(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* !syntax_table); Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> syntax_table := ft); Summary.init_function = (fun () -> syntax_table := Spmap.empty); Summary.survive_section = false } let add_syntax_constant sp c = syntax_table := Spmap.add sp c !syntax_table (* Impossible de rendre récursive la définition de in_syntax_constant et cache_syntax_constant, alors on triche ... *) let cache_syntax_constant = ref (fun c -> failwith "Undefined function") let (in_syntax_constant, out_syntax_constant) = let od = { cache_function = (fun c -> !cache_syntax_constant c); load_function = (fun _ -> ()); open_function = (fun c -> !cache_syntax_constant c); export_function = (fun x -> Some x) } in declare_object ("SYNTAXCONSTANT", od) let _ = cache_syntax_constant := fun (sp,c) -> add_syntax_constant sp c; Nametab.push_object sp (in_syntax_constant c) let declare_syntactic_definition id c = let _ = add_leaf id CCI (in_syntax_constant c) in () let search_syntactic_definition sp = Spmap.find sp !syntax_table let locate_syntactic_definition sp = let (sp,obj) = Nametab.locate_obj sp in if object_tag obj = "SYNTAXCONSTANT" then sp else raise Not_found