(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* s | _ -> anomaly "Retyping: found a type of type which is not a sort" let rec subst_type env sigma typ = function | [] -> typ | h::rest -> match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma typ) with | Prod (na,c1,c2) -> subst_type (push_rel (na,None,c1) env) sigma (subst1 h c2) rest | _ -> anomaly "Non-functional construction" (* Si ft est le type d'un terme f, lequel est appliqué à args, *) (* [sort_of_atomic_ty] calcule ft[args] qui doit être une sorte *) (* On suit une méthode paresseuse, en espèrant que ft est une arité *) (* et sinon on substitue *) let sort_of_atomic_type env sigma ft args = let rec concl_of_arity env ar = match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma ar) with | Prod (na, t, b) -> concl_of_arity (push_rel (na,None,t) env) b | Sort s -> s | _ -> outsort env sigma (subst_type env sigma ft (Array.to_list args)) in concl_of_arity env ft let typeur sigma metamap = let rec type_of env cstr= match kind_of_term cstr with | Meta n -> (try strip_outer_cast (List.assoc n metamap) with Not_found -> anomaly "type_of: this is not a well-typed term") | Rel n -> let (_,_,ty) = lookup_rel n env in lift n (body_of_type ty) | Var id -> let (_,_,ty) = lookup_named id env in (try body_of_type ty with Not_found -> anomaly ("type_of: variable "^(string_of_id id)^" unbound")) | Const c -> let cb = lookup_constant c env in body_of_type cb.const_type | Evar ev -> existential_type sigma ev | Ind ind -> body_of_type (type_of_inductive env ind) | Construct cstr -> body_of_type (type_of_constructor env cstr) | Case (_,p,c,lf) -> (* TODO: could avoid computing the type of branches *) let i = try find_rectype env (type_of env c) with Induc -> anomaly "type_of: Bad recursive type" in let pj = { uj_val = p; uj_type = type_of env p } in let (_,ty,_) = type_case_branches env i pj c in ty | Lambda (name,c1,c2) -> mkProd (name, c1, type_of (push_rel (name,None,c1) env) c2) | LetIn (name,b,c1,c2) -> subst1 b (type_of (push_rel (name,Some b,c1) env) c2) | Fix ((_,i),(_,tys,_)) -> tys.(i) | CoFix (i,(_,tys,_)) -> tys.(i) | App(f,args)-> strip_outer_cast (subst_type env sigma (type_of env f) (Array.to_list args)) | Cast (c,t) -> t | Sort _ | Prod (_,_,_) | Ind _ -> mkSort (sort_of env cstr) and sort_of env t = match kind_of_term t with | Cast (c,s) when isSort s -> destSort s | Sort (Prop c) -> type_0 | Sort (Type u) -> Type (fst (Univ.super u)) | Prod (name,t,c2) -> (match (sort_of (push_rel (name,None,t) env) c2) with | Prop _ as s -> s | Type u2 as s -> s (*Type Univ.dummy_univ*)) | App(f,args) -> sort_of_atomic_type env sigma (type_of env f) args | Lambda _ | Fix _ | Construct _ -> anomaly "sort_of: Not a type (1)" | _ -> outsort env sigma (type_of env t) and sort_family_of env t = match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t) with | Cast (c,s) when isSort s -> family_of_sort (destSort s) | Sort (Prop c) -> InType | Sort (Type u) -> InType | Prod (name,t,c2) -> sort_family_of (push_rel (name,None,t) env) c2 | App(f,args) -> family_of_sort (sort_of_atomic_type env sigma (type_of env f) args) | Lambda _ | Fix _ | Construct _ -> anomaly "sort_of: Not a type (1)" | _ -> family_of_sort (outsort env sigma (type_of env t)) in type_of, sort_of, sort_family_of let get_type_of env sigma c = let f,_,_ = typeur sigma [] in f env c let get_sort_of env sigma t = let _,f,_ = typeur sigma [] in f env t let get_sort_family_of env sigma c = let _,_,f = typeur sigma [] in f env c let get_type_of_with_meta env sigma metamap = let f,_,_ = typeur sigma metamap in f env (* Makes an assumption from a constr *) let get_assumption_of env evc c = c (* Makes an unsafe judgment from a constr *) let get_judgment_of env evc c = { uj_val = c; uj_type = get_type_of env evc c }