(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Names open Sign open Term open Environ open Evd open Rawterm open Evarutil (*i*) (* Raw calls to the inference machine of Trad: boolean says if we must fail on unresolved evars, or replace them by Metas ; the [unsafe_judgment] list allows us to extend env with some bindings *) val ise_resolve : bool -> 'a evar_map -> (int * constr) list -> env -> (identifier * unsafe_judgment) list -> (int * unsafe_judgment) list -> rawconstr -> unsafe_judgment val ise_resolve_type : bool -> 'a evar_map -> (int * constr) list -> env -> rawconstr -> typed_type (* Call [ise_resolve] with empty metamap and [fail_evar=true]. The boolean says * if we must coerce to a type *) val ise_resolve1 : bool -> 'a evar_map -> env -> rawconstr -> constr val ise_resolve2 : 'a evar_map -> env -> (identifier * unsafe_judgment) list -> (int * unsafe_judgment) list -> rawconstr -> constr val ise_resolve_casted_gen : 'a evar_map -> env -> (identifier * unsafe_judgment) list -> (int * unsafe_judgment) list -> constr -> rawconstr -> constr val ise_resolve_casted : 'a evar_map -> env -> constr -> rawconstr -> constr (* progmach.ml tries to type ill-typed terms: does not perform the conversion * test in application. *) val ise_resolve_nocheck : 'a evar_map -> (int * constr) list -> env -> rawconstr -> unsafe_judgment (* Typing with Trad, and re-checking with Mach *) (*i val infconstruct_type : 'c evar_map -> (env * env) -> Coqast.t -> typed_type * information val infconstruct : 'c evar_map -> (env * env) -> Coqast.t -> unsafe_judgment * information (* Typing, re-checking with universes constraints *) val fconstruct_with_univ : 'c evar_map -> env -> Coqast.t -> unsafe_judgment val fconstruct_with_univ_sp : 'c evar_map -> env -> section_path -> constr -> Impuniv.universes * unsafe_judgment val fconstruct_type_with_univ_sp : 'c evar_map -> env -> section_path -> constr -> Impuniv.universes * typed_type val infconstruct_with_univ_sp : 'c evar_map -> (env * env) -> section_path -> constr -> Impuniv.universes * (unsafe_judgment * information) val infconstruct_type_with_univ_sp : 'c evar_map -> (env * env) -> section_path -> constr -> Impuniv.universes * (typed_type * information) i*) (*i*) (* Internal of Trad... * Unused outside Trad, but useful for debugging *) val pretype : trad_constraint -> env -> 'a evar_defs -> (identifier * unsafe_judgment) list -> (int * unsafe_judgment) list -> rawconstr -> unsafe_judgment (*i*)