(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* true) (named_context_of_val hyps); evar_source = (Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.InternalHole); evar_candidates = None; evar_extra = Store.empty } let evar_concl evi = evi.evar_concl let evar_hyps evi = evi.evar_hyps let evar_context evi = named_context_of_val evi.evar_hyps let evar_body evi = evi.evar_body let evar_filter evi = evi.evar_filter let evar_unfiltered_env evi = Global.env_of_context evi.evar_hyps let evar_filtered_context evi = snd (List.filter2 (fun b c -> b) (evar_filter evi) (evar_context evi)) let evar_env evi = List.fold_right push_named (evar_filtered_context evi) (reset_context (Global.env())) let eq_evar_body b1 b2 = match b1, b2 with | Evar_empty, Evar_empty -> true | Evar_defined t1, Evar_defined t2 -> eq_constr t1 t2 | _ -> false let eq_evar_info ei1 ei2 = ei1 == ei2 || eq_constr ei1.evar_concl ei2.evar_concl && eq_named_context_val (ei1.evar_hyps) (ei2.evar_hyps) && eq_evar_body ei1.evar_body ei2.evar_body (** ppedrot: [eq_constr] may be a bit too permissive here *) (* spiwack: Revised hierarchy : - ExistentialMap ( Maps of existential_keys ) - EvarInfoMap ( .t = evar_info ExistentialMap.t * evar_info ExistentialMap ) - EvarMap ( .t = EvarInfoMap.t * sort_constraints ) - evar_map (exported) *) module ExistentialMap = Intmap module ExistentialSet = Intset (* This exception is raised by *.existential_value *) exception NotInstantiatedEvar (* Note: let-in contributes to the instance *) let make_evar_instance sign args = let rec instrec = function | (id,_,_) :: sign, c::args when isVarId id c -> instrec (sign,args) | (id,_,_) :: sign, c::args -> (id,c) :: instrec (sign,args) | [],[] -> [] | [],_ | _,[] -> anomaly "Signature and its instance do not match" in instrec (sign,args) let instantiate_evar sign c args = let inst = make_evar_instance sign args in match inst with | [] -> c | _ -> replace_vars inst c module EvarInfoMap = struct type t = evar_info ExistentialMap.t * evar_info ExistentialMap.t let empty = ExistentialMap.empty, ExistentialMap.empty let is_empty (d,u) = ExistentialMap.is_empty d && ExistentialMap.is_empty u let has_undefined (_,u) = not (ExistentialMap.is_empty u) let to_list (def,undef) = (* Workaround for change in Map.fold behavior in ocaml 3.08.4 *) let l = ref [] in ExistentialMap.iter (fun evk x -> l := (evk,x)::!l) def; ExistentialMap.iter (fun evk x -> l := (evk,x)::!l) undef; !l let undefined_list (def,undef) = (* Order is important: needs ocaml >= 3.08.4 from which "fold" is a "fold_left" *) ExistentialMap.fold (fun evk evi l -> (evk,evi)::l) undef [] let undefined_evars (def,undef) = (ExistentialMap.empty,undef) let defined_evars (def,undef) = (def,ExistentialMap.empty) let find (def, undef) k = try ExistentialMap.find k undef with Not_found -> ExistentialMap.find k def let find_undefined (def,undef) k = ExistentialMap.find k undef let remove (def,undef) k = (ExistentialMap.remove k def,ExistentialMap.remove k undef) let mem (def, undef) k = ExistentialMap.mem k undef || ExistentialMap.mem k def let fold (def,undef) f a = ExistentialMap.fold f def (ExistentialMap.fold f undef a) let fold_undefined (def,undef) f a = ExistentialMap.fold f undef a let exists_undefined (def,undef) f = ExistentialMap.fold (fun k v b -> b || f k v) undef false let add (def,undef) evk newinfo = match newinfo.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> (def, ExistentialMap.add evk newinfo undef) | _ -> (ExistentialMap.add evk newinfo def, undef) let add_undefined (def,undef) evk newinfo = match newinfo.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> (def, ExistentialMap.add evk newinfo undef) | _ -> assert false let map f (def,undef) = (ExistentialMap.map f def, ExistentialMap.map f undef) let define (def,undef) evk body = let oldinfo = try ExistentialMap.find evk undef with Not_found -> try ExistentialMap.find evk def with Not_found -> anomaly "Evd.define: cannot define undeclared evar" in let newinfo = { oldinfo with evar_body = Evar_defined body } in match oldinfo.