(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* mkProd_or_LetIn d (crec (push_rel d env) rea) | [] -> mkExistential isevars env in crec env (List.rev cstr.cs_args) let rec_branch_scheme env isevars (sp,j) recargs cstr = let rec crec env (args,recargs) = match args, recargs with | (name,None,c as d)::rea,(ra::reca) -> let d = match ra with | Mrec k when k=j -> let t = mkExistential isevars env in mkArrow t (crec (push_rel (Anonymous,None,t) env) (List.rev (lift_rel_context 1 (List.rev rea)),reca)) | _ -> crec (push_rel d env) (rea,reca) in mkProd (name, body_of_type c, d) | (name,Some b,c as d)::rea, reca -> mkLetIn (name,b,body_of_type c,crec (push_rel d env) (rea,reca)) | [],[] -> mkExistential isevars env | _ -> anomaly "rec_branch_scheme" in crec env (List.rev cstr.cs_args,recargs) let branch_scheme env isevars isrec ((ind,params) as indf) = let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in let cstrs = get_constructors env indf in if isrec then array_map2 (rec_branch_scheme env isevars ind) mip.mind_listrec cstrs else Array.map (norec_branch_scheme env isevars) cstrs (******************************************************) (* B) Building ML like case expressions without types *) let concl_n env sigma = let rec decrec m c = if m = 0 then (nf_evar sigma c) else match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma c) with | Prod (n,_,c_0) -> decrec (m-1) c_0 | _ -> failwith "Typing.concl_n" in decrec let count_rec_arg j = let rec crec i = function | [] -> i | (Mrec k::l) -> crec (if k=j then (i+1) else i) l | (_::l) -> crec i l in crec 0 (* if arity of mispec is (p_bar:P_bar)(a_bar:A_bar)s where p_bar are the * K parameters. Then then build_notdep builds the predicate * [a_bar:A'_bar](lift k pred) * where A'_bar = A_bar[p_bar <- globargs] *) let build_notdep_pred env sigma indf pred = let arsign,_ = get_arity env indf in let nar = List.length arsign in it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env (lift nar pred) arsign exception NotInferable of ml_case_error let rec refresh_types t = match kind_of_term t with | Sort (Type _) -> new_Type () | Prod (na,u,v) -> mkProd (na,u,refresh_types v) | _ -> t let pred_case_ml_fail env sigma isrec (IndType (indf,realargs)) (i,ft) = let pred = let (ind,params) = indf in let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in let recargs = mip.mind_listrec in if Array.length recargs = 0 then raise (NotInferable MlCaseAbsurd); let recargi = recargs.(i) in let j = snd ind in (* index of inductive *) let nbrec = if isrec then count_rec_arg j recargi else 0 in let nb_arg = List.length (recargs.(i)) + nbrec in let pred = refresh_types (concl_n env sigma nb_arg ft) in if noccur_between 1 nb_arg pred then lift (-nb_arg) pred else raise (NotInferable MlCaseDependent) in if realargs = [] then pred else (* we try with [_:T1]..[_:Tn](lift n pred) *) build_notdep_pred env sigma indf pred let pred_case_ml loc env sigma isrec indt lf (i,ft) = try pred_case_ml_fail env sigma isrec indt (i,ft) with NotInferable e -> let j = {uj_val=lf.(i-1); uj_type=ft} in error_ml_case_loc loc env sigma e indt j (* similar to pred_case_ml but does not expect the list lf of braches *) let pred_case_ml_onebranch loc env sigma isrec indt (i,fj) = try pred_case_ml_fail env sigma isrec indt (i,fj.uj_type) with NotInferable e -> error_ml_case_loc loc env sigma e indt fj (************************************************************************) (* Pattern-matching compilation (Cases) *) (************************************************************************) (************************************************************************) (* Configuration, errors and warnings *) open Pp let mssg_may_need_inversion () = [< 'sTR "This pattern-matching is not exhaustive.">] let mssg_this_case_cannot_occur () = "This pattern-matching is not exhaustive." (* Utils *) let make_anonymous_patvars = list_tabulate (fun _ -> PatVar (dummy_loc,Anonymous)) (* Environment management *) let push_rels vars env = List.fold_right push_rel vars env let push_rel_defs = List.fold_right (fun (x,d,t) e -> push_rel (x,Some d,t) e) let it_mkSpecialLetIn = List.fold_left (fun c (na,b,t) -> if isRel b then subst1 b c else mkLetIn (na,b,t,c)) (**********************************************************************) (* Structures used in compiling pattern-matching *) type 'a lifted = int * 'a let insert_lifted a = (0,a);; (* The pattern variables for [it] are in [user_ids] and the variables to avoid are in [other_ids]. *) type rhs = { rhs_env : env; other_ids : identifier list; user_ids : identifier list; rhs_lift : int; it : rawconstr } type equation = { dependencies : constr lifted list; patterns : cases_pattern list; rhs : rhs; alias_stack : name list; eqn_loc : loc; used : bool ref; tag : pattern_source } type matrix = equation list (* 1st argument of IsInd is the original ind before extracting the summary *) type tomatch_type = | IsInd of types * inductive_type | NotInd of constr option * types type dependency_in_rhs = DepInRhs | NotDepInRhs type dependency_on_previous = DepOnPrevious | NotDepOnPrevious type dependency_status = dependency_on_previous * dependency_in_rhs type pushed_attributes = (constr * tomatch_type) * dependency_in_rhs type topush_attributes = (name * tomatch_type) * dependency_status type tomatch_status = | Pushed of pushed_attributes lifted | ToPush of topush_attributes type tomatch_stack = tomatch_status list (* Warning: PrLetIn takes a parallel substitution as argument *) type predicate_signature = | PrLetIn of (constr list * constr option) * predicate_signature | PrProd of (bool * name * tomatch_type) * predicate_signature | PrNotInd of constr option * predicate_signature | PrCcl of constr (* We keep a constr for aliases and a cases_pattern for error message *) type alias_constr = | DepAlias of constr | NonDepAlias of constr type alias_builder = | AliasLeaf of constr | AliasConstructor of alias_constr * constructor type history_partial_result = | HistoryArg of (constr * cases_pattern) | HistoryLift of int type pattern_history = | Top | MakeAlias of alias_builder * pattern_continuation and pattern_continuation = | Continuation of int * history_partial_result list * pattern_history | Result of cases_pattern list let lift_history k h = if k = 0 then h else