(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (occur_meta_pattern f) or (array_exists occur_meta_pattern args) | PLambda (na,t,c) -> (occur_meta_pattern t) or (occur_meta_pattern c) | PProd (na,t,c) -> (occur_meta_pattern t) or (occur_meta_pattern c) | PLetIn (na,t,c) -> (occur_meta_pattern t) or (occur_meta_pattern c) | PCase(None,c,br) -> (occur_meta_pattern c) or (array_exists occur_meta_pattern br) | PCase(Some p,c,br) -> (occur_meta_pattern p) or (occur_meta_pattern c) or (array_exists occur_meta_pattern br) | PMeta _ | PSoApp _ -> true | PEvar _ | PVar _ | PRef _ | PRel _ | PSort _ | PFix _ | PCoFix _ -> false type constr_label = | ConstNode of constant | IndNode of inductive | CstrNode of constructor | VarNode of identifier exception BoundPattern;; let label_of_ref = function | ConstRef sp -> ConstNode sp | IndRef sp -> IndNode sp | ConstructRef sp -> CstrNode sp | VarRef id -> VarNode id let rec head_pattern_bound t = match t with | PProd (_,_,b) -> head_pattern_bound b | PLetIn (_,_,b) -> head_pattern_bound b | PApp (c,args) -> head_pattern_bound c | PCase (p,c,br) -> head_pattern_bound c | PRef r -> label_of_ref r | PVar id -> VarNode id | PEvar _ | PRel _ | PMeta _ | PSoApp _ | PSort _ | PFix _ -> raise BoundPattern (* Perhaps they were arguments, but we don't beta-reduce *) | PLambda _ -> raise BoundPattern | PCoFix _ -> anomaly "head_pattern_bound: not a type" let head_of_constr_reference c = match kind_of_term c with | Const sp -> ConstNode sp | Construct sp -> CstrNode sp | Ind sp -> IndNode sp | Var id -> VarNode id | _ -> anomaly "Not a rigid reference" (* Second part : Given a term with second-order variables in it, represented by Meta's, and possibly applied using [SOAPP] to terms, this function will perform second-order, binding-preserving, matching, in the case where the pattern is a pattern in the sense of Dale Miller. ALGORITHM: Given a pattern, we decompose it, flattening Cast's and apply's, recursing on all operators, and pushing the name of the binder each time we descend a binder. When we reach a first-order variable, we ask that the corresponding term's free-rels all be higher than the depth of the current stack. When we reach a second-order application, we ask that the intersection of the free-rels of the term and the current stack be contained in the arguments of the application, and in that case, we construct a LAMBDA with the names on the stack. *) exception PatternMatchingFailure let constrain ((n : int),(m : constr)) sigma = if List.mem_assoc n sigma then if eq_constr m (List.assoc n sigma) then sigma else raise PatternMatchingFailure else (n,m)::sigma let build_lambda toabstract stk (m : constr) = let rec buildrec m p_0 p_1 = match p_0,p_1 with | (_, []) -> m | (n, (na,t)::tl) -> if List.mem n toabstract then buildrec (mkLambda (na,t,m)) (n+1) tl else buildrec (pop m) (n+1) tl in buildrec m 1 stk let memb_metavars m n = match (m,n) with | (None, _) -> true | (Some mvs, n) -> List.mem n mvs let eq_context ctxt1 ctxt2 = array_for_all2 eq_constr ctxt1 ctxt2 let matches_core convert pat