(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* !ssroldreworder); Goptions.optdepr = false; Goptions.optwrite = (fun b -> ssroldreworder := b) } (** The "simpl" tactic *) (* We must avoid zeta-converting any "let"s created by the "in" tactical. *) let tacred_simpl gl = let simpl_expr = Genredexpr.( Simpl(Redops.make_red_flag[FBeta;FMatch;FZeta;FDeltaBut []],None)) in let esimpl, _ = Redexpr.reduction_of_red_expr (pf_env gl) simpl_expr in let esimpl e sigma c = let (_,t) = esimpl e sigma c in t in let simpl env sigma c = (esimpl env sigma c) in simpl let safe_simpltac n gl = if n = ~-1 then let cl= red_safe (tacred_simpl gl) (pf_env gl) (project gl) (pf_concl gl) in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl_no_check cl) gl else ssr_n_tac "simpl" n gl let simpltac = function | Simpl n -> safe_simpltac n | Cut n -> tclTRY (donetac n) | SimplCut (n,m) -> tclTHEN (safe_simpltac m) (tclTRY (donetac n)) | Nop -> tclIDTAC (** The "congr" tactic *) let interp_congrarg_at ist gl n rf ty m = ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"===interp_congrarg_at===")); let congrn, _ = mkSsrRRef "nary_congruence" in let args1 = mkRnat n :: mkRHoles n @ [ty] in let args2 = mkRHoles (3 * n) in let rec loop i = if i + n > m then None else try let rt = mkRApp congrn (args1 @ mkRApp rf (mkRHoles i) :: args2) in ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"rt=" ++ Printer.pr_glob_constr_env (pf_env gl) rt)); Some (interp_refine ist gl rt) with _ -> loop (i + 1) in loop 0 let pattern_id = mk_internal_id "pattern value" let congrtac ((n, t), ty) ist gl = ppdebug(lazy (Pp.str"===congr===")); ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"concl=" ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env (pf_env gl) (project gl) (Tacmach.pf_concl gl))); let sigma, _ as it = interp_term ist gl t in let gl = pf_merge_uc_of sigma gl in let _, f, _, _ucst = pf_abs_evars gl it in let ist' = {ist with lfun = Id.Map.add pattern_id (Tacinterp.Value.of_constr f) Id.Map.empty } in let rf = mkRltacVar pattern_id in let m = pf_nbargs gl f in let _, cf = if n > 0 then match interp_congrarg_at ist' gl n rf ty m with | Some cf -> cf | None -> errorstrm Pp.(str "No " ++ int n ++ str "-congruence with " ++ pr_term t) else let rec loop i = if i > m then errorstrm Pp.(str "No congruence with " ++ pr_term t) else match interp_congrarg_at ist' gl i rf ty m with | Some cf -> cf | None -> loop (i + 1) in loop 1 in tclTHEN (refine_with cf) (tclTRY (Proofview.V82.of_tactic Tactics.reflexivity)) gl let newssrcongrtac arg ist gl = ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"===newcongr===")); ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"concl=" ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env (pf_env gl) (project gl) (pf_concl gl))); (* utils *) let fs gl t = Reductionops.nf_evar (project gl) t in let tclMATCH_GOAL (c, gl_c) proj t_ok t_fail gl = match try Some (pf_unify_HO gl_c (pf_concl gl) c) with _ -> None with | Some gl_c -> tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl (fs gl_c c))) (t_ok (proj gl_c)) gl | None -> t_fail () gl in let mk_evar gl ty = let env, sigma, si = pf_env gl, project gl, sig_it gl in let sigma = Evd.create_evar_defs sigma in let (sigma, x) = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma ty in x, re_sig si sigma in let arr, gl = pf_mkSsrConst "ssr_congr_arrow" gl in let ssr_congr lr = EConstr.mkApp (arr, lr) in (* here thw two cases: