(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* let () = if Id.Map.mem n names then warn_bound_meta n in (names, Id.Map.add n x terms) let add_binders na1 na2 (names, terms as subst) = match na1, na2 with | Name id1, Name id2 -> if Id.Map.mem id1 names then let () = warn_bound_bound id1 in (names, terms) else let names = Id.Map.add id1 id2 names in let () = if Id.Map.mem id1 terms then warn_bound_again id1 in (names, terms) | _ -> subst let build_lambda toabstract stk (m : constr) = let rec buildrec m k stk = match stk with | [] -> m | (_, na, t) :: tl -> if Int.Set.mem k toabstract then buildrec (mkLambda (na, t, m)) (k + 1) tl else buildrec (lift (-1) m) (k + 1) tl in buildrec m 1 stk let rec extract_bound_aux k accu frels stk = match stk with | [] -> accu | (na1, na2, _) :: stk -> if Int.Set.mem k frels then begin match na1 with | Name id -> let () = assert (match na2 with Anonymous -> false | Name _ -> true) in let () = if Id.Set.mem id accu then raise PatternMatchingFailure in extract_bound_aux (k + 1) (Id.Set.add id accu) frels stk | Anonymous -> raise PatternMatchingFailure end else extract_bound_aux (k + 1) accu frels stk let extract_bound_vars frels stk = extract_bound_aux 1 Id.Set.empty frels stk let dummy_constr = mkProp let make_renaming ids = function | (Name id, Name _, _) -> begin try mkRel (List.index id ids) with Not_found -> dummy_constr end | _ -> dummy_constr let merge_binding allow_bound_rels stk n cT subst = let c = match stk with | [] -> (* Optimization *) ([], cT) | _ -> let frels = free_rels cT in if allow_bound_rels then let vars = extract_bound_vars frels stk in let ordered_vars = Id.Set.elements vars in let rename binding = make_renaming ordered_vars binding in let renaming = List.map rename stk in (ordered_vars, substl renaming cT) else let depth = List.length stk in let min_elt = try Int.Set.min_elt frels with Not_found -> succ depth in if depth < min_elt then ([], lift (- depth) cT) else raise PatternMatchingFailure in constrain n c subst let matches_core convert allow_partial_app allow_bound_rels pat c = let conv = match convert with | None -> eq_constr | Some (env,sigma) -> is_conv env sigma in let rec sorec stk subst p t = let cT = strip_outer_cast t in match p,kind_of_term cT with | PSoApp (n,args),m -> let fold accu = function | PRel n -> Int.Set.add n accu | _ -> error "Only bound indices allowed in second order pattern matching." in let relargs = List.fold_left fold Int.Set.empty args in let frels = free_rels cT in if Int.Set.subset frels relargs then constrain n ([], build_lambda relargs stk cT) subst else raise PatternMatchingFailure | PMeta (Some n), m -> merge_binding allow_bound_rels stk n cT subst | PMeta None, m -> subst | PRef (VarRef v1), Var v2 when Id.equal v1 v2 -> subst | PVar v1, Var v2 when Id.equal v1 v2 -> subst | PRef ref, _ when conv (constr_of_global ref) cT -> subst | PRel n1, Rel n2 when Int.equal n1 n2 -> subst | PSort GProp, Sort (Prop Null) -> subst | PSort GSet, Sort (Prop Pos) -> subst | PSort (GType _), Sort (Type _) -> subst | PApp (p, [||]), _ -> sorec stk subst p t | PApp (PApp (h, a1), a2), _ -> sorec stk subst (PApp(h,Array.append a1 a2)) t | PApp (PMeta meta,args1), App (c2,args2) when allow_partial_app -> let p = Array.length args2 - Array.length args1 in if p >= 0 then let args21, args22 = Array.chop p args2 in let c = mkApp(c2,args21) in let subst = match meta with | None -> subst | Some n -> merge_binding allow_bound_rels stk n c subst in Array.fold_left2 (sorec stk) subst args1 args22 else raise PatternMatchingFailure | PApp (c1,arg1), App (c2,arg2) -> (try Array.fold_left2 (sorec stk) (sorec stk subst c1 c2) arg1 arg2 with Invalid_argument _ -> raise PatternMatchingFailure) | PProd (na1,c1,d1), Prod(na2,c2,d2) -> sorec ((na1,na2,c2)::stk) (add_binders na1 na2 (sorec stk subst c1 c2)) d1 d2 | PLambda (na1,c1,d1), Lambda(na2,c2,d2) -> sorec ((na1,na2,c2)::stk) (add_binders na1 na2 (sorec stk subst c1 c2)) d1 d2 | PLetIn (na1,c1,d1), LetIn(na2,c2,t2,d2) -> sorec ((na1,na2,t2)::stk) (add_binders na1 na2 (sorec stk subst c1 c2)) d1 d2 | PIf (a1,b1,b1'), Case (ci,_,a2,[|b2;b2'|]) -> let ctx,b2 = decompose_lam_n_assum ci.ci_cstr_ndecls.