match h with | Continuation (n, HistoryLift p :: l, h) -> Continuation (n, (HistoryLift (k+p) :: l), h) | Continuation (n, l, h) -> Continuation (n, (HistoryLift k :: l), h) | Result _ -> h let start_history n = Continuation (n, [], Top) let initial_history = function Continuation (_,[],Top) -> true | _ -> false let feed_history arg = function | Continuation (n, l, h) when n>=1 -> Continuation (n-1, HistoryArg arg :: l, h) | Continuation (n, _, _) -> anomaly ("Bad number of expected remaining patterns: "^(string_of_int n)) | Result _ -> anomaly "Exhausted pattern history" (* This is for non exhaustive error message *) let rec eval_partial_pattern_args pargs = function | HistoryArg (_,p):: h -> eval_partial_pattern_args (p::pargs) h | HistoryLift _ :: h -> eval_partial_pattern_args pargs h | [] -> pargs let rec rawpattern_of_partial_history args2 = function | Continuation (n, args1, h) -> let args3 = make_anonymous_patvars (n - (List.length args2)) in build_rawpattern ((eval_partial_pattern_args [] args1)@args2@args3) h | Result pl -> pl and build_rawpattern args = function | Top -> args | MakeAlias (AliasLeaf _, rh) -> assert (args = []); rawpattern_of_partial_history [PatVar (dummy_loc, Anonymous)] rh | MakeAlias (AliasConstructor (_, pci), rh) -> rawpattern_of_partial_history [PatCstr (dummy_loc, pci, args, Anonymous)] rh let complete_history = rawpattern_of_partial_history [] (* This is to build glued pattern-matching history and alias bodies *) let rec eval_partial_args k (cargs,pargs as args) = function | HistoryArg (u,p):: h -> eval_partial_args k ((lift k u)::cargs,p::pargs) h | HistoryLift n :: h -> eval_partial_args (k+n) args h | [] -> k, args let rec simplify_lifted_history k = function | Continuation (0, l, Top) -> [], Result (eval_partial_pattern_args [] l) | Continuation (0, l, MakeAlias (f, rh)) -> let (k,(cargs,pargs)) = eval_partial_args 0 ([],[]) l in let c, pat = match f with | AliasConstructor (c,pci) -> let c = match c with | DepAlias ci -> applist(lift k ci,cargs) | NonDepAlias x -> lift k x in c, PatCstr (dummy_loc,pci,pargs,Anonymous) | AliasLeaf x -> assert (l = []); lift k x, PatVar (dummy_loc, Anonymous) in let l, h = simplify_lifted_history k (feed_history (c,pat) rh) in (c::l, h) | h -> [], lift_history k h let simplify_history = simplify_lifted_history 0 (* Builds a continuation expecting [n] arguments and building [ci] applied to this [n] arguments *) let push_history_pattern n current cont = Continuation (n, [], MakeAlias (current, cont)) (* A pattern-matching problem has the following form: env, isevars |- Cases tomatch of mat end where tomatch is some sequence (t1 ... tn) and mat is some matrix (p11 ... p1n -> rhs1) ( ... ) (pm1 ... pmn -> rhsm) Terms to match: there are 3 kinds of terms to match - initials terms are arbitrary terms given by user and typed in [env] - to-push inherited terms are subterms, actually variables, obtained from the top-down analysis of pattern, they are typed in [env] enriched by the previous inherited terms to match and are still to be pushed in env - pushed inherited terms are variables refering to a variable in [env] A variable inherited from a subpattern is not immediately pushed in [env] because of possible dependencies from previous variables to match Right-hand-sides: They consist of a raw term to type in an environment specific to the clause they belong to: the names of declarations are those of the variables present in the patterns. Therefore, they come with their own [rhs_env] (actually it is the same as [env] except for the names of variables). *) type pattern_matching_problem = { env : env; isevars : evar_defs; pred : predicate_signature option; tomatch : tomatch_stack; history : pattern_continuation; mat : matrix; typing_function: type_constraint -> env -> rawconstr -> unsafe_judgment } (************************************************************************) (* Utils *) let to_mutind env sigma c t = match c with | Some body -> NotInd (c,t) | None -> try IsInd (t,find_rectype env sigma t) with Induc -> NotInd (c,t) let mkDeclTomatch na = function | IsInd (t,_) -> (na,None,t) | NotInd (c,t) -> (na,c,t) let mkProdTomatch na t c = mkProd_or_LetIn (mkDeclTomatch na t) c let liftn_tomatch_type n depth = function | IsInd (t,ind) -> IsInd (liftn n depth t,liftn_inductive_type n depth ind) | NotInd (c,t) -> NotInd (option_app (liftn n depth) c, liftn n depth t) let lift_tomatch_type n = liftn_tomatch_type n 1 let lift_tomatch n ((current,typ),info) = ((lift n current,lift_tomatch_type n typ),info) let substnl_tomatch v depth = function | IsInd (t,indt) -> IsInd (substnl v depth t,substnl_ind_type v depth indt) | NotInd (c,t) -> NotInd (option_app (substnl v depth) c, substnl v depth t) let subst_tomatch (depth,c) = substnl_tomatch [c] depth (**********************************************************************) (* Utilities on patterns *) let current_pattern eqn = match eqn.patterns with | pat::_ -> pat | [] -> anomaly "Empty list of patterns" let alias_of_pat = function | PatVar (_,name) -> name | PatCstr(_,_,_,name) -> name let unalias_pat = function | PatVar (c,name) as p -> if name = Anonymous then p else PatVar (c,Anonymous) | PatCstr(a,b,c,name) as p -> if name = Anonymous then p else PatCstr (a,b,c,Anonymous) let remove_current_pattern eqn = match eqn.patterns with | pat::pats -> { eqn with patterns = pats; alias_stack = alias_of_pat pat :: eqn.alias_stack } | [] -> anomaly "Empty list of patterns" let prepend_pattern tms eqn = {eqn with patterns = tms@eqn.patterns } (**********************************************************************) (* Dealing with regular and default patterns *) let is_regular eqn = eqn.tag = RegularPat let lower_pattern_status = function | RegularPat -> DefaultPat 0 | DefaultPat n -> DefaultPat (n+1) (* let pattern_status defaults eqns = if eqns <> [] then RegularPat else let min = List.fold_right (fun (_,eqn) n -> match eqn with | {tag = DefaultPat i} when i i | _ -> n) defaults 0 in DefaultPat min *) let pattern_status pats = if array_exists ((=) RegularPat) pats then RegularPat else let min = Array.fold_right (fun pat n -> match pat with | DefaultPat i when i i | _ -> n) pats 0 in DefaultPat min (**********************************************************************) (* Well-formedness tests *) (* Partial check on patterns *) exception NotAdjustable let rec adjust_local_defs = function | (pat :: pats, (_,None,_) :: decls) -> pat :: adjust_local_defs (pats,decls) | (pats, (_,Some _,_) :: decls) -> PatVar (dummy_loc, Anonymous) :: adjust_local_defs (pats,decls) | [], [] -> [] | _ -> raise NotAdjustable let check_and_adjust_constructor loc (_,j as cstr_sp) mind cstrs pats = (* Check it is constructor of the right type *) if inductive_of_constructor cstr_sp <> mind then error_bad_constructor_loc loc cstr_sp mind; (* Check the constructor has the right number of args *) let nb_args_constr = cstrs.