simple equality or arrow *) let equality, _, eq_args, gl' = let eq, gl = pf_fresh_global (Coqlib.build_coq_eq ()) gl in pf_saturate gl (EConstr.of_constr eq) 3 in tclMATCH_GOAL (equality, gl') (fun gl' -> fs gl' (List.assoc 0 eq_args)) (fun ty -> congrtac (arg, Detyping.detype Detyping.Now false Id.Set.empty (pf_env gl) (project gl) ty) ist) (fun () -> let lhs, gl' = mk_evar gl EConstr.mkProp in let rhs, gl' = mk_evar gl' EConstr.mkProp in let arrow = EConstr.mkArrow lhs (EConstr.Vars.lift 1 rhs) in tclMATCH_GOAL (arrow, gl') (fun gl' -> [|fs gl' lhs;fs gl' rhs|]) (fun lr -> tclTHEN (Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.apply (ssr_congr lr))) (congrtac (arg, mkRType) ist)) (fun _ _ -> errorstrm Pp.(str"Conclusion is not an equality nor an arrow"))) gl (** 7. Rewriting tactics (rewrite, unlock) *) (** Coq rewrite compatibility flag *) let _ = let ssr_strict_match = ref false in Goptions.declare_bool_option { Goptions.optname = "strict redex matching"; Goptions.optkey = ["Match"; "Strict"]; Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !ssr_strict_match); Goptions.optdepr = true; (* noop *) Goptions.optwrite = (fun b -> ssr_strict_match := b) } (** Rewrite rules *) type ssrwkind = RWred of ssrsimpl | RWdef | RWeq type ssrrule = ssrwkind * ssrterm (** Rewrite arguments *) type ssrrwarg = (ssrdir * ssrmult) * ((ssrdocc * rpattern option) * ssrrule) let notimes = 0 let nomult = 1, Once let mkocc occ = None, occ let noclr = mkocc None let mkclr clr = Some clr, None let nodocc = mkclr [] let is_rw_cut = function RWred (Cut _) -> true | _ -> false let mk_rwarg (d, (n, _ as m)) ((clr, occ as docc), rx) (rt, _ as r) : ssrrwarg = if rt <> RWeq then begin if rt = RWred Nop && not (m = nomult && occ = None && rx = None) && (clr = None || clr = Some []) then anomaly "Improper rewrite clear switch"; if d = R2L && rt <> RWdef then CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "Right-to-left switch on simplification"); if n <> 1 && is_rw_cut rt then CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "Bad or useless multiplier"); if occ <> None && rx = None && rt <> RWdef then CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "Missing redex for simplification occurrence") end; (d, m), ((docc, rx), r) let norwmult = L2R, nomult let norwocc = noclr, None let simplintac occ rdx sim gl = let simptac m gl = if m <> ~-1 then CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "Localized custom simpl tactic not supported"); let sigma0, concl0, env0 = project gl, pf_concl gl, pf_env gl in let simp env c _ _ = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (red_safe Tacred.simpl env sigma0 (EConstr.of_constr c)) in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl_no_check (EConstr.of_constr (eval_pattern env0 sigma0 (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl0) rdx occ simp))) gl in match sim with | Simpl m -> simptac m gl | SimplCut (n,m) -> tclTHEN (simptac m) (tclTRY (donetac n)) gl | _ -> simpltac sim gl let rec get_evalref sigma c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Var id -> EvalVarRef id | Const (k,_) -> EvalConstRef k | App (c', _) -> get_evalref sigma c' | Cast (c', _, _) -> get_evalref sigma c' | Proj(c,_) -> EvalConstRef(Projection.constant c) | _ -> errorstrm Pp.