(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* !refolding_in_reduction); Goptions.optwrite = (fun a -> refolding_in_reduction:=a); } let get_refolding_in_reduction () = !refolding_in_reduction let set_refolding_in_reduction = (:=) refolding_in_reduction (** Support for reduction effects *) open Mod_subst open Libobject type effect_name = string (** create a persistent set to store effect functions *) module ConstrMap = Map.Make (Constr) (* Table bindings a constant to an effect *) let constant_effect_table = Summary.ref ~name:"reduction-side-effect" ConstrMap.empty (* Table bindings function key to effective functions *) let effect_table = Summary.ref ~name:"reduction-function-effect" String.Map.empty (** a test to know whether a constant is actually the effect function *) let reduction_effect_hook env sigma termkey c = try let funkey = ConstrMap.find termkey !constant_effect_table in let effect = String.Map.find funkey !effect_table in effect env sigma (Lazy.force c) with Not_found -> () let cache_reduction_effect (_,(termkey,funkey)) = constant_effect_table := ConstrMap.add termkey funkey !constant_effect_table let subst_reduction_effect (subst,(termkey,funkey)) = (subst_mps subst termkey,funkey) let inReductionEffect : Constr.constr * string -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "REDUCTION-EFFECT") with cache_function = cache_reduction_effect; open_function = (fun i o -> if Int.equal i 1 then cache_reduction_effect o); subst_function = subst_reduction_effect; classify_function = (fun o -> Substitute o) } let declare_reduction_effect funkey f = if String.Map.mem funkey !effect_table then CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "Cannot redeclare effect function " ++ qstring funkey ++ str "."); effect_table := String.Map.add funkey f !effect_table (** A function to set the value of the print function *) let set_reduction_effect x funkey = let termkey = Universes.constr_of_global x in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inReductionEffect (termkey,funkey)) (** Machinery to custom the behavior of the reduction *) module ReductionBehaviour = struct open Globnames open Libobject type t = { b_nargs: int; b_recargs: int list; b_dont_expose_case: bool; } let table = Summary.ref (Refmap.empty : t Refmap.t) ~name:"reductionbehaviour" type flag = [ `ReductionDontExposeCase | `ReductionNeverUnfold ] type req = | ReqLocal | ReqGlobal of global_reference * (int list * int * flag list) let load _ (_,(_,(r, b))) = table := Refmap.add r b !table let cache o = load 1 o let classify = function | ReqLocal, _ -> Dispose | ReqGlobal _, _ as o -> Substitute o let subst (subst, (_, (r,o as orig))) = ReqLocal, let r' = fst (subst_global subst r) in if r==r' then orig else (r',o) let discharge = function | _,(ReqGlobal (ConstRef c, req), (_, b)) -> let b = if Lib.is_in_section (ConstRef c) then let vars, _, _ = Lib.section_segment_of_constant c in let extra = List.length vars in let nargs' = if b.b_nargs = max_int then max_int else if b.b_nargs < 0 then b.b_nargs else b.b_nargs + extra in let recargs' = List.map ((+) extra) b.b_recargs in { b with b_nargs = nargs'; b_recargs = recargs' } else b in let c = Lib.discharge_con c in Some (ReqGlobal (ConstRef c, req), (ConstRef c, b)) | _ -> None let rebuild = function | req, (ConstRef c, _ as x) -> req, x | _ -> assert false let inRedBehaviour = declare_object { (default_object "REDUCTIONBEHAVIOUR") with load_function = load; cache_function = cache; classify_function = classify; subst_function = subst; discharge_function = discharge; rebuild_function = rebuild; } let set local r (recargs, nargs, flags as req) = let nargs = if List.mem `ReductionNeverUnfold flags then max_int else nargs in let behaviour = { b_nargs = nargs; b_recargs = recargs; b_dont_expose_case = List.mem `ReductionDontExposeCase flags } in let req = if local then ReqLocal else ReqGlobal (r, req) in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inRedBehaviour (req, (r, behaviour))) ;; let get r = try let b = Refmap.find r !table in let flags = if Int.equal b.b_nargs max_int then [`ReductionNeverUnfold] else if b.b_dont_expose_case then [`ReductionDontExposeCase] else [] in Some (b.b_recargs, (if Int.equal b.b_nargs max_int then -1 else b.b_nargs), flags) with Not_found -> None let print ref = let open Pp in let pr_global = Nametab.pr_global_env Id.Set.empty in match get ref with | None -> mt () | Some (recargs, nargs, flags) -> let never = List.mem `ReductionNeverUnfold flags in let nomatch = List.mem `ReductionDontExposeCase flags in let pp_nomatch = spc() ++ if nomatch then str "but avoid exposing match constructs" else str"" in let pp_recargs = spc() ++ str "when the " ++ pr_enum (fun x -> pr_nth (x+1)) recargs ++ str (String.plural (List.length recargs) " argument") ++ str (String.plural (if List.length recargs >= 2 then 1 else 2) " evaluate") ++ str " to a constructor" in let pp_nargs = spc() ++ str "when applied to " ++ int nargs ++ str (String.plural nargs " argument") in hov 2 (str "The reduction tactics " ++ match recargs, nargs, never with | _,_, true -> str "never unfold " ++ pr_global ref | [], 0, _ -> str "always unfold " ++ pr_global ref | _::_, n, _ when n < 0 -> str "unfold " ++ pr_global ref ++ pp_recargs ++ pp_nomatch | _::_, n, _ when n > List.fold_left max 0 recargs -> str "unfold " ++ pr_global ref ++ pp_recargs ++ str " and" ++ pp_nargs ++ pp_nomatch | _::_, _, _ -> str "unfold " ++ pr_global ref ++ pp_recargs ++ pp_nomatch | [], n, _ when n > 0 -> str "unfold " ++ pr_global ref ++ pp_nargs ++ pp_nomatch | _ -> str "unfold " ++ pr_global ref ++ pp_nomatch ) end (** Machinery about stack of unfolded constants *) module Cst_stack = struct open EConstr (** constant * params * args - constant applied to params = term in head applied to args - there is at most one arguments with an empty list of args, it must be the first. - in args, the int represents the indice of the first arg to consider *) type t = (constr * constr list * (int * constr array) list) list let empty = [] let is_empty = CList.is_empty let drop_useless = function | _ :: ((_,_,[])::_ as q) -> q | l -> l let add_param h cst_l = let append2cst = function | (c,params,[]) -> (c, h::params, []) | (c,params,((i,t)::q)) when i = pred (Array.length t) -> (c, params, q) | (c,params,(i,t)::q) -> (c, params, (succ i,t)::q) in drop_useless (List.map append2cst cst_l) let add_args cl = List.map (fun (a,b,args) -> (a,b,(0,cl)::args)) let add_cst cst = function | (_,_,[]) :: q as l -> l | l -> (cst,[],[])::l let best_cst = function | (cst,params,[])::_ -> Some(cst,params) | _ -> None let reference sigma t = match best_cst t with | Some (c, _) when isConst sigma c -> Some (fst (destConst sigma c)) | _ -> None (** [best_replace d cst_l c] makes the best replacement for [d] by [cst_l] in [c] *) let best_replace sigma d cst_l c = let reconstruct_head = List.fold_left (fun t (i,args) -> mkApp (t,Array.sub args i (Array.length args - i))) in List.fold_right (fun (cst,params,args) t -> Termops.replace_term sigma (reconstruct_head d args) (applist (cst, List.rev params)) t) cst_l c let pr l = let open Pp in let p_c c = Termops.print_constr c in prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon (fun (c,params,args) -> hov 1 (str"(" ++ p_c c ++ str ")" ++ spc () ++ pr_sequence p_c params ++ spc () ++ str "(args:" ++ pr_sequence (fun (i,el) -> prvect_with_sep spc p_c (Array.sub el i (Array.length el - i))) args ++ str ")")) l end (** The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *) module Stack : sig open EConstr type 'a app_node val pr_app_node : ('a -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> 'a app_node -> Pp.std_ppcmds type cst_member = | Cst_const of pconstant | Cst_proj of projection type 'a member = | App of 'a app_node | Case of case_info * 'a * 'a array * Cst_stack.t | Proj of int * int * projection * Cst_stack.t | Fix of ('a, 'a) pfixpoint * 'a t * Cst_stack.t | Cst of cst_member * int * int list * 'a t * Cst_stack.t | Shift of int | Update of 'a and 'a t = 'a member list exception IncompatibleFold2 val pr : ('a -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> 'a t -> Pp.std_ppcmds val empty : 'a t val is_empty : 'a t -> bool val append_app : 'a array -> 'a t -> 'a t val decomp : 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) option val decomp_node_last : 'a app_node -> 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) val equal : ('a * int -> 'a * int -> bool) -> (('a, 'a) pfixpoint * int -> ('a, 'a) pfixpoint * int -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> (int * int) option val compare_shape : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool val map : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t val fold2 : ('a -> constr -> constr -> 'a) -> 'a -> constr t -> constr t -> 'a * int * int val append_app_list : 'a list -> 'a t -> 'a t val strip_app : 'a t -> 'a t * 'a t val strip_n_app : int -> 'a t -> ('a t * 'a * 'a t) option val not_purely_applicative : 'a t -> bool val will_expose_iota : 'a t -> bool val list_of_app_stack : constr t -> constr list option val assign : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> 'a t val args_size : 'a t -> int val tail : int -> 'a t -> 'a t val nth : 'a t -> int -> 'a val best_state : evar_map -> constr * constr t -> Cst_stack.t -> constr * constr t val zip : ?refold:bool -> evar_map -> constr * constr t -> constr end = struct open EConstr type 'a app_node = int * 'a array * int (* first releavnt position, arguments, last relevant position *) (* Invariant that this module must ensure : (behare of direct access to app_node by the rest of Reductionops) - in app_node (i,_,j) i <= j - There is no array realocation (outside of debug printing) *) let pr_app_node pr (i,a,j) = let open Pp in surround ( prvect_with_sep pr_comma pr (Array.sub a i (j - i + 1)) ) type cst_member = | Cst_const of pconstant | Cst_proj of projection type 'a member = | App of 'a app_node | Case of Term.case_info * 'a * 'a array * Cst_stack.t | Proj of int * int * projection * Cst_stack.t | Fix of ('a, 'a) pfixpoint * 'a t * Cst_stack.t | Cst of cst_member * int * int list * 'a t * Cst_stack.t | Shift of int | Update of 'a and 'a t = 'a member list let rec pr_member pr_c member = let open Pp in let pr_c x = hov 1 (pr_c x) in match member with | App app -> str "ZApp" ++ pr_app_node pr_c app | Case (_,_,br,cst) -> str "ZCase(" ++ prvect_with_sep (pr_bar) pr_c br ++ str ")" | Proj (n,m,p,cst) -> str "ZProj(" ++ int n ++ pr_comma () ++ int m ++ pr_comma () ++ pr_con (Projection.constant p) ++ str ")" | Fix (f,args,cst) -> str "ZFix(" ++ Termops.pr_fix pr_c f ++ pr_comma () ++ pr pr_c args ++ str ")" | Cst (mem,curr,remains,params,cst_l) -> str "ZCst(" ++ pr_cst_member pr_c mem ++ pr_comma () ++ int curr ++ pr_comma () ++ prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon int remains ++ pr_comma () ++ pr pr_c params ++ str ")" | Shift i -> str "ZShift(" ++ int i ++ str ")" | Update t -> str "ZUpdate(" ++ pr_c t ++ str ")" and pr pr_c l = let open Pp in prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon (fun x -> hov 1 (pr_member pr_c x)) l and pr_cst_member pr_c c = let open Pp in match c with | Cst_const (c, u) -> if Univ.Instance.is_empty u then Constant.print c else str"(" ++ Constant.print c ++ str ", " ++ Univ.Instance.pr Univ.Level.pr u ++ str")" | Cst_proj p -> str".(" ++ Constant.print (Projection.constant p) ++ str")" let empty = [] let is_empty = CList.is_empty let append_app v s = let le = Array.length v in if Int.equal le 0 then s else App (0,v,pred le) :: s let decomp_node (i,l,j) sk = if i < j then (l.(i), App (succ i,l,j) :: sk) else (l.(i), sk) let decomp = function | App node::s -> Some (decomp_node node s) | _ -> None let decomp_node_last (i,l,j) sk = if i < j then (l.(j), App (i,l,pred j) :: sk) else (l.(j), sk) let equal f f_fix sk1 sk2 = let equal_cst_member x lft1 y lft2 = match x, y with | Cst_const (c1,u1), Cst_const (c2, u2) -> Constant.equal c1 c2 && Univ.Instance.equal u1 u2 | Cst_proj p1, Cst_proj p2 -> Constant.equal (Projection.constant p1) (Projection.constant p2) | _, _ -> false in let rec equal_rec sk1 lft1 sk2 lft2 = match sk1,sk2 with | [],[] -> Some (lft1,lft2) | (Update _ :: _, _ | _, Update _ :: _) -> assert false | Shift k :: s1, _ -> equal_rec s1 (lft1+k) sk2 lft2 | _, Shift k :: s2 -> equal_rec sk1 lft1 s2 (lft2+k) | App a1 :: s1, App a2 :: s2 -> let t1,s1' = decomp_node_last a1 s1 in let t2,s2' = decomp_node_last a2 s2 in if f (t1,lft1) (t2,lft2) then equal_rec s1' lft1 s2' lft2 else None | Case (_,t1,a1,_) :: s1, Case (_,t2,a2,_) :: s2 -> if f (t1,lft1) (t2,lft2) && CArray.equal (fun x y -> f (x,lft1) (y,lft2)) a1 a2 then equal_rec s1 lft1 s2 lft2 else None | (Proj (n1,m1,p,_)::s1, Proj(n2,m2,p2,_)::s2) -> if Int.equal n1 n2 && Int.equal m1 m2 && Constant.equal (Projection.constant p) (Projection.constant p2) then equal_rec s1 lft1 s2 lft2 else None | Fix (f1,s1,_) :: s1', Fix (f2,s2,_) :: s2' -> if f_fix (f1,lft1) (f2,lft2) then match equal_rec (List.rev s1) lft1 (List.rev s2) lft2 with | None -> None | Some (lft1',lft2') -> equal_rec s1' lft1' s2' lft2' else None | Cst (c1,curr1,remains1,params1,_)::s1', Cst (c2,curr2,remains2,params2,_)::s2' -> if equal_cst_member c1 lft1 c2 lft2 then match equal_rec (List.rev params1) lft1 (List.rev params2) lft2 with | Some (lft1',lft2') -> equal_rec s1' lft1' s2' lft2' | None -> None else None | ((App _|Case _|Proj _|Fix _|Cst _)::_|[]), _ -> None in equal_rec (List.rev sk1) 0 (List.rev sk2) 0 let compare_shape stk1 stk2 = let rec compare_rec bal stk1 stk2 = match (stk1,stk2) with ([],[]) -> Int.equal bal 0 | ((Update _|Shift _)::s1, _) -> compare_rec bal s1 stk2 | (_, (Update _|Shift _)::s2) -> compare_rec bal stk1 s2 | (App (i,_,j)::s1, _) -> compare_rec (bal + j + 1 - i) s1 stk2 | (_, App (i,_,j)::s2) -> compare_rec (bal - j - 1 + i) stk1 s2 | (Case(c1,_,_,_)::s1, Case(c2,_,_,_)::s2) -> Int.equal bal 0 (* && c1.ci_ind = c2.ci_ind *) && compare_rec 0 s1 s2 | (Proj (n1,m1,p,_)::s1, Proj(n2,m2,p2,_)::s2) -> Int.equal bal 0 && compare_rec 0 s1 s2 | (Fix(_,a1,_)::s1, Fix(_,a2,_)::s2) -> Int.equal bal 0 && compare_rec 0 a1 a2 && compare_rec 0 s1 s2 | (Cst (_,_,_,p1,_)::s1, Cst (_,_,_,p2,_)::s2) -> Int.equal bal 0 && compare_rec 0 p1 p2 && compare_rec 0 s1 s2 | (_,_) -> false in compare_rec 0 stk1 stk2 exception IncompatibleFold2 let fold2 f o sk1 sk2 = let rec aux o lft1 sk1 lft2 sk2 = let fold_array = Array.fold_left2 (fun a x y -> f a (Vars.lift lft1 x) (Vars.lift lft2 y)) in match sk1,sk2 with | [], [] -> o,lft1,lft2 | Shift n :: q1, _ -> aux o (lft1+n) q1 lft2 sk2 | _, Shift n :: q2 -> aux o lft1 sk1 (lft2+n) q2 | App n1 :: q1, App n2 :: q2 -> let t1,l1 = decomp_node_last n1 q1 in let t2,l2 = decomp_node_last n2 q2 in aux (f o (Vars.lift lft1 t1) (Vars.lift lft2 t2)) lft1 l1 lft2 l2 | Case (_,t1,a1,_) :: q1, Case (_,t2,a2,_) :: q2 -> aux (fold_array (f o (Vars.lift lft1 t1) (Vars.lift lft2 t2)) a1 a2) lft1 q1 lft2 q2 | Proj (n1,m1,p1,_) :: q1, Proj (n2,m2,p2,_) :: q2 -> aux o lft1 q1 lft2 q2 | Fix ((_,(_,a1,b1)),s1,_) :: q1, Fix ((_,(_,a2,b2)),s2,_) :: q2 -> let (o',lft1',lft2') = aux (fold_array (fold_array o b1 b2) a1 a2) lft1 (List.rev s1) lft2 (List.rev s2) in aux