(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* cases_pattern -> cases_pattern val subst_glob_constr : substitution -> glob_constr -> glob_constr (** [detype isgoal avoid ctx c] turns a closed [c], into a glob_constr de Bruijn indexes are turned to bound names, avoiding names in [avoid] [isgoal] tells if naming must avoid global-level synonyms as intro does [ctx] gives the names of the free variables *) val detype : bool -> identifier list -> names_context -> constr -> glob_constr val detype_case : bool -> ('a -> glob_constr) -> (constructor array -> int array -> 'a array -> (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * glob_constr) list) -> ('a -> int -> bool) -> identifier list -> inductive * case_style * int * int array * int -> 'a option -> 'a -> 'a array -> glob_constr val detype_sort : sorts -> glob_sort val detype_rel_context : constr option -> identifier list -> names_context -> rel_context -> glob_decl list (** look for the index of a named var or a nondep var as it is renamed *) val lookup_name_as_displayed : env -> constr -> identifier -> int option val lookup_index_as_renamed : env -> constr -> int -> int option val set_detype_anonymous : (loc -> int -> glob_constr) -> unit val force_wildcard : unit -> bool val synthetize_type : unit -> bool (** Utilities to transform kernel cases to simple pattern-matching problem *) val it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names : int -> glob_constr -> name list * glob_constr val simple_cases_matrix_of_branches : inductive -> int list -> glob_constr list -> cases_clauses val return_type_of_predicate : inductive -> int -> int -> glob_constr -> predicate_pattern * glob_constr option module PrintingInductiveMake : functor (Test : sig val encode : Libnames.reference -> Names.inductive val member_message : Pp.std_ppcmds -> bool -> Pp.std_ppcmds val field : string val title : string end) -> sig type t = Names.inductive val encode : Libnames.reference -> Names.inductive val subst : substitution -> t -> t val printer : t -> Pp.std_ppcmds val key : Goptions.option_name val title : string val member_message : t -> bool -> Pp.std_ppcmds val synchronous : bool end