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> (ExistentialMap.add evk newinfo def,ExistentialMap.remove evk undef) | _ -> anomaly "Evd.define: cannot define an evar twice" let is_evar = mem let is_defined (def,undef) evk = ExistentialMap.mem evk def let is_undefined (def,undef) evk = ExistentialMap.mem evk undef (*******************************************************************) (* Formerly Instantiate module *) (* Existentials. *) let existential_type sigma (n,args) = let info = try find sigma n with Not_found -> anomaly ("Evar "^(string_of_existential n)^" was not declared") in let hyps = evar_filtered_context info in instantiate_evar hyps info.evar_concl (Array.to_list args) let existential_value sigma (n,args) = let info = find sigma n in let hyps = evar_filtered_context info in match evar_body info with | Evar_defined c -> instantiate_evar hyps c (Array.to_list args) | Evar_empty -> raise NotInstantiatedEvar let existential_opt_value sigma ev = try Some (existential_value sigma ev) with NotInstantiatedEvar -> None end module EvarMap = struct type t = EvarInfoMap.t * (Univ.UniverseLSet.t * Univ.universes) let empty = EvarInfoMap.empty, (Univ.UniverseLSet.empty, Univ.initial_universes) let is_empty (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.is_empty sigma let has_undefined (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.has_undefined sigma let add (sigma,sm) k v = (EvarInfoMap.add sigma k v, sm) let add_undefined (sigma,sm) k v = (EvarInfoMap.add_undefined sigma k v, sm) let find (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.find sigma let find_undefined (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.find_undefined sigma let remove (sigma,sm) k = (EvarInfoMap.remove sigma k, sm) let mem (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.mem sigma let to_list (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.to_list sigma let undefined_list (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.undefined_list sigma let undefined_evars (sigma,sm) = (EvarInfoMap.undefined_evars sigma, sm) let defined_evars (sigma,sm) = (EvarInfoMap.defined_evars sigma, sm) let fold (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.fold sigma let fold_undefined (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.fold_undefined sigma let define (sigma,sm) k v = (EvarInfoMap.define sigma k v, sm) let is_evar (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.is_evar sigma let is_defined (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.is_defined sigma let is_undefined (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.is_undefined sigma let existential_value (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.existential_value sigma let existential_type (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.existential_type sigma let existential_opt_value (sigma,_) = EvarInfoMap.existential_opt_value sigma let progress_evar_map (sigma1,sm1 as x) (sigma2,sm2 as y) = not (x == y) && (EvarInfoMap.exists_undefined sigma1 (fun k v -> assert (v.evar_body == Evar_empty); EvarInfoMap.is_defined sigma2 k)) let merge e e' = fold e' (fun n v sigma -> add sigma n v) e let add_constraints (sigma, (us, sm)) cstrs = (sigma, (us, Univ.merge_constraints cstrs sm)) end (*******************************************************************) (* Metamaps *) (*******************************************************************) (* Constraints for existential variables *) (*******************************************************************) type 'a freelisted = { rebus : 'a; freemetas : Intset.t } (* Collects all metavars appearing in a constr *) let metavars_of c = let rec collrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with | Meta mv -> Intset.add mv acc | _ -> fold_constr collrec acc c in collrec Intset.empty c let mk_freelisted c = { rebus = c; freemetas = metavars_of c } let map_fl f cfl = { cfl with rebus=f cfl.rebus } (* Status of an instance found by unification wrt to the meta it solves: - a supertype of the meta (e.g. the solution to ?X <= T is a supertype of ?X) - a subtype of the meta (e.g. the solution to T <= ?X is a supertype of ?X) - a term that can be eta-expanded n times while still being a solution (e.g. the solution [P] to [?X u v = P u v] can be eta-expanded twice) *) type instance_constraint = IsSuperType | IsSubType | Conv let eq_instance_constraint c1 c2 = c1 == c2 (* Status of the unification of the type of an instance against the type of the meta it instantiates: - CoerceToType means that the unification of types has not been done and that a coercion can still be inserted: the meta should not be substituted freely (this happens for instance given via the "with" binding clause). - TypeProcessed means that the information obtainable from the unification of types has been extracted. - TypeNotProcessed means that the unification of types has not been done but it is known that no coercion may be inserted: the meta can be substituted freely. *) type instance_typing_status = CoerceToType | TypeNotProcessed | TypeProcessed (* Status of an instance together with the status of its type unification *) type instance_status = instance_constraint * instance_typing_status (* Clausal environments *) type clbinding = | Cltyp of name * constr freelisted | Clval of name * (constr freelisted * instance_status) * constr freelisted let map_clb f = function | Cltyp (na,cfl) -> Cltyp (na,map_fl f cfl) | Clval (na,(cfl1,pb),cfl2) -> Clval (na,(map_fl f cfl1,pb),map_fl f cfl2) (* name of defined is erased (but it is pretty-printed) *) let clb_name = function Cltyp(na,_) -> (na,false) | Clval (na,_,_) -> (na,true) (***********************) module Metaset = Intset let meta_exists p s = Metaset.fold (fun x b -> b || (p x)) s false module Metamap = Intmap let metamap_to_list m = Metamap.fold (fun n v l -> (n,v)::l) m [] (*************************) (* Unification state *) type conv_pb = Reduction.conv_pb type evar_constraint = conv_pb * Environ.env * constr * constr type evar_map = { evars : EvarMap.t; conv_pbs : evar_constraint list; last_mods : ExistentialSet.t; metas : clbinding Metamap.t } (*** Lifting primitive from EvarMap. ***) (* HH: The progress tactical now uses this function. *) let progress_evar_map d1 d2 = EvarMap.progress_evar_map d1.evars d2.evars (* spiwack: tentative. It might very well not be the semantics we want for merging evar_map *) let merge d1 d2 = { evars = EvarMap.merge d1.evars d2.evars ; conv_pbs = List.rev_append d1.conv_pbs d2.conv_pbs ; last_mods = ExistentialSet.union d1.last_mods d2.last_mods ; metas = Metamap.fold (fun k m r -> Metamap.add k m r) d2.metas d1.metas } let add d e i = { d with evars=EvarMap.add d.evars e i } let remove d e = { d with evars=EvarMap.remove d.evars e } let find d e = EvarMap.find d.evars e let find_undefined d e = EvarMap.find_undefined d.evars e let mem d e = EvarMap.mem d.evars e (* spiwack: this function loses information from the original evar_map it might be an idea not to export it. *) let to_list d = EvarMap.to_list d.evars let undefined_list d = EvarMap.undefined_list d.evars let undefined_evars d = { d with evars=EvarMap.undefined_evars d.evars } let defined_evars d = { d with evars=EvarMap.defined_evars d.evars } (* spiwack: not clear what folding over an evar_map, for now we shall simply fold over the inner evar_map. *) let fold f d a = EvarMap.fold d.evars f a let fold_undefined f d a = EvarMap.fold_undefined d.evars f a let is_evar d e = EvarMap.is_evar d.evars e let is_defined d e = EvarMap.is_defined d.evars e let is_undefined d e = EvarMap.is_undefined d.evars e let existential_value d e = EvarMap.existential_value d.evars e let existential_type d e = EvarMap.existential_type d.evars e let existential_opt_value d e = EvarMap.existential_opt_value d.evars e