(str "The term " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c) ++ str " is not unfoldable") (* Strip a pattern generated by a prenex implicit to its constant. *) let strip_unfold_term _ ((sigma, t) as p) kt = match EConstr.kind sigma t with | App (f, a) when kt = xNoFlag && Array.for_all (EConstr.isEvar sigma) a && EConstr.isConst sigma f -> (sigma, f), true | Const _ | Var _ -> p, true | Proj _ -> p, true | _ -> p, false let same_proj sigma t1 t2 = match EConstr.kind sigma t1, EConstr.kind sigma t2 with | Proj(c1,_), Proj(c2, _) -> Projection.equal c1 c2 | _ -> false let all_ok _ _ = true let fake_pmatcher_end () = mkProp, L2R, (Evd.empty, Evd.empty_evar_universe_context, mkProp) let unfoldintac occ rdx t (kt,_) gl = let fs sigma x = Reductionops.nf_evar sigma x in let sigma0, concl0, env0 = project gl, pf_concl gl, pf_env gl in let (sigma, t), const = strip_unfold_term env0 t kt in let body env t c = Tacred.unfoldn [AllOccurrences, get_evalref sigma t] env sigma0 c in let easy = occ = None && rdx = None in let red_flags = if easy then CClosure.betaiotazeta else CClosure.betaiota in let beta env = Reductionops.clos_norm_flags red_flags env sigma0 in let unfold, conclude = match rdx with | Some (_, (In_T _ | In_X_In_T _)) | None -> let ise = Evd.create_evar_defs sigma in let ise, u = mk_tpattern env0 sigma0 (ise,EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t) all_ok L2R (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t) in let find_T, end_T = mk_tpattern_matcher ~raise_NoMatch:true sigma0 occ (ise,[u]) in (fun env c _ h -> try find_T env c h ~k:(fun env c _ _ -> EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (body env t (EConstr.of_constr c))) with NoMatch when easy -> c | NoMatch | NoProgress -> errorstrm Pp.(str"No occurrence of " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t) ++ spc() ++ str "in " ++ Printer.pr_constr_env env sigma c)), (fun () -> try end_T () with | NoMatch when easy -> fake_pmatcher_end () | NoMatch -> anomaly "unfoldintac") | _ -> (fun env (c as orig_c) _ h -> if const then let rec aux c = match EConstr.kind sigma0 c with | Const _ when EConstr.eq_constr sigma0 c t -> body env t t | App (f,a) when EConstr.eq_constr sigma0 f t -> EConstr.mkApp (body env f f,a) | Proj _ when same_proj sigma0 c t -> body env t c | _ -> let c = Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta sigma0 c in match EConstr.kind sigma0 c with | Const _ when EConstr.eq_constr sigma0 c t -> body env t t | App (f,a) when EConstr.eq_constr sigma0 f t -> EConstr.mkApp (body env f f,a) | Proj _ when same_proj sigma0 c t -> body env t c | Const f -> aux (body env c c) | App (f, a) -> aux (EConstr.mkApp (body env f f, a)) | _ -> errorstrm Pp.(str "The term "++ pr_constr_env env sigma orig_c++ str" contains no " ++ pr_econstr_env env sigma t ++ str" even after unfolding") in EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr @@ aux (EConstr.of_constr c) else try EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr @@ body env t (fs (unify_HO env sigma (EConstr.of_constr c) t) t) with _ -> errorstrm Pp.(str "The term " ++ pr_constr_env env sigma c ++spc()++ str "does not unify with " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t))), fake_pmatcher_end in let concl = let concl0 = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl0 in try beta env0 (EConstr.of_constr (eval_pattern env0 sigma0 concl0 rdx occ unfold)) with Option.IsNone -> errorstrm Pp.