o' lft1' q1 lft2' q2 | Cst (cst1,_,_,params1,_) :: q1, Cst (cst2,_,_,params2,_) :: q2 -> let (o',lft1',lft2') = aux o lft1 (List.rev params1) lft2 (List.rev params2) in aux o' lft1' q1 lft2' q2 | (((Update _|App _|Case _|Proj _|Fix _| Cst _) :: _|[]), _) -> raise IncompatibleFold2 in aux o 0 (List.rev sk1) 0 (List.rev sk2) let rec map f x = List.map (function | Update _ -> assert false | (Proj (_,_,_,_) | Shift _) as e -> e | App (i,a,j) -> let le = j - i + 1 in App (0,Array.map f (Array.sub a i le), le-1) | Case (info,ty,br,alt) -> Case (info, f ty, Array.map f br, alt) | Fix ((r,(na,ty,bo)),arg,alt) -> Fix ((r,(na,Array.map f ty, Array.map f bo)),map f arg,alt) | Cst (cst,curr,remains,params,alt) -> Cst (cst,curr,remains,map f params,alt) ) x let append_app_list l s = let a = Array.of_list l in append_app a s let rec args_size = function | App (i,_,j)::s -> j + 1 - i + args_size s | Shift(_)::s -> args_size s | Update(_)::s -> args_size s | (Case _|Fix _|Proj _|Cst _)::_ | [] -> 0 let strip_app s = let rec aux out = function | ( App _ | Shift _ as e) :: s -> aux (e :: out) s | s -> List.rev out,s in aux [] s let strip_n_app n s = let rec aux n out = function | Shift k as e :: s -> aux n (e :: out) s | App (i,a,j) as e :: s -> let nb = j - i + 1 in if n >= nb then aux (n - nb) (e::out) s else let p = i+n in Some (CList.rev (if Int.equal n 0 then out else App (i,a,p-1) :: out), a.(p), if j > p then App(succ p,a,j)::s else s) | s -> None in aux n [] s let not_purely_applicative args = List.exists (function (Fix _ | Case _ | Proj _ | Cst _) -> true | _ -> false) args let will_expose_iota args = List.exists (function (Fix (_,_,l) | Case (_,_,_,l) | Proj (_,_,_,l) | Cst (_,_,_,_,l)) when Cst_stack.is_empty l -> true | _ -> false) args let list_of_app_stack s = let rec aux = function | App (i,a,j) :: s -> let (k,(args',s')) = aux s in let a' = Array.map (Vars.lift k) (Array.sub a i (j - i + 1)) in k,(Array.fold_right (fun x y -> x::y) a' args', s') | Shift n :: s -> let (k,(args',s')) = aux s in (k+n,(args', s')) | s -> (0,([],s)) in let (lft,(out,s')) = aux s in let init = match s' with [] when Int.equal lft 0 -> true | _ -> false in Option.init init out let assign s p c = match strip_n_app p s with | Some (pre,_,sk) -> pre @ (App (0,[|c|],0)::sk) | None -> assert false let tail n0 s0 = let rec aux lft n s = let out s = if Int.equal lft 0 then s else Shift lft :: s in if Int.equal n 0 then out s else match s with | App (i,a,j) :: s -> let nb = j - i + 1 in if n >= nb then aux lft (n - nb) s else let p = i+n in if j >= p then App(p,a,j)::s else s | Shift k :: s' -> aux (lft+k) n s' | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Reductionops.Stack.tail") in aux 0 n0 s0 let nth s p = match strip_n_app p s with | Some (_,el,_) -> el | None -> raise Not_found (** This function breaks the abstraction of Cst_stack ! *) let best_state sigma (_,sk as s) l = let rec aux sk def = function |(cst, params, []) -> (cst, append_app_list (List.rev params) sk) |(cst, params, (i,t)::q) -> match decomp sk with | Some (el,sk') when EConstr.eq_constr sigma el t.(i) -> if i = pred (Array.length t) then aux sk' def (cst, params, q) else aux sk' def (cst, params, (succ i,t)::q) | _ -> def in List.fold_left (aux sk) s l let constr_of_cst_member f sk = match f with | Cst_const (c, u) -> mkConstU (c, EInstance.make u), sk | Cst_proj p -> match decomp sk with | Some (hd, sk) -> mkProj (p, hd), sk | None -> assert false let zip ?(refold=false) sigma s = let rec zip = function | f, [] -> f | f, (App (i,a,j) :: s) -> let a' = if Int.equal i 0 && Int.equal j (Array.length a - 1) then a else Array.sub a i (j - i + 1) in zip (mkApp (f, a'), s) | f, (Case (ci,rt,br,cst_l)::s) when refold -> zip (best_state sigma (mkCase (ci,rt,f,br), s) cst_l) | f, (Case (ci,rt,br,_)::s) -> zip (mkCase (ci,rt,f,br), s) | f, (Fix (fix,st,cst_l)::s) when refold -> zip (best_state sigma (mkFix fix, st @ (append_app [|f|] s)) cst_l) | f, (Fix (fix,st,_)::s) -> zip (mkFix fix, st @ (append_app [|f|] s)) | f, (Cst (cst,_,_,params,cst_l)::s) when refold -> zip (best_state sigma (constr_of_cst_member cst (params @ (append_app [|f|] s))) cst_l) | f, (Cst (cst,_,_,params,_)::s) -> zip (constr_of_cst_member cst (params @ (append_app [|f|] s))) | f, (Shift n::s) -> zip (lift n f, s) | f, (Proj (n,m,p,cst_l)::s) when refold -> zip (best_state sigma (mkProj (p,f),s) cst_l) | f, (Proj (n,m,p,_)::s) -> zip (mkProj (p,f),s) | _, (Update _::_) -> assert false in zip s end (** The type of (machine) states (= lambda-bar-calculus' cuts) *) type state = constr * constr Stack.t type contextual_reduction_function = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr type reduction_function = contextual_reduction_function type local_reduction_function = evar_map -> constr -> constr type e_reduction_function = env -> evar_map -> constr -> evar_map * constr type contextual_stack_reduction_function = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr * constr list type stack_reduction_function = contextual_stack_reduction_function type local_stack_reduction_function = evar_map -> constr -> constr * constr list type contextual_state_reduction_function = env -> evar_map -> state -> state type state_reduction_function = contextual_state_reduction_function type local_state_reduction_function = evar_map -> state -> state let pr_state (tm,sk) = let open Pp in let pr c = Termops.print_constr c in h 0 (pr tm ++ str "|" ++ cut () ++ Stack.pr pr sk) (*************************************) (*** Reduction Functions Operators ***) (*************************************) let safe_evar_value = Evarutil.safe_evar_value let safe_meta_value sigma ev = try Some (Evd.meta_value sigma ev) with Not_found -> None let strong whdfun env sigma t = let rec strongrec env t = map_constr_with_full_binders sigma push_rel strongrec env (whdfun env sigma t) in strongrec env t let local_strong whdfun sigma = let rec strongrec t = EConstr.map sigma strongrec (whdfun sigma t) in strongrec let rec strong_prodspine redfun sigma c = let x = redfun sigma c in match EConstr.kind sigma x with | Prod (na,a,b) -> mkProd (na,a,strong_prodspine redfun sigma b) | _ -> x (*************************************) (*** Reduction using bindingss ***) (*************************************) let eta = CClosure.RedFlags.mkflags [CClosure.RedFlags.fETA] (* Beta Reduction tools *) let apply_subst recfun env sigma refold cst_l t stack = let rec aux env cst_l t stack = match (Stack.decomp stack, EConstr.kind sigma t) with | Some (h,stacktl), Lambda (_,_,c) -> let cst_l' = if refold then Cst_stack.add_param h cst_l else cst_l in aux (h::env) cst_l' c stacktl | _ -> recfun sigma cst_l (substl env t, stack) in aux env cst_l t stack let stacklam recfun env sigma t stack = apply_subst (fun _ _ s -> recfun s) env sigma false Cst_stack.empty t stack let beta_app sigma (c,l) = let zip s = Stack.zip sigma s in stacklam zip [] sigma c (Stack.append_app l Stack.empty) let beta_applist sigma (c,l) = let zip s = Stack.zip sigma s in stacklam zip [] sigma c (Stack.append_app_list l Stack.empty) (* Iota reduction tools *) type 'a miota_args = { mP : constr; (* the result type *) mconstr : constr; (* the constructor *) mci : case_info; (* special info to re-build pattern *) mcargs : 'a list; (* the constructor's arguments *) mlf : 'a array } (* the branch code vector *) let reducible_mind_case sigma c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Construct _ | CoFix _ -> true | _ -> false (** @return c if there is a constant c whose body is bd @return bd else. It has only a meaning because internal representation of "Fixpoint