(* $Id$ *) open Pp open Util open Univ open Names open Term open Inductive open Environ open Sign open Declare open Impargs open Rawterm (* Nouvelle version de renommage des variables (DEC 98) *) (* This is the algorithm to display distinct bound variables - Règle 1 : un nom non anonyme, même non affiché, contribue à la liste des noms à éviter - Règle 2 : c'est la dépendance qui décide si on affiche ou pas Exemple : si bool_ind = (P:bool->Prop)(f:(P true))(f:(P false))(b:bool)(P b), alors il est affiché (P:bool->Prop)(P true)->(P false)->(b:bool)(P b) mais f et f0 contribue à la liste des variables à éviter (en supposant que les noms f et f0 ne sont pas déjà pris) Intérêt : noms homogènes dans un but avant et après Intro *) type used_idents = identifier list exception Occur let occur_rel p env id = try lookup_name_of_rel p env = Name id with Not_found -> false (* Unbound indice : may happen in debug *) let occur_id env id0 c = let rec occur n c = match kind_of_term c with | IsVar id when id=id0 -> raise Occur | IsConst (sp, _) when basename sp = id0 -> raise Occur | IsMutInd (ind_sp, _) when basename (path_of_inductive_path ind_sp) = id0 -> raise Occur | IsMutConstruct (cstr_sp, _) when basename (path_of_constructor_path cstr_sp) = id0 -> raise Occur | IsRel p when p>n & occur_rel (p-n) env id0 -> raise Occur | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur n c in try occur 1 c; false with Occur -> true let next_name_not_occuring name l env_names t = let rec next id = if List.mem id l or occur_id env_names id t then next (lift_ident id) else id in match name with | Name id -> next id | Anonymous -> id_of_string "_" (* Remark: Anonymous var may be dependent in Evar's contexts *) let concrete_name l env_names n c = if n = Anonymous & not (dependent (mkRel 1) c) then (None,l) else let fresh_id = next_name_not_occuring n l env_names c in let idopt = if dependent (mkRel 1) c then (Some fresh_id) else None in (idopt, fresh_id::l) let concrete_let_name l env_names n c = let fresh_id = next_name_not_occuring n l env_names c in (Name fresh_id, fresh_id::l) (* Returns the list of global variables and constants in a term *) let global_vars_and_consts t = let rec collect acc c = let op, cl = splay_constr c in let acc' = Array.fold_left collect acc cl in match op with | OpVar id -> id::acc' | OpConst sp -> (basename sp)::acc' | OpMutInd ind_sp -> (basename (path_of_inductive_path ind_sp))::acc' | OpMutConstruct csp -> (basename (path_of_constructor_path csp))::acc' | _ -> acc' in list_uniquize (collect [] t) let used_of = global_vars_and_consts (****************************************************************************) (* Tools for printing of Cases *) let encode_inductive id = let (indsp,_ as ind) = try match kind_of_term (global_reference CCI id) with | IsMutInd (indsp,args) -> (indsp,args) | _ -> errorlabstrm "indsp_of_id" [< 'sTR ((string_of_id id)^" is not an inductive type") >] with Not_found -> error ("Cannot find reference "^(string_of_id id)) in let mis = Global.lookup_mind_specif ind in let constr_lengths = Array.map List.length (mis_recarg mis) in (indsp,constr_lengths) let sp_of_spi (refsp,tyi) = let mip = Declarations.mind_nth_type_packet (Global.lookup_mind refsp) tyi in let (pa,_,k) = repr_path refsp in make_path pa mip.Declarations.mind_typename k (* let (_,mip) = mind_specif_of_mind_light spi in let (pa,_,k) = repr_path sp in make_path pa (mip.mind_typename) k *) (* Parameterization of the translation from constr to ast *) (* Tables for Cases printing under a "if" form, a "let" form, *) let isomorphic_to_bool lc = Array.length lc = 2 & lc.(0) = 0 & lc.(1) = 0 (* let isomorphic_to_bool lc = let lcparams = Array.map get_params lc in Array.length lcparams = 2 & lcparams.(0) = [] & lcparams.