open Pp open Glob_term open Errors open Util open Names open Decl_kinds open Misctypes (* Some basic functions to rebuild glob_constr In each of them the location is Loc.ghost *) let mkGRef ref = GRef(Loc.ghost,ref) let mkGVar id = GVar(Loc.ghost,id) let mkGApp(rt,rtl) = GApp(Loc.ghost,rt,rtl) let mkGLambda(n,t,b) = GLambda(Loc.ghost,n,Explicit,t,b) let mkGProd(n,t,b) = GProd(Loc.ghost,n,Explicit,t,b) let mkGLetIn(n,t,b) = GLetIn(Loc.ghost,n,t,b) let mkGCases(rto,l,brl) = GCases(Loc.ghost,Term.RegularStyle,rto,l,brl) let mkGSort s = GSort(Loc.ghost,s) let mkGHole () = GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.BinderType Anonymous,None) let mkGCast(b,t) = GCast(Loc.ghost,b,CastConv t) (* Some basic functions to decompose glob_constrs These are analogous to the ones constrs *) let glob_decompose_prod = let rec glob_decompose_prod args = function | GProd(_,n,k,t,b) -> glob_decompose_prod ((n,t)::args) b | rt -> args,rt in glob_decompose_prod [] let glob_decompose_prod_or_letin = let rec glob_decompose_prod args = function | GProd(_,n,k,t,b) -> glob_decompose_prod ((n,None,Some t)::args) b | GLetIn(_,n,t,b) -> glob_decompose_prod ((n,Some t,None)::args) b | rt -> args,rt in glob_decompose_prod [] let glob_compose_prod = List.fold_left (fun b (n,t) -> mkGProd(n,t,b)) let glob_compose_prod_or_letin = List.fold_left ( fun concl decl -> match decl with | (n,None,Some t) -> mkGProd(n,t,concl) | (n,Some bdy,None) -> mkGLetIn(n,bdy,concl) | _ -> assert false) let glob_decompose_prod_n n = let rec glob_decompose_prod i args c = if i<=0 then args,c else match c with | GProd(_,n,_,t,b) -> glob_decompose_prod (i-1) ((n,t)::args) b | rt -> args,rt in glob_decompose_prod n [] let glob_decompose_prod_or_letin_n n = let rec glob_decompose_prod i args c = if i<=0 then args,c else match c with | GProd(_,n,_,t,b) -> glob_decompose_prod (i-1) ((n,None,Some t)::args) b | GLetIn(_,n,t,b) -> glob_decompose_prod (i-1) ((n,Some t,None)::args) b | rt -> args,rt in glob_decompose_prod n [] let glob_decompose_app = let rec decompose_rapp acc rt = (* msgnl (str "glob_decompose_app on : "++ Printer.pr_glob_constr rt); *) match rt with | GApp(_,rt,rtl) -> decompose_rapp (List.fold_left (fun y x -> x::y) acc rtl) rt | rt -> rt,List.rev acc in decompose_rapp [] (* [glob_make_eq t1 t2] build the glob_constr corresponding to [t2 = t1] *) let glob_make_eq ?(typ= mkGHole ()) t1 t2 = mkGApp(mkGRef (Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_eq_ref),[typ;t2;t1]) (* [glob_make_neq t1 t2] build the glob_constr corresponding to [t1 <> t2] *) let glob_make_neq t1 t2 = mkGApp(mkGRef (Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_not_ref),[glob_make_eq t1 t2]) (* [glob_make_or P1 P2] build the glob_constr corresponding to [P1 \/ P2] *) let glob_make_or t1 t2 = mkGApp (mkGRef(Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_or_ref),[t1;t2]) (* [glob_make_or_list [P1;...;Pn]] build the glob_constr corresponding to [P1 \/ ( .... \/ Pn)] *) let rec glob_make_or_list = function | [] -> invalid_arg "mk_or" | [e] -> e | e::l -> glob_make_or e (glob_make_or_list l) let remove_name_from_mapping mapping na = match na with | Anonymous -> mapping | Name id -> Id.Map.remove id mapping let change_vars = let rec change_vars mapping rt = match rt with | GRef _ -> rt | GVar(loc,id) -> let new_id = try Id.Map.find id mapping with Not_found -> id in GVar(loc,new_id) | GEvar _ -> rt | GPatVar _ -> rt | GApp(loc,rt',rtl) -> GApp(loc, change_vars mapping rt', (change_vars mapping) rtl ) | GLambda(loc,name,k,t,b) -> GLambda(loc, name, k, change_vars mapping t, change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b ) | GProd(loc,name,k,t,b) -> GProd(loc, name, k, change_vars mapping t, change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b ) | GLetIn(loc,name,def,b) -> GLetIn(loc, name, change_vars mapping def, change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b ) | GLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),b,e) -> let new_mapping = List.fold_left remove_name_from_mapping mapping nal in GLetTuple(loc, nal, (na, (change_vars mapping) rto), change_vars mapping b, change_vars new_mapping e ) | GCases(loc,sty,infos,el,brl) -> GCases(loc,sty, infos, (fun (e,x) -> (change_vars mapping e,x)) el, (change_vars_br mapping) brl ) | GIf(loc,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) -> GIf(loc, change_vars mapping b, (na, (change_vars mapping) e_option), change_vars mapping lhs, change_vars mapping rhs ) | GRec _ -> error "Local (co)fixes are not supported" | GSort _ -> rt | GHole _ -> rt | GCast(loc,b,c) -> GCast(loc,change_vars mapping b, Miscops.map_cast_type (change_vars mapping) c) and change_vars_br mapping ((loc,idl,patl,res) as br) = let new_mapping = List.fold_right Id.Map.remove idl mapping in if Id.Map.is_empty new_mapping then br else (loc,idl,patl,change_vars new_mapping res) in change_vars let rec alpha_pat excluded pat = match pat with | PatVar(loc,Anonymous) -> let new_id = Indfun_common.fresh_id excluded "_x" in PatVar(loc,Name new_id),(new_id::excluded),Id.Map.empty | PatVar(loc,Name id) -> if Id.List.mem id excluded then let new_id = Namegen.next_ident_away id excluded in PatVar(loc,Name new_id),(new_id::excluded), (Id.Map.add id new_id Id.Map.empty) else pat,excluded,Id.Map.empty | PatCstr(loc,constr,patl,na) -> let new_na,new_excluded,map = match na with | Name id when Id.List.mem id excluded -> let new_id = Namegen.next_ident_away id excluded in Name new_id,new_id::excluded, Id.Map.add id new_id Id.Map.empty | _ -> na,excluded,Id.Map.empty in let new_patl,new_excluded,new_map = List.fold_left (fun (patl,excluded,map) pat -> let new_pat,new_excluded,new_map = alpha_pat excluded pat in (new_pat::patl,new_excluded,Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add new_map map) ) ([],new_excluded,map) patl in PatCstr(loc,constr,List.rev new_patl,new_na),new_excluded,new_map let alpha_patl excluded patl = let patl,new_excluded,map = List.fold_left (fun (patl,excluded,map) pat -> let new_pat,new_excluded,new_map = alpha_pat excluded pat in new_pat::patl,new_excluded,(Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add new_map map) ) ([],excluded,Id.Map.empty) patl in (List.rev patl,new_excluded,map) let raw_get_pattern_id pat acc = let rec get_pattern_id pat = match pat with | PatVar(loc,Anonymous) -> assert false | PatVar(loc,Name id) -> [id] | PatCstr(loc,constr,patternl,_) -> List.fold_right (fun pat idl -> let idl' = get_pattern_id pat in idl'@idl ) patternl [] in (get_pattern_id pat)@acc let get_pattern_id pat = raw_get_pattern_id pat [] let rec alpha_rt excluded rt = let new_rt = match rt with | GRef _ | GVar _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _ -> rt | GLambda(loc,Anonymous,k,t,b) -> let new_id = Namegen.next_ident_away (Id.of_string "_x") excluded in let new_excluded = new_id :: excluded in let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in GLambda(loc,Name new_id,k,new_t,new_b) | GProd(loc,Anonymous,k,t,b) -> let new_t = alpha_rt excluded t in let new_b = alpha_rt excluded b in GProd(loc,Anonymous,k,new_t,new_b) | GLetIn(loc,Anonymous,t,b) -> let new_t = alpha_rt excluded t in let new_b = alpha_rt excluded b in GLetIn(loc,Anonymous,new_t,new_b) | GLambda(loc,Name id,k,t,b) -> let new_id = Namegen.next_ident_away id excluded in let t,b = if Id.equal new_id id then t,b else let replace = change_vars (Id.Map.add id new_id Id.Map.empty) in (t,replace b) in let new_excluded = new_id::excluded in let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in