(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Names open Term open Environ open Evd open Reduction (*i*) (*s Reduction functions associated to tactics. \label{tacred} *) exception Redelimination (* Red (raise Redelimination if nothing reducible) *) val red_product : 'a reduction_function (* Hnf *) val hnf_constr : 'a reduction_function (* Simpl *) val nf : 'a reduction_function (* Unfold *) val unfoldn : (int list * section_path) list -> 'a reduction_function (* Fold *) val fold_commands : constr list -> 'a reduction_function (* Pattern *) val pattern_occs : (int list * constr * constr) list -> 'a reduction_function (* Rem: Lazy strategies are defined in Reduction *) (* Call by value strategy (uses Closures) *) val cbv_norm_flags : Closure.flags -> 'a reduction_function val cbv_beta : 'a reduction_function val cbv_betaiota : 'a reduction_function val cbv_betadeltaiota : 'a reduction_function val compute : 'a reduction_function (* = [cbv_betadeltaiota] *) val one_step_reduce : 'a reduction_function val reduce_to_mind : env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> inductive * constr * constr val reduce_to_ind : env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> section_path * constr * constr type red_expr = | Red of bool (* raise Redelimination if true otherwise UserError *) | Hnf | Simpl | Cbv of Closure.flags | Lazy of Closure.flags | Unfold of (int list * section_path) list | Fold of constr list | Pattern of (int list * constr * constr) list val reduction_of_redexp : red_expr -> 'a reduction_function