | _ -> is_class_constr evd c let is_class_evar evd evi = is_class_type evd (EConstr.of_constr evi.Evd.evar_concl) (* * classes persistent object *) let load_class (_, cl) = classes := Refmap.add cl.cl_impl cl !classes let cache_class = load_class let subst_class (subst,cl) = let do_subst_con c = Mod_subst.subst_constant subst c and do_subst c = Mod_subst.subst_mps subst c and do_subst_gr gr = fst (subst_global subst gr) in let do_subst_ctx = List.smartmap (RelDecl.map_constr do_subst) in let do_subst_context (grs,ctx) = List.smartmap (Option.smartmap (fun (gr,b) -> do_subst_gr gr, b)) grs, do_subst_ctx ctx in let do_subst_projs projs = List.smartmap (fun (x, y, z) -> (x, y, Option.smartmap do_subst_con z)) projs in { cl_impl = do_subst_gr cl.cl_impl; cl_context = do_subst_context cl.cl_context; cl_props = do_subst_ctx cl.cl_props; cl_projs = do_subst_projs cl.cl_projs; cl_strict = cl.cl_strict; cl_unique = cl.cl_unique } let discharge_class (_,cl) = let repl = Lib.replacement_context () in let rel_of_variable_context ctx = List.fold_right ( fun (decl,_) (ctx', subst) -> let decl' = decl |> NamedDecl.map_constr (substn_vars 1 subst) |> NamedDecl.to_rel_decl in (decl' :: ctx', NamedDecl.get_id decl :: subst) ) ctx ([], []) in let discharge_rel_context subst n rel = let rel = Context.Rel.map (Cooking.expmod_constr repl) rel in let ctx, _ = List.fold_right (fun decl (ctx, k) -> RelDecl.map_constr (substn_vars k subst) decl :: ctx, succ k ) rel ([], n) in ctx in let abs_context cl = match cl.cl_impl with | VarRef _ | ConstructRef _ -> assert false | ConstRef cst -> Lib.section_segment_of_constant cst | IndRef (ind,_) -> Lib.section_segment_of_mutual_inductive ind in let discharge_context ctx' subst (grs, ctx) = let grs' = let newgrs = List.map (fun decl -> match decl |> RelDecl.get_type |> EConstr.of_constr |> class_of_constr Evd.empty with | None -> None | Some (_, ((tc,_), _)) -> Some (tc.cl_impl, true)) ctx' in List.smartmap (Option.smartmap (fun (gr, b) -> Lib.discharge_global gr, b)) grs @ newgrs in grs', discharge_rel_context subst 1 ctx @ ctx' in let cl_impl' = Lib.discharge_global cl.cl_impl in if cl_impl' == cl.cl_impl then cl else let ctx, usubst, uctx = abs_context cl in let ctx, subst = rel_of_variable_context ctx in let context = discharge_context ctx subst cl.cl_context in let props = discharge_rel_context subst (succ (List.length (fst cl.cl_context))) cl.cl_props in let discharge_proj (x, y, z) = x, y, Option.smartmap Lib.discharge_con z in { cl_impl = cl_impl'; cl_context = context; cl_props = props; cl_projs = List.smartmap discharge_proj cl.cl_projs; cl_strict = cl.cl_strict; cl_unique = cl.cl_unique } let rebuild_class cl = try let cst = Tacred.evaluable_of_global_reference (Global.env ()) cl.cl_impl in set_typeclass_transparency cst false false; cl with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> cl let class_input : typeclass -> obj = declare_object { (default_object "type classes state") with cache_function = cache_class; load_function = (fun _ -> load_class); open_function = (fun _ -> load_class); classify_function = (fun x -> Substitute x); discharge_function = (fun a -> Some (discharge_class a)); rebuild_function = rebuild_class; subst_function = subst_class } let add_class cl = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (class_input cl) (** Build the subinstances hints. *) let check_instance env sigma c = try let (evd, c) = resolve_one_typeclass env sigma (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c) in not (Evd.has_undefined evd) with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> false open Vernacexpr let build_subclasses ~check env sigma glob { hint_priority = pri } = let _id = Nametab.basename_of_global glob in let _next_id = let i = ref (-1) in (fun () -> incr i; Nameops.add_suffix _id ("_subinstance_" ^ string_of_int !i)) in let ty, ctx = Global.type_of_global_in_context env glob in let ty = EConstr.of_constr ty in let sigma = Evd.merge_context_set Evd.univ_rigid sigma (Univ.ContextSet.of_context ctx) in let rec aux pri c ty path = match class_of_constr sigma ty with | None -> [] | Some (rels, ((tc,u), args)) -> let