(* $Id$ *) (*i*) open Evd open Term open Sign open Environ open Evarutil (*i*) (*s Coercions. *) val inh_app_fun : env -> 'a evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment (* [inh_coerce_to_sort env sigma j] insert a coercion into [j], if needed, in such a way it gets as type a sort; it fails if no coercion is applicable *) val inh_coerce_to_sort : env -> 'a evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment (* [inh_conv_coerce_to loc env sigma j t] insert a coercion into [j], if needed, in such a way it [t] and [j.uj_type] are convertible; it fails if no coercion is applicable *) val inh_conv_coerce_to : Rawterm.loc -> env -> 'a evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment -> constr -> unsafe_judgment (* [inh_apply_rel_list loc env isevars args f tycon] tries to type [(f args)] of type [tycon] (if any) by inserting coercions in front of each arg$_i$, if necessary *) val inh_apply_rel_list : Rawterm.loc -> env -> 'a evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment list -> unsafe_judgment -> constr option -> unsafe_judgment