open Names;; open Sign;; open Util;; open Term;; open Pp;; open Libobject;; open Library;; open Vernacinterp;; open Tacmach;; open Pfedit;; open Parsing;; open Evd;; open Evarutil;; open Xlate;; open Vtp;; open Ascent;; open Environ;; open Proof_type;; (*translates a formula into a centaur-tree --> FORMULA *) let translate_constr at_top env c = xlate_formula (Constrextern.extern_constr at_top env c);; (*translates a named_context into a centaur-tree --> PREMISES_LIST *) (* this code is inspired from (function pr_named_context_of) *) let translate_sign env = let l = Environ.fold_named_context (fun env (id,v,c) l -> (match v with None -> CT_premise(CT_ident(string_of_id id), translate_constr false env c) | Some v1 -> CT_eval_result (CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA (CT_ident (string_of_id id)), translate_constr false env v1, translate_constr false env c))::l) env ~init:[] in CT_premises_list l;; (* the function rev_and_compact performs two operations: 1- it reverses the list of integers given as argument 2- it replaces sequences of "1" by a negative number that is the length of the sequence. *) let rec rev_and_compact l = function [] -> l | 1::tl -> (match l with n::tl' -> if n < 0 then rev_and_compact ((n - 1)::tl') tl else rev_and_compact ((-1)::l) tl | [] -> rev_and_compact [-1] tl) | a::tl -> if a < 0 then (match l with n::tl' -> if n < 0 then rev_and_compact ((n + a)::tl') tl else rev_and_compact (a::l) tl | [] -> rev_and_compact (a::l) tl) else rev_and_compact (a::l) tl;; (*translates an int list into a centaur-tree --> SIGNED_INT_LIST *) let translate_path l = CT_signed_int_list ( (function n -> CT_coerce_INT_to_SIGNED_INT (CT_int n)) (rev_and_compact [] l));; (*translates a path and a goal into a centaur-tree --> RULE *) let translate_goal (g:goal) = CT_rule(translate_sign (evar_env g), translate_constr true (evar_env g) g.evar_concl);; let translate_goals (gl: goal list) = CT_rule_list ( translate_goal gl);;