(0) b2 in let ctx',b2' = decompose_lam_n_assum ci.ci_cstr_ndecls.(1) b2' in let n = rel_context_length ctx in let n' = rel_context_length ctx' in if noccur_between 1 n b2 & noccur_between 1 n' b2' then let s = List.fold_left (fun l (na,_,t) -> (Anonymous,na,t)::l) stk ctx in let s' = List.fold_left (fun l (na,_,t) -> (Anonymous,na,t)::l) stk ctx' in let b1 = lift_pattern n b1 and b1' = lift_pattern n' b1' in sorec s' (sorec s (sorec stk subst a1 a2) b1 b2) b1' b2' else raise PatternMatchingFailure | PCase (ci1,p1,a1,br1), Case (ci2,p2,a2,br2) -> let n2 = Array.length br2 in let () = match ci1.cip_ind with | None -> () | Some ind1 -> (** ppedrot: Something spooky going here. The comparison used to be the generic one, so I may have broken something. *) if not (eq_ind ind1 ci2.ci_ind) then raise PatternMatchingFailure in let () = if not ci1.cip_extensible && not (Int.equal (List.length br1) n2) then raise PatternMatchingFailure in let chk_branch subst (j,n,c) = (* (ind,j+1) is normally known to be a correct constructor and br2 a correct match over the same inductive *) assert (j < n2); sorec stk subst c br2.(j) in let chk_head = sorec stk (sorec stk subst a1 a2) p1 p2 in List.fold_left chk_branch chk_head br1 | PFix c1, Fix _ when eq_constr (mkFix c1) cT -> subst | PCoFix c1, CoFix _ when eq_constr (mkCoFix c1) cT -> subst | _ -> raise PatternMatchingFailure in sorec [] (Id.Map.empty, Id.Map.empty) pat c let matches_core_closed convert allow_partial_app pat c = let names, subst = matches_core convert allow_partial_app false pat c in (names, Id.Map.map snd subst) let extended_matches = matches_core None true true let matches pat c = snd (matches_core_closed None true pat c) let special_meta = (-1) type matching_result = { m_sub : bound_ident_map * patvar_map; m_ctx : constr; } let mkresult s c n = IStream.cons { m_sub=s; m_ctx=c; } (IStream.thunk n) let isPMeta = function PMeta _ -> true | _ -> false let matches_head pat c = let head = match pat, kind_of_term c with | PApp (c1,arg1), App (c2,arg2) -> if isPMeta c1 then c else let n1 = Array.length arg1 in if n1 < Array.length arg2 then mkApp (c2,Array.sub arg2 0 n1) else c | c1, App (c2,arg2) when not (isPMeta c1) -> c2 | _ -> c in matches pat head (* Tells if it is an authorized occurrence and if the instance is closed *) let authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next = try let sigma = matches_core_closed None partial_app pat c in if closed && Id.Map.exists (fun _ c -> not (closed0 c)) (snd sigma) then Lazy.force next else mkresult sigma (mk_ctx (mkMeta special_meta)) next with PatternMatchingFailure -> Lazy.force next (* Tries to match a subterm of [c] with [pat] *) let sub_match ?(partial_app=false) ?