f x := t" is Definition f := fix f x => t Even more fragile that we could hope because do Module M. Fixpoint f x := t. End M. Definition f := u. and say goodbye to any hope of refolding M.f this way ... *) let magicaly_constant_of_fixbody env sigma reference bd = function | Name.Anonymous -> bd | Name.Name id -> try let (cst_mod,cst_sect,_) = Constant.repr3 reference in let cst = Constant.make3 cst_mod cst_sect (Label.of_id id) in let (cst, u), ctx = Universes.fresh_constant_instance env cst in match constant_opt_value_in env (cst,u) with | None -> bd | Some t -> let csts = EConstr.eq_constr_universes sigma (EConstr.of_constr t) bd in begin match csts with | Some csts -> let subst = Universes.Constraints.fold (fun (l,d,r) acc -> Univ.LMap.add (Option.get (Universe.level l)) (Option.get (Universe.level r)) acc) csts Univ.LMap.empty in let inst = Instance.subst_fn (fun u -> Univ.LMap.find u subst) u in mkConstU (cst, EInstance.make inst) | None -> bd end with | Not_found -> bd let contract_cofix ?env sigma ?reference (bodynum,(names,types,bodies as typedbodies)) = let nbodies = Array.length bodies in let make_Fi j = let ind = nbodies-j-1 in if Int.equal bodynum ind then mkCoFix (ind,typedbodies) else let bd = mkCoFix (ind,typedbodies) in match env with | None -> bd | Some e -> match reference with | None -> bd | Some r -> magicaly_constant_of_fixbody e sigma r bd names.(ind) in let closure = List.init nbodies make_Fi in substl closure bodies.(bodynum) (** Similar to the "fix" case below *) let reduce_and_refold_cofix recfun env sigma refold cst_l cofix sk = let raw_answer = let env = if refold then Some env else None in contract_cofix ?env sigma ?reference:(Cst_stack.reference sigma cst_l) cofix in apply_subst (fun sigma x (t,sk') -> let t' = if refold then Cst_stack.best_replace sigma (mkCoFix cofix) cst_l t else t in recfun x (t',sk')) [] sigma refold Cst_stack.empty raw_answer sk let reduce_mind_case sigma mia = match EConstr.kind sigma mia.mconstr with | Construct ((ind_sp,i),u) -> (* let ncargs = (fst mia.mci).(i-1) in*) let real_cargs = List.skipn mia.mci.ci_npar mia.mcargs in applist (mia.mlf.(i-1),real_cargs) | CoFix cofix -> let cofix_def = contract_cofix sigma cofix in mkCase (mia.mci, mia.mP, applist(cofix_def,mia.mcargs), mia.mlf) | _ -> assert false (* contracts fix==FIX[nl;i](A1...Ak;[F1...Fk]{B1....Bk}) to produce Bi[Fj --> FIX[nl;j](A1...Ak;[F1...Fk]{B1...Bk})] *) let contract_fix ?env sigma ?reference ((recindices,bodynum),(names,types,bodies as typedbodies)) = let nbodies = Array.length recindices in let make_Fi j = let ind = nbodies-j-1 in if Int.equal bodynum ind then mkFix ((recindices,ind),typedbodies) else let bd = mkFix ((recindices,ind),typedbodies) in match env with | None -> bd | Some e -> match reference with | None -> bd | Some r -> magicaly_constant_of_fixbody e sigma r bd names.(ind) in let closure = List.init nbodies make_Fi in substl closure bodies.(bodynum) (** First we substitute the Rel bodynum by the fixpoint and then we try to replace the fixpoint by the best constant from [cst_l] Other rels are directly substituted by constants "magically found from the context" in contract_fix *) let reduce_and_refold_fix recfun env sigma refold cst_l fix sk = let raw_answer = let env = if refold then Some env else None in contract_fix ?env sigma ?reference:(Cst_stack.reference sigma cst_l) fix in apply_subst (fun sigma x (t,sk') -> let t' = if refold then Cst_stack.best_replace sigma (mkFix fix) cst_l t else t in recfun x (t',sk')) [] sigma refold Cst_stack.empty raw_answer sk let fix_recarg ((recindices,bodynum),_) stack = assert (0 <= bodynum && bodynum < Array.length recindices); let recargnum = Array.get recindices bodynum in try Some (recargnum, Stack.nth stack recargnum) with Not_found -> None (** Generic reduction function with environment Here is where unfolded constant are stored in order to be eventualy refolded. If tactic_mode is true, it uses ReductionBehaviour, prefers refold constant instead of value and tries to infer constants fix and cofix came from. It substitutes fix and cofix by the constant they come from in contract_* in any case . *) let debug_RAKAM = ref (false) let _ = Goptions.declare_bool_option { Goptions.optdepr = false; Goptions.optname = "Print states of the Reductionops abstract machine"; Goptions.optkey = ["Debug";"RAKAM"]; Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !debug_RAKAM); Goptions.optwrite = (fun a -> debug_RAKAM:=a); } let equal_stacks sigma (x, l) (y, l') = let f_equal (x,lft1) (y,lft2) = eq_constr sigma (Vars.lift lft1 x) (Vars.lift lft2 y) in let eq_fix (a,b) (c,d) = f_equal (mkFix a, b) (mkFix c, d) in match Stack.equal f_equal eq_fix l l' with | None -> false | Some (lft1,lft2) -> f_equal (x, lft1) (y, lft2) let rec whd_state_gen ?csts ~refold ~tactic_mode flags env sigma = let open Context.Named.Declaration in let rec whrec cst_l (x, stack) = let () = if !debug_RAKAM then let open Pp in let pr c = Termops.print_constr c in Feedback.msg_notice (h 0 (str "<<" ++ pr x ++ str "|" ++ cut () ++ Cst_stack.pr cst_l ++ str "|" ++ cut () ++ Stack.pr pr stack ++ str ">>")) in let c0 = EConstr.kind sigma x in let fold () = let () = if !debug_RAKAM then let open Pp in Feedback.msg_notice (str "<><><><><>") in ((EConstr.of_kind c0, stack),cst_l) in match c0 with | Rel n when CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fDELTA -> (match lookup_rel n env with | LocalDef (_,body,_) -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (lift n body, stack) | _ -> fold ()) | Var id when CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags (CClosure.RedFlags.fVAR id) -> (match lookup_named id env with | LocalDef (_,body,_) -> whrec (if refold then Cst_stack.add_cst (mkVar id) cst_l else cst_l) (body, stack) | _ -> fold ()) | Evar ev -> fold () | Meta ev -> (match safe_meta_value sigma ev with | Some body -> whrec cst_l (EConstr.of_constr body, stack) | None -> fold ()) | Const (c,u as const) -> reduction_effect_hook env sigma (EConstr.to_constr sigma x) (lazy (EConstr.to_constr sigma (Stack.zip sigma (x,stack)))); if CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags (CClosure.RedFlags.fCONST c) then let u' = EInstance.kind sigma u in (match constant_opt_value_in env (c, u') with | None -> fold () | Some body -> let body = EConstr.of_constr body in if not tactic_mode then whrec (if refold then Cst_stack.add_cst (mkConstU const) cst_l else cst_l) (body, stack) else (* Looks for ReductionBehaviour *) match ReductionBehaviour.get (Globnames.ConstRef c) with | None -> whrec (Cst_stack.add_cst (mkConstU const) cst_l) (body, stack) | Some (recargs, nargs, flags) -> if (List.mem `ReductionNeverUnfold flags || (nargs > 0 && Stack.args_size stack < nargs)) then fold () else (* maybe unfolds *) if List.mem `ReductionDontExposeCase flags then let app_sk,sk = Stack.strip_app stack in let (tm',sk'),cst_l' = whrec (Cst_stack.add_cst (mkConstU const) cst_l) (body, app_sk) in let rec is_case x = match EConstr.kind sigma x with | Lambda (_,_, x) | LetIn (_,_,_, x) | Cast (x, _,_) -> is_case x | App (hd, _) -> is_case hd | Case _ -> true | _ -> false in if equal_stacks sigma (x, app_sk) (tm', sk') || Stack.will_expose_iota sk' || is_case tm' then fold () else whrec cst_l' (tm', sk' @ sk) else match recargs with |[] -> (* if nargs has been specified *) (* CAUTION : the constant is NEVER refold (even when it hides a (co)fix) *) whrec cst_l (body, stack) |curr::remains -> match Stack.strip_n_app curr stack with | None -> fold () | Some (bef,arg,s') -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (arg,Stack.Cst(Stack.Cst_const (fst const, u'),curr,remains,bef,cst_l)::s') ) else fold () | Proj (p, c) when CClosure.RedFlags.red_projection flags p -> (let pb = lookup_projection p env in let kn = Projection.constant p in let npars = pb.Declarations.proj_npars and arg = pb.Declarations.proj_arg in if not tactic_mode then let stack' = (c, Stack.Proj (npars, arg, p, Cst_stack.empty (*cst_l*)) :: stack) in whrec Cst_stack.empty stack' else match ReductionBehaviour.get (Globnames.ConstRef kn) with | None -> let stack' = (c, Stack.Proj (npars, arg, p, cst_l) :: stack) in let stack'', csts = whrec Cst_stack.empty stack' in if equal_stacks sigma stack' stack'' then fold () else stack'', csts | Some (recargs, nargs, flags) -> if (List.mem `ReductionNeverUnfold flags || (nargs > 0 && Stack.args_size stack < (nargs - (npars + 1)))) then fold () else let recargs = List.map_filter (fun x -> let idx = x - npars in if idx < 0 then None else Some idx) recargs in match recargs with |[] -> (* if nargs has been specified *) (* CAUTION : the constant is NEVER refold (even when it hides a (co)fix) *) let stack' = (c, Stack.Proj (npars, arg, p, cst_l) :: stack) in whrec Cst_stack.empty(* cst_l *) stack' | curr::remains -> if curr == 0 then (* Try to reduce the record argument *) whrec Cst_stack.empty (c, Stack.Cst(Stack.Cst_proj p,curr,remains,Stack.empty,cst_l)::stack) else match Stack.strip_n_app curr stack with | None -> fold () | Some (bef,arg,s') -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (arg,Stack.Cst(Stack.Cst_proj p,curr,remains, Stack.append_app [|c|] bef,cst_l)::s')) | LetIn (_,b,_,c) when CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fZETA -> apply_subst (fun _ -> whrec) [b] sigma refold cst_l c stack | Cast (c,_,_) -> whrec cst_l (c, stack) | App (f,cl) -> whrec (if refold then Cst_stack.add_args cl cst_l else cst_l) (f, Stack.append_app cl stack) | Lambda (na,t,c) -> (match Stack.decomp stack with | Some _ when CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fBETA -> apply_subst (fun _ -> whrec) [] sigma refold cst_l x stack | None when CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fETA -> let env' = push_rel (LocalAssum (na, t)) env in let whrec' = whd_state_gen ~refold ~tactic_mode flags env' sigma in (match EConstr.kind sigma (Stack.zip ~refold sigma (fst (whrec' (c, Stack.empty)))) with | App (f,cl) -> let napp = Array.length cl in if napp > 0 then let (x', l'),_ = whrec' (Array.last cl, Stack.empty) in match EConstr.kind sigma x', l' with | Rel 1, [] -> let lc = Array.sub cl 0 (napp-1) in let u = if Int.equal napp 1 then f else mkApp (f,lc) in if noccurn sigma 1 u then (pop u,Stack.empty),Cst_stack.empty else fold () | _ -> fold () else fold () | _ -> fold ()) | _ -> fold ()) | Case (ci,p,d,lf) -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (d, Stack.Case (ci,p,lf,cst_l) :: stack) | Fix ((ri,n),_ as f) -> (match Stack.strip_n_app ri.(n) stack with |None -> fold () |Some (bef,arg,s') -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (arg, Stack.Fix(f,bef,cst_l)::s')) | Construct ((ind,c),u) -> let use_match = CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fMATCH in let use_fix = CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fFIX in if use_match || use_fix then match Stack.strip_app stack with |args, (Stack.Case(ci, _, lf,_)::s') when use_match -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (lf.(c-1), (Stack.tail ci.ci_npar args) @ s') |args, (Stack.Proj (n,m,p,_)::s') when use_match -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (Stack.nth args (n+m), s') |args, (Stack.Fix (f,s',cst_l)::s'') when use_fix -> let x' = Stack.zip sigma (x, args) in let out_sk = s' @ (Stack.append_app [|x'|] s'') in reduce_and_refold_fix whrec env sigma refold cst_l f out_sk |args, (Stack.Cst (const,curr,remains,s',cst_l) :: s'') -> let x' = Stack.zip sigma (x, args) in begin match remains with | [] -> (match const with | Stack.Cst_const const -> (match constant_opt_value_in env const with | None -> fold () | Some body -> let const = (fst const, EInstance.make (snd const)) in let body = EConstr.of_constr body in whrec (if refold then Cst_stack.add_cst (mkConstU const) cst_l else cst_l) (body, s' @ (Stack.append_app [|x'|] s''))) | Stack.Cst_proj p -> let pb = lookup_projection p env in let npars = pb.Declarations.proj_npars in let narg = pb.Declarations.proj_arg in let stack = s' @ (Stack.append_app [|x'|] s'') in match Stack.strip_n_app 0 stack with | None -> assert false | Some (_,arg,s'') -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (arg, Stack.Proj (npars,narg,p,cst_l) :: s'')) | next :: remains' -> match Stack.strip_n_app (next-curr-1) s'' with | None -> fold () | Some (bef,arg,s''') -> whrec Cst_stack.empty (arg, Stack.Cst (const,next,remains',s' @ (Stack.append_app [|x'|] bef),cst_l) :: s''') end |_, (Stack.App _|Stack.Update _|Stack.Shift _)::_ -> assert false |_, _ -> fold () else fold () | CoFix cofix -> if CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fCOFIX then match Stack.strip_app stack with |args, ((Stack.Case _ |Stack.Proj _)::s') -> reduce_and_refold_cofix whrec env sigma refold cst_l cofix stack |_ -> fold () else fold () | Rel _ | Var _ | LetIn _ | Proj _ -> fold () | Sort _ | Ind _ | Prod _ -> fold () in fun xs -> let (s,cst_l as res) = whrec (Option.default Cst_stack.empty csts) xs in if tactic_mode then (Stack.best_state sigma s cst_l,Cst_stack.empty) else res (** reduction machine without global env and refold machinery *) let local_whd_state_gen flags sigma = let rec whrec (x, stack) = let c0 = EConstr.kind sigma x in let s = (EConstr.of_kind c0, stack) in match c0 with | LetIn (_,b,_,c) when CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fZETA -> stacklam whrec [b] sigma c stack | Cast (c,_,_) -> whrec (c, stack) | App (f,cl) -> whrec (f, Stack.append_app cl stack) | Lambda (_,_,c) -> (match Stack.decomp stack with | Some (a,m) when CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fBETA -> stacklam whrec [a] sigma c m | None when CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fETA -> (match EConstr.kind sigma (Stack.zip sigma (whrec (c, Stack.empty))) with | App (f,cl) -> let napp = Array.length cl in if napp > 0 then let x', l' = whrec (Array.last cl, Stack.empty) in match EConstr.kind sigma x', l' with | Rel 1, [] -> let lc = Array.sub cl 0 (napp-1) in let u = if Int.equal napp 1 then f else mkApp (f,lc) in if noccurn sigma 1 u then (pop u,Stack.empty) else s | _ -> s else s | _ -> s) | _ -> s) | Proj (p,c) when CClosure.RedFlags.red_projection flags p -> (let pb = lookup_projection p (Global.env ()) in whrec (c, Stack.Proj (pb.Declarations.proj_npars, pb.Declarations.proj_arg, p, Cst_stack.empty) :: stack)) | Case (ci,p,d,lf) -> whrec (d, Stack.Case (ci,p,lf,Cst_stack.empty) :: stack) | Fix ((ri,n),_ as f) -> (match Stack.strip_n_app ri.(n) stack with |None -> s |Some (bef,arg,s') -> whrec (arg, Stack.Fix(f,bef,Cst_stack.empty)::s')) | Evar ev -> s | Meta ev -> (match safe_meta_value sigma ev with Some c -> whrec (EConstr.of_constr c,stack) | None -> s) | Construct ((ind,c),u) -> let use_match = CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fMATCH in let use_fix = CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fFIX in if use_match || use_fix then match Stack.strip_app stack with |args, (Stack.Case(ci, _, lf,_)::s') when use_match -> whrec (lf.