(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* MaybeFlexible c | Rel n -> MaybeFlexible c | Var id -> MaybeFlexible c | Lambda _ when l<>[] -> MaybeFlexible c | LetIn _ -> MaybeFlexible c | Evar ev -> Flexible ev | _ -> Rigid c let eval_flexible_term env c = match kind_of_term c with | Const c -> constant_opt_value env c | Rel n -> (try let (_,v,_) = lookup_rel n env in option_app (lift n) v with Not_found -> None) | Var id -> (try let (_,v,_) = lookup_named id env in v with Not_found -> None) | LetIn (_,b,_,c) -> Some (subst1 b c) | Lambda _ -> Some c | _ -> assert false (* let rec apprec_nobeta env sigma s = let (t,stack as s) = whd_state s in match kind_of_term (fst s) with | Case (ci,p,d,lf) -> let (cr,crargs) = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma d in let rslt = mkCase (ci, p, applist (cr,crargs), lf) in if reducible_mind_case cr then apprec_nobeta env sigma (rslt, stack) else s | Fix fix -> (match reduce_fix (whd_betadeltaiota_state env sigma) fix stack with | Reduced s -> apprec_nobeta env sigma s | NotReducible -> s) | _ -> s let evar_apprec_nobeta env isevars stack c = let rec aux s = let (t,stack as s') = apprec_nobeta env (evars_of isevars) s in match kind_of_term t with | Evar (n,_ as ev) when Evd.is_defined (evars_of isevars) n -> aux (Evd.existential_value (evars_of isevars) ev, stack) | _ -> (t, list_of_stack stack) in aux (c, append_stack (Array.of_list stack) empty_stack) *) let evar_apprec env isevars stack c = let sigma = evars_of isevars in let rec aux s = let (t,stack as s') = Reductionops.apprec env sigma s in match kind_of_term t with | Evar (n,_ as ev) when Evd.is_defined sigma n -> aux (Evd.existential_value sigma ev, stack) | _ -> (t, list_of_stack stack) in aux (c, append_stack (Array.of_list stack) empty_stack) let apprec_nohdbeta env isevars c = let (t,stack as s) = Reductionops.whd_stack c in match kind_of_term t with | (Case _ | Fix _) -> evar_apprec env isevars [] c | _ -> s (* [check_conv_record (t1,l1) (t2,l2)] tries to decompose the problem (t1 l1) = (t2 l2) into a problem l1 = params1@c1::extra_args1 l2 = us2@extra_args2 (t1 params1 c1) = (proji params (c xs)) (t2 us2) = (cstr us) extra_args1 = extra_args2 by finding a record R and an object c := [xs:bs](Build_R params v1..vn) with vi = (cstr us), for which we know that the i-th projection proji satisfies (proji params (c xs)) = (cstr us) Rem: such objects, usable for conversion, are defined in the objdef table; practically, it amounts to "canonically" equip t2 into a object c in structure R (since, if c1 were not an evar, the projection would have been reduced) *) let check_conv_record (t1,l1) (t2,l2) = try let proji = reference_of_constr t1 in let cstr = reference_of_constr t2 in let { o_DEF = c; o_TABS = bs; o_TPARAMS = params; o_TCOMPS = us } = lookup_canonical_conversion (proji, cstr) in let params1, c1, extra_args1 = match list_chop (List.length params) l1 with | params1, c1::extra_args1 -> params1, c1, extra_args1 | _ -> assert false in let us2,extra_args2 = list_chop (List.length us) l2 in c,bs,(params,params1),(us,us2),(extra_args1,extra_args2),c1 with _ -> raise Not_found (* Precondition: one of the terms of the pb is an uninstanciated evar, * possibly applied to arguments. *) let rec ise_try isevars = function [] -> assert false | [f] -> f isevars | f1::l -> let (isevars',b) = f1 isevars in if b then (isevars',b) else ise_try isevars l let ise_and isevars l = let rec ise_and i = function [] -> assert false | [f] -> f i | f1::l -> let (i',b) = f1 i in if b then ise_and i' l else (isevars,false) in ise_and isevars l let ise_list2 isevars f l1 l2 = let rec ise_list2 i l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with [], [] -> (i, true) | [x], [y] -> f i x y | x::l1, y::l2 -> let (i',b) = f i x y in if b then ise_list2 i' l1 l2 else (isevars,false) | _ -> (isevars, false) in ise_list2 isevars l1 l2 let ise_array2 isevars f v1 v2 = let rec allrec i = function | -1 -> (i,true) | n -> let (i',b) = f i v1.