(j-1).cs_nargs in if List.length pats = nb_args_constr then pats else try adjust_local_defs (pats, List.rev cstrs.(j-1).cs_args) with NotAdjustable -> error_wrong_numarg_constructor_loc loc cstr_sp nb_args_constr let check_all_variables typ mat = List.iter (fun eqn -> match current_pattern eqn with | PatVar (_,id) -> () | PatCstr (loc,cstr_sp,_,_) -> error_bad_pattern_loc loc cstr_sp typ) mat let check_unused_pattern env eqn = if not !(eqn.used) then raise_pattern_matching_error (eqn.eqn_loc, env, UnusedClause eqn.patterns) let set_used_pattern eqn = eqn.used := true let extract_rhs pb = match pb.mat with | [] -> errorlabstrm "build_leaf" (mssg_may_need_inversion()) | eqn::_ -> set_used_pattern eqn; eqn.tag, eqn.rhs (**********************************************************************) (* Functions to deal with matrix factorization *) let occur_rawconstr id = let rec occur = function | RVar (loc,id') -> id = id' | RApp (loc,f,args) -> (occur f) or (List.exists occur args) | RLambda (loc,na,ty,c) -> (occur ty) or ((na <> Name id) & (occur c)) | RProd (loc,na,ty,c) -> (occur ty) or ((na <> Name id) & (occur c)) | RLetIn (loc,na,b,c) -> (occur b) or ((na <> Name id) & (occur c)) | RCases (loc,prinfo,tyopt,tml,pl) -> (occur_option tyopt) or (List.exists occur tml) or (List.exists occur_pattern pl) | ROldCase (loc,b,tyopt,tm,bv) -> (occur_option tyopt) or (occur tm) or (array_exists occur bv) | RRec (loc,fk,idl,tyl,bv) -> (array_exists occur tyl) or (not (array_exists (fun id2 -> id=id2) idl) & array_exists occur bv) | RCast (loc,c,t) -> (occur c) or (occur t) | (RSort _ | RHole _ | RRef _ | REvar _ | RMeta _ | RDynamic _) -> false and occur_pattern (loc,idl,p,c) = not (List.mem id idl) & (occur c) and occur_option = function None -> false | Some p -> occur p in occur let occur_in_rhs na rhs = match na with | Anonymous -> false | Name id -> occur_rawconstr id rhs.it let is_dep_patt eqn pat = occur_in_rhs (alias_of_pat pat) eqn.rhs let dependencies_in_rhs nargs eqns = if eqns = [] then list_tabulate (fun _ -> false) nargs (* Only "_" patts *) else let deps = List.map (fun (tms,eqn) -> List.map (is_dep_patt eqn) tms) eqns in let columns = matrix_transpose deps in List.map (List.for_all ((=) true)) columns (* Introduction of an argument of the current constructor must be delayed (flag DepOnPrevious) if it depends in the rhs and depends on a previous variable of inductive type, or on a previous variable already dependent *) let rec is_dep_on_previous n t = function | ((_,IsInd _),_)::_ when dependent (mkRel n) t -> DepOnPrevious | ((_,NotInd _),(DepOnPrevious,DepInRhs))::_ when dependent (mkRel n) t -> DepOnPrevious | _::rest -> is_dep_on_previous (n+1) t rest | [] -> NotDepOnPrevious let find_dependencies t prevlist is_dep_in_rhs = if is_dep_in_rhs then (is_dep_on_previous 1 t prevlist,DepInRhs) else (NotDepOnPrevious,NotDepInRhs) (******) (* A Pushed term to match has just been substituted by some constructor t = (ci x1...xn) and the terms x1 ... xn have been added to match - all terms to match and to push (dependent on t by definition) must have (Rel depth) substituted by t and Rel's>depth lifted by n - all pushed terms to match (non dependent on t by definition) must be lifted by n We start with depth=1 We delay lift for Pushed but not for ToPush (trop complexe !) *) let rec lift_subst_tomatch n (depth,ci as binder) = function | [] -> [] (* By definition ToPush terms depend on the previous substituted tm *) (* and they contribute to the environment (hence [depth+1]) *) | ToPush ((na,t),info)::rest -> let t' = liftn_tomatch_type n (depth+1) t in let t'' = subst_tomatch binder t' in ToPush ((na,t''), info)::(lift_subst_tomatch n (depth+1,ci) rest) (* By definition Pushed terms do not depend on previous terms to match *) (* and are already pushed in the environment; *) (* if all is correct, [c] has no variables < depth *) | Pushed (lift,tm)::rest -> Pushed (n+lift, tm)::(lift_subst_tomatch n binder rest) let rec liftn_tomatch_stack n depth = function | [] -> [] | ToPush ((na,t),info)::rest -> let t' = liftn_tomatch_type n (depth+1) t in ToPush ((na,t'), info)::(liftn_tomatch_stack n (depth+1) rest) | Pushed (lift,tm)::rest -> Pushed (n+lift, tm)::(liftn_tomatch_stack n depth rest) let lift_tomatch_stack n = liftn_tomatch_stack n 1 (* if [current] has type [I(p1...pn u1...um)] and we consider the case of constructor [ci] of type [I(p1...pn u'1...u'm)], then the default variable [name] is expected to have which type? Rem: [current] is [(Rel i)] except perhaps for initial terms to match *) let rec pop_next_tomatchs acc = function | ToPush((na,t),(NotDepOnPrevious,_ as deps))::l -> pop_next_tomatchs (((na,t),deps)::acc) l | ((ToPush(_,(DepOnPrevious,_)) | Pushed _)::_ | []) as l -> (acc,l) (************************************************************************) (* Some heuristics to get names for variables pushed in pb environment *) (* Typical requirement: [Cases y of (S (S x)) => x | x => x end] should be compiled into [Cases y of O => y | (S n) => Cases n of O => y | (S x) => x end end] and [Cases y of (S (S n)) => n | n => n end] into [Cases y of O => y | (S n0) => Cases n0 of O => y | (S n) => n end end] i.e. user names should be preserved and created names should not interfere with user names *) let merge_name get_name obj = function | Anonymous -> get_name obj | na -> na let merge_names get_name = List.map2 (merge_name get_name) let get_names env sign eqns = let names1 = list_tabulate (fun _ -> Anonymous) (List.length sign) in (* If any, we prefer names used in pats, from top to bottom *) let names2 = List.fold_right (fun (pats,eqn) names -> merge_names alias_of_pat pats names) eqns