GLambda(loc,Name new_id,k,new_t,new_b) | GProd(loc,Name id,k,t,b) -> let new_id = Namegen.next_ident_away id excluded in let new_excluded = new_id::excluded in let t,b = if Id.equal new_id id then t,b else let replace = change_vars (Id.Map.add id new_id Id.Map.empty) in (t,replace b) in let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in GProd(loc,Name new_id,k,new_t,new_b) | GLetIn(loc,Name id,t,b) -> let new_id = Namegen.next_ident_away id excluded in let t,b = if Id.equal new_id id then t,b else let replace = change_vars (Id.Map.add id new_id Id.Map.empty) in (t,replace b) in let new_excluded = new_id::excluded in let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in GLetIn(loc,Name new_id,new_t,new_b) | GLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),t,b) -> let rev_new_nal,new_excluded,mapping = List.fold_left (fun (nal,excluded,mapping) na -> match na with | Anonymous -> (na::nal,excluded,mapping) | Name id -> let new_id = Namegen.next_ident_away id excluded in if Id.equal new_id id then na::nal,id::excluded,mapping else (Name new_id)::nal,id::excluded,(Id.Map.add id new_id mapping) ) ([],excluded,Id.Map.empty) nal in let new_nal = List.rev rev_new_nal in let new_rto,new_t,new_b = if Id.Map.is_empty mapping then rto,t,b else let replace = change_vars mapping in ( replace rto, t,replace b) in let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded new_t in let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded new_b in let new_rto = (alpha_rt new_excluded) new_rto in GLetTuple(loc,new_nal,(na,new_rto),new_t,new_b) | GCases(loc,sty,infos,el,brl) -> let new_el = (function (rt,i) -> alpha_rt excluded rt, i) el in GCases(loc,sty,infos,new_el, (alpha_br excluded) brl) | GIf(loc,b,(na,e_o),lhs,rhs) -> GIf(loc,alpha_rt excluded b, (na, (alpha_rt excluded) e_o), alpha_rt excluded lhs, alpha_rt excluded rhs ) | GRec _ -> error "Not handled GRec" | GSort _ -> rt | GHole _ -> rt | GCast (loc,b,c) -> GCast(loc,alpha_rt excluded b, Miscops.map_cast_type (alpha_rt excluded) c) | GApp(loc,f,args) -> GApp(loc, alpha_rt excluded f, (alpha_rt excluded) args ) in new_rt and alpha_br excluded (loc,ids,patl,res) = let new_patl,new_excluded,mapping = alpha_patl excluded patl in let new_ids = List.fold_right raw_get_pattern_id new_patl [] in let new_excluded = new_ids@excluded in let renamed_res = change_vars mapping res in let new_res = alpha_rt new_excluded renamed_res in (loc,new_ids,new_patl,new_res) (* [is_free_in id rt] checks if [id] is a free variable in [rt] *) let is_free_in id = let rec is_free_in = function | GRef _ -> false | GVar(_,id') -> id' id == 0 | GEvar _ -> false | GPatVar _ -> false | GApp(_,rt,rtl) -> List.exists is_free_in (rt::rtl) | GLambda(_,n,_,t,b) | GProd(_,n,_,t,b) | GLetIn(_,n,t,b) -> let check_in_b = match n with | Name id' -> not (Id.equal id' id) | _ -> true in is_free_in t || (check_in_b && is_free_in b) | GCases(_,_,_,el,brl) -> (List.exists (fun (e,_) -> is_free_in e) el) || List.exists is_free_in_br brl | GLetTuple(_,nal,_,b,t) -> let check_in_nal = not (List.exists (function Name id' -> Id.equal id' id | _ -> false) nal) in is_free_in t || (check_in_nal && is_free_in b) | GIf(_,cond,_,br1,br2) -> is_free_in cond || is_free_in br1 || is_free_in br2 | GRec _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled GRec")) | GSort _ -> false | GHole _ -> false | GCast (_,b,(CastConv t|CastVM t|CastNative t)) -> is_free_in b || is_free_in t | GCast (_,b,CastCoerce) -> is_free_in b and is_free_in_br (_,ids,_,rt) = (not (Id.List.mem id ids)) && is_free_in rt in is_free_in let rec pattern_to_term = function | PatVar(loc,Anonymous) -> assert false | PatVar(loc,Name id) -> mkGVar id | PatCstr(loc,constr,patternl,_) -> let cst_narg = Inductiveops.mis_constructor_nargs_env (Global.env ()) constr in let implicit_args = Array.to_list (Array.init (cst_narg - List.length patternl) (fun _ -> mkGHole ()) ) in let patl_as_term = pattern_to_term patternl in mkGApp(mkGRef(Globnames.ConstructRef constr), implicit_args@patl_as_term ) let replace_var_by_term x_id term = let rec replace_var_by_pattern rt = match rt with | GRef _ -> rt | GVar(_,id) when id x_id == 0 -> term | GVar _ -> rt | GEvar _ -> rt | GPatVar _ -> rt | GApp(loc,rt',rtl) -> GApp(loc, replace_var_by_pattern rt', replace_var_by_pattern rtl ) | GLambda(_,Name id,_,_,_) when id x_id == 0 -> rt | GLambda(loc,name,k,t,b) -> GLambda(loc, name, k, replace_var_by_pattern t, replace_var_by_pattern b ) | GProd(_,Name id,_,_,_) when id x_id == 0 -> rt | GProd(loc,name,k,t,b) -> GProd(loc, name, k, replace_var_by_pattern t, replace_var_by_pattern b ) | GLetIn(_,Name id,_,_) when id x_id == 0 -> rt | GLetIn(loc,name,def,b) -> GLetIn(loc, name, replace_var_by_pattern def, replace_var_by_pattern b ) | GLetTuple(_,nal,_,_,_) when List.exists (function Name id -> Id.equal id x_id | _ -> false) nal -> rt | GLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),def,b) -> GLetTuple(loc, nal, (na, replace_var_by_pattern rto), replace_var_by_pattern def, replace_var_by_pattern b ) | GCases(loc,sty,infos,el,brl) -> GCases(loc,sty, infos, (fun (e,x) -> (replace_var_by_pattern e,x)) el, replace_var_by_pattern_br brl ) | GIf(loc,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) -> GIf(loc, replace_var_by_pattern b, (na, replace_var_by_pattern e_option), replace_var_by_pattern lhs, replace_var_by_pattern rhs ) | GRec _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled GRec")) | GSort _ -> rt | GHole _ -> rt | GCast(loc,b,c) -> GCast(loc,replace_var_by_pattern b, Miscops.map_cast_type replace_var_by_pattern c) and replace_var_by_pattern_br ((loc,idl,patl,res) as br) = if List.exists (fun id -> id x_id == 0) idl then br else (loc,idl,patl,replace_var_by_pattern res) in replace_var_by_pattern (* checking unifiability of patterns *) exception NotUnifiable let rec are_unifiable_aux = function | [] -> () | eq::eqs -> match eq with | PatVar _,_ | _,PatVar _ -> are_unifiable_aux eqs | PatCstr(_,constructor1,cpl1,_),PatCstr(_,constructor2,cpl2,_) -> if not (eq_constructor constructor2 constructor1) then raise NotUnifiable else let eqs' = try (List.combine cpl1 cpl2) @ eqs with Invalid_argument _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "are_unifiable_aux") in are_unifiable_aux eqs' let are_unifiable pat1 pat2 = try are_unifiable_aux [pat1,pat2]; true with NotUnifiable -> false let rec eq_cases_pattern_aux = function | [] -> () | eq::eqs -> match eq with | PatVar _,PatVar _ -> eq_cases_pattern_aux eqs | PatCstr(_,constructor1,cpl1,_),PatCstr(_,constructor2,cpl2,_) -> if not (eq_constructor constructor2 constructor1) then raise NotUnifiable else let eqs' = try (List.combine cpl1 cpl2) @ eqs with Invalid_argument _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "eq_cases_pattern_aux") in eq_cases_pattern_aux eqs' | _ -> raise NotUnifiable let eq_cases_pattern pat1 pat2 = try eq_cases_pattern_aux [pat1,pat2]; true with NotUnifiable -> false let ids_of_pat = let rec ids_of_pat ids = function | PatVar(_,Anonymous) -> ids | PatVar(_,Name id) -> Id.Set.add id ids | PatCstr(_,_,patl,_) -> List.fold_left ids_of_pat ids patl in ids_of_pat Id.Set.empty let id_of_name = function | Names.Anonymous -> Id.of_string "x" | Names.Name x -> x (* TODO: finish Rec caes *) let ids_of_glob_constr c = let rec ids_of_glob_constr acc c = let idof = id_of_name in match c with | GVar (_,id) -> id::acc | GApp (loc,g,args) -> ids_of_glob_constr [] g @ List.flatten ( (ids_of_glob_constr []) args) @ acc | GLambda (loc,na,k,ty,c) -> idof na :: ids_of_glob_constr [] ty @ ids_of_glob_constr [] c @ acc | GProd (loc,na,k,ty,c) -> idof na :: ids_of_glob_constr [] ty @ ids_of_glob_constr [] c @ acc | GLetIn (loc,na,b,c) -> idof na :: ids_of_glob_constr [] b @ ids_of_glob_constr [] c @ acc | GCast (loc,c,(CastConv t|CastVM t|CastNative t)) -> ids_of_glob_constr [] c @ ids_of_glob_constr [] t @ acc | GCast (loc,c,CastCoerce) -> ids_of_glob_constr [] c @ acc | GIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) -> ids_of_glob_constr [] c @ ids_of_glob_constr [] b1 @ ids_of_glob_constr [] b2 @ acc | GLetTuple (_,nal,(na,po),b,c) -> idof nal @ ids_of_glob_constr [] b @ ids_of_glob_constr [] c @ acc | GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,brchl) -> List.flatten ( (fun (_,idl,patl,c) -> idl @ ids_of_glob_constr [] c) brchl) | GRec _ -> failwith "Fix inside a constructor branch" | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> [] in (* build the set *) List.fold_left (fun acc x -> Id.Set.add x acc) Id.Set.empty (ids_of_glob_constr [] c) let zeta_normalize = let rec zeta_normalize_term rt = match rt with | GRef _ -> rt | GVar _ -> rt | GEvar _ -> rt | GPatVar _ -> rt | GApp(loc,rt',rtl) -> GApp(loc, zeta_normalize_term rt', zeta_normalize_term rtl ) | GLambda(loc,name,k,t,b) -> GLambda(loc, name, k, zeta_normalize_term t, zeta_normalize_term b ) | GProd(loc,name,k,t,b) -> GProd(loc, name, k, zeta_normalize_term t, zeta_normalize_term b ) | GLetIn(_,Name id,def,b) -> zeta_normalize_term (replace_var_by_term id def b) | GLetIn(loc,Anonymous,def,b) -> zeta_normalize_term b | GLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),def,b) -> GLetTuple(loc, nal, (na, zeta_normalize_term rto), zeta_normalize_term def, zeta_normalize_term b ) | GCases(loc,sty,infos,el,brl) -> GCases(loc,sty, infos, (fun (e,x) -> (zeta_normalize_term e,x)) el, zeta_normalize_br brl ) | GIf(loc,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) -> GIf(loc, zeta_normalize_term b, (na, zeta_normalize_term e_option), zeta_normalize_term lhs, zeta_normalize_term rhs ) | GRec _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled GRec")) | GSort _ -> rt | GHole _ -> rt | GCast(loc,b,c) -> GCast(loc,zeta_normalize_term b, Miscops.map_cast_type zeta_normalize_term c) and zeta_normalize_br (loc,idl,patl,res) = (loc,idl,patl,zeta_normalize_term res) in zeta_normalize_term let expand_as = let rec add_as map pat = match pat with | PatVar _ -> map | PatCstr(_,_,patl,Name id) -> Id.Map.add id (pattern_to_term pat) (List.fold_left add_as map patl) | PatCstr(_,_,patl,_) -> List.fold_left add_as map patl in let rec expand_as map rt = match rt with | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _ | GSort _ | GHole _ -> rt | GVar(_,id) -> begin try Id.Map.find id map with Not_found -> rt end | GApp(loc,f,args) -> GApp(loc,expand_as map f, (expand_as map) args) | GLambda(loc,na,k,t,b) -> GLambda(loc,na,k,expand_as map t, expand_as map b) | GProd(loc,na,k,t,b) -> GProd(loc,na,k,expand_as map t, expand_as map b) | GLetIn(loc,na,v,b) -> GLetIn(loc,na, expand_as map v,expand_as map b) | GLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,po),v,b) -> GLetTuple(loc,nal,(na, (expand_as map) po), expand_as map v, expand_as map b) | GIf(loc,e,(na,po),br1,br2) -> GIf(loc,expand_as map e,(na, (expand_as map) po), expand_as map br1, expand_as map br2) | GRec _ -> error "Not handled GRec" | GCast(loc,b,c) -> GCast(loc,expand_as map b, Miscops.map_cast_type (expand_as map) c) | GCases(loc,sty,po,el,brl) -> GCases(loc, sty, (expand_as map) po, (fun (rt,t) -> expand_as map rt,t) el, (expand_as_br map) brl) and expand_as_br map (loc,idl,cpl,rt) = (loc,idl,cpl, expand_as (List.fold_left add_as map cpl) rt) in expand_as Id.Map.empty