(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Pp open Names open Term open Sign open Environ open Type_errors open Rawterm (*i*) (* The type of errors raised by the pretyper *) val error_var_not_found_loc : loc -> path_kind -> identifier -> 'a val error_cant_find_case_type_loc : loc -> env -> constr -> 'a val error_ill_formed_branch_loc : loc -> path_kind -> env -> constr -> int -> constr -> constr -> 'b val error_number_branches_loc : loc -> path_kind -> env -> constr -> constr -> int -> 'b val error_case_not_inductive_loc : loc -> path_kind -> env -> constr -> constr -> 'b (* Pattern-matching errors *) val error_bad_constructor_loc : loc -> path_kind -> constructor -> inductive -> 'b val error_wrong_numarg_constructor_loc : loc -> path_kind -> constructor_path -> int -> 'b val error_wrong_predicate_arity_loc : loc -> path_kind -> env -> constr -> int -> int -> 'b val error_needs_inversion : path_kind -> env -> constr -> constr -> 'a (* Implicit arguments synthesis errors *) val error_occur_check : path_kind -> env -> int -> constr -> 'a val error_not_clean : path_kind -> env -> int -> constr -> 'a