names1 in (* Otherwise, we take names from the parameters of the constructor but avoiding conflicts with user ids *) let allvars = List.fold_left (fun l (_,eqn) -> list_union l eqn.rhs.other_ids) [] eqns in let names4,_ = List.fold_left2 (fun (l,avoid) d na -> let na = merge_name (fun (na,_,t) -> Name (next_name_away (named_hd env t na) avoid)) d na in (na::l,(out_name na)::avoid)) ([],allvars) (List.rev sign) names2 in names4 (************************************************************************) (* Recovering names for variables pushed to the rhs' environment *) let recover_alias_names get_name = List.map2 (fun x (_,c,t) ->(get_name x,c,t)) let push_rels_eqn sign eqn = let pats = List.rev (fst (list_chop (List.length sign) eqn.patterns)) in let sign = recover_alias_names alias_of_pat pats sign in {eqn with rhs = {eqn.rhs with rhs_env = push_rels sign eqn.rhs.rhs_env} } let build_aliases_context env sigma names allpats pats = (* pats is the list of bodies to push as an alias *) (* They all are defined in env and we turn them into a sign *) (* cuts in sign need to be done in allpats *) let rec insert env sign n newallpats oldallpats = function | _::pats, Anonymous::names -> insert env sign n newallpats (List.map List.tl oldallpats) (pats,names) | pat::pats, na::names -> let pat = lift n pat in let t = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma pat in let newallpats = List.map2 (fun l1 l2 -> List.hd l2::l1) newallpats oldallpats in let oldallpats = List.map List.tl oldallpats in let d = (na,pat,t) in insert (push_rel (na,Some pat,t) env) (d::sign) (n+1) newallpats oldallpats (pats,names) | [], [] -> newallpats, sign, env | _ -> anomaly "Inconsistent alias and name lists" in insert env [] 0 (List.map (fun _ -> []) allpats) allpats (pats, names) let insert_aliases_eqn sign eqnnames alias_rest eqn = let thissign = List.map2 (fun na (_,c,t) -> (na,c,t)) eqnnames sign in { eqn with alias_stack = alias_rest; rhs = {eqn.rhs with rhs_env = push_rel_defs thissign eqn.rhs.rhs_env } } let insert_aliases env sigma aliases eqns = let n = List.length aliases in if n = 0 then (* optimisation *) [], env, eqns else (* Là, y a une faiblesse, si un alias est utilisé dans un cas par *) (* défaut présent mais inutile, ce qui est le cas général, l'alias *) (* est introduit même s'il n'est pas utilisé dans les cas réguliers *) let names1 = list_tabulate (fun _ -> Anonymous) n in let myeqnsnames = List.map (fun eqn -> list_chop n eqn.alias_stack) eqns in let eqnsnames, alias_rests = List.split myeqnsnames in (* names2 takes the meet of all needed aliases *) let names2 = List.fold_right (merge_names (fun x -> x)) eqnsnames names1 in (* Only needed aliases are kept by build_aliases_context *) let eqnsnames, sign, env = build_aliases_context env sigma names2 eqnsnames aliases in let eqns = list_map3 (insert_aliases_eqn sign) eqnsnames alias_rests eqns in sign, env, eqns (**********************************************************************) (* Functions to deal with elimination predicate *) exception Occur let noccur_between_without_evar n m term = let rec occur_rec n c = match kind_of_term c with | Rel p -> if n<=p && p () | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c in try occur_rec n term; true with Occur -> false (* Infering the predicate *) let prepare_unif_pb typ cs = let n = List.length (assums_of_rel_context cs.cs_args) in let (sign,p) = decompose_prod_n n typ in (* We may need to invert ci if its parameters occur in p *) let p' = if noccur_between_without_evar 1 n p then lift (-n) p else (* TODO4-1 *) error "Inference of annotation not yet implemented in this case" in let args = extended_rel_list (-n) cs.cs_args in let ci = applist (mkConstruct cs.cs_cstr, cs.cs_params@args) in (* This is the problem: finding P s.t. cs_args |- (P realargs ci) = p' *) (Array.map (lift (-n)) cs.cs_concl_realargs, ci, p') (* Infering the predicate *) (* The problem to solve is the following: We match Gamma |- t : I(u01..u0q) against the following constructors: Gamma, x11...x1p1 |- C1(x11..x1p1) : I(u11..u1q) ... Gamma, xn1...xnpn |- Cn(xn1..xnp1) : I(un1..unq) Assume the types in the branches are the following Gamma, x11...x1p1 |- branch1 : T1 ... Gamma, xn1...xnpn |- branchn : Tn Assume the type of the global case expression is Gamma |- T The predicate has the form phi = [y1..yq][z:I(y1..yq)]? and must satisfy the following n+1 equations: Gamma, x11...x1p1 |- (phi u11..u1q (C1 x11..x1p1)) = T1 ... Gamma, xn1...xnpn |- (phi un1..unq (Cn xn1..xnpn)) = Tn Gamma |- (phi u01..u0q t) = T Some hints: - Clearly, if xij occurs in Ti, then, a "Cases z of (Ci xi1..xipi) => ..." should be inserted somewhere in Ti. - If T is undefined, an easy solution is to insert a "Cases z of (Ci xi1..xipi) => ..." in front of each Ti - Otherwise, T1..Tn and T must be step by step unified, if some of them diverge, then try to replace the diverging subterm by one of y1..yq or z. - The main problem is what to do when an existential variables is encountered let prepare_unif_pb typ cs = let n = cs.cs_nargs in let _,p = decompose_prod_n n typ in let ci = build_dependent_constructor cs in (* This is the problem: finding P s.t. cs_args |- (P realargs ci) = p *) (n, cs.cs_concl_realargs, ci, p) let eq_operator_lift k (n,n') = function | OpRel p, OpRel p' when p > k & p' > k -> if p < k+n or p' < k+n' then false else p - n = p' - n' | op, op' -> op = op' let rec transpose_args n = if n=0 then [] else (Array.map (fun l -> List.hd l) lv):: (transpose_args (m-1) (Array.init (fun l -> List.tl l))) let shift_operator k = function OpLambda _ | OpProd _ -> k+1 | _ -> k let reloc_operator (k,n) = function OpRel p when p > k -> let rec unify_clauses k pv = let pv'= Array.map (fun (n,sign,_,p) -> n,splay_constr (whd_betaiotaevar (push_rels (List.rev sign) env) (evars_of isevars)) p) pv in let n1,op1 = let (n1,(op1,args1)) = pv'.