(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* str "Not a sort" | NotAnArity -> str "Not an arity" | NotAType -> str "Not a type (1)" | BadVariable id -> str "variable " ++ Id.print id ++ str " unbound" | BadMeta n -> str "unknown meta " ++ int n | BadRecursiveType -> str "Bad recursive type" | NonFunctionalConstruction -> str "Non-functional construction" exception RetypeError of retype_error let retype_error re = raise (RetypeError re) let anomaly_on_error f x = try f x with RetypeError e -> anomaly ~label:"retyping" (print_retype_error e) let local_assum (na, t) = let inj = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr in LocalAssum (na, inj t) let local_def (na, b, t) = let inj = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr in LocalDef (na, inj b, inj t) let get_type_from_constraints env sigma t = if isEvar sigma (EConstr.of_constr (fst (decompose_app_vect sigma t))) then match List.map_filter (fun (pbty,env,t1,t2) -> if is_fconv Reduction.CONV env sigma t (EConstr.of_constr t1) then Some t2 else if is_fconv Reduction.CONV env sigma t (EConstr.of_constr t2) then Some t1 else None) (snd (Evd.extract_all_conv_pbs sigma)) with | t::l -> t | _ -> raise Not_found else raise Not_found let rec subst_type env sigma typ = function | [] -> typ | h::rest -> match EConstr.kind sigma (EConstr.of_constr (whd_all env sigma typ)) with | Prod (na,c1,c2) -> subst_type env sigma (subst1 h c2) rest | _ -> retype_error NonFunctionalConstruction (* If ft is the type of f which itself is applied to args, *) (* [sort_of_atomic_type] computes ft[args] which has to be a sort *) let sort_of_atomic_type env sigma ft args = let rec concl_of_arity env n ar args = match EConstr.kind sigma (EConstr.of_constr (whd_all env sigma ar)), args with | Prod (na, t, b), h::l -> concl_of_arity (push_rel (local_def (na, lift n h, t)) env) (n + 1) b l | Sort s, [] -> s | _ -> retype_error NotASort in concl_of_arity env 0 ft (Array.to_list args) let type_of_var env id = try EConstr.of_constr (NamedDecl.get_type (lookup_named id env)) with Not_found -> retype_error (BadVariable id) let decomp_sort env sigma t = match EConstr.kind sigma (EConstr.of_constr (whd_all env sigma t)) with | Sort s -> s | _ -> retype_error NotASort let retype ?(polyprop=true) sigma = let rec type_of env cstr = match EConstr.kind sigma cstr with | Meta n -> EConstr.of_constr (try strip_outer_cast sigma (EConstr.of_constr (Evd.meta_ftype sigma n).Evd.rebus) with Not_found -> retype_error (BadMeta n)) | Rel n -> let ty = EConstr.of_constr (RelDecl.get_type (lookup_rel n env)) in lift n ty | Var id -> type_of_var env id | Const cst -> EConstr.of_constr (rename_type_of_constant env cst) | Evar (evk, args) -> EConstr.of_constr (Evd.existential_type sigma (evk, Array.map EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr args)) | Ind ind -> EConstr.of_constr (rename_type_of_inductive env ind) | Construct cstr -> EConstr.of_constr (rename_type_of_constructor env cstr) | Case (_,p,c,lf) -> let Inductiveops.IndType(indf,realargs) = let t = type_of env c in try Inductiveops.find_rectype env sigma t with Not_found -> try let t = EConstr.of_constr (get_type_from_constraints env sigma t) in Inductiveops.find_rectype env sigma t with Not_found -> retype_error BadRecursiveType in let n = inductive_nrealdecls_env env (fst (fst (dest_ind_family indf))) in let t = EConstr.of_constr (betazetaevar_applist sigma n p realargs) in (match EConstr.kind sigma (EConstr.of_constr (whd_all env sigma (type_of env t))) with | Prod _ -> EConstr.of_constr (whd_beta sigma (applist (t, [c]))) | _ -> t) | Lambda (name,c1,c2) -> mkProd (name, c1, type_of (push_rel (local_assum (name,c1)) env) c2) | LetIn (name,b,c1,c2) -> subst1 b (type_of (push_rel (local_def (name,b,c1)) env) c2) | Fix ((_,i),(_,tys,_)) -> tys.(i) | CoFix (i,(_,tys,_)) -> tys.(i) | App(f,args) when is_template_polymorphic env sigma f -> let t = type_of_global_reference_knowing_parameters env f args in EConstr.of_constr (strip_outer_cast sigma (subst_type env sigma t (Array.to_list args))) | App(f,args) -> EConstr.of_constr (strip_outer_cast sigma (subst_type env sigma (type_of env f) (Array.to_list args))) | Proj (p,c) -> let ty = type_of env c in EConstr.of_constr (try Inductiveops.type_of_projection_knowing_arg env sigma p c ty with Invalid_argument _ -> retype_error BadRecursiveType) | Cast (c,_, t) -> t | Sort _ | Prod _ -> mkSort (sort_of env cstr) and sort_of env t = match EConstr.kind sigma t with | Cast (c,_, s) when isSort sigma s -> destSort sigma s | Sort (Prop c) -> type1_sort | Sort (Type u) -> Type (Univ.super u) | Prod (name,t,c2) -> (match (sort_of env t, sort_of (push_rel (local_assum (name,t)) env) c2) with | _, (Prop Null as s) -> s | Prop _, (Prop Pos as s) -> s | Type _, (Prop Pos as s) when is_impredicative_set env -> s | Type u1, Prop Pos -> Type (Univ.sup u1 Univ.type0_univ) | Prop Pos, (Type u2) -> Type (Univ.sup Univ.type0_univ u2) | Prop Null, (Type _ as s) -> s | Type u1, Type u2 -> Type (Univ.sup u1 u2)) | App(f,args) when is_template_polymorphic env sigma f -> let t = type_of_global_reference_knowing_parameters env f args in sort_of_atomic_type env sigma t args | App(f,args) -> sort_of_atomic_type env sigma (type_of env f) args | Lambda _ | Fix _ | Construct _ -> retype_error NotAType | _ -> decomp_sort env sigma (type_of env t) and sort_family_of env t = match EConstr.kind sigma t with | Cast (c,_, s) when isSort sigma s -> family_of_sort (destSort sigma s) | Sort (Prop c) -> InType | Sort (Type u) -> InType | Prod (name,t,c2) -> let s2 = sort_family_of (push_rel (local_assum (name,t)) env) c2 in if not (is_impredicative_set env) && s2 == InSet && sort_family_of env t == InType then InType else s2 | App(f,args) when is_template_polymorphic env sigma f -> let t = type_of_global_reference_knowing_parameters env f args in family_of_sort (sort_of_atomic_type env sigma t args) | App(f,args) -> family_of_sort (sort_of_atomic_type env sigma (type_of env f) args) | Lambda _ | Fix _ | Construct _ -> retype_error NotAType | _ -> family_of_sort (decomp_sort env sigma (type_of env t)) and type_of_global_reference_knowing_parameters env c args = let argtyps = Array.map (fun c -> lazy (EConstr.to_constr sigma (type_of env c))) args in match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Ind ind -> let mip = lookup_mind_specif env (fst ind) in EConstr.of_constr (try Inductive.type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters ~polyprop env (mip,snd ind) argtyps with Reduction.NotArity -> retype_error NotAnArity) | Const cst -> EConstr.of_constr (try Typeops.type_of_constant_knowing_parameters_in env cst argtyps with Reduction.NotArity -> retype_error NotAnArity) | Var id -> type_of_var env id | Construct cstr -> EConstr.of_constr (type_of_constructor env cstr) | _ -> assert false in type_of, sort_of, sort_family_of, type_of_global_reference_knowing_parameters let get_sort_of ?(polyprop=true) env sigma t = let _,f,_,_ = retype ~polyprop sigma in anomaly_on_error (f env) t let get_sort_family_of ?(polyprop=true) env sigma c = let _,_,f,_ = retype ~polyprop sigma in anomaly_on_error (f env) c let type_of_global_reference_knowing_parameters env sigma c args = let _,_,_,f = retype sigma in EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (anomaly_on_error (f env c) args) let type_of_global_reference_knowing_conclusion env sigma c conclty = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Ind (ind,u) -> let spec = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in type_of_inductive_knowing_conclusion env sigma (spec,u) conclty | Const cst -> let t = constant_type_in env cst in (* TODO *) sigma, EConstr.of_constr (Typeops.type_of_constant_type_knowing_parameters env t [||]) | Var id -> sigma, type_of_var env id | Construct cstr -> sigma, EConstr.of_constr (type_of_constructor env cstr) | _ -> assert false (* Profiling *) (* let get_type_of polyprop lax env sigma c = *) (* let f,_,_,_ = retype ~polyprop sigma in *) (* if lax then f env c else anomaly_on_error (f env) c *) (* let get_type_of_key = Profile.declare_profile "get_type_of" *) (* let get_type_of = Profile.profile5 get_type_of_key get_type_of *) (* let get_type_of ?(polyprop=true) ?(lax=false) env sigma c = *) (* get_type_of polyprop lax env sigma c *) let get_type_of ?(polyprop=true) ?(lax=false) env sigma c = let f,_,_,_ = retype ~polyprop sigma in if lax then EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (f env c) else EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (anomaly_on_error (f env) c) (* Makes an unsafe judgment from a constr *) let get_judgment_of env evc c = { uj_val = c; uj_type = EConstr.of_constr (get_type_of env evc c) } (* Returns sorts of a context *) let sorts_of_context env evc ctxt = let rec aux = function | [] -> env,[] | d :: ctxt -> let env,sorts = aux ctxt in let s = get_sort_of env evc (EConstr.of_constr (RelDecl.get_type d)) in (push_rel d env,s::sorts) in snd (aux ctxt) let expand_projection env sigma pr c args = let ty = get_type_of ~lax:true env sigma c in let (i,u), ind_args = try Inductiveops.find_mrectype env sigma (EConstr.of_constr ty) with Not_found -> retype_error BadRecursiveType in let ind_args = List.map EConstr.of_constr ind_args in mkApp (mkConstU (Projection.constant pr,u), Array.of_list (ind_args @ (c :: args)))