(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* push_rel (RelDecl.map_constr nf_evar d) e) env let env_nf_betaiotaevar sigma env = process_rel_context (fun d e -> push_rel (RelDecl.map_constr (fun c -> Reductionops.nf_betaiota sigma c) d) e) env (****************************************) (* Operations on value/type constraints *) (****************************************) type type_constraint = EConstr.types option type val_constraint = EConstr.constr option (* Old comment... * Basically, we have the following kind of constraints (in increasing * strength order): * (false,(None,None)) -> no constraint at all * (true,(None,None)) -> we must build a judgement which _TYPE is a kind * (_,(None,Some ty)) -> we must build a judgement which _TYPE is ty * (_,(Some v,_)) -> we must build a judgement which _VAL is v * Maybe a concrete datatype would be easier to understand. * We differentiate (true,(None,None)) from (_,(None,Some Type)) * because otherwise Case(s) would be misled, as in * (n:nat) Case n of bool [_]nat end would infer the predicate Type instead * of Set. *) (* The empty type constraint *) let empty_tycon = None (* Builds a type constraint *) let mk_tycon ty = Some ty (* Constrains the value of a type *) let empty_valcon = None (* Builds a value constraint *) let mk_valcon c = Some c let idx = Namegen.default_dependent_ident (* Refining an evar to a product *) let define_pure_evar_as_product evd evk = let open Context.Named.Declaration in let evi = Evd.find_undefined evd evk in let evenv = evar_env evi in let id = next_ident_away idx (ids_of_named_context (evar_context evi)) in let concl = Reductionops.whd_all evenv evd (EConstr.of_constr evi.evar_concl) in let s = destSort evd concl in let evd1,(dom,u1) = let evd = Sigma.Unsafe.of_evar_map evd in let Sigma (e, evd1, _) = new_type_evar evenv evd univ_flexible_alg ~filter:(evar_filter evi) in (Sigma.to_evar_map evd1, e) in let evd2,rng = let newenv = push_named (LocalAssum (id, dom)) evenv in let src = evar_source evk evd1 in let filter = Filter.extend 1 (evar_filter evi) in if is_prop_sort (ESorts.kind evd1 s) then (* Impredicative product, conclusion must fall in [Prop]. *) new_evar_unsafe newenv evd1 concl ~src ~filter else let status = univ_flexible_alg in let evd3, (rng, srng) = let evd1 = Sigma.Unsafe.of_evar_map evd1 in let Sigma (e, evd3, _) = new_type_evar newenv evd1 status ~src ~filter in (Sigma.to_evar_map evd3, e) in let prods = Univ.sup (univ_of_sort u1) (univ_of_sort srng) in let evd3 = Evd.set_leq_sort evenv evd3 (Type prods) (ESorts.kind evd1 s) in evd3, rng in let prod = mkProd (Name id, dom, subst_var id rng) in let evd3 = Evd.define evk (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr prod) evd2 in evd3,prod (* Refine an applied evar to a product and returns its instantiation *) let define_evar_as_product evd (evk,args) = let evd,prod = define_pure_evar_as_product evd evk in (* Quick way to compute the instantiation of evk with args *) let na,dom,rng = destProd evd prod in let evdom = mkEvar (fst (destEvar evd dom), args) in let evrngargs = Array.cons (mkRel 1) (Array.map (lift 1) args) in let evrng = mkEvar (fst (destEvar evd rng), evrngargs) in evd, mkProd (na, evdom, evrng) (* Refine an evar with an abstraction I.e., solve x1..xq |- ?e:T(x1..xq) with e:=λy:A.?e'[x1..xq,y] where: - either T(x1..xq) = πy:A(x1..xq).B(x1..xq,y) or T(x1..xq) = ?d[x1..xq] and we define ?d := πy:?A.?B with x1..xq |- ?A:Type and x1..xq,y |- ?B:Type - x1..xq,y:A |- ?e':B *) let define_pure_evar_as_lambda env evd evk = let open Context.Named.Declaration in let evi = Evd.find_undefined evd evk in let evenv = evar_env evi in let typ = Reductionops.whd_all evenv evd (EConstr.of_constr (evar_concl evi)) in let evd1,(na,dom,rng) = match EConstr.kind evd typ with | Prod (na,dom,rng) -> (evd,(na,dom,rng)) | Evar ev' -> let evd,typ = define_evar_as_product evd ev' in evd,destProd evd typ | _ -> error_not_product env evd typ in let avoid = ids_of_named_context (evar_context evi) in let id = next_name_away_with_default_using_types "x" na avoid (Reductionops.whd_evar evd dom) in let newenv = push_named (LocalAssum (id, dom)) evenv in let filter = Filter.extend 1 (evar_filter evi) in let src = evar_source evk evd1 in let evd2,body = new_evar_unsafe newenv evd1 ~src (subst1 (mkVar id) rng) ~filter in let lam = mkLambda (Name id, dom, subst_var id body) in Evd.define evk (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr lam) evd2, lam let define_evar_as_lambda env evd (evk,args) = let evd,lam = define_pure_evar_as_lambda env evd evk in (* Quick way to compute the instantiation of evk with args *) let na,dom,body = destLambda evd lam in let evbodyargs = Array.cons (mkRel 1) (Array.map (lift 1) args) in let evbody = mkEvar (fst (destEvar evd body), evbodyargs) in evd, mkLambda (na, dom, evbody) let rec evar_absorb_arguments env evd (evk,args as ev) = function | [] -> evd,ev | a::l -> (* TODO: optimize and avoid introducing intermediate evars *) let evd,lam = define_pure_evar_as_lambda env evd evk in let _,_,body = destLambda evd lam in let evk = fst (destEvar evd body) in evar_absorb_arguments env evd (evk, Array.cons a args) l (* Refining an evar to a sort *) let define_evar_as_sort env evd (ev,args) = let evd, u = new_univ_variable univ_rigid evd in let evi = Evd.find_undefined evd ev in let s = Type u in let concl = Reductionops.whd_all (evar_env evi) evd (EConstr.of_constr evi.evar_concl) in let sort = destSort evd concl in let evd' = Evd.define ev (Constr.mkSort s) evd in Evd.set_leq_sort env evd' (Type (Univ.super u)) (ESorts.kind evd' sort), s (* Propagation of constraints through application and abstraction: Given a type constraint on a functional term, returns the type constraint on its domain and codomain. If the input constraint is an evar instantiate it with the product of 2 new evars. *) let split_tycon ?loc env evd tycon = let rec real_split evd c = let t = Reductionops.whd_all env evd c in match EConstr.kind evd t with | Prod (na,dom,rng) -> evd, (na, dom, rng) | Evar ev (* ev is undefined because of whd_all *) -> let (evd',prod) = define_evar_as_product evd ev in let (_,dom,rng) = destProd evd prod in evd',(Anonymous, dom, rng) | App (c,args) when isEvar evd c -> let (evd',lam) = define_evar_as_lambda env evd (destEvar evd c) in real_split evd' (mkApp (lam,args)) | _ -> error_not_product ?loc env evd c in match tycon with | None -> evd,(Anonymous,None,None) | Some c -> let evd', (n, dom, rng) = real_split evd c in evd', (n, mk_tycon dom, mk_tycon rng) let valcon_of_tycon x = x let lift_tycon n = Option.map (lift n) let pr_tycon env sigma = function None -> str "None" | Some t -> Termops.print_constr_env env sigma t