(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* if b then incr cnt;!cnt let priority = (* pure heuristics, <=0 for non reversible *) function Right rf-> begin match rf with Rarrow -> 100 | Rand -> 40 | Ror -> -15 | Rfalse -> -50 | Rforall -> 100 | Rexists (_,_,_) -> -29 end | Left lf -> match lf with Lfalse -> 999 | Land _ -> 90 | Lor _ -> 40 | Lforall (_,_,_) -> -30 | Lexists _ -> 60 | LA(_,lap) -> match lap with LLatom -> 0 | LLfalse (_,_) -> 100 | LLand (_,_) -> 80 | LLor (_,_) -> 70 | LLforall _ -> -20 | LLexists (_,_) -> 50 | LLarrow (_,_,_) -> -10 module OrderedFormula= struct type t=Formula.t let compare e1 e2= (priority e1.pat) - (priority e2.pat) end module OrderedConstr= struct type t=constr let compare=constr_ord end type h_item = global_reference * (int*constr) option module Hitem= struct type t = h_item let compare (id1,co1) (id2,co2)= (Globnames.RefOrdered.compare =? (fun oc1 oc2 -> match oc1,oc2 with Some (m1,c1),Some (m2,c2) -> ((-) =? OrderedConstr.compare) m1 m2 c1 c2 | _,_->Pervasives.compare oc1 oc2)) id1 id2 co1 co2 end module CM=Map.Make(OrderedConstr) module History=Set.Make(Hitem) let cm_add typ nam cm= try let l=CM.find typ cm in CM.add typ (nam::l) cm with Not_found->CM.add typ [nam] cm let cm_remove typ nam cm= try let l=CM.find typ cm in let l0=List.filter (fun id-> not (Globnames.eq_gr id nam)) l in match l0 with []->CM.remove typ cm | _ ->CM.add typ l0 cm with Not_found ->cm module HP=Heap.Functional(OrderedFormula) type t= {redexes:HP.t; context:(global_reference list) CM.t; latoms:constr list; gl:types; glatom:constr option; cnt:counter; history:History.t; depth:int} let deepen seq={seq with depth=seq.depth-1} let record item seq={seq with history=History.add item seq.history} let lookup item seq= History.mem item seq.history || match item with (_,None)->false | (id,Some ((m,t) as c))-> let p (id2,o)= match o with None -> false | Some ((m2,t2) as c2)-> Globnames.eq_gr id id2 && m2>m && more_general c2 c in History.exists p seq.history let add_formula side nam t seq gl= match build_formula side nam t gl seq.cnt with Left f-> begin match side with Concl -> {seq with redexes=HP.add f seq.redexes; gl=f.constr; glatom=None} | _ -> {seq with redexes=HP.add f seq.redexes; context=cm_add f.constr nam seq.context} end | Right t-> match side with Concl -> {seq with gl=t;glatom=Some t} | _ -> {seq with context=cm_add t nam seq.context; latoms=t::seq.latoms} let re_add_formula_list lf seq= let do_one f cm= if f.id == dummy_id then cm else cm_add f.constr f.id cm in {seq with redexes=List.fold_right HP.add lf seq.redexes; context=List.fold_right do_one lf seq.context} let find_left t seq=List.hd (CM.find t seq.context) (*let rev_left seq= try let lpat=(HP.maximum seq.redexes).pat in left_reversible lpat with Heap.EmptyHeap -> false *) let rec take_formula seq= let hd=HP.maximum seq.redexes and hp=HP.remove seq.redexes in if hd.id == dummy_id then let nseq={seq with redexes=hp} in if seq.gl==hd.constr then hd,nseq else take_formula nseq (* discarding deprecated goal *) else hd,{seq with redexes=hp; context=cm_remove hd.constr hd.id seq.context} let empty_seq depth= {redexes=HP.empty; context=CM.empty; latoms=[]; gl=(mkMeta 1); glatom=None; cnt=newcnt (); history=History.empty; depth=depth} let expand_constructor_hints = List.map_append (function | IndRef ind -> List.init (Inductiveops.nconstructors ind) (fun i -> ConstructRef (ind,i+1)) | gr -> [gr]) let extend_with_ref_list l seq gl= let l = expand_constructor_hints l in let f gr seq= let c=constr_of_global gr in let typ=(pf_type_of gl c) in add_formula Hyp gr typ seq gl in List.fold_right f l seq open Auto let extend_with_auto_hints l seq gl= let seqref=ref seq in let f p_a_t = match p_a_t.code with Res_pf (c,_) | Give_exact c | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,_) -> (try let gr=global_of_constr c in let typ=(pf_type_of gl c) in seqref:=add_formula Hint gr typ !seqref gl with Not_found->()) | _-> () in let g _ l = List.iter f l in let h dbname= let hdb= try searchtable_map dbname with Not_found-> error ("Firstorder: "^dbname^" : No such Hint database") in Hint_db.iter g hdb in List.iter h l; !seqref let print_cmap map= let print_entry c l s= let xc=Constrextern.extern_constr false (Global.env ()) c in str "| " ++ prlist Printer.pr_global l ++ str " : " ++ Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr xc ++ cut () ++ s in (v 0 (str "-----" ++ cut () ++ CM.fold print_entry map (mt ()) ++ str "-----"))