(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* [ Proofview.V82.tactic (protect_tac_in map id) ] | [ "protect_fv" string(map) ] -> [ Proofview.V82.tactic (protect_tac map) ] END TACTIC EXTEND closed_term [ "closed_term" constr(t) "[" ne_reference_list(l) "]" ] -> [ Proofview.V82.tactic (closed_term t l) ] END VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND ring_mod | [ "decidable" constr(eq_test) ] -> [ Ring_kind(Computational eq_test) ] | [ "abstract" ] -> [ Ring_kind Abstract ] | [ "morphism" constr(morph) ] -> [ Ring_kind(Morphism morph) ] | [ "constants" "[" tactic(cst_tac) "]" ] -> [ Const_tac(CstTac cst_tac) ] | [ "closed" "[" ne_global_list(l) "]" ] -> [ Const_tac(Closed l) ] | [ "preprocess" "[" tactic(pre) "]" ] -> [ Pre_tac pre ] | [ "postprocess" "[" tactic(post) "]" ] -> [ Post_tac post ] | [ "setoid" constr(sth) constr(ext) ] -> [ Setoid(sth,ext) ] | [ "sign" constr(sign_spec) ] -> [ Sign_spec sign_spec ] | [ "power" constr(pow_spec) "[" ne_global_list(l) "]" ] -> [ Pow_spec (Closed l, pow_spec) ] | [ "power_tac" constr(pow_spec) "[" tactic(cst_tac) "]" ] -> [ Pow_spec (CstTac cst_tac, pow_spec) ] | [ "div" constr(div_spec) ] -> [ Div_spec div_spec ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND AddSetoidRing CLASSIFIED AS SIDEFF | [ "Add" "Ring" ident(id) ":" constr(t) ring_mods(l) ] -> [ let (k,set,cst,pre,post,power,sign, div) = process_ring_mods l in add_theory id (ic t) set k cst (pre,post) power sign div] | [ "Print" "Rings" ] => [Vernac_classifier.classify_as_query] -> [ msg_notice (strbrk "The following ring structures have been declared:"); Spmap.iter (fun fn fi -> msg_notice (hov 2 (Ppconstr.pr_id (Libnames.basename fn)++spc()++ str"with carrier "++ pr_constr fi.ring_carrier++spc()++ str"and equivalence relation "++ pr_constr fi.ring_req)) ) !from_name ] END TACTIC EXTEND ring_lookup | [ "ring_lookup" tactic0(f) "[" constr_list(lH) "]" ne_constr_list(lrt) ] -> [ let (t,lr) = List.sep_last lrt in ring_lookup f lH lr t] END VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND field_mod | [ ring_mod(m) ] -> [ Ring_mod m ] | [ "completeness" constr(inj) ] -> [ Inject inj ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND AddSetoidField CLASSIFIED AS SIDEFF | [ "Add" "Field" ident(id) ":" constr(t) field_mods(l) ] -> [ let (k,set,inj,cst_tac,pre,post,power,sign,div) = process_field_mods l in add_field_theory id (ic t) set k cst_tac inj (pre,post) power sign div] | [ "Print" "Fields" ] => [Vernac_classifier.classify_as_query] -> [ msg_notice (strbrk "The following field structures have been declared:"); Spmap.iter (fun fn fi -> msg_notice (hov 2 (Ppconstr.pr_id (Libnames.basename fn)++spc()++ str"with carrier "++ pr_constr fi.field_carrier++spc()++ str"and equivalence relation "++ pr_constr fi.field_req)) ) !field_from_name ] END TACTIC EXTEND field_lookup | [ "field_lookup" tactic(f) "[" constr_list(lH) "]" ne_constr_list(lt) ] -> [ let (t,l) = List.sep_last lt in field_lookup f lH l t ] END