(0) in n1,op1 in if Array.for_all (fun (ni,(opi,_)) -> eq_operator_lift k (n1,ni) (op1,opi)) pv' then let argvl = transpose_args (List.length args1) pv' in let k' = shift_operator k op1 in let argl = List.map (unify_clauses k') argvl in gather_constr (reloc_operator (k,n1) op1) argl *) let abstract_conclusion typ cs = let n = List.length (assums_of_rel_context cs.cs_args) in let (sign,p) = decompose_prod_n n typ in lam_it p sign let infer_predicate env isevars typs cstrs ((mis,_) as indf) = (* Il faudra substituer les isevars a un certain moment *) if Array.length cstrs = 0 then (* "TODO4-3" *) error "Inference of annotation for empty inductive types not implemented" else (* Empiric normalization: p may depend in a irrelevant way on args of the*) (* cstr as in [c:{_:Alpha & Beta}] Cases c of (existS a b)=>(a,b) end *) let typs = Array.map (local_strong (whd_betaevar empty_env (evars_of isevars))) typs in let eqns = array_map2 prepare_unif_pb typs cstrs in (* First strategy: no dependencies at all *) (* let (cclargs,_,typn) = eqns.(mis_nconstr mis -1) in*) let (sign,_) = get_arity env indf in let mtyp = if array_exists is_Type typs then (* Heuristic to avoid comparison between non-variables algebric univs*) new_Type () else mkExistential isevars env in if array_for_all (fun (_,_,typ) -> the_conv_x_leq env isevars typ mtyp) eqns then (* Non dependent case -> turn it into a (dummy) dependent one *) let sign = (Anonymous,None,build_dependent_inductive env indf)::sign in let pred = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (lift (List.length sign) mtyp) sign in (true,pred) (* true = dependent -- par défaut *) else (* let s = get_sort_of env (evars_of isevars) typs.(0) in let predpred = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkSort s) sign in let caseinfo = make_default_case_info mis in let brs = array_map2 abstract_conclusion typs cstrs in let predbody = mkCase (caseinfo, (nf_betaiota predpred), mkRel 1, brs) in let pred = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (lift (List.length sign) mtyp) sign in *) (* "TODO4-2" *) error ("Unable to infer a Cases predicate\n"^ "Either there is a type incompatiblity or the problem involves dependencies") (* (true,pred) *) (* Propagation of user-provided predicate through compilation steps *) let liftn_predicate n k pred = let rec liftrec k = function | PrCcl ccl -> PrCcl (liftn n k ccl) | PrNotInd (copt,ccl) -> let p = if copt = None then 0 else 1 in PrNotInd (option_app (liftn n k) copt,liftrec (k+p) ccl) | PrProd ((dep,na,t),pred) -> PrProd ((dep,na,liftn_tomatch_type n k t), liftrec (k+1) pred) | PrLetIn ((args,copt),pred) -> let args' = List.map (liftn n k) args in let copt' = option_app (liftn n k) copt in let k' = List.length args + (if copt = None then 0 else 1) in PrLetIn ((args',copt'), liftrec (k+k') pred) in liftrec k pred let lift_predicate n = liftn_predicate n 1 (* This is parallel substitution *) let subst_predicate (args,copt) pred = let sigma = match copt with | None -> List.rev args | Some c -> c::(List.rev args) in let rec substrec k = function | PrCcl ccl -> PrCcl (substnl sigma k ccl) | PrNotInd (copt,pred) -> let p = if copt = None then 0 else 1 in PrNotInd (option_app (substnl sigma k) copt, substrec (k+p) pred) | PrProd ((dep,na,t),pred) -> PrProd ((dep,na,substnl_tomatch sigma k t), substrec (k+1) pred) | PrLetIn ((args,copt),pred) -> let args' = List.map (substnl sigma k) args in let copt' = option_app (substnl sigma k) copt in let k' = List.length args + (if copt = None then 0 else 1) in PrLetIn ((args',copt'), substrec (k+k') pred) in substrec 0 pred let specialize_predicate_var = function | PrProd _ | PrCcl _ -> anomaly "specialize_predicate_var: a pattern-variable must be pushed" | PrNotInd (copt,pred) -> subst_predicate ([],copt) pred | PrLetIn (tm,pred) -> subst_predicate tm pred let rec extract_predicate = function | PrProd ((_,na,t),pred) -> mkProdTomatch na t (extract_predicate pred) | PrNotInd (Some c,pred) -> substl [c] (extract_predicate pred) | PrNotInd (None,pred) -> extract_predicate pred | PrLetIn ((args,Some c),pred) -> substl (c::(List.rev args)) (extract_predicate pred) | PrLetIn ((args,None),pred) -> substl (List.rev args) (extract_predicate pred) | PrCcl ccl -> ccl let abstract_predicate env sigma indf = function | (PrProd _ | PrCcl _ | PrNotInd _) -> anomaly "abstract_predicate: must be some LetIn" | PrLetIn ((_,copt),pred) -> let sign,_ = get_arity env indf in let dep = copt <> None in let sign' = if dep then (Anonymous,None,build_dependent_inductive env indf) :: sign else sign in (dep, it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env (extract_predicate pred) sign') let known_dependent = function | None -> false | Some (PrLetIn ((_,copt),_)) -> copt <> None | Some (PrProd _ | PrCcl _ | PrNotInd _) -> anomaly "known_dependent: can only be used when patterns remain" (*****************************************************************************) (* pred = (x1:I1(args1))...(xn:In(argsn))P types the following problem: *) (* *) (* Gamma |- Cases ToPush (x1:T1) ... ToPush (xn:Tn) rest of ... end : pred *) (* *) (* We replace it by pred' = [X1:=rargs1,x1:=y1]...[Xn:=rargsn,xn:=yn]P s.t. *) (* *) (* Gamma,y1:T1...yn:Tn |- Cases Pushed(y1)...Pushd(yn) rest of...end: pred' *) (* *) (* The realargs are not necessary; it would be simpler not to take then into *) (* account; especially, no lift would be necessary (but *) (* [specialize_predicate_match] assumes realargs are given, then ...) *) (*****************************************************************************) let weaken_predicate q pred = let rec weakrec n k pred = if n=0 then pred else match pred with | (PrLetIn _ | PrCcl _ | PrNotInd _) -> anomaly "weaken_predicate: only product can be weakened" | PrProd ((dep,_,IsInd (_,IndType(indf,realargs))),pred) -> (* To make it more uniform, we apply realargs but they dont occur! *) let copt, p = if dep then Some (mkRel (n+k)), 1 else None, 0 in (* We replace 1 product by |realargs| arguments + possibly copt *) (* Then we need to shift pred accordingly (but *) let nletargs = (List.length realargs)+p in let pred = liftn_predicate (nletargs-1) (p+1) pred in (* The current lift to refer to the y1...yn is now k+nletargs *) PrLetIn ((realargs, copt), weakrec (n-1) (nletargs+k) pred) | PrProd ((dep,_,NotInd _),pred) -> (* Does copt occur in pred ? Does it need to be remembered ? *) let copt, p = if dep then Some (mkRel (n+k)), 1 else None, 0 in (* PrNotInd is a binding iff copt <> None *) PrNotInd (copt, weakrec (n-1) (k+p) pred) in weakrec q 0 (lift_predicate q pred) (*****************************************************************************) (* pred = [X:=realargs;x:=e]P types the following problem: *) (* *) (* Gamma |- Cases Pushed(e:I) rest of...end: pred *) (* *) (* where the branch with constructor Ci:(x1:T1)...