let add_constraints d e = {d with evars= EvarMap.add_constraints d.evars e} (*** /Lifting... ***) (* evar_map are considered empty disregarding histories *) let is_empty d = EvarMap.is_empty d.evars && begin match d.conv_pbs with [] -> true | _ -> false end && Metamap.is_empty d.metas let subst_named_context_val s = map_named_val (subst_mps s) let subst_evar_info s evi = let subst_evb = function Evar_empty -> Evar_empty | Evar_defined c -> Evar_defined (subst_mps s c) in { evi with evar_concl = subst_mps s evi.evar_concl; evar_hyps = subst_named_context_val s evi.evar_hyps; evar_body = subst_evb evi.evar_body } let subst_evar_defs_light sub evd = assert (Univ.is_initial_universes (snd (snd evd.evars))); assert (match evd.conv_pbs with [] -> true | _ -> false); { evd with metas = Metamap.map (map_clb (subst_mps sub)) evd.metas; evars = EvarInfoMap.map (subst_evar_info sub) (fst evd.evars), (snd evd.evars) } let subst_evar_map = subst_evar_defs_light (* spiwack: deprecated *) let create_evar_defs sigma = { sigma with conv_pbs=[]; last_mods=ExistentialSet.empty; metas=Metamap.empty } (* spiwack: tentatively deprecated *) let create_goal_evar_defs sigma = { sigma with (* conv_pbs=[]; last_mods=ExistentialSet.empty; metas=Metamap.empty } *) metas=Metamap.empty } let empty = { evars=EvarMap.empty; conv_pbs=[]; last_mods = ExistentialSet.empty; metas=Metamap.empty } let has_undefined evd = EvarMap.has_undefined evd.evars let evars_reset_evd ?(with_conv_pbs=false) evd d = {d with evars = evd.evars; conv_pbs = if with_conv_pbs then evd.conv_pbs else d.conv_pbs } let add_conv_pb pb d = {d with conv_pbs = pb::d.conv_pbs} let evar_source evk d = (EvarMap.find d.evars evk).evar_source (* define the existential of section path sp as the constr body *) let define evk body evd = { evd with evars = EvarMap.define evd.evars evk body; last_mods = match evd.conv_pbs with | [] -> evd.last_mods | _ -> ExistentialSet.add evk evd.last_mods } let evar_declare hyps evk ty ?(src=(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.InternalHole)) ?filter ?candidates evd = let filter = match filter with | None -> List.map (fun _ -> true) (named_context_of_val hyps) | Some filter -> assert (Int.equal (List.length filter) (List.length (named_context_of_val hyps))); filter in { evd with evars = EvarMap.add_undefined evd.evars evk {evar_hyps = hyps; evar_concl = ty; evar_body = Evar_empty; evar_filter = filter; evar_source = src; evar_candidates = candidates; evar_extra = Store.empty } } let is_defined_evar evd (evk,_) = EvarMap.is_defined evd.evars evk (* Does k corresponds to an (un)defined existential ? *) let is_undefined_evar evd c = match kind_of_term c with | Evar ev -> not (is_defined_evar evd ev) | _ -> false (* extracts conversion problems that satisfy predicate p *) (* Note: conv_pbs not satisying p are stored back in reverse order *) let extract_conv_pbs evd p = let (pbs,pbs1) = List.fold_left (fun (pbs,pbs1) pb -> if p pb then (pb::pbs,pbs1) else (pbs,pb::pbs1)) ([],[]) evd.conv_pbs in {evd with conv_pbs = pbs1; last_mods = ExistentialSet.empty}, pbs let extract_changed_conv_pbs evd p = extract_conv_pbs evd (p evd.last_mods) let extract_all_conv_pbs evd = extract_conv_pbs evd (fun _ -> true) (* spiwack: should it be replaced by Evd.merge? *) let evar_merge evd evars = { evd with evars = EvarMap.merge evd.evars evars.evars } let evar_list evd c = let rec evrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with | Evar (evk, _ as ev) when mem evd evk -> ev :: acc | _ -> fold_constr evrec acc c in evrec [] c let collect_evars c = let rec collrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with | Evar (evk,_) -> ExistentialSet.add evk acc | _ -> fold_constr collrec acc c in collrec ExistentialSet.empty c (**********************************************************) (* Sort variables *) let new_univ_variable ({ evars = (sigma,(us,sm)) } as d) = let u = Termops.new_univ_level () in let us' = Univ.UniverseLSet.add