(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*) open Tacmach;; open Tacticals;; open Proof_trees;; open Pp;; open Pptactic;; open Util;; open Proof_type;; open Tacexpr;; open Genarg;; open Extrawit;; let pr_glob_tactic = Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()) (* Compacting and uncompacting proof commands *) type report_tree = Report_node of bool *int * report_tree list | Mismatch of int * int | Tree_fail of report_tree | Failed of int;; type report_card = Ngoals of int | Goals_mismatch of int | Recursive_fail of report_tree | Fail;; type card_holder = report_card ref;; type report_holder = report_tree list ref;; (* This tactical receives an integer and a tactic and checks that the tactic produces that number of goals. It never fails but signals failure by updating the boolean reference given as third argument to false. It is especially suited for use in checked_thens below. *) let check_subgoals_count : card_holder -> int -> bool ref -> tactic -> tactic = fun card_holder count flag t g -> try let (gls, v) as result = t g in let len = List.length (sig_it gls) in card_holder := (if len = count then (flag := true; Ngoals count) else (flag := false; Goals_mismatch len)); result with e -> card_holder := Fail; flag := false; tclIDTAC g;; let no_failure = function [Report_node(true,_,_)] -> true | _ -> false;; let check_subgoals_count2 : card_holder -> int -> bool ref -> (report_holder -> tactic) -> tactic = fun card_holder count flag t g -> let new_report_holder = ref ([] : report_tree list) in let (gls, v) as result = t new_report_holder g in let succeeded = no_failure !new_report_holder in let len = List.length (sig_it gls) in card_holder := (if (len = count) & succeeded then (flag := true; Ngoals count) else (flag := false; Recursive_fail (List.hd !new_report_holder))); result;; let traceable = function | TacThen _ | TacThens _ -> true | _ -> false;; let rec collect_status = function Report_node(true,_,_)::tl -> collect_status tl | [] -> true | _ -> false;; (* This tactical receives a tactic and executes it, reporting information about success in the report holder and a boolean reference. *) let count_subgoals : card_holder -> bool ref -> tactic -> tactic = fun card_holder flag t g -> try let (gls, _) as result = t g in card_holder := (Ngoals(List.length (sig_it gls))); flag := true; result with e -> card_holder := Fail; flag := false; tclIDTAC g;; let count_subgoals2 : card_holder -> bool ref -> (report_holder -> tactic) -> tactic = fun card_holder flag t g -> let new_report_holder = ref([] : report_tree list) in let (gls, v) as result = t new_report_holder g in let succeeded = no_failure !new_report_holder in if succeeded then (flag := true; card_holder := Ngoals (List.length (sig_it gls))) else (flag := false; card_holder := Recursive_fail(List.hd !new_report_holder)); result;; let rec local_interp : glob_tactic_expr -> report_holder -> tactic = function TacThens (a,l) -> (fun report_holder -> checked_thens report_holder a l) | TacThen (a,[||],b,[||]) -> (fun report_holder -> checked_then report_holder a b) | t -> (fun report_holder g -> try let (gls, _) as result = Tacinterp.eval_tactic t g in report_holder := (Report_node(true, List.length (sig_it gls), [])) ::!report_holder; result with e -> (report_holder := (Failed 1)::!report_holder; tclIDTAC g)) (* This tactical receives a tactic and a list of tactics as argument. It applies the first tactic and then maps the list of tactics to various produced sub-goals. This tactic will never fail, but reports are added in the report_holder in the following way: - In case of partial success, a new report_tree is added to the report_holder - In case of failure of the first tactic, with no more indications then Failed 0 is added to the report_holder, - In case of partial failure of the first tactic then (Failed n) is added to the report holder. - In case of success of the first tactic, but count mismatch, then Mismatch n is added to the report holder. *) and checked_thens: report_holder -> glob_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr list -> tactic = (fun report_holder t1 l g -> let flag = ref true in let traceable_t1 = traceable t1 in let card_holder = ref Fail in let new_holder = ref ([]:report_tree list) in let tac_t1 = if traceable_t1 then (check_subgoals_count2 card_holder (List.length l) flag (local_interp t1)) else (check_subgoals_count card_holder (List.length l) flag (Tacinterp.eval_tactic t1)) in let (gls, _) as result = tclTHEN_i tac_t1 (fun i -> if !flag then (fun g -> let tac_i = (List.nth l i) in if traceable tac_i then local_interp tac_i new_holder g else try let (gls,_) as result = Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac_i g in let len = List.length (sig_it gls) in new_holder := (Report_node(true, len, []))::!new_holder; result with e -> (new_holder := (Failed 1)::!new_holder; tclIDTAC g)) else tclIDTAC) g in let new_goal_list = sig_it gls in (if !flag then report_holder := (Report_node(collect_status !new_holder, (List.length new_goal_list), List.rev !new_holder))::!report_holder else report_holder := (match !card_holder with Goals_mismatch(n) -> Mismatch(n, List.length l) | Recursive_fail tr -> Tree_fail tr | Fail -> Failed 1 | _ -> errorlabstrm "check_thens" (str "this case should not happen in check_thens")):: !report_holder); result) (* This tactical receives two tactics as argument, it executes the first tactic and applies the second one to all the produced goals, reporting information about the success of all tactics in the report holder. It never fails. *) and checked_then: report_holder -> glob_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr -> tactic = (fun report_holder t1 t2 g -> let flag = ref true in let card_holder = ref Fail in let tac_t1 = if traceable t1 then (count_subgoals2 card_holder flag (local_interp t1)) else (count_subgoals card_holder flag (Tacinterp.eval_tactic t1)) in let new_tree_holder = ref ([] : report_tree list) in let (gls, _) as result = tclTHEN tac_t1 (fun (g:goal sigma) -> if !flag then if traceable t2 then local_interp t2 new_tree_holder g else try let (gls, _) as result = Tacinterp.eval_tactic t2 g in new_tree_holder := (Report_node(true, List.length (sig_it gls),[])):: !new_tree_holder; result with e -> (new_tree_holder := ((Failed 1)::!new_tree_holder); tclIDTAC g) else tclIDTAC g) g in (if !flag then report_holder := (Report_node(collect_status !new_tree_holder, List.length (sig_it gls), List.rev !new_tree_holder))::!report_holder else report_holder := (match !card_holder with Recursive_fail tr -> Tree_fail tr | Fail -> Failed 1 | _ -> error "this case should not happen in check_then")::!report_holder); result);; (* This tactic applies the given tactic only to those subgoals designated by the list of integers given as extra arguments. *) let rawwit_main_tactic = rawwit_tactic tactic_main_level let globwit_main_tactic = globwit_tactic tactic_main_level let wit_main_tactic = wit_tactic tactic_main_level let on_then = function [t1;t2;l] -> let t1 = out_gen wit_main_tactic t1 in let t2 = out_gen wit_main_tactic t2 in let l = out_gen (wit_list0 wit_int) l in tclTHEN_i (Tacinterp.eval_tactic t1) (fun i -> if List.mem (i + 1) l then (Tacinterp.eval_tactic t2) else tclIDTAC) | _ -> anomaly "bad arguments for on_then";; let mkOnThen t1 t2 selected_indices = let a = in_gen rawwit_main_tactic t1 in let b = in_gen rawwit_main_tactic t2 in let l = in_gen (wit_list0 rawwit_int) selected_indices in TacAtom (dummy_loc, TacExtend (dummy_loc, "OnThen", [a;b;l]));; (* Analyzing error reports *) let rec select_success n = function [] -> [] | Report_node(true,_,_)::tl -> n::select_success (n+1) tl | _::tl -> select_success (n+1) tl;; let rec reconstruct_success_tac (tac:glob_tactic_expr) = match tac with TacThens (a,l) -> (function Report_node(true, n, l) -> tac | Report_node(false, n, rl) -> TacThens (a,List.map2 reconstruct_success_tac l rl) | Failed n -> TacId [] | Tree_fail r -> reconstruct_success_tac a r | Mismatch (n,p) -> a) | TacThen (a,[||],b,[||]) -> (function Report_node(true, n, l) -> tac | Report_node(false, n, rl) -> let selected_indices = select_success 1 rl in TacAtom (dummy_loc,TacExtend (dummy_loc,"OnThen", [in_gen globwit_main_tactic a; in_gen globwit_main_tactic b; in_gen (wit_list0 globwit_int) selected_indices])) | Failed n -> TacId [] | Tree_fail r -> reconstruct_success_tac a r | _ -> error "this error case should not happen in a THEN tactic") | _ -> (function Report_node(true, n, l) -> tac | Failed n -> TacId [] | _ -> errorlabstrm "this error case should not happen on an unknown tactic" (str "error in reconstruction with " ++ fnl () ++ (pr_glob_tactic tac)));; let rec path_to_first_error = function | Report_node(true, _, l) -> let rec find_first_error n = function | (Report_node(true, _, _))::tl -> find_first_error (n + 1) tl | it::tl -> n, it | [] -> error "no error detected" in let p, t = find_first_error 1 l in p::(path_to_first_error t) | _ -> [];; let debug_tac = function [(Tacexp ast)] -> (fun g -> let report = ref ([] : report_tree list) in let result = local_interp ast report g in let clean_ast = (* expand_tactic *) ast in let report_tree = try List.hd !report with Failure "hd" -> (msgnl (str "report is empty"); Failed 1) in let success_tac = reconstruct_success_tac clean_ast report_tree in let compact_success_tac = (* flatten_then *) success_tac in msgnl (fnl () ++ str "========= Successful tactic =============" ++ fnl () ++ pr_glob_tactic compact_success_tac ++ fnl () ++ str "========= End of successful tactic ============"); result) | _ -> error "wrong arguments for debug_tac";; (* TODO ... used ? add_tactic "DebugTac" debug_tac;; *) Tacinterp.add_tactic "OnThen" on_then;; let rec clean_path tac l = match tac, l with | TacThen (a,[||],b,[||]), fst::tl -> fst::(clean_path (if fst = 1 then a else b) tl) | TacThens (a,l), 1::tl -> 1::(clean_path a tl) | TacThens (a,tacs), 2::fst::tl -> 2::fst::(clean_path (List.nth tacs (fst - 1)) tl) | _, [] -> [] | _, _ -> failwith "this case should not happen in clean_path";; let rec report_error : glob_tactic_expr -> goal sigma option ref -> glob_tactic_expr ref -> int list ref -> int list -> tactic = fun tac the_goal the_ast returned_path path -> match tac with TacThens (a,l) -> let the_card_holder = ref Fail in let the_flag = ref false in let the_exn = ref (Failure "") in tclTHENS (fun g -> let result = check_subgoals_count the_card_holder (List.length l) the_flag (fun g2 -> try (report_error a the_goal the_ast returned_path (1::path) g2) with e -> (the_exn := e; raise e)) g in if !the_flag then result else (match !the_card_holder with Fail -> the_ast := TacThens (!the_ast, l); raise !the_exn | Goals_mismatch p -> the_ast := tac; returned_path := path; error ("Wrong number of tactics: expected " ^ (string_of_int (List.length l)) ^ " received " ^ (string_of_int p)) | _ -> error "this should not happen")) (let rec fold_num n = function [] -> [] | t::tl -> (report_error t the_goal the_ast returned_path (n::2::path)):: (fold_num (n + 1) tl) in fold_num 1 l) | TacThen (a,[||],b,[||]) -> let the_count = ref 1 in tclTHEN (fun g -> try report_error a the_goal the_ast returned_path (1::path) g with e -> (the_ast := TacThen (!the_ast,[||], b,[||]); raise e)) (fun g -> try let result = report_error b the_goal the_ast returned_path (2::path) g in the_count := !the_count + 1; result with e -> if !the_count > 1 then msgnl (str "in branch no " ++ int !the_count ++ str " after tactic " ++ pr_glob_tactic a); raise e) | tac -> (fun g -> try Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac g with e -> (the_ast := tac; the_goal := Some g; returned_path := path; raise e));; let strip_some = function Some n -> n | None -> failwith "No optional value";; let descr_first_error tac = (fun g -> let the_goal = ref (None : goal sigma option) in let the_ast = ref tac in let the_path = ref ([] : int list) in try let result = report_error tac the_goal the_ast the_path [] g in msgnl (str "no Error here"); result with e -> (msgnl (str "Execution of this tactic raised message " ++ fnl () ++ fnl () ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ fnl () ++ fnl () ++ str "on goal" ++ fnl () ++ Printer.pr_goal (sig_it (strip_some !the_goal)) ++ fnl () ++ str "faulty tactic is" ++ fnl () ++ fnl () ++ pr_glob_tactic ((*flatten_then*) !the_ast) ++ fnl ()); tclIDTAC g)) (* TODO ... used ?? add_tactic "DebugTac2" descr_first_error;; *) (* TACTIC EXTEND DebugTac2 [ ??? ] -> [ descr_first_error tac ] END *)