(1) = [] *) let isomorphic_to_tuple lc = (Array.length lc = 1) (* let isomorphic_to_tuple lc = (Array.length lc = 1) *) module PrintingCasesMake = functor (Test : sig val test : int array -> bool (* val test : constr array -> bool*) val error_message : string val member_message : identifier -> bool -> string val field : string val title : string end) -> struct type t = inductive_path * int array let encode = encode_inductive let check (_,lc) = if not (Test.test lc) then errorlabstrm "check_encode" [< 'sTR Test.error_message >] let printer (spi,_) = [< 'sTR(string_of_path (sp_of_spi spi)) >] let key = Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Printing",Test.field) let title = Test.title let member_message = Test.member_message let synchronous = true end module PrintingCasesIf = PrintingCasesMake (struct let test = isomorphic_to_bool let error_message = "This type cannot be seen as a boolean type" let field = "If" let title = "Types leading to pretty-printing of Cases using a `if' form: " let member_message id = function | true -> "Cases on elements of " ^ (string_of_id id) ^ " are printed using a `if' form" | false -> "Cases on elements of " ^ (string_of_id id) ^ " are not printed using `if' form" end) module PrintingCasesLet = PrintingCasesMake (struct let test = isomorphic_to_tuple let error_message = "This type cannot be seen as a tuple type" let field = "Let" let title = "Types leading to a pretty-printing of Cases using a `let' form:" let member_message id = function | true -> "Cases on elements of " ^ (string_of_id id) ^ " are printed using a `let' form" | false -> "Cases on elements of " ^ (string_of_id id) ^ " are not printed using a `let' form" end) module PrintingIf = Goptions.MakeIdentTable(PrintingCasesIf) module PrintingLet = Goptions.MakeIdentTable(PrintingCasesLet) let force_let (lc,(indsp,_,_,_,_)) = PrintingLet.active (indsp,lc) let force_if (lc,(indsp,_,_,_,_)) = PrintingIf.active (indsp,lc) (* Options for printing or not wildcard and synthetisable types *) open Goptions let wildcard_value = ref true let force_wildcard () = !wildcard_value let _ = declare_async_bool_option { optasyncname = "the forced wildcard option"; optasynckey = SecondaryTable ("Printing","Wildcard"); optasyncread = force_wildcard; optasyncwrite = (fun v -> wildcard_value := v) } let synth_type_value = ref true let synthetize_type () = !synth_type_value let _ = declare_async_bool_option { optasyncname = "the synthesisablity"; optasynckey = SecondaryTable ("Printing","Synth"); optasyncread = synthetize_type; optasyncwrite = (fun v -> synth_type_value := v) } (* Auxiliary function for MutCase printing *) (* [computable] tries to tell if the predicate typing the result is inferable*) let computable p k = (* We first remove as many lambda as the arity, then we look if it remains a lambda for a dependent elimination. This function works for normal eta-expanded term. For non eta-expanded or non-normal terms, it may affirm the pred is synthetisable because of an undetected ultimate dependent variable in the second clause, or else, it may affirms the pred non synthetisable because of a non normal term in the fourth clause. A solution could be to store, in the MutCase, the eta-expanded normal form of pred to decide if it depends on its variables Lorsque le prédicat est dépendant de manière certaine, on ne déclare pas le prédicat synthétisable (même si la variable dépendante ne l'est pas effectivement) parce que sinon on perd la réciprocité de la synthèse (qui, lui, engendrera un prédicat non dépendant) *) let rec striprec (n,c) = match n, kind_of_term c with | (0,IsLambda (_,_,d)) -> false | (0,_) -> noccur_between 1 k c | (n,IsLambda (_,_,d)) -> striprec (n-1,d) | _ -> false in striprec (k,p) let lookup_name_as_renamed ctxt t s = let rec lookup avoid env_names n c = match kind_of_term c with | IsProd (name,t,c') -> (match concrete_name avoid env_names name c' with (Some id,avoid') -> if id=s then (Some n) else lookup avoid' (add_name (Name id) env_names) (n+1) c' | (None,avoid') -> lookup avoid' env_names (n+1) (pop c')) | IsCast (c,_) -> lookup avoid env_names n c | _ -> None in lookup (ids_of_named_context ctxt) empty_names_context 1 t let lookup_index_as_renamed t n = let rec lookup n d c = match kind_of_term c with | IsProd (name,_,c') -> (match concrete_name [] empty_names_context name c' with (Some _,_) -> lookup n (d+1) c' | (None ,_) -> if n=1 then Some d else lookup (n-1) (d+1) c') | IsCast (c,_) -> lookup n d c | _ -> None in lookup n 1 t let rec detype avoid env t = match kind_of_term (collapse_appl t) with | IsRel n -> (try match lookup_name_of_rel n env with | Name id -> RVar (dummy_loc, id) | Anonymous -> anomaly "detype: index to an anonymous variable" with Not_found -> let s = "[REL "^(string_of_int n)^"]" in RVar (dummy_loc, id_of_string s)) | IsMeta