(str"Failed to unfold " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t)) in let _ = conclude () in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl concl) gl ;; let foldtac occ rdx ft gl = let sigma0, concl0, env0 = project gl, pf_concl gl, pf_env gl in let sigma, t = ft in let t = EConstr.to_constr sigma t in let fold, conclude = match rdx with | Some (_, (In_T _ | In_X_In_T _)) | None -> let ise = Evd.create_evar_defs sigma in let ut = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (red_product_skip_id env0 sigma (EConstr.of_constr t)) in let ise, ut = mk_tpattern env0 sigma0 (ise,t) all_ok L2R ut in let find_T, end_T = mk_tpattern_matcher ~raise_NoMatch:true sigma0 occ (ise,[ut]) in (fun env c _ h -> try find_T env c h ~k:(fun env t _ _ -> t) with NoMatch ->c), (fun () -> try end_T () with NoMatch -> fake_pmatcher_end ()) | _ -> (fun env c _ h -> try let sigma = unify_HO env sigma (EConstr.of_constr c) (EConstr.of_constr t) in EConstr.to_constr sigma (EConstr.of_constr t) with _ -> errorstrm Pp.(str "fold pattern " ++ pr_constr_pat t ++ spc () ++ str "does not match redex " ++ pr_constr_pat c)), fake_pmatcher_end in let concl0 = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl0 in let concl = eval_pattern env0 sigma0 concl0 rdx occ fold in let _ = conclude () in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl (EConstr.of_constr concl)) gl ;; let converse_dir = function L2R -> R2L | R2L -> L2R let rw_progress rhs lhs ise = not (EConstr.eq_constr ise lhs (Evarutil.nf_evar ise rhs)) (* Coq has a more general form of "equation" (any type with a single *) (* constructor with no arguments with_rect_r elimination lemmas). *) (* However there is no clear way of determining the LHS and RHS of *) (* such a generic Leibnitz equation -- short of inspecting the type *) (* of the elimination lemmas. *) let rec strip_prod_assum c = match Constr.kind c with | Prod (_, _, c') -> strip_prod_assum c' | LetIn (_, v, _, c') -> strip_prod_assum (subst1 v c) | Cast (c', _, _) -> strip_prod_assum c' | _ -> c let rule_id = mk_internal_id "rewrite rule" exception PRtype_error let pirrel_rewrite pred rdx rdx_ty new_rdx dir (sigma, c) c_ty gl = (* ppdebug(lazy(str"sigma@pirrel_rewrite=" ++ pr_evar_map None sigma)); *) let env = pf_env gl in let beta = Reductionops.clos_norm_flags CClosure.beta env sigma in let sigma, p = let sigma = Evd.create_evar_defs sigma in let (sigma, ev) = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma (beta (EConstr.Vars.subst1 new_rdx pred)) in (sigma, ev) in let pred = EConstr.mkNamedLambda pattern_id rdx_ty pred in let elim, gl = let ((kn, i) as ind, _), unfolded_c_ty = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl c_ty in let sort = elimination_sort_of_goal gl in let elim, gl = pf_fresh_global (Indrec.lookup_eliminator ind sort) gl in if dir = R2L then elim, gl else (* taken from Coq's rewrite *) let elim, _ = destConst elim in let mp,dp,l = Constant.repr3 (Constant.make1 (Constant.canonical elim)) in let l' = Label.of_id (Nameops.add_suffix (Label.to_id l) "_r") in let c1' = Global.constant_of_delta_kn (Constant.canonical (Constant.make3 mp dp l')) in mkConst c1', gl in let elim = EConstr.of_constr elim in let proof = EConstr.mkApp (elim, [| rdx_ty; new_rdx; pred; p; rdx; c |]) in (* We check the proof is well typed *) let sigma, proof_ty = try Typing.type_of env sigma proof with _ -> raise PRtype_error in ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"pirrel_rewrite proof term of type: " ++ pr_econstr_env env sigma proof_ty)); try refine_with ~first_goes_last:(not !ssroldreworder) ~with_evars:false (sigma, proof) gl