(n) v2.(n) in if b then allrec i' (n-1) else (isevars,false) in let lv1 = Array.length v1 in if lv1 = Array.length v2 then allrec isevars (pred lv1) else (isevars,false) let rec evar_conv_x env isevars pbty term1 term2 = let sigma = evars_of isevars in let term1 = whd_castappevar sigma term1 in let term2 = whd_castappevar sigma term2 in (* if eq_constr term1 term2 then true else *) (* Maybe convertible but since reducing can erase evars which [evar_apprec]*) (* could have found, we do it only if the terms are free of evar *) if (not (has_undefined_evars isevars term1) & not (has_undefined_evars isevars term2) & is_fconv pbty env (evars_of isevars) term1 term2) then (isevars,true) else if is_undefined_evar isevars term1 then solve_simple_eqn evar_conv_x env isevars (pbty,destEvar term1,term2) else if is_undefined_evar isevars term2 then solve_simple_eqn evar_conv_x env isevars (pbty,destEvar term2,term1) else let (t1,l1) = apprec_nohdbeta env isevars term1 in let (t2,l2) = apprec_nohdbeta env isevars term2 in if (head_is_embedded_evar isevars t1 & not(is_eliminator t2)) or (head_is_embedded_evar isevars t2 & not(is_eliminator t1)) then (add_conv_pb (pbty,applist(t1,l1),applist(t2,l2)) isevars, true) else evar_eqappr_x env isevars pbty (t1,l1) (t2,l2) and evar_eqappr_x env isevars pbty (term1,l1 as appr1) (term2,l2 as appr2) = (* Evar must be undefined since we have whd_ised *) match (flex_kind_of_term term1 l1, flex_kind_of_term term2 l2) with | Flexible (sp1,al1 as ev1), Flexible (sp2,al2 as ev2) -> let f1 i = if List.length l1 > List.length l2 then let (deb1,rest1) = list_chop (List.length l1-List.length l2) l1 in ise_and i [(fun i -> solve_simple_eqn evar_conv_x env i (pbty,ev2,applist(term1,deb1))); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) rest1 l2)] else let (deb2,rest2) = list_chop (List.length l2-List.length l1) l2 in ise_and i [(fun i -> solve_simple_eqn evar_conv_x env i (pbty,ev1,applist(term2,deb2))); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 rest2)] and f2 i = if sp1 = sp2 then ise_and i [(fun i -> ise_array2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) al1 al2); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2)] else (i,false) in ise_try isevars [f1; f2] | Flexible ev1, MaybeFlexible flex2 -> let f1 i = if List.length l1 <= List.length l2 then let (deb2,rest2) = list_chop (List.length l2-List.length l1) l2 in ise_and i (* First compare extra args for better failure message *) [(fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 rest2); (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i pbty term1 (applist(term2,deb2)))] else (i,false) and f4 i = match eval_flexible_term env flex2 with | Some v2 -> evar_eqappr_x env i pbty appr1 (evar_apprec env i l2 v2) | None -> (i,false) in ise_try isevars [f1; f4] | MaybeFlexible flex1, Flexible ev2 -> let f1 i = if List.length l2 <= List.length l1 then let (deb1,rest1) = list_chop (List.length l1-List.length l2) l1 in ise_and i (* First compare extra args for better failure message *) [(fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) rest1 