(xn:Tn)->I(realargsi) *) (* is considered. We let e=Ci(x1,...,xn) and *) (* we replace pred by pred' = (x1:T1)...(xn:Tn)P[X:=realargsi;x:=e] s.t. *) (* *) (* Gamma |- Cases ToPush(x1)...ToPush(xn) rest of...end: pred' *) (*****************************************************************************) let specialize_predicate_match tomatchs cs = function | (PrProd _ | PrCcl _ | PrNotInd _) -> anomaly "specialize_predicate_match: a matched pattern must be pushed" | PrLetIn ((args,copt),pred) -> (* Assume some gamma st: gamma, (X,x:=realargs,copt) |- pred *) let k = List.length args + (if copt = None then 0 else 1) in (* We adjust pred st: gamma, x1...xn, (X,x:=realargs,copt) |- pred *) let pred' = liftn_predicate cs.cs_nargs (k+1) pred in let argsi = Array.to_list cs.cs_concl_realargs in let copti = option_app (fun _ -> build_dependent_constructor cs) copt in (* The substituends argsi, copti are all defined in gamma, x1...xn *) (* We need _parallel_ substitution *) let pred'' = subst_predicate (argsi, copti) pred' in let dep = (copt <> None) in List.fold_right (* Ne perd-on pas des cas en ne posant pas true à la place de dep ? *) (fun ((na,t),_) p -> PrProd ((dep,na,t),p)) tomatchs pred'' let find_predicate env isevars p typs cstrs current (IndType (indf,realargs)) = let (dep,pred) = match p with | Some p -> abstract_predicate env (evars_of isevars) indf p | None -> infer_predicate env isevars typs cstrs indf in let typ = whd_beta (applist (pred, realargs)) in if dep then (pred, whd_beta (applist (typ, [current])), new_Type ()) else (pred, typ, new_Type ()) (************************************************************************) (* Sorting equation by constructor *) type inversion_problem = (* the discriminating arg in some Ind and its order in Ind *) | Incompatible of int * (int * int) | Constraints of (int * constr) list let solve_constraints constr_info indt = (* TODO *) Constraints [] let group_equations mind current cstrs mat = let brs = Array.create (Array.length cstrs) [] in let only_default = ref true in let _ = List.fold_right (* To be sure it's from bottom to top *) (fun eqn () -> let rest = remove_current_pattern eqn in match current_pattern eqn with | PatVar (_,name) -> (* This is a default clause that we expand *) for i=1 to Array.length cstrs do let args = make_anonymous_patvars cstrs.(i-1).cs_nargs in let rest = {rest with tag = lower_pattern_status rest.tag} in brs.(i-1) <- (args, rest) :: brs.(i-1) done | PatCstr(loc,((_,i) as cstr),args,alias) -> (* This is a regular clause *) let args' = check_and_adjust_constructor loc cstr mind cstrs args in only_default := false; brs.(i-1) <- (args',rest) :: brs.(i-1)) mat () in (brs,!only_default) (************************************************************************) (* Here start the pattern-matching compiling algorithm *) (* No more patterns: typing the right-hand-side of equations *) let build_leaf pb = let tag, rhs = extract_rhs pb in let tycon = match pb.pred with | None -> empty_tycon | Some (PrCcl typ) -> mk_tycon typ | Some _ -> anomaly "not all parameters of pred have been consumed" in tag, pb.typing_function tycon rhs.rhs_env rhs.it (* Building the sub-problem when all patterns are variables *) let shift_problem current pb = {pb with pred = option_app specialize_predicate_var pb.pred; history = push_history_pattern 0 (AliasLeaf current) pb.history; mat = List.map remove_current_pattern pb.mat } (* Building the sub-pattern-matching problem for a given branch *) let build_branch current pb eqns const_info = (* We remember that we descend through a constructor *) let partialci = if Array.length const_info.cs_concl_realargs = 0 & not (known_dependent pb.pred) then NonDepAlias current else let params = const_info.cs_params in DepAlias (applist (mkConstruct const_info.cs_cstr, params)) in let history = push_history_pattern const_info.cs_nargs (AliasConstructor (partialci, const_info.cs_cstr)) pb.history in (* We find matching clauses *) let cs_args = (*assums_of_rel_context*) const_info.cs_args in let names = get_names pb.env cs_args eqns in let submat = List.map (fun (tms,eqn) -> prepend_pattern tms eqn) eqns in if submat = [] then raise_pattern_matching_error (dummy_loc, pb.env, NonExhaustive (complete_history history)); let typs = List.map2 (fun (_,c,t) na -> (na,c,t)) cs_args names in let _,typs' = List.fold_right (fun (na,c,t as d) (env,typs) -> (push_rel d env, ((na,to_mutind env (evars_of (pb.isevars)) c t),t)::typs)) typs (pb.env,[]) in let tomatchs = List.fold_left2 (fun l (d,t) dep_in_rhs -> (d,find_dependencies t l dep_in_rhs)::l) [] typs' (dependencies_in_rhs const_info.cs_nargs eqns) in let topushs = List.map (fun x -> ToPush x) tomatchs in (* The dependent term to subst in the types of the remaining UnPushed terms is relative to the current context enriched by topushs *) let ci = applist (mkConstruct const_info.cs_cstr, (List.map (lift const_info.cs_nargs) const_info.cs_params) @(extended_rel_list 0 const_info.cs_args)) in (* We replace [(mkRel 1)] by its expansion [ci] *) let updated_old_tomatch = lift_subst_tomatch (const_info.cs_nargs) (1,ci) pb.tomatch in { pb with tomatch = topushs@updated_old_tomatch; pred = option_app (specialize_predicate_match tomatchs const_info) pb.pred; history = history; mat = submat } (********************************************************************** INVARIANT: pb = { env, subst, tomatch, mat, ...