(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Closure.whd_val infos (Closure.inject t)) let special_nf gl= let infos=Closure.create_clos_infos Closure.betaiotazeta (pf_env gl) in (fun t -> Closure.norm_val infos (Closure.inject t)) type atom_env= {mutable next:int; mutable env:(constr*int) list} let make_atom atom_env term= try let (_,i)= List.find (fun (t,_)-> eq_constr term t) atom_env.env in Atom i with Not_found -> let i=atom_env.next in atom_env.env <- (term,i)::atom_env.env; atom_env.next<- i + 1; Atom i let rec make_form atom_env gls term = let normalize=special_nf gls in let cciterm=special_whd gls term in match kind_of_term cciterm with Prod(_,a,b) -> if not (Termops.dependent (mkRel 1) b) && Retyping.get_sort_family_of (pf_env gls) (Tacmach.project gls) a = InProp then let fa=make_form atom_env gls a in let fb=make_form atom_env gls b in Arrow (fa,fb) else make_atom atom_env (normalize term) | Cast(a,_,_) -> make_form atom_env gls a | Ind ind -> if ind = Lazy.force li_False then Bot else make_atom atom_env (normalize term) | App(hd,argv) when Array.length argv = 2 -> begin try let ind = destInd hd in if ind = Lazy.force li_and then let fa=make_form atom_env gls argv.(0) in let fb=make_form atom_env gls argv.(1) in Conjunct (fa,fb) else if ind = Lazy.force li_or then let fa=make_form atom_env gls argv.(0) in let fb=make_form atom_env gls argv.(1) in Disjunct (fa,fb) else make_atom atom_env (normalize term) with Invalid_argument _ -> make_atom atom_env (normalize term) end | _ -> make_atom atom_env (normalize term) let rec make_hyps atom_env gls lenv = function [] -> [] | (_,Some body,typ)::rest -> make_hyps atom_env gls (typ::body::lenv) rest | (id,None,typ)::rest -> let hrec= make_hyps atom_env gls (typ::lenv) rest in if List.exists (Termops.dependent (mkVar id)) lenv || (Retyping.get_sort_family_of (pf_env gls) (Tacmach.project gls) typ <> InProp) then hrec else (id,make_form atom_env gls typ)::hrec let rec build_pos n = if n<=1 then force node_count l_xH else if n land 1 = 0 then mkApp (force node_count l_xO,[|build_pos (n asr 1)|]) else mkApp (force node_count l_xI,[|build_pos (n asr 1)|]) let rec build_form = function Atom n -> mkApp (force node_count l_Atom,[|build_pos n|]) | Arrow (f1,f2) -> mkApp (force node_count l_Arrow,[|build_form f1;build_form f2|]) | Bot -> force node_count l_Bot | Conjunct (f1,f2) -> mkApp (force node_count l_Conjunct,[|build_form f1;build_form f2|]) | Disjunct (f1,f2) -> mkApp (force node_count l_Disjunct,[|build_form f1;build_form f2|]) let rec decal k = function [] -> k | (start,delta)::rest -> if k>start then k - delta else decal k rest let add_pop size d pops= match pops with [] -> [size+d,d] | (_,sum)::_ -> (size+sum,sum+d)::pops let rec build_proof pops size = function Ax i -> mkApp (force step_count l_Ax, [|build_pos (decal i pops)|]) | I_Arrow p -> mkApp (force step_count l_I_Arrow, [|build_proof pops (size + 1) p|]) | E_Arrow(i,j,p) -> mkApp (force step_count l_E_Arrow, [|build_pos (decal i pops); build_pos (decal j pops); build_proof pops (size + 1) p|]) | D_Arrow(i,p1,p2) -> mkApp (force step_count l_D_Arrow, [|build_pos (decal i pops); build_proof pops (size + 2) p1; build_proof pops (size + 1) p2|]) | E_False i -> mkApp (force step_count l_E_False, [|build_pos (decal i pops)|]) | I_And(p1,p2) -> mkApp (force step_count l_I_And, [|build_proof pops size p1; build_proof pops size p2|]) | E_And(i,p) -> mkApp (force step_count l_E_And, [|build_pos (decal i pops); build_proof pops (size + 2) p|]) | D_And(i,p) -> mkApp (force step_count l_D_And, [|build_pos (decal i pops); build_proof pops (size + 1) p|]) | I_Or_l(p) -> mkApp (force step_count l_I_Or_l, [|build_proof pops size p|]) | I_Or_r(p) -> mkApp (force step_count l_I_Or_r, [|build_proof pops size p|]) | E_Or(i,p1,p2) -> mkApp (force step_count l_E_Or, [|build_pos (decal i pops); build_proof pops (size + 1) p1; build_proof pops (size + 1) p2|]) | D_Or(i,p) -> mkApp (force step_count l_D_Or, [|build_pos (decal i pops); build_proof pops (size + 2) p|]) | Pop(d,p) -> build_proof (add_pop size d pops) size p let build_env gamma= List.fold_right (fun (p,_) e -> mkApp(force node_count l_push,[|mkProp;p;e|])) gamma.env (mkApp (force node_count l_empty,[|mkProp|])) open Goptions let verbose = ref false let opt_verbose= {optsync=true; optname="Rtauto Verbose"; optkey=["Rtauto";"Verbose"]; optread=(fun () -> !verbose); optwrite=(fun b -> verbose:=b)} let _ = declare_bool_option opt_verbose let check = ref false let opt_check= {optsync=true; optname="Rtauto Check"; optkey=["Rtauto";"Check"]; optread=(fun () -> !check); optwrite=(fun b -> check:=b)} let _ = declare_bool_option opt_check open Pp let rtauto_tac gls= Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"rtauto";"Rtauto"]; let gamma={next=1;env=[]} in let gl=pf_concl gls in let _= if Retyping.get_sort_family_of (pf_env gls) (Tacmach.project gls) gl <> InProp then errorlabstrm "rtauto" (Pp.str "goal should be in Prop") in let glf=make_form gamma gls gl in let hyps=make_hyps gamma gls [gl] (pf_hyps gls) in let formula= List.fold_left (fun gl (_,f)-> Arrow (f,gl)) glf hyps in let search_fun = if Tacinterp.get_debug()=Tactic_debug.DebugOn 0 then Search.debug_depth_first else Search.depth_first in let _ = begin reset_info (); if !verbose then msgnl (str "Starting proof-search ..."); end in let search_start_time = System.get_time () in let prf = try project (search_fun (init_state [] formula)) with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "rtauto" (Pp.str "rtauto couldn't find any proof") in let search_end_time = System.get_time () in let _ = if !verbose then begin msgnl (str "Proof tree found in " ++ System.fmt_time_difference search_start_time search_end_time); pp_info (); msgnl (str "Building proof term ... ") end in let build_start_time=System.get_time () in let _ = step_count := 0; node_count := 0 in let main = mkApp (force node_count l_Reflect, [|build_env gamma; build_form formula; build_proof [] 0 prf|]) in let term= Term.applist (main,List.rev_map (fun (id,_) -> mkVar id) hyps) in let build_end_time=System.get_time () in let _ = if !verbose then begin msgnl (str "Proof term built in " ++ System.fmt_time_difference build_start_time build_end_time ++ fnl () ++ str "Proof size : " ++ int !step_count ++ str " steps" ++ fnl () ++ str "Proof term size : " ++ int (!step_count+ !node_count) ++ str " nodes (constants)" ++ fnl () ++ str "Giving proof term to Coq ... ") end in let tac_start_time = System.get_time () in let result= if !check then Tactics.exact_check term gls else Tactics.exact_no_check term gls in let tac_end_time = System.get_time () in let _ = if !check then msgnl (str "Proof term type-checking is on"); if !verbose then msgnl (str "Internal tactic executed in " ++ System.fmt_time_difference tac_start_time tac_end_time) in result