(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Names open Generic open Term open Inductive open Environ open Reduction open Instantiate open Redinfo exception Elimconst exception Redelimination let rev_firstn_liftn fn ln = let rec rfprec p res l = if p = 0 then res else match l with | [] -> invalid_arg "Reduction.rev_firstn_liftn" | a::rest -> rfprec (p-1) ((lift ln a)::res) rest in rfprec fn [] (* EliminationFix ([(yi1,Ti1);...;(yip,Tip)],n) means f is some [y1:T1,...,yn:Tn](Fix(..) yi1 ... yip); f is applied to largs and we need for recursive calls to build [x1:Ti1',...,xp:Tip'](f a1..a(n-p) yi1 ... yip) where a1...an are the n first arguments of largs and Tik' is Tik[yil=al] To check ... *) let make_elim_fun f lv n largs = let (sp,args) = destConst f in let labs,_ = list_chop n largs in let p = List.length lv in let ylv = List.map fst lv in let la' = list_map_i (fun q aq -> try (Rel (p+1-(list_index (n-q) ylv))) with Not_found -> aq) 0 (List.map (lift p) labs) in fun id -> let fi = DOPN(Const(make_path (dirpath sp) id (kind_of_path sp)),args) in list_fold_left_i (fun i c (k,a) -> DOP2(Lambda,(substl (rev_firstn_liftn (n-k) (-i) la') a), DLAM(Name(id_of_string"x"),c))) 0 (applistc fi la') lv (* [f] is convertible to [DOPN(Fix(recindices,bodynum),bodyvect)] make the reduction using this extra information *) let contract_fix_use_function f ((recindices,bodynum),(types,names,bodies as typedbodies)) = let nbodies = Array.length recindices in let make_Fi j = match List.nth names j with Name id -> f id | _ -> assert false in let lbodies = list_tabulate make_Fi nbodies in substl (List.rev lbodies) bodies.(bodynum) let reduce_fix_use_function f whfun fix stack = let dfix = destFix fix in match fix_recarg dfix stack with | None -> (false,(fix,stack)) | Some (recargnum,recarg) -> let (recarg'hd,_ as recarg')= whfun recarg [] in let stack' = list_assign stack recargnum (applist recarg') in (match recarg'hd with | DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) -> (true,(contract_fix_use_function f dfix,stack')) | _ -> (false,(fix,stack'))) let contract_cofix_use_function f (bodynum,(_,names,bodies as typedbodies)) = let nbodies = Array.length bodies in let make_Fi j = match List.nth names j with Name id -> f id | _ -> assert false in let subbodies = list_tabulate make_Fi nbodies in substl subbodies bodies.(bodynum) let reduce_mind_case_use_function env f mia = match mia.mconstr with | DOPN(MutConstruct(ind_sp,i as cstr_sp),args) -> let ncargs = (fst mia.mci).(i-1) in let real_cargs = list_lastn ncargs mia.mcargs in applist (mia.mlf.(i-1),real_cargs) | DOPN(CoFix _,_) as cofix -> let cofix_def = contract_cofix_use_function f (destCoFix cofix) in mkMutCaseA mia.mci mia.mP (applist(cofix_def,mia.mcargs)) mia.mlf | _ -> assert false let special_red_case env whfun p c ci lf = let rec redrec c l = let (constr,cargs) = whfun c l in match constr with | DOPN(Const sp,args) as g -> if evaluable_constant env g then let gvalue = constant_value env g in if reducible_mind_case gvalue then let build_fix_name id = DOPN(Const(make_path (dirpath sp) id (kind_of_path sp)),args) in reduce_mind_case_use_function env build_fix_name {mP=p; mconstr=gvalue; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf} else redrec gvalue cargs else raise Redelimination | _ -> if reducible_mind_case constr then reduce_mind_case {mP=p; mconstr=constr; mcargs=cargs; mci=ci; mlf=lf} else raise Redelimination in redrec c [] let rec red_elim_const env sigma k largs = if not (evaluable_constant env k) then raise Redelimination; let (sp, args) = destConst k in let elim_style = constant_eval sp in match elim_style with | EliminationCases n when List.length largs >= n -> begin let c = constant_value env k in match whd_betadeltaeta_stack env sigma c largs with | (DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc,lrest) -> let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase mc in (special_red_case env (construct_const env sigma) p c ci lf, lrest) | _ -> assert false end | EliminationFix (lv,n) when List.length largs >= n -> begin let c = constant_value env k in match whd_betadeltaeta_stack env sigma c largs with | (DOPN(Fix _,_) as fix,lrest) -> let f id = make_elim_fun k lv n largs id in let (b,(c,rest)) = reduce_fix_use_function f (construct_const env sigma) fix lrest in if b then (nf_beta env sigma c, rest) else raise Redelimination | _ -> assert false end | _ -> raise Redelimination and construct_const env sigma c stack = let rec hnfstack x stack = match x with | (DOPN(Const _,_)) as k -> (try let (c',lrest) = red_elim_const env sigma k stack in hnfstack c' lrest with Redelimination -> if evaluable_constant env k then let cval = constant_value env k in (match cval with | DOPN (CoFix _,_) -> (k,stack) | _ -> hnfstack cval stack) else raise Redelimination) | (DOPN(Abst _,_) as a) -> if evaluable_abst env a then hnfstack (abst_value env a) stack else raise Redelimination | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> hnfstack c stack | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> hnfstack (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> (match stack with | [] -> assert false | c'::rest -> stacklam hnfstack [c'] c rest) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) as c_0 -> let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase