(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* t -> int (* how to substitute them for storage *) val subst : substitution -> t -> t (* how to recover the term from the identifier *) val constr_of : t -> constr end (* Options : *) module type OPT = sig (* pre-treatment to terms before adding or searching *) val reduce : constr -> constr (* direction of post-filtering w.r.t sort subtyping : - true means query <= terms in the structure - false means terms <= query *) val direction : bool end module type S = sig type t type ident (* results of filtering : identifier, a context (term with Evar hole) and the substitution in that context*) type result = ident * (constr*existential_key) * Termops.subst val empty : t (* [add c i dn] adds the binding [(c,i)] to [dn]. [c] can be a closed term or a pattern (with untyped Evars). No Metas accepted *) val add : constr -> ident -> t -> t (* merge of dnets. Faster than re-adding all terms *) val union : t -> t -> t val subst : substitution -> t -> t (* * High-level primitives describing specific search problems *) (* [search_pattern dn c] returns all terms/patterns in dn matching/matched by c *) val search_pattern : t -> constr -> result list (* [search_concl dn c] returns all matches under products and letins, i.e. it finds subterms whose conclusion matches c. The complexity depends only on c ! *) val search_concl : t -> constr -> result list (* [search_head_concl dn c] matches under products and applications heads. Finds terms of the form [forall H_1...H_n, C t_1...t_n] where C matches c *) val search_head_concl : t -> constr -> result list (* [search_eq_concl dn eq c] searches terms of the form [forall H1...Hn, eq _ X1 X2] where either X1 or X2 matches c *) val search_eq_concl : t -> constr -> constr -> result list (* [find_all dn] returns all idents contained in dn *) val find_all : t -> ident list end module Make : functor (Ident : IDENT) -> functor (Opt : OPT) -> S with type ident = Ident.t