(c-1), (Stack.tail ci.ci_npar args) @ s') |args, (Stack.Proj (n,m,p,_) :: s') when use_match -> whrec (Stack.nth args (n+m), s') |args, (Stack.Fix (f,s',cst)::s'') when use_fix -> let x' = Stack.zip sigma (x,args) in whrec (contract_fix sigma f, s' @ (Stack.append_app [|x'|] s'')) |_, (Stack.App _|Stack.Update _|Stack.Shift _|Stack.Cst _)::_ -> assert false |_, _ -> s else s | CoFix cofix -> if CClosure.RedFlags.red_set flags CClosure.RedFlags.fCOFIX then match Stack.strip_app stack with |args, ((Stack.Case _ | Stack.Proj _)::s') -> whrec (contract_cofix sigma cofix, stack) |_ -> s else s | x -> s in whrec let raw_whd_state_gen flags env = let f sigma s = fst (whd_state_gen ~refold:(get_refolding_in_reduction ()) ~tactic_mode:false flags env sigma s) in f let stack_red_of_state_red f = let f sigma x = EConstr.decompose_app sigma (Stack.zip sigma (f sigma (x, Stack.empty))) in f (* Drops the Cst_stack *) let iterate_whd_gen refold flags env sigma s = let rec aux t = let (hd,sk),_ = whd_state_gen ~refold ~tactic_mode:false flags env sigma (t,Stack.empty) in let whd_sk = Stack.map aux sk in Stack.zip sigma ~refold (hd,whd_sk) in aux s let red_of_state_red f sigma x = Stack.zip sigma (f sigma (x,Stack.empty)) (* 0. No Reduction Functions *) let whd_nored_state = local_whd_state_gen CClosure.nored let whd_nored_stack = stack_red_of_state_red whd_nored_state let whd_nored = red_of_state_red whd_nored_state (* 1. Beta Reduction Functions *) let whd_beta_state = local_whd_state_gen CClosure.beta let whd_beta_stack = stack_red_of_state_red whd_beta_state let whd_beta = red_of_state_red whd_beta_state let whd_betalet_state = local_whd_state_gen CClosure.betazeta let whd_betalet_stack = stack_red_of_state_red whd_betalet_state let whd_betalet = red_of_state_red whd_betalet_state (* 2. Delta Reduction Functions *) let whd_delta_state e = raw_whd_state_gen CClosure.delta e let whd_delta_stack env = stack_red_of_state_red (whd_delta_state env) let whd_delta env = red_of_state_red (whd_delta_state env) let whd_betadeltazeta_state e = raw_whd_state_gen CClosure.betadeltazeta e let whd_betadeltazeta_stack env = stack_red_of_state_red (whd_betadeltazeta_state env) let whd_betadeltazeta env = red_of_state_red (whd_betadeltazeta_state env) (* 3. Iota reduction Functions *) let whd_betaiota_state = local_whd_state_gen CClosure.betaiota let whd_betaiota_stack = stack_red_of_state_red whd_betaiota_state let whd_betaiota = red_of_state_red whd_betaiota_state let whd_betaiotazeta_state = local_whd_state_gen CClosure.betaiotazeta let whd_betaiotazeta_stack = stack_red_of_state_red whd_betaiotazeta_state let whd_betaiotazeta = red_of_state_red whd_betaiotazeta_state let whd_all_state env = raw_whd_state_gen CClosure.all env let whd_all_stack env = stack_red_of_state_red (whd_all_state env) let whd_all env = red_of_state_red (whd_all_state env) let whd_allnolet_state env = raw_whd_state_gen CClosure.allnolet env let whd_allnolet_stack env = stack_red_of_state_red (whd_allnolet_state env) let whd_allnolet env = red_of_state_red (whd_allnolet_state env) (* 4. Ad-hoc eta reduction, does not subsitute evars *) let shrink_eta c = Stack.zip Evd.empty (local_whd_state_gen eta Evd.empty (c,Stack.empty)) (* 5. Zeta Reduction Functions *) let whd_zeta_state = local_whd_state_gen CClosure.zeta let whd_zeta_stack = stack_red_of_state_red whd_zeta_state let whd_zeta = red_of_state_red whd_zeta_state (****************************************************************************) (* Reduction Functions *) (****************************************************************************) (* Replacing defined evars for error messages *) let whd_evar = Evarutil.whd_evar let nf_evar = Evarutil.nf_evar (* lazy reduction functions. The infos must be created for each term *) (* Note by HH [oct 08] : why would it be the job of clos_norm_flags to add a [nf_evar] here *) let clos_norm_flags flgs env sigma t = try let evars ev = safe_evar_value sigma ev in EConstr.of_constr (CClosure.norm_val (CClosure.create_clos_infos ~evars flgs env) (CClosure.inject (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t))) with e when is_anomaly e -> user_err Pp.(str "Tried to normalize ill-typed term") let clos_whd_flags flgs env sigma t = try let evars ev = safe_evar_value sigma ev in EConstr.of_constr (CClosure.whd_val (CClosure.create_clos_infos ~evars flgs env) (CClosure.inject (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t))) with e when is_anomaly e -> user_err Pp.(str "Tried to normalize ill-typed term") let nf_beta = clos_norm_flags CClosure.beta (Global.env ()) let nf_betaiota = clos_norm_flags CClosure.betaiota (Global.env ()) let nf_betaiotazeta = clos_norm_flags CClosure.betaiotazeta (Global.env ()) let nf_all env sigma = clos_norm_flags CClosure.all env sigma (********************************************************************) (* Conversion *) (********************************************************************) (* let fkey = Profile.declare_profile "fhnf";; let fhnf info v = Profile.profile2 fkey fhnf info v;; let fakey = Profile.declare_profile "fhnf_apply";; let fhnf_apply info k h a = Profile.profile4 fakey fhnf_apply info k h a;; *) let is_transparent e k = match Conv_oracle.get_strategy (Environ.oracle e) k with | Conv_oracle.Opaque -> false | _ -> true (* Conversion utility functions *) type conversion_test = constraints -> constraints let pb_is_equal pb = pb == Reduction.CONV let pb_equal = function | Reduction.CUMUL -> Reduction.CONV | Reduction.CONV -> Reduction.CONV let report_anomaly e = let e = UserError (None, Pp.(str "Conversion test raised an anomaly" ++ print e)) in let e = CErrors.push e in iraise e let f_conv ?l2r ?reds env ?evars x y = let inj = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr in Reduction.conv ?l2r ?reds env ?evars (inj x) (inj y) let f_conv_leq ?l2r ?reds env ?evars x y = let inj = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr in Reduction.conv_leq ?l2r ?reds env ?evars (inj x) (inj y) let test_trans_conversion (f: constr Reduction.extended_conversion_function) reds env sigma x y = try let evars ev = safe_evar_value sigma ev in let _ = f ~reds env ~evars:(evars, Evd.universes sigma) x y in true with Reduction.NotConvertible -> false | e when is_anomaly e -> report_anomaly e let is_conv ?(reds=full_transparent_state) env sigma = test_trans_conversion f_conv reds env sigma let is_conv_leq ?(reds=full_transparent_state) env sigma = test_trans_conversion f_conv_leq reds env sigma let is_fconv ?(reds=full_transparent_state) = function | Reduction.CONV -> is_conv ~reds | Reduction.CUMUL -> is_conv_leq ~reds let check_conv ?(pb=Reduction.CUMUL) ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env sigma x y = let f = match pb with | Reduction.CONV -> f_conv | Reduction.CUMUL -> f_conv_leq in try f ~reds:ts env ~evars:(safe_evar_value sigma, Evd.universes sigma) x y; true with Reduction.NotConvertible -> false | Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ -> false | e when is_anomaly e -> report_anomaly e let sigma_compare_sorts env pb s0 s1 sigma = match pb with | Reduction.CONV -> Evd.set_eq_sort env sigma s0 s1 | Reduction.CUMUL -> Evd.set_leq_sort env sigma s0 s1 let sigma_compare_instances ~flex i0 i1 sigma = try Evd.set_eq_instances ~flex sigma i0 i1 with Evd.UniversesDiffer | Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible let sigma_check_inductive_instances cv_pb uinfind u u' sigma = let ind_instance = Univ.AUContext.instance (Univ.ACumulativityInfo.univ_context uinfind) in let ind_sbctx = Univ.ACumulativityInfo.subtyp_context uinfind in if not ((Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length u) && (Univ.Instance.length ind_instance = Univ.Instance.length u')) then anomaly (Pp.str "Invalid inductive subtyping encountered!") else let comp_cst = let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u