(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ) = add_num let (<->) = minus_num let (<*>) = mult_num module Monomial : sig type t val const : t val is_const : t -> bool val var : var -> t val is_var : t -> bool val find : var -> t -> int val mult : var -> t -> t val prod : t -> t -> t val exp : t -> int -> t val div : t -> t -> t * int val compare : t -> t -> int val pp : out_channel -> t -> unit val fold : (var -> int -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a val sqrt : t -> t option end = struct (* A monomial is represented by a multiset of variables *) module Map = Map.Make(struct type t = var let compare = Pervasives.compare end) open Map type t = int Map.t let pp o m = Map.iter (fun k v -> if v = 1 then Printf.fprintf o "x%i." k else Printf.fprintf o "x%i^%i." k v) m (* The monomial that corresponds to a constant *) let const = Map.empty let sum_degree m = Map.fold (fun _ n s -> s + n) m 0 (* Total ordering of monomials *) let compare: t -> t -> int = fun m1 m2 -> let s1 = sum_degree m1 and s2 = sum_degree m2 in if s1 = s2 then Map.compare Pervasives.compare m1 m2 else Pervasives.compare s1 s2 let is_const m = (m = Map.empty) (* The monomial 'x' *) let var x = Map.add x 1 Map.empty let is_var m = try not (Map.fold (fun _ i fk -> if fk = true (* first key *) then if i = 1 then false else raise Not_found else raise Not_found) m true) with Not_found -> false let sqrt m = if is_const m then None else try Some (Map.fold (fun v i acc -> let i' = i / 2 in if i mod 2 = 0 then add v i' m else raise Not_found) m const) with Not_found -> None (* Get the degre of a variable in a monomial *) let find x m = try find x m with Not_found -> 0 (* Multiply a monomial by a variable *) let mult x m = add x ( (find x m) + 1) m (* Product of monomials *) let prod m1 m2 = Map.fold (fun k d m -> add k ((find k m) + d) m) m1 m2 let exp m n = let rec exp acc n = if n = 0 then acc else exp (prod acc m) (n - 1) in exp const n (* [div m1 m2 = mr,n] such that mr * (m2)^n = m1 *) let div m1 m2 = let n = fold (fun x i n -> let i' = find x m1 in let nx = i' / i in min n nx) m2 max_int in let mr = fold (fun x i' m -> let i = find x m2 in let ir = i' - i * n in if ir = 0 then m else add x ir m) m1 empty in (mr,n) let fold = fold end module Poly : (* A polynomial is a map of monomials *) (* This is probably a naive implementation (expected to be fast enough - Coq is probably the bottleneck) *The new ring contribution is using a sparse Horner representation. *) sig type t val get : Monomial.t -> t -> num val variable : var -> t val add : Monomial.t -> num -> t -> t val constant : num -> t val mult : Monomial.t -> num -> t -> t val product : t -> t -> t val addition : t -> t -> t val uminus : t -> t val fold : (Monomial.t -> num -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a val pp : out_channel -> t -> unit val compare : t -> t -> int val is_null : t -> bool val is_linear : t -> bool end = struct (*normalisation bug : 0*x ... *) module P = Map.Make(Monomial) open P type t = num P.t let pp o p = P.iter (fun k v -> if Monomial.compare Monomial.const k = 0 then Printf.fprintf o "%s " (string_of_num v) else Printf.fprintf o "%s*%a " (string_of_num v) Monomial.pp k) p (* Get the coefficient of monomial