(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* clausenv -> clausenv (* subject of clenv (instantiated) *) val clenv_value : clausenv -> constr (* type of clenv (instantiated) *) val clenv_type : clausenv -> types (* substitute resolved metas *) val clenv_nf_meta : clausenv -> constr -> constr (* type of a meta in clenv context *) val clenv_meta_type : clausenv -> metavariable -> types val mk_clenv_from : evar_info sigma -> constr * types -> clausenv val mk_clenv_from_n : evar_info sigma -> int option -> constr * types -> clausenv val mk_clenv_rename_from : evar_info sigma -> constr * types -> clausenv val mk_clenv_rename_from_n : evar_info sigma -> int option -> constr * types -> clausenv val mk_clenv_type_of : evar_info sigma -> constr -> clausenv (***************************************************************) (* linking of clenvs *) val connect_clenv : evar_info sigma -> clausenv -> clausenv val clenv_fchain : ?allow_K:bool -> metavariable -> clausenv -> clausenv -> clausenv (***************************************************************) (* Unification with clenvs *) (* Unifies two terms in a clenv. The boolean is [allow_K] (see [Unification]) *) val clenv_unify : bool -> conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> clausenv -> clausenv (* unifies the concl of the goal with the type of the clenv *) val clenv_unique_resolver : bool -> clausenv -> evar_info sigma -> clausenv (* same as above ([allow_K=false]) but replaces remaining metas with fresh evars if [evars_flag] is [true] *) val evar_clenv_unique_resolver : bool -> clausenv -> evar_info sigma -> clausenv val clenv_pose_dependent_evars : clausenv -> clausenv (***************************************************************) (* Bindings *) type arg_bindings = open_constr explicit_bindings (* bindings where the key is the position in the template of the clenv (dependent or not). Positions can be negative meaning to start from the rightmost argument of the template. *) val clenv_independent : clausenv -> metavariable list val clenv_missing : clausenv -> metavariable list val clenv_constrain_last_binding : constr -> clausenv -> clausenv (* defines metas corresponding to the name of the bindings *) val clenv_match_args : arg_bindings -> clausenv -> clausenv val clenv_unify_meta_types : clausenv -> clausenv (* start with a clenv to refine with a given term with bindings *) (* the arity of the lemma is fixed *) (* the optional int tells how many prods of the lemma have to be used *) (* use all of them if None *) val make_clenv_binding_apply : evar_info sigma -> int option -> constr * constr -> open_constr bindings -> clausenv val make_clenv_binding : evar_info sigma -> constr * constr -> open_constr bindings -> clausenv (* [clenv_environments sigma n t] returns [sigma',lmeta,ccl] where [lmetas] is a list of metas to be applied to a proof of [t] so that it produces the unification pattern [ccl]; [sigma'] is [sigma] extended with [lmetas]; if [n] is defined, it limits the size of the list even if [ccl] is still a product; otherwise, it stops when [ccl] is not a product; example: if [t] is [forall x y, x=y -> y=x] and [n] is [None], then [lmetas] is [Meta n1;Meta n2;Meta n3] and [ccl] is [Meta n1=Meta n2]; if [n] is [Some 1], [lmetas] is [Meta n1] and [ccl] is [forall y, Meta n1=y -> y=Meta n1] *) val clenv_environments : evar_defs -> int option -> types -> evar_defs * constr list * types (* [clenv_environments_evars env sigma n t] does the same but returns a list of Evar's defined in [env] and extends [sigma] accordingly *) val clenv_environments_evars : env -> evar_defs -> int option -> types -> evar_defs * constr list * types (* [clenv_conv_leq env sigma t c n] looks for c1...cn s.t. [t <= c c1...cn] *) val clenv_conv_leq : env -> evar_map -> types -> constr -> int -> constr list (* if the clause is a product, add an extra meta for this product *) exception NotExtensibleClause val clenv_push_prod : clausenv -> clausenv (***************************************************************) (* Pretty-print *) val pr_clenv : clausenv -> Pp.std_ppcmds