l2); (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i pbty (applist(term1,deb1)) term2)] else (i,false) and f4 i = match eval_flexible_term env flex1 with | Some v1 -> evar_eqappr_x env i pbty (evar_apprec env i l1 v1) appr2 | None -> (i,false) in ise_try isevars [f1; f4] | MaybeFlexible flex1, MaybeFlexible flex2 -> let f2 i = if flex1 = flex2 then ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2 else (i,false) and f3 i = (try conv_record env i (try check_conv_record appr1 appr2 with Not_found -> check_conv_record appr2 appr1) (* TODO: remove this _ !!! *) with _ -> (i,false)) and f4 i = (* heuristic: unfold second argument first, exception made if the first argument is a beta-redex (expand a constant only if necessary) *) let val2 = match kind_of_term flex1 with Lambda _ -> None | _ -> eval_flexible_term env flex2 in match val2 with | Some v2 -> evar_eqappr_x env i pbty appr1 (evar_apprec env i l2 v2) | None -> match eval_flexible_term env flex1 with | Some v1 -> evar_eqappr_x env i pbty (evar_apprec env i l1 v1) appr2 | None -> (i,false) in ise_try isevars [f2; f3; f4] | Flexible ev1, Rigid _ -> if (List.length l1 <= List.length l2) then let (deb2,rest2) = list_chop (List.length l2-List.length l1) l2 in ise_and isevars (* First compare extra args for better failure message *) [(fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 rest2); (fun i -> solve_simple_eqn evar_conv_x env i (pbty,ev1,applist(term2,deb2)))] else (isevars,false) | Rigid _, Flexible ev2 -> if List.length l2 <= List.length l1 then let (deb1,rest1) = list_chop (List.length l1-List.length l2) l1 in ise_and isevars (* First compare extra args for better failure message *) [(fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) rest1 l2); (fun i -> solve_simple_eqn evar_conv_x env i (pbty,ev2,applist(term1,deb1)))] else (isevars,false) | MaybeFlexible flex1, Rigid _ -> let f3 i = (try conv_record env i (check_conv_record appr1 appr2) with _ -> (i,false)) and f4 i = match eval_flexible_term env flex1 with | Some v1 -> evar_eqappr_x env i pbty (evar_apprec env i l1 v1) appr2 | None -> (i,false) in ise_try isevars [f3; f4] | Rigid _ , MaybeFlexible flex2 -> let f3 i = (try (conv_record env i (check_conv_record appr2 appr1)) with _ -> (i,false)) and f4 i = match eval_flexible_term env flex2 with | Some v2 -> evar_eqappr_x env i pbty appr1 (evar_apprec env i l2 v2) | None -> (i,false) in ise_try isevars [f3; f4] | Rigid c1, Rigid c2 -> match kind_of_term c1, kind_of_term c2 with | Cast (c1,_), _ -> evar_eqappr_x env isevars pbty (c1,l1) appr2 | _, Cast (c2,_) -> evar_eqappr_x env isevars pbty appr1 (c2,l2) | Sort s1, Sort s2 when l1=[] & l2=[] -> (isevars,base_sort_cmp pbty s1 s2) | Lambda (na,c1,c'1), Lambda (_,c2,c'2) when l1=[] & l2=[] -> ise_and isevars [(fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV c1 c2); (fun i -> let c = nf_evar (evars_of i) c1 in evar_conv_x (push_rel (na,None,c) env) i CONV c'1 c'2)] | LetIn (na,b1,t1,c'1), LetIn (_,b2,_,c'2) -> let f1 i = ise_and i [(fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV b1 b2); (fun i -> let b = nf_evar (evars_of i) b1 in let t = nf_evar (evars_of i) t1 in evar_conv_x (push_rel (na,Some b,t) env) i pbty c'1 c'2); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2)] and f2 i = let appr1 = evar_apprec env i l1 (subst1 b1 c'1) and appr2 = evar_apprec env i l2 (subst1 b2 c'2) in evar_eqappr_x env i pbty appr1 appr2 in ise_try isevars [f1; f2] | LetIn (_,b1,_,c'1), _ ->(* On fait commuter les args avec le Let *) let appr1 = evar_apprec env isevars l1 (subst1 b1 c'1) in evar_eqappr_x env isevars pbty appr1 appr2 | _, LetIn (_,b2,_,c'2) -> let appr2 = evar_apprec env isevars l2 (subst1 b2 c'2) in evar_eqappr_x env isevars pbty appr1 appr2 | Prod (n,c1,c'1), Prod (_,c2,c'2) when l1=[] & l2=[] -> ise_and isevars [(fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV c1 c2); (fun i -> let c = nf_evar (evars_of i) c1 in evar_conv_x (push_rel (n,None,c) env) i pbty c'1 c'2)] | Ind sp1, Ind sp2 -> if sp1=sp2 then ise_list2 isevars (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2 else (isevars, false) | Construct sp1, Construct sp2 -> if sp1=sp2 then ise_list2 isevars (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2 else (isevars, false) | Case (_,p1,c1,cl1), Case (_,p2,c2,cl2) -> ise_and isevars [(fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV p1 p2); (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV c1 c2); (fun i -> ise_array2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) cl1 cl2); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2)] | Fix (li1,(_,tys1,bds1 as recdef1)), Fix (li2,(_,tys2,bds2)) -> if li1=li2 then ise_and isevars [(fun i -> ise_array2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) tys1 tys2); (fun i -> ise_array2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x (push_rec_types recdef1 env) i CONV) bds1 bds2); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2)] else (isevars,false) | CoFix (i1,(_,tys1,bds1 as recdef1)), CoFix (i2,(_,tys2,bds2)) -> if i1=i2 then ise_and isevars [(fun i -> ise_array2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) tys1 tys2); (fun i -> ise_array2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x (push_rec_types recdef1 env) i CONV) bds1 bds2); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) l1 l2)] else (isevars,false) | (Meta _ | Lambda _), _ -> (isevars,false) | _, (Meta _ | Lambda _) -> (isevars,false) | (Ind _ | Construct _ | Sort _ | Prod _), _ -> (isevars,false) | _, (Ind _ | Construct _ | Sort _ | Prod _) -> (isevars,false) | (App _ | Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _), (App _ | Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _) -> (isevars,false) | (Rel _ | Var _ | Const _ | Evar _), _ -> assert false | _, (Rel _ | Var _ | Const _ | Evar _) -> assert false and conv_record env isevars (c,bs,(params,params1),(us,us2),(ts,ts1),c1) = let (isevars',ks) = List.fold_left (fun (i,ks) b -> let dloc = (dummy_loc,InternalHole) in let (i',ev) = new_evar i env ~src:dloc (substl ks b) in (i', ev :: ks)) (isevars,[]) bs in ise_and isevars' [(fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i u1 u -> evar_conv_x env i CONV u1 (substl ks u)) us2 us); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i x1 x -> evar_conv_x env i CONV x1 (substl ks x)) params1 params); (fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV) ts ts1); (fun i -> evar_conv_x env i CONV c1 (applist (c,(List.rev ks))))] let the_conv_x env t1 t2 isevars = match evar_conv_x env isevars CONV t1 t2 with (evd',true) -> evd' | _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible let the_conv_x_leq env t1 t2 isevars = match evar_conv_x env isevars CUMUL t1 t2 with (evd', true) -> evd' | _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible let e_conv env isevars t1 t2 = match evar_conv_x env !isevars CONV t1 t2 with (evd',true) -> isevars := evd'; true | _ -> false let e_cumul env isevars t1 t2 = match evar_conv_x env !isevars CUMUL t1 t2 with (evd',true) -> isevars := evd'; true | _ -> false