(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* f a e | None -> e let cache_structure (_,(ind,struc)) = structure_table := Indmap.add ind struc !structure_table; projection_table := List.fold_right (option_fold_right (fun proj -> KNmap.add proj struc)) struc.s_PROJ !projection_table let subst_structure (_,subst,((kn,i),struc as obj)) = let kn' = subst_kn subst kn in let proj' = list_smartmap (option_smartmap (subst_kn subst)) struc.s_PROJ in if proj' == struc.s_PROJ && kn' == kn then obj else (kn',i),{struc with s_PROJ = proj'} let (inStruc,outStruc) = declare_object {(default_object "STRUCTURE") with cache_function = cache_structure; load_function = (fun _ o -> cache_structure o); subst_function = subst_structure; classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x); export_function = (function x -> Some x) } let add_new_struc (s,c,n,l) = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inStruc (s,{s_CONST=c;s_PARAM=n;s_PROJ=l})) let find_structure indsp = Indmap.find indsp !structure_table let find_projection_nparams = function | ConstRef cst -> (KNmap.find cst !projection_table).s_PARAM | _ -> raise Not_found (*s Un "object" est une fonction construisant une instance d'une structure *) (* Table des definitions "object" : pour chaque object c, c := [x1:B1]...[xk:Bk](Build_R a1...am t1...t_n) avec ti = (ci ui1...uir) Pour tout ci, et Li, la ième projection de la structure R (si définie), on déclare une "coercion" o_DEF = c o_TABS = B1...Bk o_PARAMS = a1...am o_TCOMP = ui1...uir *) type obj_typ = { o_DEF : constr; o_TABS : constr list; (* dans l'ordre *) o_TPARAMS : constr list; (* dans l'ordre *) o_TCOMPS : constr list } (* dans l'ordre *) let subst_obj subst obj = let o_DEF' = subst_mps subst obj.o_DEF in let o_TABS' = list_smartmap (subst_mps subst) obj.o_TABS in let o_TPARAMS' = list_smartmap (subst_mps subst) obj.o_TPARAMS in let o_TCOMPS' = list_smartmap (subst_mps subst) obj.o_TCOMPS in if o_DEF' == obj.o_DEF && o_TABS' == obj.o_TABS && o_TPARAMS' == obj.o_TPARAMS && o_TCOMPS' == obj.o_TCOMPS then obj else { o_DEF = o_DEF' ; o_TABS = o_TABS' ; o_TPARAMS = o_TPARAMS' ; o_TCOMPS = o_TCOMPS' } let object_table = (ref [] : ((global_reference * global_reference) * obj_typ) list ref) let cache_object (_,x) = object_table := x :: (!object_table) let subst_object (_,subst,((r1,r2),o as obj)) = let r1' = subst_global subst r1 in let r2' = subst_global subst r2 in let o' = subst_obj subst o in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 && o' == o then obj else (r1',r2'),o' let (inObjDef,outObjDef) = declare_object {(default_object "OBJDEF") with open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_object o); cache_function = cache_object; subst_function = subst_object; classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x); export_function = (function x -> Some x) } let add_new_objdef (o,c,la,lp,l) = try let _ = List.assoc o !object_table in () with Not_found -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inObjDef (o,{o_DEF=c;o_TABS=la;o_TPARAMS=lp;o_TCOMPS=l})) let cache_objdef1 (_,sp) = () let (inObjDef1,outObjDef1) = declare_object {(default_object "OBJDEF1") with open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_objdef1 o); cache_function = cache_objdef1; export_function = (function x -> Some x) } let objdef_info o = List.assoc o !object_table let freeze () = !structure_table, !projection_table, !object_table let unfreeze (s,p,o) = structure_table := s; projection_table := p; object_table := o let init () = structure_table := Indmap.empty; projection_table := KNmap.empty; object_table:=[] let _ = init() let _ = Summary.declare_summary "objdefs" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init; Summary.survive_module = false; Summary.survive_section = false }