(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* coe_typ (*s [declare_class] adds a class to the set of declared classes *) val declare_class : cl_typ * strength * int -> unit (*s Access to classes infos *) val class_info : cl_typ -> (cl_index * cl_info_typ) val class_exists : cl_typ -> bool val class_info_from_index : cl_index -> cl_typ * cl_info_typ (* [find_class_type c] returns the head reference of c and its arguments *) val find_class_type : constr -> cl_typ * constr list (* raises [Not_found] if not convertible to a class *) val class_of : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr * cl_index (* raises [Not_found] if not mapped to a class *) val inductive_class_of : inductive -> cl_index val class_args_of : constr -> constr list val strength_of_cl : cl_typ -> strength (*s [declare_coercion] adds a coercion in the graph of coercion paths *) val declare_coercion : coe_typ -> unsafe_judgment -> strength -> isid:bool -> src:cl_typ -> target:cl_typ -> params:int -> unit (*s Access to coercions infos *) val coercion_exists : coe_typ -> bool val coercion_info_from_index : coe_index -> coe_typ * coe_info_typ val coercion_value : coe_index -> (unsafe_judgment * bool) (*s Lookup functions for coercion paths *) val lookup_path_between : cl_index * cl_index -> inheritance_path val lookup_path_to_fun_from : cl_index -> inheritance_path val lookup_path_to_sort_from : cl_index -> inheritance_path val lookup_pattern_path_between : cl_index * cl_index -> (constructor * int) list (*i Pour le discharge *) type coercion = (coe_typ * coe_info_typ) * cl_typ * cl_typ open Libobject val inClass : (cl_typ * cl_info_typ) -> Libobject.obj val outClass : Libobject.obj -> (cl_typ * cl_info_typ) val inCoercion : coercion -> Libobject.obj val outCoercion : Libobject.obj -> coercion val coercion_strength : coe_info_typ -> strength val coercion_identity : coe_info_typ -> bool val coercion_params : coe_info_typ -> int (*i*) (*i Crade *) open Pp val install_path_printer : ((cl_index * cl_index) * inheritance_path -> std_ppcmds) -> unit (*i*) (*s This is for printing purpose *) val string_of_class : cl_typ -> string val get_coercion_value : coe_info_typ -> constr val inheritance_graph : unit -> ((cl_index * cl_index) * inheritance_path) list val classes : unit -> (int * (cl_typ * cl_info_typ)) list val coercions : unit -> (int * (coe_typ * coe_info_typ)) list (* [hide_coercion] returns the number of params to skip if the coercion must be hidden, [None] otherwise; it raises [Not_found] if not a coercion *) val hide_coercion : coe_typ -> int option