(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* pat | PatCstr (loc,((kn,i),j),cpl,n) -> let kn' = subst_kn subst kn and cpl' = list_smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl in if kn' == kn && cpl' == cpl then pat else PatCstr (loc,((kn',i),j),cpl',n) let rec subst_raw subst raw = match raw with | RRef (loc,ref) -> let ref' = subst_global subst ref in if ref' == ref then raw else RRef (loc,ref') | RVar _ -> raw | REvar _ -> raw | RMeta _ -> raw | RApp (loc,r,rl) -> let r' = subst_raw subst r and rl' = list_smartmap (subst_raw subst) rl in if r' == r && rl' == rl then raw else RApp(loc,r',rl') | RLambda (loc,n,r1,r2) -> let r1' = subst_raw subst r1 and r2' = subst_raw subst r2 in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else RLambda (loc,n,r1',r2') | RProd (loc,n,r1,r2) -> let r1' = subst_raw subst r1 and r2' = subst_raw subst r2 in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else RProd (loc,n,r1',r2') | RLetIn (loc,n,r1,r2) -> let r1' = subst_raw subst r1 and r2' = subst_raw subst r2 in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else RLetIn (loc,n,r1',r2') | RCases (loc,cs,ro,rl,branches) -> let ro' = option_smartmap (subst_raw subst) ro and rl' = list_smartmap (subst_raw subst) rl and branches' = list_smartmap (fun (loc,idl,cpl,r as branch) -> let cpl' = list_smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl and r' = subst_raw subst r in if cpl' == cpl && r' == r then branch else (loc,idl,cpl',r')) branches in if ro' == ro && rl' == rl && branches' == branches then raw else RCases (loc,cs,ro',rl',branches') | ROldCase (loc,b,ro,r,ra) -> let ro' = option_smartmap (subst_raw subst) ro and r' = subst_raw subst r and ra' = array_smartmap (subst_raw subst) ra in if ro' == ro && r' == r && ra' == ra then raw else ROldCase (loc,b,ro',r',ra') | RRec (loc,fix,ida,ra1,ra2) -> let ra1' = array_smartmap (subst_raw subst) ra1 and ra2' = array_smartmap (subst_raw subst) ra2 in if ra1' == ra1 && ra2' == ra2 then raw else RRec (loc,fix,ida,ra1',ra2') | RSort _ -> raw | RHole (loc,ImplicitArg (ref,i)) -> let ref' = subst_global subst ref in if ref' == ref then raw else RHole (loc,ImplicitArg (ref',i)) | RHole (loc, (AbstractionType _ | QuestionMark | CasesType | InternalHole | TomatchTypeParameter _)) -> raw | RCast (loc,r1,r2) -> let r1' = subst_raw subst r1 and r2' = subst_raw subst r2 in if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else RCast (loc,r1',r2') | RDynamic _ -> raw let dummy_loc = (0,0) let loc_of_rawconstr = function | RRef (loc,_) -> loc | RVar (loc,_) -> loc | REvar (loc,_) -> loc | RMeta (loc,_) -> loc | RApp (loc,_,_) -> loc | RLambda (loc,_,_,_) -> loc | RProd (loc,_,_,_) -> loc | RLetIn (loc,_,_,_) -> loc | RCases (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc | ROldCase (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc | RRec (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc | RSort (loc,_) -> loc | RHole (loc,_) -> loc | RCast (loc,_,_) -> loc | RDynamic (loc,_) -> loc let set_loc_of_rawconstr loc = function | RRef (_,a) -> RRef (loc,a) | RVar (_,a) -> RVar (loc,a) | REvar (_,a) -> REvar (loc,a) | RMeta (_,a) -> RMeta (loc,a) | RApp (_,a,b) -> RApp (loc,a,b) | RLambda (_,a,b,c) -> RLambda (loc,a,b,c) | RProd (_,a,b,c) -> RProd (loc,a,b,c) | RLetIn (_,a,b,c) -> RLetIn (loc,a,b,c) | RCases (_,a,b,c,d) -> RCases (loc,a,b,c,d) | ROldCase (_,a,b,c,d) -> ROldCase (loc,a,b,c,d) | RRec (_,a,b,c,d) -> RRec (loc,a,b,c,d) | RSort (_,a) -> RSort (loc,a) | RHole (_,a) -> RHole (loc,a) | RCast (_,a,b) -> RCast (loc,a,b) | RDynamic (_,d) -> RDynamic (loc,d) let join_loc (deb1,_) (_,fin2) = (deb1,fin2) type 'a raw_red_flag = { rBeta : bool; rIota : bool; rZeta : bool; rDelta : bool; (* true = delta all but rConst; false = delta only on rConst*) rConst : 'a list } type ('a,'b) red_expr_gen = | Red of bool | Hnf | Simpl | Cbv of 'b raw_red_flag | Lazy of 'b raw_red_flag | Unfold of (int list * 'b) list | Fold of 'a list | Pattern of (int list * 'a) list | ExtraRedExpr of string * 'a type 'a or_metanum = AN of loc * 'a | MetaNum of loc * int type 'a may_eval = | ConstrTerm of 'a | ConstrEval of ('a, qualid or_metanum) red_expr_gen * 'a | ConstrContext of (loc * identifier) * 'a | ConstrTypeOf of 'a