mn *) let get : Monomial.t -> t -> num = fun mn p -> try find mn p with Not_found -> (Int 0) (* The polynomial 1.x *) let variable : var -> t = fun x -> add (Monomial.var x) (Int 1) empty (*The constant polynomial *) let constant : num -> t = fun c -> add (Monomial.const) c empty (* The addition of a monomial *) let add : Monomial.t -> num -> t -> t = fun mn v p -> if sign_num v = 0 then p else let vl = (get mn p) <+> v in if sign_num vl = 0 then remove mn p else add mn vl p (** Design choice: empty is not a polynomial I do not remember why .... **) (* The product by a monomial *) let mult : Monomial.t -> num -> t -> t = fun mn v p -> if sign_num v = 0 then constant (Int 0) else fold (fun mn' v' res -> P.add (Monomial.prod mn mn') (v<*>v') res) p empty let addition : t -> t -> t = fun p1 p2 -> fold (fun mn v p -> add mn v p) p1 p2 let product : t -> t -> t = fun p1 p2 -> fold (fun mn v res -> addition (mult mn v p2) res ) p1 empty let uminus : t -> t = fun p -> map (fun v -> minus_num v) p let fold = P.fold let is_null p = fold (fun mn vl b -> b & sign_num vl = 0) p true let compare = compare compare_num let is_linear p = P.fold (fun m _ acc -> acc && (Monomial.is_const m || Monomial.is_var m)) p true (* let is_linear p = let res = is_linear p in Printf.printf "is_linear %a = %b\n" pp p res ; res *) end module Vect = struct (** [t] is the type of vectors. A vector [(x1,v1) ; ... ; (xn,vn)] is such that: - variables indexes are ordered (x1 true | [] , _ -> false | _::_ , [] -> false | (i1,n1)::v1 , (i2,n2)::v2 -> (i1 = i2) && n1 =/ n2 && equal v1 v2 let hash v = let rec hash i = function | [] -> i | (vr,vl)::l -> hash (i + (Hashtbl.hash (vr, float_of_num vl))) l in Hashtbl.hash (hash 0 v ) let null = [] let pp_vect o vect = List.iter (fun (v,n) -> Printf.printf "%sx%i + " (string_of_num n) v) vect let from_list (l: num list) = let rec xfrom_list i l = match l with | [] -> [] | e::l -> if e <>/ Int 0 then (i,e)::(xfrom_list (i+1) l) else xfrom_list (i+1) l in xfrom_list 0 l let zero_num = Int 0 let unit_num = Int 1 let to_list m = let rec xto_list i l = match l with | [] -> [] | (x,v)::l' -> if i = x then v::(xto_list (i+1) l') else zero_num ::(xto_list (i+1) l) in xto_list 0 m let cons i v rst = if v =/ Int 0 then rst else (i,v)::rst let rec update i f t = match t with | [] -> cons i (f zero_num) [] | (k,v)::l -> match Pervasives.compare i k with | 0 -> cons k (f v) l | -1 -> cons i (f zero_num) t | 1 -> (k,v) ::(update i f l) | _ -> failwith "compare_num" let rec set i n t = match t with | [] -> cons i n [] | (k,v)::l -> match Pervasives.compare i k with | 0 -> cons k n l | -1 -> cons i n t | 1 -> (k,v) :: (set i n l) | _ -> failwith "compare_num" let gcd m = let res = List.fold_left (fun x (i,e) -> Big_int.gcd_big_int x (Utils.numerator e)) Big_int.zero_big_int m in if Big_int.compare_big_int res Big_int.zero_big_int = 0 then Big_int.unit_big_int else res let mul z t = match z with | Int 0 -> [] | Int 1 -> t | _ -> List.map (fun (i,n) -> (i, mult_num z n)) t let rec add v1 v2 = match v1 , v2 with | (x1,n1)::v1' , (x2,n2)::v2' -> if x1 = x2 then let n' = n1 +/ n2 in if n' =/ Int 0 then add v1' v2' else let res = add v1' v2' in (x1,n') ::res else if x1 < x2 then let res = add v1' v2 in (x1, n1)::res else let res = add v1 v2' in (x2, n2)::res | [] , [] -> [] | [] , _ -> v2 | _ , [] -> v1 let compare : t -> t -> int = Utils.Cmp.compare_list (fun x y -> Utils.Cmp.compare_lexical [ (fun () -> Pervasives.compare (fst x) (fst y)); (fun () -> compare_num (snd x) (snd y))]) (** [tail v vect] returns - [None] if [v] is not a variable of the vector [vect] - [Some(vl,rst)] where [vl] is the value of [v] in vector [vect] and [rst] is the remaining of the vector We exploit that vectors are ordered lists *) let rec tail (v:var) (vect:t) = match vect with | [] -> None | (v',vl)::vect' -> match Pervasives.compare v' v with | 0 -> Some (vl,vect) (* Ok, found *) | -1 -> tail v vect' (* Might be in the tail *) | _ -> None (* Hopeless *) let get v vect = match tail v vect with | None -> None | Some(vl,_) -> Some vl let rec fresh v = match v with | [] -> 1 | [v,_] -> v + 1 | _::v -> fresh v end type vector = Vect.t type cstr_compat = {coeffs : vector ; op : op ; cst : num} and op = |Eq | Ge let string_of_op = function Eq -> "=" | Ge -> ">=" let output_cstr o {coeffs = coeffs ; op = op ; cst = cst} = Printf.fprintf o "%a %s %s" Vect.pp_vect coeffs (string_of_op op) (string_of_num cst) let opMult o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with | Eq , Eq -> Eq | Eq , Ge | Ge , Eq -> Ge | Ge , Ge -> Ge let opAdd o1 o2 = match o1 , o2 with | Eq , _ | _ , Eq -> Eq | Ge , Ge -> Ge open Big_int type index = int type prf_rule = | Hyp of int | Def of int | Cst of big_int | Zero | Square of (Vect.t * num) | MulC of (Vect.t * num) * prf_rule | Gcd of big_int * prf_rule | MulPrf of prf_rule * prf_rule | AddPrf of prf_rule * prf_rule | CutPrf of prf_rule type proof = | Done | Step of int * prf_rule * proof | Enum of int * prf_rule * Vect.t * prf_rule * proof list let rec output_prf_rule o = function | Hyp i -> Printf.fprintf o "Hyp %i" i | Def i -> Printf.fprintf o "Def %i" i | Cst c -> Printf.fprintf o "Cst %s" (string_of_big_int c) | Zero -> Printf.fprintf o "Zero" | Square _ -> Printf.fprintf o "( )^2" | MulC(p,pr) -> Printf.fprintf o "P * %a" output_prf_rule pr | MulPrf(p1,p2) -> Printf.fprintf o "%a * %a" output_prf_rule p1 output_prf_rule p2 | AddPrf(p1,p2) -> Printf.fprintf o "%a + %a" output_prf_rule p1 output_prf_rule p2 | CutPrf(p) -> Printf.fprintf o "[%a]" output_prf_rule p | Gcd(c,p) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)/%s" output_prf_rule p (string_of_big_int c) let rec output_proof o = function | Done -> Printf.fprintf o "." | Step(i,p,pf) -> Printf.fprintf o "%i:= %a ; %a" i output_prf_rule p output_proof pf | Enum(i,p1,v,p2,pl) -> Printf.fprintf o "%i{%a<=%a<=%a}%a" i output_prf_rule p1 Vect.pp_vect v output_prf_rule p2 (pp_list output_proof) pl let rec pr_rule_max_id = function | Hyp i | Def i -> i | Cst _ | Zero | Square _ -> -1 | MulC(_,p) | CutPrf p | Gcd(_,p) -> pr_rule_max_id p | MulPrf(p1,p2)| AddPrf(p1,p2) -> max (pr_rule_max_id p1) (pr_rule_max_id p2) let rec proof_max_id = function | Done -> -1 | Step(i,pr,prf) -> max i (max (pr_rule_max_id pr) (proof_max_id prf)) | Enum(i,p1,_,p2,l) -> let m = max (pr_rule_max_id p1) (pr_rule_max_id p2) in List.fold_left (fun i prf -> max i (proof_max_id prf)) (max i m) l let rec pr_rule_def_cut id = function | MulC(p,prf) -> let (bds,id',prf') = pr_rule_def_cut id prf in (bds, id', MulC(p,prf')) | MulPrf(p1,p2) -> let (bds1,id,p1) = pr_rule_def_cut id p1 in let (bds2,id,p2) = pr_rule_def_cut id p2 in (bds2@bds1,id,MulPrf(p1,p2)) | AddPrf(p1,p2) -> let (bds1,id,p1) = pr_rule_def_cut id p1 in let (bds2,id,p2) = pr_rule_def_cut id p2 in (bds2@bds1,id,AddPrf(p1,p2)) | CutPrf p -> let (bds,id,p) = pr_rule_def_cut id p in ((id,p)::bds,id+1,Def id) | Gcd(c,p) -> let (bds,id,p) = pr_rule_def_cut id p in ((id,p)::bds,id+1,Def id) | Square _|Cst _|Def _|Hyp _|Zero as x -> ([],id,x) (* Do not define top-level cuts *) let pr_rule_def_cut id = function | CutPrf p -> let (bds,ids,p') = pr_rule_def_cut id p in bds,ids, CutPrf p' | p -> pr_rule_def_cut id p let rec implicit_cut p = match p with | CutPrf p -> implicit_cut p | _ -> p let rec normalise_proof id prf = match prf with | Done -> (id,Done) | Step(i,Gcd(c,p),Done) -> normalise_proof id (Step(i,p,Done)) | Step(i,p,prf) -> let bds,id,p' = pr_rule_def_cut id p in let (id,prf) = normalise_proof id prf in let prf = List.fold_left (fun acc (i,p) -> Step(i, CutPrf p,acc)) (Step(i,p',prf)) bds in (id,prf) | Enum(i,p1,v,p2,pl) -> (* Why do I have top-level cuts ? *) (* let p1 = implicit_cut p1 in let p2 = implicit_cut p2 in let (ids,prfs) = List.split (List.map (normalise_proof id) pl) in (List.fold_left max 0 ids , Enum(i,p1,v,p2,prfs)) *) let bds1,id,p1' = pr_rule_def_cut id (implicit_cut p1) in let bds2,id,p2' = pr_rule_def_cut id (implicit_cut p2) in let (ids,prfs) = List.split (List.map (normalise_proof id) pl) in (List.fold_left max 0 ids , List.fold_left (fun acc (i,p) -> Step(i, CutPrf p,acc)) (Enum(i,p1',v,p2',prfs)) (bds2@bds1)) let normalise_proof id prf = let res = normalise_proof id prf in if debug then Printf.printf "normalise_proof %a -> %a" output_proof prf output_proof (snd res) ; res let add_proof x y = match x, y with | Zero , p | p , Zero -> p | _ -> AddPrf(x,y) let mul_proof c p = match sign_big_int c with | 0 -> Zero (* This is likely to be a bug *) | -1 -> MulC(([],Big_int c),p) (* [p] should represent an equality *) | 1 -> if eq_big_int c unit_big_int then p else MulPrf(Cst c,p) | _ -> assert false let mul_proof_ext (p,c) prf = match p with | [] -> mul_proof (numerator c) prf | _ -> MulC((p,c),prf) (* let rec scale_prf_rule = function | Hyp i -> (unit_big_int, Hyp i) | Def i -> (unit_big_int, Def i) | Cst c -> (unit_big_int, Cst i) | Zero -> (unit_big_int, Zero) | Square p -> (unit_big_int,Square p) | Div(c,pr) -> let (bi,pr') = scale_prf_rule pr in (mult_big_int c bi , pr') | MulC(p,pr) -> let bi,pr' = scale_prf_rule pr in (bi,MulC p,pr') | MulPrf(p1,p2) -> let b1,p1 = scale_prf_rule p1 in let b2,p2 = scale_prf_rule p2 in | AddPrf(p1,p2) -> let b1,p1 = scale_prf_rule p1 in let b2,p2 = scale_prf_rule p2 in let g = gcd_big_int *) module LinPoly = struct type t = Vect.t * num module MonT = struct module MonoMap = Map.Make(Monomial) module IntMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = Pervasives.compare end) (** A hash table might be preferable but requires a hash function. *) let (index_of_monomial : int MonoMap.t ref) = ref (MonoMap.empty) let (monomial_of_index : Monomial.t IntMap.t ref) = ref (IntMap.empty) let fresh = ref 0 let clear () = index_of_monomial := MonoMap.empty; monomial_of_index := IntMap.empty ; fresh := 0 let register m = try MonoMap.find m !index_of_monomial with Not_found -> begin let res = !fresh in index_of_monomial := MonoMap.add m res !index_of_monomial ; monomial_of_index := IntMap.add res m !monomial_of_index ; incr fresh ; res end let retrieve i = IntMap.find i !monomial_of_index end let normalise (v,c) = (List.sort (fun x y -> Pervasives.compare (fst x) (fst y)) v , c) let output_mon o (x,v) = Printf.fprintf o "%s.%a +" (string_of_num v) Monomial.pp (MonT.retrieve x) let output_cstr o {coeffs = coeffs ; op = op ; cst = cst} = Printf.fprintf o "%a %s %s" (pp_list output_mon) coeffs (string_of_op op) (string_of_num cst) let linpol_of_pol p = let (v,c) = Poly.fold (fun mon num (vct,cst) -> if Monomial.is_const mon then (vct,num) else let vr = MonT.register mon in ((vr,num)::vct,cst)) p ([], Int 0) in normalise (v,c) let mult v m (vect,c) = if Monomial.is_const m then (Vect.mul v vect, v <*> c) else if sign_num v <> 0 then let hd = if sign_num c <> 0 then [MonT.register m,v <*> c] else [] in let vect = hd @ (List.map (fun (x,n) -> let x = MonT.retrieve x in let x_m = MonT.register (Monomial.prod m x) in (x_m, v <*> n)) vect ) in normalise (vect , Int 0) else ([],Int 0) let mult v m (vect,c) = let (vect',c') = mult v m (vect,c) in if debug then Printf.printf "mult %s %a (%a,%s) -> (%a,%s)\n" (string_of_num v) Monomial.pp m (pp_list output_mon) vect (string_of_num c) (pp_list output_mon) vect' (string_of_num c') ; (vect',c') let make_lin_pol v mon = if Monomial.is_const mon then [] , v else [MonT.register mon, v],Int 0 let xpivot_eq (c,prf) x v (c',prf') = if debug then Printf.printf "xpivot_eq {%a} %a %s {%a}\n" output_cstr c Monomial.pp (MonT.retrieve x) (string_of_num v) output_cstr c' ; let {coeffs = coeffs ; op = op ; cst = cst} = c' in let m = MonT.retrieve x in let apply_pivot (vqn,q,n) (c',prf') = (* Morally, we have (Vect.get (q*x^n) c'.coeffs) = vmn with n >=0 *) let cc' = abs_num v in let cc_num = Int (- (sign_num v)) <*> vqn in let cc_mon = Monomial.prod q (Monomial.exp m (n-1)) in let (c_coeff,c_cst) = mult cc_num cc_mon (c.coeffs, minus_num c.cst) in let c' = {coeffs = Vect.add (Vect.mul cc' c'.coeffs) c_coeff ; op = op ; cst = (minus_num c_cst) <+> (cc' <*> c'.cst)} in let prf' = add_proof (mul_proof_ext (make_lin_pol cc_num cc_mon) prf) (mul_proof (numerator cc') prf') in if debug then Printf.printf "apply_pivot -> {%a}\n" output_cstr c' ; (c',prf') in let cmp (q,n) (q',n') = if n < n' then -1 else if n = n' then Monomial.compare q q' else 1 in let find_pivot (c',prf') = let (v,q,n) = List.fold_left (fun (v,q,n) (x,v') -> let x = MonT.retrieve x in let (q',n') = Monomial.div x m in if cmp (q,n) (q',n') = -1 then (v',q',n') else (v,q,n)) (Int 0, Monomial.const,0) c'.coeffs in if n > 0 then Some (v,q,n) else None in let rec pivot (q,n) (c',prf') = match find_pivot (c',prf') with | None -> (c',prf') | Some(v,q',n') -> if cmp (q',n') (q,n) = -1 then pivot (q',n') (apply_pivot (v,q',n') (c',prf')) else (c',prf') in pivot (Monomial.const,max_int) (c',prf') let pivot_eq x (c,prf) = match Vect.get x c.coeffs with | None -> (fun x -> None) | Some v -> fun cp' -> Some (xpivot_eq (c,prf) x v cp') end