(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* explain_invalid_occurrence l | IncorrectInValueOccurrence id -> explain_incorrect_in_value_occurrence id let error_occurrences_error e = errorlabstrm "" (explain_occurrence_error e) let error_invalid_occurrence occ = error_occurrences_error (InvalidOccurrence occ) let check_used_occurrences nbocc (nowhere_except_in,locs) = let rest = List.filter (fun o -> o >= nbocc) locs in match rest with | [] -> () | _ -> error_occurrences_error (InvalidOccurrence rest) let proceed_with_occurrences f occs x = match occs with | NoOccurrences -> x | _ -> (* TODO FINISH ADAPTING WITH HUGO *) let plocs = Locusops.convert_occs occs in assert (List.for_all (fun x -> x >= 0) (snd plocs)); let (nbocc,x) = f 1 x in check_used_occurrences nbocc plocs; x (** Applying a function over a named_declaration with an hypothesis location request *) let map_named_declaration_with_hyploc f hyploc acc (id,bodyopt,typ) = let f = f (Some (id,hyploc)) in match bodyopt,hyploc with | None, InHypValueOnly -> error_occurrences_error (IncorrectInValueOccurrence id) | None, _ | Some _, InHypTypeOnly -> let acc,typ = f acc typ in acc,(id,bodyopt,typ) | Some body, InHypValueOnly -> let acc,body = f acc body in acc,(id,Some body,typ) | Some body, InHyp -> let acc,body = f acc body in let acc,typ = f acc typ in acc,(id,Some body,typ) (** Finding a subterm up to some testing function *) exception SubtermUnificationError of subterm_unification_error exception NotUnifiable of (constr * constr * unification_error) option type 'a testing_function = { match_fun : 'a -> constr -> 'a; merge_fun : 'a -> 'a -> 'a; mutable testing_state : 'a; mutable last_found : ((Id.t * hyp_location_flag) option * int * constr) option } (* Find subterms using a testing function, but only at a list of locations or excluding a list of locations; in the occurrences list (b,l), b=true means no occurrence except the ones in l and b=false, means all occurrences except the ones in l *) let replace_term_occ_gen_modulo occs test bywhat cl occ t = let (nowhere_except_in,locs) = Locusops.convert_occs occs in let maxocc = List.fold_right max locs 0 in let pos = ref occ in let nested = ref false in let add_subst t subst = try test.testing_state <- test.merge_fun subst test.testing_state; test.last_found <- Some (cl,!pos,t) with NotUnifiable e -> let lastpos = Option.get test.last_found in raise (SubtermUnificationError (!nested,(cl,!pos,t),lastpos,e)) in let rec substrec k t = if nowhere_except_in && !pos > maxocc then t else try let subst = test.match_fun test.testing_state t in if Locusops.is_selected !pos occs then (add_subst t subst; incr pos; (* Check nested matching subterms *) nested := true; ignore (subst_below k t); nested := false; (* Do the effective substitution *) Vars.lift k (bywhat ())) else (incr pos; subst_below k t) with NotUnifiable _ -> subst_below k t and subst_below k t = map_constr_with_binders_left_to_right (fun d k -> k+1) substrec k t in let t' = substrec 0 t in (!pos, t') let replace_term_occ_modulo occs test bywhat t = proceed_with_occurrences (replace_term_occ_gen_modulo occs test bywhat None) occs t let replace_term_occ_decl_modulo (plocs,hyploc) test bywhat d = proceed_with_occurrences (map_named_declaration_with_hyploc (replace_term_occ_gen_modulo plocs test bywhat) hyploc) plocs d (** Finding an exact subterm *) let make_eq_univs_test evd c = { match_fun = (fun evd c' -> let b, cst = Universes.eq_constr_universes c c' in if b then try Evd.add_universe_constraints evd cst with Evd.UniversesDiffer -> raise (NotUnifiable None) else raise (NotUnifiable None)); merge_fun = (fun evd _ -> evd); testing_state = evd; last_found = None } let subst_closed_term_occ evd occs c t = let test = make_eq_univs_test evd c in let bywhat () = mkRel 1 in let t' = replace_term_occ_modulo occs test bywhat t in t', test.testing_state let subst_closed_term_occ_decl evd (plocs,hyploc) c d = let test = make_eq_univs_test evd c in let bywhat () = mkRel 1 in proceed_with_occurrences (map_named_declaration_with_hyploc (fun _ -> replace_term_occ_gen_modulo plocs test bywhat None) hyploc) plocs d, test.testing_state