with _ -> (* we generate a msg like: "Unable to find an instance for the variable" *) let hd_ty, miss = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | App (hd, args) -> let hd_ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma hd in let names = let rec aux t = function 0 -> [] | n -> let t = Reductionops.whd_all env sigma t in match EConstr.kind_of_type sigma t with | ProdType (name, _, t) -> name :: aux t (n-1) | _ -> assert false in aux hd_ty (Array.length args) in hd_ty, Util.List.map_filter (fun (t, name) -> let evs = Evar.Set.elements (Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_term sigma t) in let open_evs = List.filter (fun k -> Sorts.InProp <> Retyping.get_sort_family_of env sigma (EConstr.of_constr (Evd.evar_concl (Evd.find sigma k)))) evs in if open_evs <> [] then Some name else None) (List.combine (Array.to_list args) names) | _ -> anomaly "rewrite rule not an application" in errorstrm Pp.(Himsg.explain_refiner_error env sigma (Logic.UnresolvedBindings miss)++ (Pp.fnl()++str"Rule's type:" ++ spc() ++ pr_econstr_env env sigma hd_ty)) ;; let is_construct_ref sigma c r = EConstr.isConstruct sigma c && eq_gr (ConstructRef (fst(EConstr.destConstruct sigma c))) r let is_ind_ref sigma c r = EConstr.isInd sigma c && eq_gr (IndRef (fst(EConstr.destInd sigma c))) r let apply_type x xs = Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.apply_type x xs) let rwcltac cl rdx dir sr gl = let n, r_n,_, ucst = pf_abs_evars gl sr in let r_n' = pf_abs_cterm gl n r_n in let r' = EConstr.Vars.subst_var pattern_id r_n' in let gl = pf_unsafe_merge_uc ucst gl in let rdxt = Retyping.get_type_of (pf_env gl) (fst sr) rdx in (* ppdebug(lazy(str"sigma@rwcltac=" ++ pr_evar_map None (fst sr))); *) ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"r@rwcltac=" ++ pr_econstr_env (pf_env gl) (project gl) (snd sr))); let cvtac, rwtac, gl = if EConstr.Vars.closed0 (project gl) r' then let env, sigma, c, c_eq = pf_env gl, fst sr, snd sr, Coqlib.build_coq_eq () in let sigma, c_ty = Typing.type_of env sigma c in ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"c_ty@rwcltac=" ++ pr_econstr_env env sigma c_ty)); match EConstr.kind_of_type sigma (Reductionops.whd_all env sigma c_ty) with | AtomicType(e, a) when is_ind_ref sigma e c_eq -> let new_rdx = if dir = L2R then a.(2) else a.(1) in pirrel_rewrite cl rdx rdxt new_rdx dir (sigma,c) c_ty, tclIDTAC, gl | _ -> let cl' = EConstr.mkApp (EConstr.mkNamedLambda pattern_id rdxt cl, [|rdx|]) in let sigma, _ = Typing.type_of env sigma cl' in let gl = pf_merge_uc_of sigma gl in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl cl'), rewritetac dir r', gl else let dc, r2 = EConstr.decompose_lam_n_assum (project gl) n r' in let r3, _, r3t = try EConstr.destCast (project gl) r2 with _ -> errorstrm Pp.(str "no cast from " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (snd sr)) ++ str " to " ++ pr_econstr_env (pf_env gl) (project gl) r2) in let cl' = EConstr.mkNamedProd rule_id (EConstr.it_mkProd_or_LetIn r3t dc) (EConstr.Vars.lift 1 cl) in let cl'' = EConstr.mkNamedProd pattern_id rdxt cl' in let itacs = [introid pattern_id; introid rule_id] in let cltac = Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tactics.clear [pattern_id; rule_id]) in let rwtacs = [rewritetac dir (EConstr.mkVar rule_id); cltac] in apply_type cl'' [rdx; EConstr.