u') in Univ.UContext.constraints (Univ.subst_instance_context comp_subst ind_sbctx) in let comp_cst = match cv_pb with Reduction.CONV -> let comp_subst = (Univ.Instance.append u' u) in let comp_cst' = Univ.UContext.constraints(Univ.subst_instance_context comp_subst ind_sbctx) in Univ.Constraint.union comp_cst comp_cst' | Reduction.CUMUL -> comp_cst in try Evd.add_constraints sigma comp_cst with Evd.UniversesDiffer | Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible let sigma_conv_inductives cv_pb (mind, ind) u1 sv1 u2 sv2 sigma = try sigma_compare_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 sigma with Reduction.NotConvertible -> match mind.Declarations.mind_universes with | Declarations.Monomorphic_ind _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible | Declarations.Polymorphic_ind _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible | Declarations.Cumulative_ind cumi -> let num_param_arity = mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_nrealargs in if not (num_param_arity = sv1 && num_param_arity = sv2) then raise Reduction.NotConvertible else sigma_check_inductive_instances cv_pb cumi u1 u2 sigma let sigma_conv_constructors (mind, ind, cns) u1 sv1 u2 sv2 sigma = try sigma_compare_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 sigma with Reduction.NotConvertible -> match mind.Declarations.mind_universes with | Declarations.Monomorphic_ind _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible | Declarations.Polymorphic_ind _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible | Declarations.Cumulative_ind cumi -> let num_cnstr_args = let nparamsctxt = mind.Declarations.mind_nparams + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_nrealargs in nparamsctxt + mind.Declarations.mind_packets.(ind).Declarations.mind_consnrealargs.(cns - 1) in if not (num_cnstr_args = sv1 && num_cnstr_args = sv2) then raise Reduction.NotConvertible else sigma_check_inductive_instances Reduction.CONV cumi u1 u2 sigma let sigma_univ_state = { Reduction.compare = sigma_compare_sorts; Reduction.compare_instances = sigma_compare_instances; Reduction.conv_inductives = sigma_conv_inductives; Reduction.conv_constructors = sigma_conv_constructors} let infer_conv_gen conv_fun ?(catch_incon=true) ?(pb=Reduction.CUMUL) ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env sigma x y = (** FIXME *) let open Universes in let x = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr x in let y = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr y in try let fold cstr accu = Some (Constraints.fold Constraints.add cstr accu) in let b, sigma = let ans = if pb == Reduction.CUMUL then Universes.leq_constr_univs_infer (Evd.universes sigma) fold x y Constraints.empty else Universes.eq_constr_univs_infer (Evd.universes sigma) fold x y Constraints.empty in let ans = match ans with | None -> None | Some cstr -> try Some (Evd.add_universe_constraints sigma cstr) with Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ | Evd.UniversesDiffer -> None in match ans with | None -> false, sigma | Some sigma -> true, sigma in if b then sigma, true else let sigma' = conv_fun pb ~l2r:false sigma ts env (sigma, sigma_univ_state) x y in sigma', true with | Reduction.NotConvertible -> sigma, false | Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ when catch_incon -> sigma, false | e when is_anomaly e -> report_anomaly e let infer_conv = infer_conv_gen (fun pb ~l2r sigma -> Reduction.generic_conv pb ~l2r (safe_evar_value sigma)) (* This reference avoids always having to link C code with the kernel *) let vm_infer_conv = ref (infer_conv ~catch_incon:true ~ts:full_transparent_state) let set_vm_infer_conv f = vm_infer_conv := f let vm_infer_conv ?(pb=Reduction.CUMUL) env t1 t2 = !vm_infer_conv ~pb env t1 t2 (********************************************************************) (* Special-Purpose Reduction *) (********************************************************************) let whd_meta sigma c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Meta p -> (try EConstr.of_constr (meta_value sigma p) with Not_found -> c) | _ -> c let default_plain_instance_ident = Id.of_string "H" (* Try to replace all metas. Does not replace metas in the metas' values * Differs from (strong whd_meta). *) let plain_instance sigma s c = let rec irec n u = match EConstr.kind sigma u with | Meta p -> (try lift n (Metamap.find p s) with Not_found -> u) | App (f,l) when isCast sigma f -> let (f,_,t) = destCast sigma f in let l' = CArray.Fun1.smartmap irec n l in (match EConstr.kind sigma f with | Meta p -> (* Don't flatten application nodes: this is used to extract a proof-term from a proof-tree and we want to keep the structure of the proof-tree *) (try let g = Metamap.find p s in match EConstr.kind sigma g with | App _ -> let l' = CArray.Fun1.smartmap lift 1 l' in mkLetIn (Name default_plain_instance_ident,g,t,mkApp(mkRel 1, l')) | _ -> mkApp (g,l') with Not_found -> mkApp (f,l')) | _ -> mkApp (irec n f,l')) | Cast (m,_,_) when isMeta sigma m -> (try lift n (Metamap.find (destMeta sigma m) s) with Not_found -> u) | _ -> map_with_binders sigma succ irec n u in if Metamap.is_empty s then c else irec 0 c (* [instance] is used for [res_pf]; the call to [local_strong whd_betaiota] has (unfortunately) different subtle side effects: - ** Order of subgoals ** If the lemma is a case analysis with parameters, it will move the parameters as first subgoals (e.g. "case H" applied on "H:D->A/\B|-C" will present the subgoal |-D first while w/o betaiota the subgoal |-D would have come last). - ** Betaiota-contraction in statement ** If the lemma has a parameter which is a function and this function is applied in the lemma, then the _strong_ betaiota will contract the application of the function to its argument (e.g. "apply (H (fun x => x))" in "H:forall f, f 0 = 0 |- 0=0" will result in applying the lemma 0=0 in which "(fun x => x) 0" has been contracted). A goal to rewrite may then fail or succeed differently. - ** Naming of hypotheses ** If a lemma is a function of the form "fun H:(forall a:A, P a) => .. F H .." where the expected type of H is "forall b:A, P b", then, without reduction, the application of the lemma will generate a subgoal "forall a:A, P a" (and intro will use name "a"), while with reduction, it will generate a subgoal "forall b:A, P b" (and intro will use name "b"). - ** First-order pattern-matching ** If a lemma has the type "(fun x => p) t" then rewriting t may fail if the type of the lemma is first beta-reduced (this typically happens when rewriting a single variable and the type of the lemma is obtained by meta_instance (with empty map) which itself calls instance with this empty map). *) let instance sigma s c = (* if s = [] then c else *) local_strong whd_betaiota sigma (plain_instance sigma s c) (* pseudo-reduction rule: * [hnf_prod_app env s (Prod(_,B)) N --> B[N] * with an HNF on the first argument to produce a product. * if this does not work, then we use the string S as part of our * error message. *) let hnf_prod_app env sigma t n = match EConstr.kind sigma (whd_all env sigma t) with | Prod (_,_,b) -> subst1 n b | _ -> anomaly ~label:"hnf_prod_app" (Pp.str "Need a product.") let hnf_prod_appvect env sigma t nl = Array.fold_left (fun acc t -> hnf_prod_app env sigma acc t) t nl let hnf_prod_applist env sigma t nl = List.fold_left (fun acc t -> hnf_prod_app env sigma acc t) t nl let hnf_lam_app env sigma t n = match EConstr.kind sigma (whd_all env sigma t) with | Lambda (_,_,b) -> subst1 n b | _ -> anomaly ~label:"hnf_lam_app" (Pp.str "Need an abstraction.") let