(* $Id$ *) open Util open Pp open Options open Names open Environ open Libobject open Declare open Term open Rawterm (* usage qque peu general: utilise aussi dans record *) type cte_typ = | NAM_Var of identifier | NAM_Constant of section_path | NAM_Inductive of inductive_path | NAM_Constructor of constructor_path let cte_of_constr c = match kind_of_term c with | IsConst (sp,_) -> NAM_Constant sp | IsMutInd (ind_sp,_) -> NAM_Inductive ind_sp | IsMutConstruct (cstr_cp,_) -> NAM_Constructor cstr_cp | IsVar id -> NAM_Var id | _ -> raise Not_found type cl_typ = | CL_SORT | CL_FUN | CL_Var of identifier | CL_SP of section_path | CL_IND of inductive_path type cl_info_typ = { cL_STR : string; cL_STRE : strength; cL_PARAM : int } type coe_typ = cte_typ type coe_info_typ = { cOE_VALUE : unsafe_judgment; cOE_STRE : strength; cOE_ISID : bool; cOE_PARAM : int } type inheritance_path = int list (* table des classes, des coercions et graphe d'heritage *) let cLASSES = (ref [] : (int * (cl_typ * cl_info_typ)) list ref) let classes () = !cLASSES let cOERCIONS = (ref [] : (int * (coe_typ * coe_info_typ)) list ref) let coercions () = !cOERCIONS let iNHERITANCE_GRAPH = (ref [] : ((int * int) * inheritance_path) list ref) let inheritance_graph () = !iNHERITANCE_GRAPH let freeze () = (!cLASSES,!cOERCIONS, !iNHERITANCE_GRAPH) let unfreeze (fcl,fco,fig) = cLASSES:=fcl; cOERCIONS:=fco; iNHERITANCE_GRAPH:=fig (* ajout de nouveaux "objets" *) let newNum_class = let num = ref 0 in function () -> (num:=!num+1;!num) let newNum_coercion = let num = ref 0 in function () -> (num:=!num+1;!num) let add_new_class_num (n,(cl,s)) = cLASSES := (n,(cl,s))::(!cLASSES) let add_new_class1 (cl,s) = add_new_class_num (newNum_class(),(cl,s)) let add_new_coercion_num (n,(coe,s)) = cOERCIONS := (n,(coe,s))::(!cOERCIONS) let add_new_coercion (coe,s) = let n = newNum_coercion() in add_new_coercion_num (n,(coe,s));n let add_new_path x = iNHERITANCE_GRAPH := x::(!iNHERITANCE_GRAPH) let init () = cLASSES:= []; add_new_class1 (CL_FUN,{cL_STR="FUNCLASS"; cL_PARAM=0;cL_STRE=NeverDischarge}); add_new_class1 (CL_SORT,{cL_STR="SORTCLASS"; cL_PARAM=0;cL_STRE=NeverDischarge}); cOERCIONS:= []; iNHERITANCE_GRAPH:= [] let _ = init() (* fonction de recherche *) let search_info x l = let rec aux = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (n,(x1,r))::l -> if x=x1 then (n,r) else aux l in aux l (* class_info : cl_typ -> int * cl_info_typ *) let class_info cl = search_info cl (!cLASSES) let class_exists cl = try let _ = class_info cl in true with Not_found -> false (* class_info_from_index : int -> cl_typ * cl_info_typ *) let class_info_from_index i = List.assoc i (!cLASSES) (* coercion_info : coe_typ -> int * coe_info_typ *) let coercion_info coe = search_info coe (!cOERCIONS) let coercion_exists coe = try let _ = coercion_info coe in true with Not_found -> false let coe_of_reference = function | ConstRef sp -> NAM_Constant sp | IndRef sp -> NAM_Inductive sp | ConstructRef sp -> NAM_Constructor sp | VarRef sp -> NAM_Var (basename sp) | EvarRef _ -> raise Not_found let coercion_params r = let _,coe_info = coercion_info (coe_of_reference r) in coe_info.cOE_PARAM (* coercion_info_from_index : int -> coe_typ * coe_info_typ *) let coercion_info_from_index i = List.assoc i (!cOERCIONS) let lookup_path_between (s,t) = List.assoc (s,t) (!iNHERITANCE_GRAPH) let lookup_path_to_fun_from s = lookup_path_between (s,fst(class_info CL_FUN)) let lookup_path_to_sort_from s = lookup_path_between (s,fst(class_info CL_SORT)) (* library, summary *) (*val inClass : (cl_typ * cl_info_typ) -> Libobject.object = val outClass : Libobject.object -> (cl_typ * cl_info_typ) = *) let cache_class (_,x) = add_new_class1 x let (inClass,outClass) = declare_object ("CLASS", { load_function = (fun _ -> ()); open_function = cache_class; cache_function = cache_class; export_function = (function x -> Some x) }) let add_new_class (cl,s,stre,p) = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inClass ((cl,{cL_STR=s;cL_STRE=stre;cL_PARAM=p}))) let _ = Summary.declare_summary "inh_graph" { Summary.freeze_function = freeze; Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze; Summary.init_function = init; Summary.survive_section = true } (* classe d'un terme *) (* constructor_at_head : constr -> cl_typ * int *) let constructor_at_head t = let rec aux t' = match kind_of_term t' with | IsVar id -> CL_Var id,0 | IsConst (sp,_) -> CL_SP sp,0 | IsMutInd (ind_sp,_) -> CL_IND ind_sp,0 | IsProd (_,_,c) -> CL_FUN,0 | IsLetIn (_,_,_,c) -> aux c | IsSort _ -> CL_SORT,0 | IsCast (c,_) -> aux (collapse_appl c) | IsApp (f,args) -> let c,_ = aux f in c, Array.length args | _ -> raise Not_found in aux (collapse_appl t) (* class_of : Term.constr -> int *) let class_of env sigma t = let t,n,n1,i = (try let (cl,n) = constructor_at_head t in let (i,{cL_PARAM=n1}) = class_info cl in t,n,n1,i with _ -> let t = Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma t in let (cl,n) = constructor_at_head t in let (i,{cL_PARAM=n1}) = class_info cl in t,n,n1,i) in if n = n1 then t,i else raise Not_found let class_args_of c = snd (decomp_app c) (* verfications pour l'ajout d'une classe *) let fully_applied id p p1 = if p <> p1 then errorlabstrm "fully_applied" [< 'sTR"Wrong number of parameters for ";'sTR(string_of_id id) >] let rec arity_sort a = match kind_of_term a with | IsSort (Prop _ | Type _) -> 0 | IsProd (_,_,c) -> (arity_sort c) +1 | IsLetIn (_,_,_,c) -> arity_sort c (* Utile ?? *) | IsCast (c,_) -> arity_sort c | _ -> raise Not_found let stre_of_cl = function | CL_SP sp -> if is_constant sp then constant_or_parameter_strength sp else NeverDischarge | CL_Var id -> variable_strength (make_qualid [] (string_of_id id)) | _ -> NeverDischarge (* coe_value : int -> Term.constr * bool *) let coe_value i = let (_,{cOE_VALUE=v;cOE_ISID=b}) = coercion_info_from_index i in v,b (* pretty-print functions are now in Pretty *) (* rajouter une coercion dans le graphe *) let path_printer = ref (fun _ -> [< 'sTR "" >] : (int * int) * inheritance_path -> std_ppcmds) let install_path_printer f = path_printer := f let print_path x = !path_printer x let message_ambig l = [< 'sTR"Ambiguous paths:"; 'sPC; prlist_with_sep pr_fnl (fun ijp -> print_path ijp) l >] (* add_coercion_in_graph : int * int * int -> unit coercion,source,target *) let add_coercion_in_graph (ic,source,target) = let old_iNHERITANCE_GRAPH = !iNHERITANCE_GRAPH in let ambig_paths = (ref []:((int * int) * inheritance_path) list ref) in let try_add_new_path (p,i,j) = try if i=j then begin if (snd (class_info_from_index i)).cL_PARAM > 0 then begin let _ = lookup_path_between (i,j) in ambig_paths := ((i,j),p)::!ambig_paths end end else begin let _ = lookup_path_between (i,j) in ambig_paths := ((i,j),p)::!ambig_paths end; false with Not_found -> begin add_new_path ((i,j),p); true end in let try_add_new_path1 (p,i,j) = let _ = try_add_new_path (p,i,j) in () in if try_add_new_path ([ic],source,target) then begin List.iter (fun ((s,t),p) -> if s<>t then begin if t = source then begin try_add_new_path1 (p @ [ ic ],s,target); List.iter (fun ((u,v),q) -> if u<>v & (u = target) & (p <> q) then try_add_new_path1 (p @ [ ic ] @ q,s,v)) old_iNHERITANCE_GRAPH end; if s = target then try_add_new_path1 (ic::p,source,t) end) old_iNHERITANCE_GRAPH end; if (!ambig_paths <> []) & is_mes_ambig() then pPNL (message_ambig !ambig_paths) let add_new_coercion_in_graph ((coef,xf),cls,clt) = let is,_ = class_info cls in let it,_ = class_info clt in let jf = add_new_coercion (coef,xf) in add_coercion_in_graph (jf,is,it) (* val inCoercion : (coe_typ * coe_info_typ) * cl_typ * cl_typ -> -> Libobject.object val outCoercion : Libobject.object -> (coe_typ * coe_info_typ) * cl_typ * cl_typ *) let cache_coercion (_,x) = add_new_coercion_in_graph x let (inCoercion,outCoercion) = declare_object ("COERCION", { load_function = (fun _ -> ()); open_function = cache_coercion; cache_function = cache_coercion; export_function = (function x -> Some x) })