instapp = Reductionops.whd_beta sigma (EConstr.of_constr (appvectc c (Context.Rel.to_extended_vect mkRel 0 rels))) in let instapp = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr instapp in let projargs = Array.of_list (args @ [instapp]) in let projs = List.map_filter (fun (n, b, proj) -> match b with | None -> None | Some (Backward, _) -> None | Some (Forward, info) -> let proj = Option.get proj in let rels = List.map (fun d -> Termops.map_rel_decl EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr d) rels in let body = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkApp (mkConstU (proj,u), projargs)) rels in if check && check_instance env sigma (EConstr.of_constr body) then None else let newpri = match pri, info.hint_priority with | Some p, Some p' -> Some (p + p') | Some p, None -> Some (p + 1) | _, _ -> None in Some (ConstRef proj, { info with hint_priority = newpri }, body)) tc.cl_projs in let declare_proj hints (cref, info, body) = let path' = cref :: path in let ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma (EConstr.of_constr body) in let rest = aux pri body ty path' in hints @ (path', info, body) :: rest in List.fold_left declare_proj [] projs in let term = Universes.constr_of_global_univ (glob,Univ.UContext.instance ctx) in (*FIXME subclasses should now get substituted for each particular instance of the polymorphic superclass *) aux pri term ty [glob] (* * instances persistent object *) type instance_action = | AddInstance | RemoveInstance let load_instance inst = let insts = try Refmap.find inst.is_class !instances with Not_found -> Refmap.empty in let insts = Refmap.add inst.is_impl inst insts in instances := Refmap.add inst.is_class insts !instances let remove_instance inst = let insts = try Refmap.find inst.is_class !instances with Not_found -> assert false in let insts = Refmap.remove inst.is_impl insts in instances := Refmap.add inst.is_class insts !instances let cache_instance (_, (action, i)) = match action with | AddInstance -> load_instance i | RemoveInstance -> remove_instance i let subst_instance (subst, (action, inst)) = action, { inst with is_class = fst (subst_global subst inst.is_class); is_impl = fst (subst_global subst inst.is_impl) } let discharge_instance (_, (action, inst)) = if inst.is_global <= 0 then None else Some (action, { inst with is_global = pred inst.is_global; is_class = Lib.discharge_global inst.is_class; is_impl = Lib.discharge_global inst.is_impl }) let is_local i = Int.equal i.is_global (-1) let add_instance check inst = let poly = Global.is_polymorphic inst.is_impl in add_instance_hint (IsGlobal inst.is_impl) [inst.is_impl] (is_local inst) inst.is_info poly; List.iter (fun (path, pri, c) -> add_instance_hint (IsConstr c) path (is_local inst) pri poly) (build_subclasses ~check:(check && not (isVarRef inst.is_impl)) (Global.env ()) (Evd.from_env (Global.env ())) inst.is_impl inst.is_info) let rebuild_instance (action, inst) = let () = match action with | AddInstance -> add_instance true inst | _ -> () in (action, inst) let classify_instance (action, inst) = if is_local inst then Dispose else Substitute (action, inst) let instance_input : instance_action * instance -> obj = declare_object { (default_object "type classes instances state") with cache_function = cache_instance; load_function = (fun _ x -> cache_instance x); open_function = (fun _ x -> cache_instance x); classify_function = classify_instance; discharge_function = discharge_instance; rebuild_function = rebuild_instance; subst_function = subst_instance } let add_instance i = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (instance_input (AddInstance, i)); add_instance true i let remove_instance i = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (instance_input (RemoveInstance, i)); remove_instance_hint i.is_impl let declare_instance info local glob = let ty = Global.type_of_global_unsafe glob in let info = Option.default {hint_priority = None; hint_pattern = None} info in match class_of_constr Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr ty) with | Some (rels, ((tc,_), args) as _cl) -> add_instance (new_instance tc