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn r3 dc], tclTHENLIST (itacs @ rwtacs), gl in let cvtac' _ = try cvtac gl with | PRtype_error -> if occur_existential (project gl) (Tacmach.pf_concl gl) then errorstrm Pp.(str "Rewriting impacts evars") else errorstrm Pp.(str "Dependent type error in rewrite of " ++ pr_constr_env (pf_env gl) (project gl) (Term.mkNamedLambda pattern_id (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr rdxt) (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr cl))) | CErrors.UserError _ as e -> raise e | e -> anomaly ("cvtac's exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string e); in tclTHEN cvtac' rwtac gl let prof_rwcltac = mk_profiler "rwrxtac.rwcltac";; let rwcltac cl rdx dir sr gl = prof_rwcltac.profile (rwcltac cl rdx dir sr) gl ;; let lz_coq_prod = let prod = lazy (Coqlib.build_prod ()) in fun () -> Lazy.force prod let lz_setoid_relation = let sdir = ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] in let last_srel = ref (Environ.empty_env, None) in fun env -> match !last_srel with | env', srel when env' == env -> srel | _ -> let srel = try Some (Universes.constr_of_global @@ Coqlib.coq_reference "Class_setoid" sdir "RewriteRelation") with _ -> None in last_srel := (env, srel); srel let ssr_is_setoid env = match lz_setoid_relation env with | None -> fun _ _ _ -> false | Some srel -> fun sigma r args -> Rewrite.is_applied_rewrite_relation env sigma [] (EConstr.mkApp (r, args)) <> None let prof_rwxrtac_find_rule = mk_profiler "rwrxtac.find_rule";; let closed0_check cl p gl = if closed0 cl then errorstrm Pp.(str"No occurrence of redex "++ pr_constr_env (pf_env gl) (project gl) p) let dir_org = function L2R -> 1 | R2L -> 2 let rwprocess_rule dir rule gl = let env = pf_env gl in let coq_prod = lz_coq_prod () in let is_setoid = ssr_is_setoid env in let r_sigma, rules = let rec loop d sigma r t0 rs red = let t = if red = 1 then Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma t0 else Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta sigma t0 in ppdebug(lazy Pp.(str"rewrule="++pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t))); match EConstr.kind sigma t with | Prod (_, xt, at) -> let sigma = Evd.create_evar_defs sigma in let (sigma, x) = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma xt in loop d sigma EConstr.(mkApp (r, [|x|])) (EConstr.Vars.subst1 x at) rs 0 | App (pr, a) when is_ind_ref sigma pr coq_prod.Coqlib.typ -> let sr sigma = match EConstr.kind sigma (Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma r) with | App (c, ra) when is_construct_ref sigma c coq_prod.Coqlib.intro -> fun i -> ra.(i + 1), sigma | _ -> let ra = Array.append a [|r|] in function 1 -> let sigma, pi1 = Evd.fresh_global env sigma coq_prod.Coqlib.proj1 in EConstr.mkApp (EConstr.of_constr pi1, ra), sigma | _ -> let sigma, pi2 = Evd.fresh_global env sigma coq_prod.Coqlib.proj2 in EConstr.mkApp (EConstr.of_constr pi2, ra), sigma in if EConstr.eq_constr sigma a.(0) (EConstr.of_constr (Universes.constr_of_global @@ Coqlib.build_coq_True ())) then let s, sigma = sr sigma 2 in loop (converse_dir d) sigma s a.(1) rs 0 else let s, sigma = sr sigma 2 in let sigma, rs2 = loop d sigma s a.(1) rs 0 in let s, sigma = sr sigma 1 in loop d sigma s a.(0) rs2 0 | App (r_eq, a) when Hipattern.match_with_equality_type sigma t != None -> let (ind, u) = EConstr.destInd sigma r_eq and rhs = Array.last a in let np = Inductiveops.inductive_nparamdecls ind in let indu = (ind, EConstr.EInstance.kind sigma u) in let ind_ct = Inductiveops.type_of_constructors env indu in let lhs0 = last_arg sigma (EConstr.of_constr (strip_prod_assum ind_ct.