} tomatch = list of Pushed (c:T) or ToPush (na:T) or Initial (c:T) "Pushed" terms and types are relative to env "ToPush" types are relative to env enriched by the previous terms to match Concretely, each term "c" or type "T" comes with a delayed lift index, but it works as if the lifting were effective. *) (**********************************************************************) (* Main compiling descent *) let rec compile pb = match pb.tomatch with | (Pushed cur)::rest -> match_current { pb with tomatch = rest } cur | (ToPush next)::rest -> compile_further pb next rest | [] -> build_leaf pb and match_current pb (n,tm) = let ((current,typ),info) = lift_tomatch n tm in match typ with | NotInd (_,typ) -> check_all_variables typ pb.mat; compile_aliases (shift_problem current pb) | IsInd (_,(IndType(indf,realargs) as indt)) -> let mind,_ = dest_ind_family indf in let cstrs = get_constructors pb.env indf in let eqns,onlydflt = group_equations mind current cstrs pb.mat in if (cstrs <> [||] or not (initial_history pb.history)) & onlydflt then compile_aliases (shift_problem current pb) else let constraints = Array.map (solve_constraints indt) cstrs in let pbs = array_map2 (build_branch current pb) eqns cstrs in let brs = Array.map compile_aliases pbs in let brvals = Array.map (fun (_,j) -> j.uj_val) brs in let brtyps = Array.map (fun (_,j) -> body_of_type j.uj_type) brs in let tags = Array.map fst brs in let (pred,typ,s) = find_predicate pb.env pb.isevars pb.pred brtyps cstrs current indt in let ci = make_case_info pb.env mind None tags in pattern_status tags, { uj_val = mkCase (ci, (*eta_reduce_if_rel*)(nf_betaiota pred),current,brvals); uj_type = typ } and compile_further pb firstnext rest = (* We pop as much as possible tomatch not dependent one of the other *) let nexts,future = pop_next_tomatchs [firstnext] rest in (* the next pattern to match is at the end of [nexts], it has ref (mkRel n) where n is the length of nexts *) let sign = List.map (fun ((na,t),_) -> mkDeclTomatch na t) nexts in let currents = list_map_i (fun i ((na,t),(_,rhsdep)) -> Pushed (insert_lifted ((mkRel i, lift_tomatch_type i t), rhsdep))) 1 nexts in let pb' = { pb with env = push_rels sign pb.env; tomatch = List.rev_append currents future; pred= option_app (weaken_predicate (List.length sign)) pb.pred; history = lift_history (List.length sign) pb.history; mat = List.map (push_rels_eqn sign) pb.mat } in let tag, j = compile pb' in tag, { uj_val = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn j.uj_val sign; uj_type = (* Pas d'univers ici: imprédicatif si Prop/Set, dummy si Type *) type_app (fun t -> it_mkProd_wo_LetIn t sign) j.uj_type } and compile_aliases pb = let aliases, history = simplify_history pb.history in let sign, newenv, mat = insert_aliases pb.env (evars_of pb.isevars) aliases pb.mat in let n = List.length sign in let pb = {pb with env = newenv; tomatch = lift_tomatch_stack n pb.tomatch; pred = option_app (lift_predicate n) pb.pred; history = lift_history n history; mat = mat } in let patstat,j = compile pb in patstat, { uj_val = it_mkSpecialLetIn j.uj_val sign; uj_type = substl (List.map (fun (_,b,_) -> b) sign) j.uj_type } (* pour les alias des initiaux, enrichir les env de ce qu'il faut et substituer après par les initiaux *) (**************************************************************************) (* Preparation of the pattern-matching problem *) (* Qu'est-ce qui faut pas faire pour traiter les alias ... *) (* On ne veut pas ajouter de primitive à Environ et le problème, c'est donc de faire un renommage en se contraignant à parcourir l'env dans le sens croissant. Ici, subst renomme des variables repérées par leur numéro et seen_ids collecte celles dont on sait que les variables de subst annule le scope *) let rename_env subst env = let n = ref (rel_context_length (rel_context env)) in let seen_ids = ref [] in process_rel_context (fun (na,c,t as d) env -> let d = try let id = List.assoc !n subst in seen_ids := id :: !seen_ids; (Name id,c,t) with Not_found -> match na with | Name id when List.mem id !seen_ids -> (Anonymous,c,t) | _ -> d in decr n; push_rel d env) env let is_dependent_indtype = function | NotInd _ -> false | IsInd (_, IndType(_,realargs)) -> List.length realargs <> 0 let prepare_initial_alias_eqn isdep tomatchl eqn = let (subst, pats) = List.fold_right2 (fun pat (tm,tmtyp) (subst, stripped_pats) -> match alias_of_pat pat with | Anonymous -> (subst, pat::stripped_pats) | Name idpat as na -> match kind_of_term tm with | Rel n when not (is_dependent_indtype tmtyp) & not isdep -> (n, idpat)::subst, (unalias_pat pat::stripped_pats) | _ -> (subst, pat::stripped_pats)) eqn.patterns tomatchl ([], []) in let env = rename_env subst eqn.rhs.rhs_env in { eqn with patterns = pats; rhs = { eqn.rhs with rhs_env = env } } let prepare_initial_aliases isdep tomatchl mat = List.map (prepare_initial_alias_eqn isdep tomatchl) mat (* let prepare_initial_alias lpat tomatchl rhs = List.fold_right2 (fun pat tm (stripped_pats, rhs) -> match alias_of_pat pat with | Anonymous -> (pat::stripped_pats, rhs) | Name _ as na -> match tm with | RVar _ -> (unalias_pat pat::stripped_pats, RLetIn (dummy_loc, na, tm, rhs)) | _ -> (pat::stripped_pats, rhs)) lpat tomatchl ([], rhs) *) (* builds the matrix of equations testing that each eqn has n patterns * and linearizing the _ patterns. * Syntactic correctness has already been done in astterm *) let matx_of_eqns env tomatchl eqns = let build_eqn (loc,ids,lpat,rhs) = (* let initial_lpat,initial_rhs = prepare_initial_alias lpat tomatchl rhs in*) let initial_lpat,initial_rhs = lpat,rhs in let initial_rhs = rhs in let rhs = { rhs_env = env; other_ids = ids@(ids_of_named_context (named_context env)); user_ids = ids; rhs_lift = 0; it = initial_rhs } in { dependencies = []; patterns = initial_lpat; tag = RegularPat; alias_stack = []; eqn_loc = loc; used = ref false; rhs = rhs } in List.map build_eqn eqns (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * A few functions to infer the inductive type from the patterns instead of * * checking that the patterns correspond to the ind. type of the * * destructurated object. Allows type inference of examples like * * [n]Cases n of O => true | _ => false end * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Computing the inductive type from the matrix of patterns *) let rec find_row_ind = function [] -> None | PatVar _ :: l -> find_row_ind l | PatCstr(loc,c,_,_) :: _ -> Some (loc,c) (* We do the unification for all the rows that contain * constructor patterns. This is what we do at the higher level of patterns. * For nested patterns, we do this unif when we ``expand'' the matrix, and we * use the function above. *) exception NotCoercible let inh_coerce_to_ind isevars env ty tyi = let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env tyi in let (ntys,_) = splay_prod env (evars_of isevars) mip.mind_nf_arity in let (_,evarl) = List.fold_right (fun (na,ty) (env,evl) -> (push_rel (na,None,ty) env, (new_isevar isevars env ty)::evl)) ntys (env,[]) in let expected_typ = applist (mkInd tyi,evarl) in (* devrait être indifférent d'exiger leq ou pas puisque pour un inductif cela doit être égal *) if the_conv_x_leq env isevars expected_typ ty then ty else raise NotCoercible let coerce_row typing_fun isevars env cstropt tomatch = let j = typing_fun empty_tycon env tomatch in let typ = body_of_type j.uj_type in let t = match cstropt with | Some (cloc,(cstr,_ as c)) -> (let tyi = inductive_of_constructor c in try let indtyp = inh_coerce_to_ind isevars env typ tyi in IsInd (typ,find_rectype env (evars_of isevars) typ) with NotCoercible -> (* 2 cases : Not the right inductive or not an inductive at all *) try let mind,_ = find_mrectype env (evars_of isevars) typ in error_bad_constructor_loc cloc c mind with Induc -> error_case_not_inductive_loc (loc_of_rawconstr tomatch) env (evars_of isevars) j) | None -> try IsInd (typ,find_rectype env (evars_of isevars) typ) with Induc -> NotInd (None,typ) in (j.uj_val,t) let coerce_to_indtype typing_fun isevars env matx tomatchl = let pats = List.map (fun r -> r.patterns) matx in let matx' = match matrix_transpose pats with | [] -> List.map (fun _ -> None) tomatchl (* no patterns at all *) | m -> List.map find_row_ind m in List.map2 (coerce_row typing_fun isevars env) matx' tomatchl (***********************************************************************) (* preparing the elimination predicate if any *) let build_expected_arity env isevars isdep tomatchl = let cook n = function | _,IsInd (_,IndType(indf,_)) -> let indf' = lift_inductive_family n indf in Some (build_dependent_inductive env indf', fst (get_arity env indf')) | _,NotInd _ -> None in let rec buildrec n env = function | [] -> new_Type () | tm::ltm -> match cook n tm with | None -> buildrec n env ltm | Some (ty1,aritysign) -> let rec follow n env = function | d::sign -> mkProd_or_LetIn_name env (follow (n+1) (push_rel d env) sign) d | [] -> if isdep then mkProd (Anonymous, ty1, buildrec (n+1) (push_rel_assum (Anonymous, ty1) env) ltm) else buildrec n env ltm in follow n env (List.rev aritysign) in buildrec 0 env tomatchl let build_initial_predicate env sigma isdep pred tomatchl = let cook n = function | c,IsInd (_,IndType(ind_data,realargs)) -> Some (List.map (lift n) realargs), Some (lift n c) | c,NotInd _ -> None, Some (lift n c) in let decomp_lam_force p = match kind_of_term p with | Lambda (_,_,c) -> c | _ -> (* eta-expansion *) applist (lift 1 p, [mkRel 1]) in let rec strip_and_adjust nargs pred = if nargs = 0 then if isdep then (* We remove an existing lambda (up to eta-expansion) *) decomp_lam_force pred else (* Turn pred into a dependent predicate --> [_:?](lift 1 pred) and *) (* immediately remove the (virtually) inserted lambda *) lift 1 pred else strip_and_adjust (nargs-1) (decomp_lam_force pred) in let rec buildrec n pred = function | [] -> PrCcl pred | tm::ltm -> match cook n tm with | None, cur -> PrNotInd (cur, buildrec (n+1) pred ltm) | Some realargs, cur -> let nrealargs = List.length realargs in let predccl = strip_and_adjust nrealargs pred in PrLetIn ((realargs,cur),buildrec (n+nrealargs+1) predccl ltm) in buildrec 0 pred tomatchl (* determines wether the multiple case is dependent or not. For that * the predicate given by the user is eta-expanded. If the result * of expansion is pred, then : * if pred=[x1:T1]...[xn:Tn]P and tomatchj=[|[e1:S1]...[ej:Sj]] then * if n= SUM {i=1 to j} nb_prod (arity Sj) * then case_dependent= false * else if n= j+(SUM (i=1 to j) nb_prod(arity Sj)) * then case_dependent=true * else error! (can not treat mixed dependent and non dependent case *) let prepare_predicate typing_fun isevars env tomatchs = function | None -> None | Some pred -> let loc = loc_of_rawconstr pred in let dep, predj = let isevars_copy = evars_of isevars in (* We first assume the predicate is non dependent *) let ndep_arity = build_expected_arity env isevars false tomatchs in try false, typing_fun (mk_tycon ndep_arity) env pred with PretypeError _ | TypeError _ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,(PretypeError _ | TypeError _)) -> evars_reset_evd isevars_copy isevars; (* We then assume the predicate is dependent *) let dep_arity = build_expected_arity env isevars true tomatchs in try true, typing_fun (mk_tycon dep_arity) env pred with PretypeError _ | TypeError _ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,(PretypeError _ | TypeError _)) -> evars_reset_evd isevars_copy isevars; (* Otherwise we attempt to type it without constraints, possibly *) (* failing with an error message; it may also be well-typed *) (* but fails to satisfy arity constraints in case_dependent *) let predj = typing_fun empty_tycon env pred in error_wrong_predicate_arity_loc loc env predj.uj_val ndep_arity dep_arity in (* let etapred,cdep = case_dependent env (evars_of isevars) loc predj tomatchs in *) Some (build_initial_predicate env (evars_of isevars) dep predj.uj_val tomatchs) (**************************************************************************) (* Main entry of the matching compilation *) let compile_cases loc (typing_fun,isevars) tycon env (predopt, tomatchl, eqns)= (* We build the matrix of patterns and right-hand-side *) let matx = matx_of_eqns env tomatchl eqns in (* We build the vector of terms to match consistently with the *) (* constructors found in patterns *) let tomatchs = coerce_to_indtype typing_fun isevars env matx tomatchl in (* We build the elimination predicate if any and check its consistency *) (* with the type of arguments to match *) let pred = prepare_predicate typing_fun isevars env tomatchs predopt in (* We deal with initial aliases *) let matx = prepare_initial_aliases (known_dependent pred) tomatchs matx in (* We push the initial terms to match and push their alias to rhs' envs *) (* names of aliases will be recovered from patterns (hence Anonymous here) *) let initial_pushed = List.map (fun tm -> Pushed (insert_lifted (tm,NotDepInRhs))) tomatchs in let pb = { env = env; isevars = isevars; pred = pred; tomatch = initial_pushed; history = start_history (List.length initial_pushed); mat = matx; typing_function = typing_fun } in let _, j = compile pb in (* We check for unused patterns *) List.iter (check_unused_pattern env) matx; match tycon with | Some p -> Coercion.inh_conv_coerce_to loc env isevars j p | None -> j