u us in ({d with evars = (sigma, (us', sm))}, Univ.Universe.make u) let new_sort_variable d = let (d', u) = new_univ_variable d in (d', Type u) let is_sort_variable {evars=(_,(us,_))} s = match s with Type u -> true | _ -> false let whd_sort_variable {evars=(_,sm)} t = t let univ_of_sort = function | Type u -> u | Prop Pos -> Univ.type0_univ | Prop Null -> Univ.type0m_univ let is_eq_sort s1 s2 = if Int.equal (sorts_ord s1 s2) 0 then None (* FIXME *) else let u1 = univ_of_sort s1 and u2 = univ_of_sort s2 in if Univ.Universe.equal u1 u2 then None else Some (u1, u2) let is_univ_var_or_set u = Univ.is_univ_variable u || Univ.is_type0_univ u let set_leq_sort ({evars = (sigma, (us, sm))} as d) s1 s2 = match is_eq_sort s1 s2 with | None -> d | Some (u1, u2) -> match s1, s2 with | Prop Null, Prop Pos -> d | Prop _, Prop _ -> raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Le, u1, u2,[])) | Type u, Prop Pos -> let cstr = Univ.enforce_leq u Univ.type0_univ Univ.empty_constraint in add_constraints d cstr | Type _, Prop _ -> raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Le, u1, u2,[])) | _, Type u -> if is_univ_var_or_set u then let cstr = Univ.enforce_leq u1 u2 Univ.empty_constraint in add_constraints d cstr else raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Le, u1, u2,[])) let is_univ_level_var us u = match Univ.universe_level u with | Some u -> Univ.UniverseLSet.mem u us | None -> false let set_eq_sort ({evars = (sigma, (us, sm))} as d) s1 s2 = match is_eq_sort s1 s2 with | None -> d | Some (u1, u2) -> match s1, s2 with | Prop c, Type u when is_univ_level_var us u -> add_constraints d (Univ.enforce_eq u1 u2 Univ.empty_constraint) | Type u, Prop c when is_univ_level_var us u -> add_constraints d (Univ.enforce_eq u1 u2 Univ.empty_constraint) | Type u, Type v when (is_univ_level_var us u) || (is_univ_level_var us v) -> add_constraints d (Univ.enforce_eq u1 u2 Univ.empty_constraint) | Prop c, Type u when is_univ_var_or_set u && Univ.check_eq sm u1 u2 -> d | Type u, Prop c when is_univ_var_or_set u && Univ.check_eq sm u1 u2 -> d | Type u, Type v when is_univ_var_or_set u && is_univ_var_or_set v -> add_constraints d (Univ.enforce_eq u1 u2 Univ.empty_constraint) | _, _ -> raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Eq, u1, u2, [])) (**********************************************************) (* Accessing metas *) let meta_list evd = metamap_to_list evd.metas let find_meta evd mv = Metamap.find mv evd.metas let undefined_metas evd = let filter = function | (n,Clval(_,_,typ)) -> None | (n,Cltyp (_,typ)) -> Some n in let m = List.map_filter filter (meta_list evd) in List.sort (-) m let metas_of evd = List.map (function | (n,Clval(_,_,typ)) -> (n,typ.rebus) | (n,Cltyp (_,typ)) -> (n,typ.rebus)) (meta_list evd) let map_metas_fvalue f evd = { evd with metas = Metamap.map (function | Clval(id,(c,s),typ) -> Clval(id,(mk_freelisted (f c.rebus),s),typ) | x -> x) evd.metas } let meta_opt_fvalue evd mv = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Clval(_,b,_) -> Some b | Cltyp _ -> None let meta_defined evd mv = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Clval _ -> true | Cltyp _ -> false let try_meta_fvalue evd mv = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Clval(_,b,_) -> b | Cltyp _ -> raise Not_found let meta_fvalue evd mv = try try_meta_fvalue evd mv with Not_found -> anomaly "meta_fvalue: meta has no value" let meta_value evd mv = (fst (try_meta_fvalue evd mv)).rebus let meta_ftype evd mv = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Cltyp (_,b) -> b | Clval(_,_,b) -> b let meta_type evd mv = (meta_ftype evd mv).rebus let meta_declare mv v ?