(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* red | FBeta :: lf -> add_flag { red with rBeta = true } lf | FIota :: lf -> add_flag { red with rIota = true } lf | FZeta :: lf -> add_flag { red with rZeta = true } lf | FConst l :: lf -> if red.rDelta then Errors.error "Cannot set both constants to unfold and constants not to unfold"; add_flag { red with rConst = Util.list_union red.rConst l } lf | FDeltaBut l :: lf -> if red.rConst <> [] & not red.rDelta then Errors.error "Cannot set both constants to unfold and constants not to unfold"; add_flag { red with rConst = Util.list_union red.rConst l; rDelta = true } lf in add_flag {rBeta = false; rIota = false; rZeta = false; rDelta = false; rConst = []} l let all_flags = {rBeta = true; rIota = true; rZeta = true; rDelta = true; rConst = []}