hnf_lam_appvect env sigma t nl = Array.fold_left (fun acc t -> hnf_lam_app env sigma acc t) t nl let hnf_lam_applist env sigma t nl = List.fold_left (fun acc t -> hnf_lam_app env sigma acc t) t nl let bind_assum (na, t) = (na, t) let splay_prod env sigma = let rec decrec env m c = let t = whd_all env sigma c in match EConstr.kind sigma t with | Prod (n,a,c0) -> decrec (push_rel (LocalAssum (n,a)) env) (bind_assum (n,a)::m) c0 | _ -> m,t in decrec env [] let splay_lam env sigma = let rec decrec env m c = let t = whd_all env sigma c in match EConstr.kind sigma t with | Lambda (n,a,c0) -> decrec (push_rel (LocalAssum (n,a)) env) (bind_assum (n,a)::m) c0 | _ -> m,t in decrec env [] let splay_prod_assum env sigma = let rec prodec_rec env l c = let t = whd_allnolet env sigma c in match EConstr.kind sigma t with | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec (push_rel (LocalAssum (x,t)) env) (Context.Rel.add (LocalAssum (x,t)) l) c | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec (push_rel (LocalDef (x,b,t)) env) (Context.Rel.add (LocalDef (x,b,t)) l) c | Cast (c,_,_) -> prodec_rec env l c | _ -> let t' = whd_all env sigma t in if EConstr.eq_constr sigma t t' then l,t else prodec_rec env l t' in prodec_rec env Context.Rel.empty let splay_arity env sigma c = let l, c = splay_prod env sigma c in match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Sort s -> l,s | _ -> invalid_arg "splay_arity" let sort_of_arity env sigma c = snd (splay_arity env sigma c) let splay_prod_n env sigma n = let rec decrec env m ln c = if Int.equal m 0 then (ln,c) else match EConstr.kind sigma (whd_all env sigma c) with | Prod (n,a,c0) -> decrec (push_rel (LocalAssum (n,a)) env) (m-1) (Context.Rel.add (LocalAssum (n,a)) ln) c0 | _ -> invalid_arg "splay_prod_n" in decrec env n Context.Rel.empty let splay_lam_n env sigma n = let rec decrec env m ln c = if Int.equal m 0 then (ln,c) else match EConstr.kind sigma (whd_all env sigma c) with | Lambda (n,a,c0) -> decrec (push_rel (LocalAssum (n,a)) env) (m-1) (Context.Rel.add (LocalAssum (n,a)) ln) c0 | _ -> invalid_arg "splay_lam_n" in decrec env n Context.Rel.empty let is_sort env sigma t = match EConstr.kind sigma (whd_all env sigma t) with | Sort s -> true | _ -> false (* reduction to head-normal-form allowing delta/zeta only in argument of case/fix (heuristic used by evar_conv) *) let whd_betaiota_deltazeta_for_iota_state ts env sigma csts s = let refold = get_refolding_in_reduction () in let tactic_mode = false in let rec whrec csts s = let (t, stack as s),csts' = whd_state_gen ~csts ~refold ~tactic_mode CClosure.betaiota env sigma s in match Stack.strip_app stack with |args, (Stack.Case _ :: _ as stack') -> let (t_o,stack_o),csts_o = whd_state_gen ~csts:csts' ~refold ~tactic_mode (CClosure.RedFlags.red_add_transparent CClosure.all ts) env sigma (t,args) in if reducible_mind_case sigma t_o then whrec csts_o (t_o, stack_o@stack') else s,csts' |args, (Stack.Fix _ :: _ as stack') -> let (t_o,stack_o),csts_o = whd_state_gen ~csts:csts' ~refold ~tactic_mode (CClosure.RedFlags.red_add_transparent CClosure.all ts) env sigma (t,args) in if isConstruct sigma t_o then whrec csts_o (t_o, stack_o@stack') else s,csts' |args, (Stack.Proj (n,m,p,_) :: stack'') -> let (t_o,stack_o),csts_o = whd_state_gen ~csts:csts' ~refold ~tactic_mode (CClosure.RedFlags.red_add_transparent CClosure.all ts) env sigma (t,args) in if isConstruct sigma t_o then whrec Cst_stack.empty (Stack.nth stack_o (n+m), stack'') else s,csts' |_, ((Stack.App _| Stack.Shift _|Stack.Update _|Stack.Cst _) :: _|[]) -> s,csts' in whrec csts s let find_conclusion env sigma = let rec decrec env c = let t = whd_all env sigma c in match EConstr.kind sigma t with | Prod (x,t,c0) -> decrec (push_rel (LocalAssum (x,t)) env) c0 | Lambda (x,t,c0) -> decrec (push_rel (LocalAssum (x,t)) env) c0 | t -> t in decrec env let is_arity env sigma c = match find_conclusion env sigma c with | Sort _ -> true | _ -> false (*************************************) (* Metas *) let meta_value evd mv = let rec valrec mv = match meta_opt_fvalue evd mv with | Some (b,_) -> let metas = Metamap.bind valrec b.freemetas in instance evd metas (EConstr.of_constr b.rebus) | None -> mkMeta mv in valrec mv let meta_instance sigma b = let fm = b.freemetas in if Metaset.is_empty fm then b.rebus else let c_sigma = Metamap.bind (fun mv -> meta_value sigma mv) fm in instance sigma c_sigma b.rebus let nf_meta sigma c = let c = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c in let cl = mk_freelisted c in meta_instance sigma { cl with rebus = EConstr.of_constr cl.rebus } (* Instantiate metas that create beta/iota redexes *) let meta_reducible_instance evd b = let fm = b.freemetas in let fold mv accu = let fvalue = try meta_opt_fvalue evd mv with Not_found -> None in match fvalue with | None -> accu | Some (g, (_, s)) -> Metamap.add mv (g.rebus, s) accu in let metas = Metaset.fold fold fm Metamap.empty in let rec irec u = let u = whd_betaiota Evd.empty u (** FIXME *) in match EConstr.kind evd u with | Case (ci,p,c,bl) when EConstr.isMeta evd (strip_outer_cast evd c) -> let m = destMeta evd (strip_outer_cast evd c) in (match try let g, s = Metamap.find m metas in let g = EConstr.of_constr g in let is_coerce = match s with CoerceToType -> true | _ -> false in if isConstruct evd g || not is_coerce then Some g else None with Not_found -> None with | Some g -> irec (mkCase (ci,p,g,bl)) | None -> mkCase (ci,irec p,c,Array.map irec bl)) | App (f,l) when EConstr.isMeta evd (strip_outer_cast evd f) -> let m = destMeta evd (strip_outer_cast evd f) in (match try let g, s = Metamap.find m metas in let g = EConstr.of_constr g in let is_coerce = match s with CoerceToType -> true | _ -> false in if isLambda evd g || not is_coerce then Some g else None with Not_found -> None with | Some g -> irec (mkApp (g,l)) | None -> mkApp (f,Array.map irec l)) | Meta m -> (try let g, s = Metamap.find m metas in let g = EConstr.of_constr g in let is_coerce = match s with CoerceToType -> true | _ -> false in if not is_coerce then irec g else u with Not_found -> u) | Proj (p,c) when isMeta evd c || isCast evd c && isMeta evd (pi1 (destCast evd c)) -> let m = try destMeta evd c with _ -> destMeta evd (pi1 (destCast evd c)) in (match try let g, s = Metamap.find m metas in let g = EConstr.of_constr g in let is_coerce = match s with CoerceToType -> true | _ -> false in if isConstruct evd g || not is_coerce then Some g else None with Not_found -> None with | Some g -> irec (mkProj (p,g)) | None -> mkProj (p,c)) | _ -> EConstr.map evd irec u in if Metaset.is_empty fm then (* nf_betaiota? *) b.rebus else irec b.rebus let head_unfold_under_prod ts env sigma c = let unfold (cst,u) = let cstu = (cst, EInstance.kind sigma u) in if Cpred.mem cst (snd ts) then match constant_opt_value_in env cstu with | Some c -> EConstr.of_constr c | None -> mkConstU (cst, u) else mkConstU (cst, u) in let rec aux c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Prod (n,t,c) -> mkProd (n,aux t, aux c) | _ -> let (h,l) = decompose_app_vect sigma c in match EConstr.kind sigma h with | Const cst -> beta_app sigma (unfold cst, l) | _ -> c in aux c let betazetaevar_applist sigma n c l = let rec stacklam n env t stack = if Int.equal n 0 then applist (substl env t, stack) else match EConstr.kind sigma t, stack with | Lambda(_,_,c), arg::stacktl -> stacklam (n-1) (arg::env) c stacktl | LetIn(_,b,_,c), _ -> stacklam (n-1) (substl env b::env) c stack | Evar _, _ -> applist (substl env t, stack) | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Not enough lambda/let's.") in stacklam n [] c l