(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* int * cl_info_typ *) let class_info cl = Bijint.revmap cl !class_tab let class_exists cl = Bijint.mem cl !class_tab (* class_info_from_index : int -> cl_typ * cl_info_typ *) let class_info_from_index i = Bijint.map i !class_tab let cl_fun_index = fst(class_info CL_FUN) let cl_sort_index = fst(class_info CL_SORT) (* coercion_info : coe_typ -> coe_info_typ *) let coercion_info coe = Gmap.find coe !coercion_tab let coercion_exists coe = Gmap.mem coe !coercion_tab (* find_class_type : evar_map -> constr -> cl_typ * constr list *) let find_class_type sigma t = let t', args = Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta_stack sigma t in match kind_of_term t' with | Var id -> CL_SECVAR id, args | Const sp -> CL_CONST sp, args | Ind ind_sp -> CL_IND ind_sp, args | Prod (_,_,_) -> CL_FUN, [] | Sort _ -> CL_SORT, [] | _ -> raise Not_found let subst_cl_typ subst ct = match ct with CL_SORT | CL_FUN | CL_SECVAR _ -> ct | CL_CONST kn -> let kn',t = subst_con subst kn in if kn' == kn then ct else fst (find_class_type Evd.empty t) | CL_IND (kn,i) -> let kn' = subst_ind subst kn in if kn' == kn then ct else CL_IND (kn',i) (*CSC: here we should change the datatype for coercions: it should be possible to declare any term as a coercion *) let subst_coe_typ subst t = fst (subst_global subst t) (* class_of : Term.constr -> int *) let class_of env sigma t = let (t, n1, i, args) = try let (cl,args) = find_class_type sigma t in let (i, { cl_param = n1 } ) = class_info cl in (t, n1, i, args) with Not_found -> let t = Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma t in let (cl, args) = find_class_type sigma t in let (i, { cl_param = n1 } ) = class_info cl in (t, n1, i, args) in if List.length args = n1 then t, i else raise Not_found let inductive_class_of ind = fst (class_info (CL_IND ind)) let class_args_of env sigma c = snd (find_class_type sigma c) let string_of_class = function | CL_FUN -> "Funclass" | CL_SORT -> "Sortclass" | CL_CONST sp -> string_of_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global Idset.empty (ConstRef sp)) | CL_IND sp -> string_of_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global Idset.empty (IndRef sp)) | CL_SECVAR sp -> string_of_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global Idset.empty (VarRef sp)) let pr_class x = str (string_of_class x) (* lookup paths *) let lookup_path_between_class (s,t) = Gmap.find (s,t) !inheritance_graph let lookup_path_to_fun_from_class s = lookup_path_between_class (s,cl_fun_index) let lookup_path_to_sort_from_class s = lookup_path_between_class (s,cl_sort_index) (* advanced path lookup *) let apply_on_class_of env sigma t cont = try let (cl,args) = find_class_type sigma t in let (i, { cl_param = n1 } ) = class_info cl in if List.length args <> n1 then raise Not_found; t, cont i with Not_found -> (* Is it worth to be more incremental on the delta steps? *) let t = Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma t in let (cl, args) = find_class_type sigma t in let (i, { cl_param = n1 } ) = class_info cl in if List.length args <> n1 then raise Not_found; t, cont i let lookup_path_between env sigma (s,t) = let (s,(t,p)) = apply_on_class_of env sigma s (fun i -> apply_on_class_of env sigma t (fun j -> lookup_path_between_class (i,j))) in (s,t,p) let lookup_path_to_fun_from env sigma s = apply_on_class_of env sigma s lookup_path_to_fun_from_class let lookup_path_to_sort_from env sigma s = apply_on_class_of env sigma s lookup_path_to_sort_from_class let get_coercion_constructor coe = let c, _ = Reductionops.whd_betadeltaiota_stack (Global.env()) Evd.empty coe.coe_value in match kind_of_term c with | Construct cstr -> (cstr, Inductiveops.constructor_nrealargs (Global.env()) cstr -1) | _ -> raise Not_found let lookup_pattern_path_between (s,t) = let i = inductive_class_of s in let j = inductive_class_of t in List.map get_coercion_constructor (Gmap.find (i,j) !inheritance_graph) (* coercion_value : coe_index -> unsafe_judgment * bool *) let coercion_value { coe_value = c; coe_type = t; coe_is_identity = b } = (make_judge c t, b) (* pretty-print functions are now in Pretty *) (* rajouter une coercion dans le graphe *) let path_printer = ref (fun _ -> str "" : (int * int) * inheritance_path -> std_ppcmds) let install_path_printer f = path_printer := f let print_path x = !path_printer x let message_ambig l = (str"Ambiguous paths:" ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (fun ijp -> print_path ijp) l) (* add_coercion_in_graph : coe_index * cl_index * cl_index -> unit coercion,source,target *) let different_class_params i j = (snd (class_info_from_index i)).cl_param > 0 let add_coercion_in_graph (ic,source,target) = let old_inheritance_graph = !inheritance_graph in let ambig_paths = (ref [] : ((cl_index * cl_index) * inheritance_path) list ref) in let try_add_new_path (i,j as ij) p = try if i=j then begin if different_class_params i j then begin let _ = lookup_path_between_class ij in ambig_paths := (ij,p)::!ambig_paths end end else begin let _ = lookup_path_between_class (i,j) in ambig_paths := (ij,p)::!ambig_paths end; false with Not_found -> begin add_new_path ij p; true end in let try_add_new_path1 ij p = let _ = try_add_new_path ij p in () in if try_add_new_path (source,target) [ic] then begin Gmap.iter (fun (s,t) p -> if s<>t then begin if t = source then begin try_add_new_path1 (s,target) (p@[ic]); Gmap.iter (fun (u,v) q -> if u<>v & u = target && not (list_equal coe_info_typ_equal p q) then try_add_new_path1 (s,v) (p@[ic]@q)) old_inheritance_graph end; if s = target then try_add_new_path1 (source,t) (ic::p) end) old_inheritance_graph end; if (!ambig_paths <> []) && is_verbose () then ppnl (message_ambig !ambig_paths) type coercion = coe_typ * locality * bool * cl_typ * cl_typ * int (* Calcul de l'arit้ d'une classe *) let reference_arity_length ref = let t = Global.type_of_global ref in List.length (fst (Reductionops.splay_arity (Global.env()) Evd.empty t)) let class_params = function | CL_FUN | CL_SORT -> 0 | CL_CONST sp -> reference_arity_length (ConstRef sp) | CL_SECVAR sp -> reference_arity_length (VarRef sp) | CL_IND sp -> reference_arity_length (IndRef sp) (* add_class : cl_typ -> locality_flag option -> bool -> unit *) let add_class cl = add_new_class cl { cl_param = class_params cl } let automatically_import_coercions = ref false open Goptions let _ = declare_bool_option { optsync = true; optname = "automatic import of coercions"; optkey = ["Automatic";"Coercions";"Import"]; optread = (fun () -> !automatically_import_coercions); optwrite = (:=) automatically_import_coercions } let cache_coercion (_,(coe,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps)) = add_class cls; add_class clt; let is,_ = class_info cls in let it,_ = class_info clt in let xf = { coe_value = constr_of_global coe; coe_type = Global.type_of_global coe; coe_strength = stre; coe_is_identity = isid; coe_param = ps } in add_new_coercion coe xf; add_coercion_in_graph (xf,is,it) let load_coercion _ o = if !automatically_import_coercions || Flags.version_less_or_equal Flags.V8_2 then cache_coercion o let open_coercion _ o = if not (!automatically_import_coercions || Flags.version_less_or_equal Flags.V8_2) then cache_coercion o let subst_coercion (subst,(coe,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps as obj)) = let coe' = subst_coe_typ subst coe in let cls' = subst_cl_typ subst cls in let clt' = subst_cl_typ subst clt in if coe' == coe && cls' == cls & clt' == clt then obj else (coe',stre,isid,cls',clt',ps) let discharge_cl = function | CL_CONST kn -> CL_CONST (Lib.discharge_con kn) | CL_IND ind -> CL_IND (Lib.discharge_inductive ind) | cl -> cl let discharge_coercion (_,(coe,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps)) = if stre = Local then None else let n = try Array.length (Lib.section_instance coe) with Not_found -> 0 in Some (Lib.discharge_global coe, stre, isid, discharge_cl cls, discharge_cl clt, n + ps) let classify_coercion (coe,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps as obj) = if stre = Local then Dispose else Substitute obj type coercion_obj = coe_typ * Decl_kinds.locality * bool * cl_typ * cl_typ * int let inCoercion : coercion_obj -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "COERCION") with open_function = open_coercion; load_function = load_coercion; cache_function = cache_coercion; subst_function = subst_coercion; classify_function = classify_coercion; discharge_function = discharge_coercion } let declare_coercion coef stre ~isid ~src:cls ~target:clt ~params:ps = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inCoercion (coef,stre,isid,cls,clt,ps)) (* For printing purpose *) let get_coercion_value v = v.coe_value let pr_cl_index n = int n let classes () = Bijint.dom !class_tab let coercions () = Gmap.rng !coercion_tab let inheritance_graph () = Gmap.to_list !inheritance_graph let coercion_of_reference r = let ref = Nametab.global r in if not (coercion_exists ref) then errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" (Nametab.pr_global_env Idset.empty ref ++ str" is not a coercion."); ref module CoercionPrinting = struct type t = coe_typ let encode = coercion_of_reference let subst = subst_coe_typ let printer x = pr_global_env Idset.empty x let key = ["Printing";"Coercion"] let title = "Explicitly printed coercions: " let member_message x b = str "Explicit printing of coercion " ++ printer x ++ str (if b then " is set" else " is unset") let synchronous = true end module PrintingCoercion = Goptions.MakeRefTable(CoercionPrinting) let hide_coercion coe = if not (PrintingCoercion.active coe) then let coe_info = coercion_info coe in Some coe_info.coe_param else None