(closed=true) pat c = let rec aux c mk_ctx next = match kind_of_term c with | Cast (c1,k,c2) -> let next_mk_ctx lc = mk_ctx (mkCast (List.hd lc, k,c2)) in let next = lazy (try_aux [c1] next_mk_ctx next) in authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next | Lambda (x,c1,c2) -> let next_mk_ctx lc = mk_ctx (mkLambda (x,List.hd lc,List.nth lc 1)) in let next = lazy (try_aux [c1;c2] next_mk_ctx next) in authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next | Prod (x,c1,c2) -> let next_mk_ctx lc = mk_ctx (mkProd (x,List.hd lc,List.nth lc 1)) in let next = lazy (try_aux [c1;c2] next_mk_ctx next) in authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next | LetIn (x,c1,t,c2) -> let next_mk_ctx = function | [c1;c2] -> mkLetIn (x,c1,t,c2) | _ -> assert false in let next = lazy (try_aux [c1;c2] next_mk_ctx next) in authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next | App (c1,lc) -> let next = lazy ( let topdown = true in if partial_app then if topdown then let lc1 = Array.sub lc 0 (Array.length lc - 1) in let app = mkApp (c1,lc1) in let mk_ctx = function | [app';c] -> mk_ctx (mkApp (app',[|c|])) | _ -> assert false in try_aux [app;Array.last lc] mk_ctx next else let rec aux2 app args next = match args with | [] -> let mk_ctx le = mk_ctx (mkApp (List.hd le, Array.of_list (List.tl le))) in try_aux (c1::Array.to_list lc) mk_ctx next | arg :: args -> let app = mkApp (app,[|arg|]) in let next = lazy (aux2 app args next) in let mk_ctx ce = mk_ctx (mkApp (ce, Array.of_list args)) in aux app mk_ctx next in aux2 c1 (Array.to_list lc) next else let mk_ctx le = mk_ctx (mkApp (List.hd le, Array.of_list (List.tl le))) in try_aux (c1::Array.to_list lc) mk_ctx next) in authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next | Case (ci,hd,c1,lc) -> let next_mk_ctx = function | [] -> assert false | c1 :: lc -> mk_ctx (mkCase (ci,hd,c1,Array.of_list lc)) in let next = lazy (try_aux (c1 :: Array.to_list lc) next_mk_ctx next) in authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next | Fix (indx,(names,types,bodies)) -> let nb_fix = Array.length types in let next_mk_ctx le = let (ntypes,nbodies) = CList.chop nb_fix le in mk_ctx (mkFix (indx,(names, Array.of_list ntypes, Array.of_list nbodies))) in let next = lazy (try_aux ((Array.to_list types)@(Array.to_list bodies)) next_mk_ctx next) in authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next | CoFix (i,(names,types,bodies)) -> let nb_fix = Array.length types in let next_mk_ctx le = let (ntypes,nbodies) = CList.chop nb_fix le in mk_ctx (mkCoFix (i,(names, Array.of_list ntypes, Array.of_list nbodies))) in let next = lazy (try_aux ((Array.to_list types)@(Array.to_list bodies)) next_mk_ctx next) in authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next | Construct _| Ind _|Evar _|Const _ | Rel _|Meta _|Var _|Sort _ -> authorized_occ partial_app closed pat c mk_ctx next (* Tries [sub_match] for all terms in the list *) and try_aux lc mk_ctx next = let rec try_sub_match_rec lacc = function | [] -> Lazy.force next | c::tl -> let mk_ctx ce = mk_ctx (List.rev_append lacc (ce::tl)) in let next = lazy (try_sub_match_rec (c::lacc) tl) in aux c mk_ctx next in try_sub_match_rec [] lc in let lempty = lazy IStream.empty in let result = lazy (aux c (fun x -> x) lempty) in IStream.thunk result let match_subterm pat c = sub_match pat c let match_appsubterm pat c = sub_match ~partial_app:true pat c let match_subterm_gen app pat c = sub_match ~partial_app:app pat c let is_matching pat c = try let _ = matches pat c in true with PatternMatchingFailure -> false let is_matching_head pat c = try let _ = matches_head pat c in true with PatternMatchingFailure -> false let is_matching_appsubterm ?(closed=true) pat c = let results = sub_match ~partial_app:true ~closed pat c in not (IStream.is_empty results) let matches_conv env sigma c p = snd (matches_core_closed (Some (env,sigma)) false c p) let is_matching_conv env sigma pat n = try let _ = matches_conv env sigma pat n in true with PatternMatchingFailure -> false