c = let rec sorec stk sigma p t = let cT = strip_outer_cast t in match p,kind_of_term cT with | PSoApp (n,args),m -> let relargs = List.map (function | PRel n -> n | _ -> error "Only bound indices are currently allowed in second order pattern matching") args in let frels = Intset.elements (free_rels cT) in if list_subset frels relargs then constrain (n,build_lambda relargs stk cT) sigma else raise PatternMatchingFailure | PMeta (Some n), m -> let depth = List.length stk in let frels = Intset.elements (free_rels cT) in if List.for_all (fun i -> i > depth) frels then constrain (n,lift (-depth) cT) sigma else raise PatternMatchingFailure | PMeta None, m -> sigma | PRef (VarRef v1), Var v2 when v1 = v2 -> sigma | PVar v1, Var v2 when v1 = v2 -> sigma | PRef ref, _ when Declare.constr_of_reference ref = cT -> sigma | PRel n1, Rel n2 when n1 = n2 -> sigma | PSort (RProp c1), Sort (Prop c2) when c1 = c2 -> sigma | PSort (RType _), Sort (Type _) -> sigma | PApp (c1,arg1), App (c2,arg2) -> (try array_fold_left2 (sorec stk) (sorec stk sigma c1 c2) arg1 arg2 with Invalid_argument _ -> raise PatternMatchingFailure) | PProd (na1,c1,d1), Prod(na2,c2,d2) -> sorec ((na2,c2)::stk) (sorec stk sigma c1 c2) d1 d2 | PLambda (na1,c1,d1), Lambda(na2,c2,d2) -> sorec ((na2,c2)::stk) (sorec stk sigma c1 c2) d1 d2 | PLetIn (na1,c1,d1), LetIn(na2,c2,t2,d2) -> sorec ((na2,t2)::stk) (sorec stk sigma c1 c2) d1 d2 | PRef (ConstRef _ as ref), _ when convert <> None -> let (env,evars) = out_some convert in let c = Declare.constr_of_reference ref in if is_conv env evars c cT then sigma else raise PatternMatchingFailure | PCase (_,a1,br1), Case (_,_,a2,br2) -> (* On ne teste pas le prédicat *) if (Array.length br1) = (Array.length br2) then array_fold_left2 (sorec stk) (sorec stk sigma a1 a2) br1 br2 else raise PatternMatchingFailure (* À faire *) | PFix f0, Fix f1 when f0 = f1 -> sigma | PCoFix c0, CoFix c1 when c0 = c1 -> sigma | _ -> raise PatternMatchingFailure in Sort.list (fun (a,_) (b,_) -> a raise (NextOccurrence nocc) | c::tl -> (try authorized_occ nocc (matches pat c) with | PatternMatchingFailure -> (try_matches nocc pat tl) | NextOccurrence nocc -> (try_matches (nocc - 1) pat tl)) (* Tries to match a subterm of [c] with [pat] *) let rec sub_match nocc pat c = match kind_of_term c with | Cast (c1,c2) -> (try authorized_occ nocc ((matches pat c), mkMeta (-1)) with | PatternMatchingFailure -> let (lm,lc) = try_sub_match nocc pat [c1] in (lm,mkCast (List.hd lc, c2)) | NextOccurrence nocc -> let (lm,lc) = try_sub_match (nocc - 1) pat [c1] in (lm,mkCast (List.hd lc, c2))) | Lambda (x,c1,c2) -> (try authorized_occ nocc ((matches pat c), mkMeta (-1)) with | PatternMatchingFailure -> let (lm,lc) = try_sub_match nocc pat [c1;c2] in (lm,mkLambda (x,List.hd lc,List.nth lc 1)) | NextOccurrence nocc -> let (lm,lc) = try_sub_match (nocc - 1) pat [c1;c2] in (lm,mkLambda (x,List.hd lc,List.nth lc 1))) | Prod (x,c1,c2) -> (try authorized_occ nocc ((matches pat c), mkMeta (-1)) with | PatternMatchingFailure -> let (lm,lc) = try_sub_match nocc pat [c1;c2] in (lm,mkProd (x,List.hd lc,List.nth lc 1)) | NextOccurrence nocc -> let (lm,lc) = try_sub_match (nocc - 1) pat [c1;c2] in (lm,mkProd (x,List.hd lc,List.nth lc 1))) | LetIn (x,c1,t2,c2) -> (try authorized_occ nocc ((matches pat c), mkMeta (-1)) with | PatternMatchingFailure -> let (lm,lc) = try_sub_match nocc pat [c1;t2;c2] in (lm,mkLetIn (x,List.hd lc,List.nth lc 1,List.nth lc 2)) | NextOccurrence nocc -> let (lm,lc) = try_sub_match (nocc - 1) pat [c1;t2;c2] in (lm,mkLetIn (x,List.hd lc,List.nth lc 1,List.nth lc 2))) | App (c1,lc) -> (try authorized_occ nocc ((matches pat c), mkMeta (-1)) with | PatternMatchingFailure -> let (lm,le) = try_sub_match nocc pat (c1::(Array.to_list lc)) in (lm,mkApp (List.hd le, Array.of_list (List.tl le))) | NextOccurrence nocc -> let (lm,le) = try_sub_match (nocc - 1) pat (c1::(Array.to_list lc)) in (lm,mkApp (List.hd le, Array.of_list (List.tl le)))) | Case (ci,hd,c1,lc) -> (try authorized_occ nocc ((matches pat c), mkMeta (-1)) with | PatternMatchingFailure -> let (lm,le) = try_sub_match nocc pat (c1::Array.to_list lc) in (lm,mkCase (ci,hd,List.hd le,Array.of_list (List.tl le))) | NextOccurrence nocc -> let (lm,le) = try_sub_match (nocc - 1) pat (c1::Array.to_list lc) in (lm,mkCase (ci,hd,List.hd le,Array.of_list (List.tl le)))) | Construct _ | Fix _ | Ind _|CoFix _ |Evar _|Const _ | Rel _|Meta _|Var _|Sort _ -> (try authorized_occ nocc ((matches pat c),mkMeta (-1)) with | PatternMatchingFailure -> raise (NextOccurrence nocc) | NextOccurrence nocc -> raise (NextOccurrence (nocc - 1))) (* Tries [sub_match] for all terms in the list *) and try_sub_match nocc pat lc = let rec try_sub_match_rec nocc pat lacc = function | [] -> raise (NextOccurrence nocc) | c::tl -> (try let (lm,ce) = sub_match nocc pat c in (lm,lacc@(ce::tl)) with | NextOccurrence nocc -> try_sub_match_rec nocc pat (lacc@[c]) tl) in try_sub_match_rec nocc pat [] lc let is_matching pat n = try let _ = matches pat n in true with PatternMatchingFailure -> false let matches_conv env sigma = matches_core (Some (env,sigma)) let is_matching_conv env sigma pat n = try let _ = matches_conv env sigma pat n in true with PatternMatchingFailure -> false let rec pattern_of_constr t = match kind_of_term t with | Rel n -> PRel n | Meta n -> PMeta (Some n) | Var id -> PVar id | Sort (Prop c) -> PSort (RProp c) | Sort (Type _) -> PSort (RType None) | Cast (c,_) -> pattern_of_constr c | LetIn (na,c,_,b) -> PLetIn (na,pattern_of_constr c,pattern_of_constr b) | Prod (na,c,b) -> PProd (na,pattern_of_constr c,pattern_of_constr b) | Lambda (na,c,b) -> PLambda (na,pattern_of_constr c,pattern_of_constr b) | App (f,a) -> PApp (pattern_of_constr f,Array.map pattern_of_constr a) | Const sp -> PRef (ConstRef sp) | Ind sp -> PRef (IndRef sp) | Construct sp -> PRef (ConstructRef sp) | Evar (n,ctxt) -> if ctxt = [||] then PEvar n else PApp (PEvar n, Array.map pattern_of_constr ctxt) | Case (ci,p,a,br) -> PCase (Some (pattern_of_constr p),pattern_of_constr a, Array.map pattern_of_constr br) | Fix f -> PFix f | CoFix _ -> error "pattern_of_constr: (co)fix currently not supported"