(name=Anonymous) evd = { evd with metas = Metamap.add mv (Cltyp(name,mk_freelisted v)) evd.metas } let meta_assign mv (v,pb) evd = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Cltyp(na,ty) -> { evd with metas = Metamap.add mv (Clval(na,(mk_freelisted v,pb),ty)) evd.metas } | _ -> anomaly "meta_assign: already defined" let meta_reassign mv (v,pb) evd = match Metamap.find mv evd.metas with | Clval(na,_,ty) -> { evd with metas = Metamap.add mv (Clval(na,(mk_freelisted v,pb),ty)) evd.metas } | _ -> anomaly "meta_reassign: not yet defined" (* If the meta is defined then forget its name *) let meta_name evd mv = try fst (clb_name (Metamap.find mv evd.metas)) with Not_found -> Anonymous let meta_with_name evd id = let na = Name id in let (mvl,mvnodef) = Metamap.fold (fun n clb (l1,l2 as l) -> let (na',def) = clb_name clb in if name_eq na na' then if def then (n::l1,l2) else (n::l1,n::l2) else l) evd.metas ([],[]) in match mvnodef, mvl with | _,[] -> errorlabstrm "Evd.meta_with_name" (str"No such bound variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str".") | ([n],_|_,[n]) -> n | _ -> errorlabstrm "Evd.meta_with_name" (str "Binder name \"" ++ pr_id id ++ strbrk "\" occurs more than once in clause.") let meta_merge evd1 evd2 = {evd2 with metas = List.fold_left (fun m (n,v) -> Metamap.add n v m) evd2.metas (metamap_to_list evd1.metas) } type metabinding = metavariable * constr * instance_status let retract_coercible_metas evd = let mc,ml = Metamap.fold (fun n v (mc,ml) -> match v with | Clval (na,(b,(Conv,CoerceToType as s)),typ) -> (n,b.rebus,s)::mc, Metamap.add n (Cltyp (na,typ)) ml | v -> mc, Metamap.add n v ml) evd.metas ([],Metamap.empty) in mc, { evd with metas = ml } let subst_defined_metas bl c = let rec substrec c = match kind_of_term c with | Meta i -> substrec (List.assoc_snd_in_triple i bl) | _ -> map_constr substrec c in try Some (substrec c) with Not_found -> None (*******************************************************************) type open_constr = evar_map * constr (*******************************************************************) (* The type constructor ['a sigma] adds an evar map to an object of type ['a] *) type 'a sigma = { it : 'a ; sigma : evar_map} let sig_it x = x.it let sig_sig x = x.sigma (**********************************************************) (* Failure explanation *) type unsolvability_explanation = SeveralInstancesFound of int (**********************************************************) (* Pretty-printing *) let pr_instance_status (sc,typ) = begin match sc with | IsSubType -> str " [or a subtype of it]" | IsSuperType -> str " [or a supertype of it]" | Conv -> mt () end ++ begin match typ with | CoerceToType -> str " [up to coercion]" | TypeNotProcessed -> mt () | TypeProcessed -> str " [type is checked]" end let pr_meta_map mmap = let pr_name = function Name id -> str"[" ++ pr_id id ++ str"]" | _ -> mt() in let pr_meta_binding = function | (mv,Cltyp (na,b)) -> hov 0 (pr_meta mv ++ pr_name na ++ str " : " ++ print_constr b.rebus ++ fnl ()) | (mv,Clval(na,(b,s),t)) -> hov 0 (pr_meta mv ++ pr_name na ++ str " := " ++ print_constr b.rebus ++ str " : " ++ print_constr t.rebus ++ spc () ++ pr_instance_status s ++ fnl ()) in prlist pr_meta_binding (metamap_to_list mmap) let pr_decl ((id,b,_),ok) = match b with | None -> if ok then pr_id id else (str "{" ++ pr_id id ++ str "}") | Some c -> str (if ok then "(" else "{") ++ pr_id id ++ str ":=" ++ print_constr c ++ str (if ok then ")" else "}") let pr_evar_source = function | Evar_kinds.QuestionMark _ -> str "underscore" | Evar_kinds.CasesType -> str "pattern-matching return predicate" | Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id) -> str "type of " ++ Nameops.pr_id id | Evar_kinds.BinderType Anonymous -> str "type of anonymous binder" | Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (c,(n,ido),b) -> let id = Option.get ido in str "parameter " ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++ spc () ++ print_constr (constr_of_global c) | Evar_kinds.InternalHole -> str "internal placeholder" | Evar_kinds.TomatchTypeParameter (ind,n) -> pr_nth n ++ str " argument of type " ++ print_constr (mkInd ind) | Evar_kinds.GoalEvar -> str "goal evar" | Evar_kinds.ImpossibleCase -> str "type of impossible pattern-matching clause" | Evar_kinds.MatchingVar _ -> str "matching variable" let pr_evar_info evi = let phyps = try let decls = List.combine (evar_context evi) (evar_filter evi) in prlist_with_sep spc pr_decl (List.rev decls) with Invalid_argument _ -> str "Ill-formed filtered context" in let pty = print_constr evi.evar_concl in let pb = match evi.evar_body with | Evar_empty -> mt () | Evar_defined c -> spc() ++ str"=> " ++ print_constr c in let candidates = match evi.evar_body, evi.evar_candidates with | Evar_empty, Some l -> spc () ++ str "{" ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str "|") print_constr l ++ str "}" | _ -> mt () in let src = str "(" ++ pr_evar_source (snd evi.evar_source) ++ str ")" in hov 2 (str"[" ++ phyps ++ spc () ++ str"|- " ++ pty ++ pb ++ str"]" ++ candidates ++ spc() ++ src) let compute_evar_dependency_graph (sigma:evar_map) = (* Compute the map binding ev to the evars whose body depends on ev *) fold (fun evk evi acc -> let deps = match evar_body evi with | Evar_empty -> ExistentialSet.empty | Evar_defined c -> collect_evars c in ExistentialSet.fold (fun evk' acc -> let tab = try ExistentialMap.find evk' acc with Not_found -> [] in ExistentialMap.add evk' ((evk,evi)::tab) acc) deps acc) sigma ExistentialMap.empty let evar_dependency_closure n sigma = let graph = compute_evar_dependency_graph sigma in let order a b = fst a < fst b in let rec aux n l = if Int.equal n 0 then l else let l' = List.map_append (fun (evk,_) -> try ExistentialMap.find evk graph with Not_found -> []) l in aux (n-1) (List.uniquize (Sort.list order (l@l'))) in aux n (undefined_list sigma) let pr_evar_map_t depth sigma = let (evars,(uvs,univs)) = sigma.evars in let pr_evar_list l = h 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl (fun (ev,evi) -> h 0 (str(string_of_existential ev) ++ str"==" ++ pr_evar_info evi)) l) in let evs = if EvarInfoMap.is_empty evars then mt () else match depth with | None -> (* Print all evars *) str"EVARS:"++brk(0,1)++pr_evar_list (to_list sigma)++fnl() | Some n -> (* Print all evars *) str"UNDEFINED EVARS"++ (if Int.equal n 0 then mt() else str" (+level "++int n++str" closure):")++ brk(0,1)++ pr_evar_list (evar_dependency_closure n sigma)++fnl() and svs = if Univ.UniverseLSet.is_empty uvs then mt () else str"UNIVERSE VARIABLES:"++brk(0,1)++ h 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl (fun u -> Univ.pr_uni_level u) (Univ.UniverseLSet.elements uvs))++fnl() and cs = if Univ.is_initial_universes univs then mt () else str"UNIVERSES:"++brk(0,1)++ h 0 (Univ.pr_universes univs)++fnl() in evs ++ svs ++ cs let print_env_short env = let pr_body n = function None -> pr_name n | Some b -> str "(" ++ pr_name n ++ str " := " ++ print_constr b ++ str ")" in let pr_named_decl (n, b, _) = pr_body (Name n) b in let pr_rel_decl (n, b, _) = pr_body n b in let nc = List.rev (named_context env) in let rc = List.rev (rel_context env) in str "[" ++ pr_sequence pr_named_decl nc ++ str "]" ++ spc () ++ str "[" ++ pr_sequence pr_rel_decl rc ++ str "]" let pr_constraints pbs = h 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl (fun (pbty,env,t1,t2) -> print_env_short env ++ spc () ++ str "|-" ++ spc () ++ print_constr t1 ++ spc() ++ str (match pbty with | Reduction.CONV -> "==" | Reduction.CUMUL -> "<=") ++ spc() ++ print_constr t2) pbs) let pr_evar_map_constraints evd = match evd.conv_pbs with | [] -> mt () | _ -> pr_constraints evd.conv_pbs ++ fnl () let pr_evar_map allevars evd = let pp_evm = if EvarMap.is_empty evd.evars then mt() else pr_evar_map_t allevars evd++fnl() in let cstrs = match evd.conv_pbs with | [] -> mt () | _ -> str "CONSTRAINTS:" ++ brk(0,1) ++ pr_constraints evd.conv_pbs ++ fnl () in let pp_met = if Metamap.is_empty evd.metas then mt() else str"METAS:"++brk(0,1)++pr_meta_map evd.metas in v 0 (pp_evm ++ cstrs ++ pp_met) let pr_metaset metas = str "[" ++ pr_sequence pr_meta (Metaset.elements metas) ++ str "]"