(0))) in let rdesc = match EConstr.kind sigma lhs0 with | Rel i -> let lhs = a.(np - i) in let lhs, rhs = if d = L2R then lhs, rhs else rhs, lhs in (* msgnl (str "RW: " ++ pr_rwdir d ++ str " " ++ pr_constr_pat r ++ str " : " ++ pr_constr_pat lhs ++ str " ~> " ++ pr_constr_pat rhs); *) d, r, lhs, rhs (* let l_i, r_i = if d = L2R then i, 1 - ndep else 1 - ndep, i in let lhs = a.(np - l_i) and rhs = a.(np - r_i) in let a' = Array.copy a in let _ = a'.(np - l_i) <- mkVar pattern_id in let r' = mkCast (r, DEFAULTcast, mkApp (r_eq, a')) in (d, r', lhs, rhs) *) | _ -> let lhs = EConstr.Vars.substl (array_list_of_tl (Array.sub a 0 np)) lhs0 in let lhs, rhs = if d = R2L then lhs, rhs else rhs, lhs in let d' = if Array.length a = 1 then d else converse_dir d in d', r, lhs, rhs in sigma, rdesc :: rs | App (s_eq, a) when is_setoid sigma s_eq a -> let np = Array.length a and i = 3 - dir_org d in let lhs = a.(np - i) and rhs = a.(np + i - 3) in let a' = Array.copy a in let _ = a'.(np - i) <- EConstr.mkVar pattern_id in let r' = EConstr.mkCast (r, DEFAULTcast, EConstr.mkApp (s_eq, a')) in sigma, (d, r', lhs, rhs) :: rs | _ -> if red = 0 then loop d sigma r t rs 1 else errorstrm Pp.(str "not a rewritable relation: " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t) ++ spc() ++ str "in rule " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (snd rule))) in let sigma, r = rule in let t = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma r in loop dir sigma r t [] 0 in r_sigma, rules let rwrxtac occ rdx_pat dir rule gl = let env = pf_env gl in let r_sigma, rules = rwprocess_rule dir rule gl in let find_rule rdx = let rec rwtac = function | [] -> errorstrm Pp.(str "pattern " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr rdx) ++ str " does not match " ++ pr_dir_side dir ++ str " of " ++ pr_constr_pat (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (snd rule))) | (d, r, lhs, rhs) :: rs -> try let ise = unify_HO env (Evd.create_evar_defs r_sigma) lhs rdx in if not (rw_progress rhs rdx ise) then raise NoMatch else d, (ise, Evd.evar_universe_context ise, Reductionops.nf_evar ise r) with _ -> rwtac rs in rwtac rules in let find_rule rdx = prof_rwxrtac_find_rule.profile find_rule rdx in let sigma0, env0, concl0 = project gl, pf_env gl, pf_concl gl in let find_R, conclude = match rdx_pat with | Some (_, (In_T _ | In_X_In_T _)) | None -> let upats_origin = dir, EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (snd rule) in let rpat env sigma0 (sigma, pats) (d, r, lhs, rhs) = let sigma, pat = let rw_progress rhs t evd = rw_progress rhs (EConstr.of_constr t) evd in mk_tpattern env sigma0 (sigma,EConstr.to_constr sigma r) (rw_progress rhs) d (EConstr.to_constr sigma lhs) in sigma, pats @ [pat] in let rpats = List.fold_left (rpat env0 sigma0) (r_sigma,[]) rules in let find_R, end_R = mk_tpattern_matcher sigma0 occ ~upats_origin rpats in (fun e c _ i -> find_R ~k:(fun _ _ _ h -> mkRel h) e c i), fun cl -> let rdx,d,r = end_R () in closed0_check cl rdx gl; (d,r),rdx | Some(_, (T e | X_In_T (_,e) | E_As_X_In_T (e,_,_) | E_In_X_In_T (e,_,_))) -> let r = ref None in (fun env c _ h -> do_once r (fun () -> find_rule (EConstr.of_constr c), c); mkRel h), (fun concl -> closed0_check concl e gl; let (d,(ev,ctx,c)) , x = assert_done r in (d,(ev,ctx, EConstr.to_constr ev c)) , x) in let concl0 = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl0 in let concl = eval_pattern env0 sigma0 concl0 rdx_pat occ find_R in let (d, r), rdx = conclude concl in let r = Evd.merge_universe_context (pi1 r) (pi2 r), EConstr.of_constr (pi3 r) in rwcltac (EConstr.of_constr concl) (EConstr.of_constr rdx) d r gl ;; let prof_rwxrtac = mk_profiler "rwrxtac";; let rwrxtac occ rdx_pat dir rule gl = prof_rwxrtac.profile (rwrxtac occ rdx_pat dir rule) gl ;; let ssrinstancesofrule ist dir arg gl = let sigma0, env0, concl0 = project gl, pf_env gl, pf_concl gl in let rule = interp_term ist gl arg in let r_sigma, rules = rwprocess_rule dir rule gl in let find, conclude = let upats_origin = dir, EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (snd rule) in let rpat env sigma0 (sigma, pats) (d, r, lhs, rhs) = let sigma, pat = let rw_progress rhs t evd = rw_progress rhs (EConstr.of_constr t) evd in mk_tpattern env sigma0 (sigma,EConstr.to_constr sigma r) (rw_progress rhs) d (EConstr.to_constr sigma lhs) in sigma, pats @ [pat] in let rpats = List.fold_left (rpat env0 sigma0) (r_sigma,[]) rules in mk_tpattern_matcher ~all_instances:true ~raise_NoMatch:true sigma0 None ~upats_origin rpats in let print env p c _ = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(hov 1 (str"instance:" ++ spc() ++ pr_constr_env env r_sigma p ++ spc() ++ str "matches:" ++ spc() ++ pr_constr_env env r_sigma c)); c in Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str"BEGIN INSTANCES"); try while true do ignore(find env0 (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl0) 1 ~k:print) done; raise NoMatch with NoMatch -> Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str"END INSTANCES"); tclIDTAC gl let ipat_rewrite occ dir c gl = rwrxtac occ None dir (project gl, c) gl let rwargtac ist ((dir, mult), (((oclr, occ), grx), (kind, gt))) gl = let fail = ref false in let interp_rpattern ist gl gc = try interp_rpattern ist gl gc with _ when snd mult = May -> fail := true; project gl, T mkProp in let interp gc gl = try interp_term ist gl gc with _ when snd mult = May -> fail := true; (project gl, EConstr.mkProp) in let rwtac gl = let rx = Option.map (interp_rpattern ist gl) grx in let t = interp gt gl in (match kind with | RWred sim -> simplintac occ rx sim | RWdef -> if dir = R2L then foldtac occ rx t else unfoldintac occ rx t gt | RWeq -> rwrxtac occ rx dir t) gl in let ctac = cleartac (interp_clr (project gl) (oclr, (fst gt, snd (interp gt gl)))) in if !fail then ctac gl else tclTHEN (tclMULT mult rwtac) ctac gl (** Rewrite argument sequence *) (* type ssrrwargs = ssrrwarg list *) (** The "rewrite" tactic *) let ssrrewritetac ist rwargs = tclTHENLIST (List.map (rwargtac ist) rwargs) (** The "unlock" tactic *) let unfoldtac occ ko t kt gl = let env = pf_env gl in let cl, c = pf_fill_occ_term gl occ (fst (strip_unfold_term env t kt)) in let cl' = EConstr.Vars.subst1 (pf_unfoldn [OnlyOccurrences [1], get_evalref (project gl) c] gl c) cl in let f = if ko = None then CClosure.betaiotazeta else CClosure.betaiota in Proofview.V82.of_tactic (convert_concl (pf_reduce (Reductionops.clos_norm_flags f) gl cl')) gl let unlocktac ist args gl = let utac (occ, gt) gl = unfoldtac occ occ (interp_term ist gl gt) (fst gt) gl in let locked, gl = pf_mkSsrConst "locked" gl in let key, gl = pf_mkSsrConst "master_key" gl in let ktacs = [ (fun gl -> unfoldtac None None (project gl,locked) xInParens gl); Ssrelim.casetac key ] in tclTHENLIST (List.map utac args @ ktacs) gl