info (not local) (Flags.use_polymorphic_flag ()) glob) | None -> () let add_class cl = add_class cl; List.iter (fun (n, inst, body) -> match inst with | Some (Backward, info) -> (match body with | None -> CErrors.error "Non-definable projection can not be declared as a subinstance" | Some b -> declare_instance (Some info) false (ConstRef b)) | _ -> ()) cl.cl_projs (* * interface functions *) let instance_constructor (cl,u) args = let lenpars = List.count is_local_assum (snd cl.cl_context) in let pars = fst (List.chop lenpars args) in match cl.cl_impl with | IndRef ind -> let ind = ind, u in (Some (applistc (mkConstructUi (ind, 1)) args), applistc (mkIndU ind) pars) | ConstRef cst -> let cst = cst, u in let term = match args with | [] -> None | _ -> Some (List.last args) in (term, applistc (mkConstU cst) pars) | _ -> assert false let typeclasses () = Refmap.fold (fun _ l c -> l :: c) !classes [] let cmap_elements c = Refmap.fold (fun k v acc -> v :: acc) c [] let instances_of c = try cmap_elements (Refmap.find c.cl_impl !instances) with Not_found -> [] let all_instances () = Refmap.fold (fun k v acc -> Refmap.fold (fun k v acc -> v :: acc) v acc) !instances [] let instances r = let cl = class_info r in instances_of cl let is_class gr = Refmap.exists (fun _ v -> eq_gr v.cl_impl gr) !classes let is_instance = function | ConstRef c -> (match Decls.constant_kind c with | IsDefinition Instance -> true | _ -> false) | VarRef v -> (match Decls.variable_kind v with | IsDefinition Instance -> true | _ -> false) | ConstructRef (ind,_) -> is_class (IndRef ind) | _ -> false (* To embed a boolean for resolvability status. This is essentially a hack to mark which evars correspond to goals and do not need to be resolved when we have nested [resolve_all_evars] calls (e.g. when doing apply in an External hint in typeclass_instances). Would be solved by having real evars-as-goals. Nota: we will only check the resolvability status of undefined evars. *) let resolvable = Proofview.Unsafe.typeclass_resolvable let set_resolvable s b = if b then Store.remove s resolvable else Store.set s resolvable () let is_resolvable evi = assert (match evi.evar_body with Evar_empty -> true | _ -> false); Option.is_empty (Store.get evi.evar_extra resolvable) let mark_resolvability_undef b evi = if is_resolvable evi == (b : bool) then evi else let t = set_resolvable evi.evar_extra b in { evi with evar_extra = t } let mark_resolvability b evi = assert (match evi.evar_body with Evar_empty -> true | _ -> false); mark_resolvability_undef b evi let mark_unresolvable evi = mark_resolvability false evi let mark_resolvable evi = mark_resolvability true evi open Evar_kinds type evar_filter = existential_key -> Evar_kinds.t -> bool let all_evars _ _ = true let all_goals _ = function VarInstance _ | GoalEvar -> true | _ -> false let no_goals ev evi = not (all_goals ev evi) let no_goals_or_obligations _ = function | VarInstance _ | GoalEvar | QuestionMark _ -> false | _ -> true let mark_resolvability filter b sigma = let map ev evi = if filter ev (snd evi.evar_source) then mark_resolvability_undef b evi else evi in Evd.raw_map_undefined map sigma let mark_unresolvables ?(filter=all_evars) sigma = mark_resolvability filter false sigma let mark_resolvables ?(filter=all_evars) sigma = mark_resolvability filter true sigma let has_typeclasses filter evd = let check ev evi = filter ev (snd evi.evar_source) && is_resolvable evi && is_class_evar evd evi in Evar.Map.exists check (Evd.undefined_map evd) let get_solve_all_instances, solve_all_instances_hook = Hook.make () let solve_all_instances env evd filter unique split fail = Hook.get get_solve_all_instances env evd filter unique split fail (** Profiling resolution of typeclasses *) (* let solve_classeskey = Profile.declare_profile "solve_typeclasses" *) (* let solve_problem = Profile.profile5 solve_classeskey solve_problem *) let resolve_typeclasses ?(fast_path = true) ?(filter=no_goals) ?(unique=get_typeclasses_unique_solutions ()) ?(split=true) ?(fail=true) env evd = if fast_path && not (has_typeclasses filter evd) then evd else solve_all_instances env evd filter unique split fail