n -> RMeta (dummy_loc, n) | IsVar id -> RVar (dummy_loc, id) | IsXtra s -> warning "bdize: Xtra should no longer occur in constr"; RVar(dummy_loc, id_of_string ("XTRA"^s)) (* ope("XTRA",((str s):: pl@(List.map detype cl)))*) | IsSort (Prop c) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RProp c) | IsSort (Type _) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RType) | IsCast (c1,c2) -> RCast(dummy_loc,detype avoid env c1,detype avoid env c2) | IsProd (na,ty,c) -> detype_binder BProd avoid env na ty c | IsLambda (na,ty,c) -> detype_binder BLambda avoid env na ty c | IsLetIn (na,b,_,c) -> detype_binder BLetIn avoid env na b c | IsApp (f,args) -> RApp (dummy_loc,detype avoid env f,array_map_to_list (detype avoid env) args) | IsConst (sp,cl) -> detype_reference avoid env (ConstRef sp) cl | IsEvar (ev,cl) -> let f = RRef (dummy_loc, EvarRef ev) in RApp (dummy_loc, f, List.map (detype avoid env) (Array.to_list cl)) | IsMutInd (ind_sp,cl) -> detype_reference avoid env (IndRef ind_sp) cl | IsMutConstruct (cstr_sp,cl) -> detype_reference avoid env (ConstructRef cstr_sp) cl | IsMutCase (annot,p,c,bl) -> let synth_type = synthetize_type () in let tomatch = detype avoid env c in begin match annot with (* | None -> (* Pas d'annotation --> affichage avec vieux Case *) warning "Printing in old Case syntax"; ROldCase (dummy_loc,false,Some (detype avoid env p), tomatch,Array.map (detype avoid env) bl) | Some *) (consnargsl,(indsp,considl,k,style,tags)) -> let pred = if synth_type & computable p k & considl <> [||] then None else Some (detype avoid env p) in let constructs = Array.init (Array.length considl) (fun i -> ((indsp,i+1),[] (* on triche *))) in let eqnv = array_map3 (detype_eqn avoid env) constructs consnargsl bl in let eqnl = Array.to_list eqnv in let tag = if PrintingLet.active (indsp,consnargsl) then PrintLet else if PrintingIf.active (indsp,consnargsl) then PrintIf else PrintCases in RCases (dummy_loc,tag,pred,[tomatch],eqnl) end | IsFix (nvn,(cl,lfn,vt)) -> detype_fix (RFix nvn) avoid env cl lfn vt | IsCoFix (n,(cl,lfn,vt)) -> detype_fix (RCoFix n) avoid env cl lfn vt and detype_reference avoid env ref args = let args = try Array.to_list (extract_instance ref args) with Not_found -> (* May happen in debugger *) if Array.length args = 0 then [] else let m = "<>" in (mkVar (id_of_string m))::(Array.to_list args) in let f = RRef (dummy_loc, ref) in if args = [] then f else RApp (dummy_loc, f, List.map (detype avoid env) args) and detype_fix fk avoid env cl lfn vt = let lfi = List.map (fun id -> next_name_away id avoid) lfn in let def_avoid = lfi@avoid in let def_env = List.fold_left (fun env id -> add_name (Name id) env) env lfi in RRec(dummy_loc,fk,Array.of_list lfi,Array.map (detype avoid env) cl, Array.map (detype def_avoid def_env) vt) and detype_eqn avoid env constr_id construct_nargs branch = let make_pat x avoid env b ids = if not (force_wildcard ()) or (dependent (mkRel 1) b) then let id = next_name_away_with_default "x" x avoid in PatVar (dummy_loc,Name id),id::avoid,(add_name (Name id) env),id::ids else PatVar (dummy_loc,Anonymous),avoid,(add_name Anonymous env),ids in let rec buildrec ids patlist avoid env n b = if n=0 then (ids, [PatCstr(dummy_loc, constr_id, List.rev patlist,Anonymous)], detype avoid env b) else match kind_of_term b with | IsLambda (x,_,b) -> let pat,new_avoid,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x avoid env b ids in buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_avoid new_env (n-1) b | IsCast (c,_) -> (* Oui, il y a parfois des cast *) buildrec ids patlist avoid env n c | _ -> (* eta-expansion : n'arrivera plus lorsque tous les termes seront construits à partir de la syntaxe Cases *) (* nommage de la nouvelle variable *) let new_b = applist (lift 1 b, [mkRel 1]) in let pat,new_avoid,new_env,new_ids = make_pat Anonymous avoid env new_b ids in buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_avoid new_env (n-1) new_b in buildrec [] [] avoid env construct_nargs branch and detype_binder bk avoid env na ty c = let na',avoid' = if bk = BLetIn then concrete_let_name avoid env na c else match concrete_name avoid env na c with | (Some id,l') -> (Name id), l' | (None,l') -> Anonymous, l' in RBinder (dummy_loc,bk, na',detype [] env ty, detype avoid' (add_name na' env) c)