c_0 in hnfstack (special_red_case env (construct_const env sigma) p c ci lf) stack | DOPN(MutConstruct _,_) as c_0 -> c_0,stack | DOPN(CoFix _,_) as c_0 -> c_0,stack | DOPN(Fix (_) ,_) as fix -> let (reduced,(fix,stack')) = reduce_fix hnfstack fix stack in if reduced then hnfstack fix stack' else raise Redelimination | _ -> raise Redelimination in hnfstack c stack (* Hnf reduction tactic: *) let hnf_constr env sigma c = let rec redrec x largs = match x with | DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(n,c)) -> (match largs with | [] -> applist(x,largs) | a::rest -> stacklam redrec [a] c rest) | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> redrec (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl largs) | DOPN(Const _,_) -> (try let (c',lrest) = red_elim_const env sigma x largs in redrec c' lrest with Redelimination -> if evaluable_constant env x then let c = constant_value env x in (match c with | DOPN(CoFix _,_) -> applist(x,largs) | _ -> redrec c largs) else applist(x,largs)) | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if evaluable_abst env x then redrec (abst_value env x) largs else applist(x,largs) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> redrec c largs | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase x in (try redrec (special_red_case env (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma) p c ci lf) largs with Redelimination -> applist(x,largs)) | (DOPN(Fix _,_)) -> let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma) x largs in if reduced then redrec fix stack else applist(x,largs) | _ -> applist(x,largs) in redrec c [] (* Simpl reduction tactic: same as simplify, but also reduces elimination constants *) let whd_nf env sigma c = let rec nf_app c stack = match c with | DOP2(Lambda,c1,DLAM(name,c2)) -> (match stack with | [] -> (c,[]) | a1::rest -> stacklam nf_app [a1] c2 rest) | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> nf_app (array_hd cl) (array_app_tl cl stack) | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> nf_app c stack | DOPN(Const _,_) -> (try let (c',lrest) = red_elim_const env sigma c stack in nf_app c' lrest with Redelimination -> (c,stack)) | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,d,lf) = destCase c in (try nf_app (special_red_case env nf_app p d ci lf) stack with Redelimination -> (c,stack)) | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> let (reduced,(fix,rest)) = reduce_fix nf_app c stack in if reduced then nf_app fix rest else (fix,stack) | _ -> (c,stack) in applist (nf_app c []) let nf env sigma c = strong whd_nf env sigma c (* Generic reduction: reduction functions used in reduction tactics *) type red_expr = | Red | Hnf | Simpl | Cbv of Closure.flags | Lazy of Closure.flags | Unfold of (int list * section_path) list | Fold of constr list | Pattern of (int list * constr * constr) list let reduction_of_redexp = function | Red -> red_product | Hnf -> hnf_constr | Simpl -> nf | Cbv f -> cbv_norm_flags f | Lazy f -> clos_norm_flags f | Unfold ubinds -> unfoldn ubinds | Fold cl -> fold_commands cl | Pattern lp -> pattern_occs lp (* Used in several tactics. *) let one_step_reduce env sigma = let rec redrec largs x = match x with | DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(n,c)) -> (match largs with | [] -> error "Not reducible 1" | a::rest -> applistc (subst1 a c) rest) | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> redrec (array_app_tl cl largs) (array_hd cl) | DOPN(Const _,_) -> (try let (c',l) = red_elim_const env sigma x largs in applistc c' l with Redelimination -> if evaluable_constant env x then applistc (constant_value env x) largs else error "Not reductible 1") | DOPN(Abst _,_) -> if evaluable_abst env x then applistc (abst_value env x) largs else error "Not reducible 0" | DOPN(MutCase _,_) -> let (ci,p,c,lf) = destCase x in (try applistc (special_red_case env (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma) p c ci lf) largs with Redelimination -> error "Not reducible 2") | DOPN(Fix _,_) -> let (reduced,(fix,stack)) = reduce_fix (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma) x largs in if reduced then applistc fix stack else error "Not reducible 3" | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> redrec largs c | _ -> error "Not reducible 3" in redrec [] (* put t as t'=(x1:A1)..(xn:An)B with B an inductive definition of name name return name, B and t' *) let reduce_to_mind env sigma t = let rec elimrec t l = match whd_castapp_stack t [] with | (DOPN(MutInd mind,args),_) -> ((mind,args),t,prod_it t l) | (DOPN(Const _,_),_) -> (try let t' = nf_betaiota env sigma (one_step_reduce env sigma t) in elimrec t' l with UserError _ -> errorlabstrm "tactics__reduce_to_mind" [< 'sTR"Not an inductive product : it is a constant." >]) | (DOPN(MutCase _,_),_) -> (try let t' = nf_betaiota env sigma (one_step_reduce env sigma t) in elimrec t' l with UserError _ -> errorlabstrm "tactics__reduce_to_mind" [< 'sTR"Not an inductive product:"; 'sPC; 'sTR"it is a case analysis term" >]) | (DOP2(Cast,c,_),[]) -> elimrec c l | (DOP2(Prod,ty,DLAM(n,t')),[]) -> elimrec t' ((n,ty)::l) | _ -> error "Not an inductive product" in elimrec t [] let reduce_to_ind env sigma t = let ((ind_sp,_),redt,c) = reduce_to_mind env sigma t in (Declare.path_of_inductive_path ind_sp, redt, c)